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  1. #16181
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    Oh, one more thing..

    In regards to my argument of a mid level reval (and there are good arguments for any particular number), but when I first got into the venture, the number that was being tossed around was .78 cents. Now I didn't really understand why that number, but with a lot of thought I came up with this, and it still makes good sense to me…

    If the Dinar opened too low, like .01, or even .32 there would be several people selling off their Dinar, but MANY MANY more would be buying. Especially the big players that have millions to spend and play the currency speculation game every day. This would drive the price up, but at the same time much more of their currency would end up leaving Iraq.

    Now if they came out with a high reval, like say $3.20, then EVERYONE (including us), would sell everything in their vaults (and you would never hear from us again)! This of course would crash the Dinar and drive it right into the ground.

    So, what’s the magic number that would balance the sells verses the buys? I would say that number might be in the $1.47 area (just throwing a random number out there ).

    Does this make sense to anyone else?

    Funny, the more tired I get, the more sense I make to myself.

    Ok, I really do have to get to bed. Have a good night everyone, and try to hold off the reval until I get up, ok? I wouldn't want to miss it (like my phone wouldn't be ringing off the hook!!)


  2. #16182
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Apollo_ View Post
    Oh, one more thing..

    In regards to my argument of a mid level reval (and there are good arguments for any particular number), but when I first got into the venture, the number that was being tossed around was .78 cents. Now I didn't really understand why that number, but with a lot of thought I came up with this, and it still makes good sense to me…

    If the Dinar opened too low, like .01, or even .32 there would be several people selling off their Dinar, but MANY MANY more would be buying. Especially the big players that have millions to spend and play the currency speculation game every day. This would drive the price up, but at the same time much more of their currency would end up leaving Iraq.

    Now if they came out with a high reval, like say $3.20, then EVERYONE (including us), would sell everything in their vaults (and you would never hear from us again)! This of course would crash the Dinar and drive it right into the ground.

    So, what’s the magic number that would balance the sells verses the buys? I would say that number might be in the $1.47 area (just throwing a random number out there ).

    Does this make sense to anyone else?

    Funny, the more tired I get, the more sense I make to myself.

    Ok, I really do have to get to bed. Have a good night everyone, and try to hold off the reval until I get up, ok? I wouldn't want to miss it (like my phone wouldn't be ringing off the hook!!)

    youre just stealin my number. lol

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #16183
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    Thanks all for the updates! I went back about 15 pages, and did see the post by RR. Good Work! Also like the post about the Kuwait money, this looks like it may be it! I hope so, would love to be able to tell hubby that he can get out of that truck!

  4. #16184
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    LawkSalih.Com - Iraq Kurdistan Launches Tourism Campaign in U.S. TV ads
    Kurdistan: Iraq Kurdistan Launches Tourism Campaign in U.S. TV ads
    Posted on Thursday, October 19 @ 16:41:02 PDT
    Topic: Kurdistan
    It's not for the casual traveler. But if you are up for an adventure in a place that boasts peace, democracy and an experienced security force, a California marketing firm has a suggestion: Kurdistan.

    "It has always been a tourist destination for Iraq and other parts of the Middle East," said Sal Russo, whose Sacramento, Calif., firm helped the Kurdistan Development Corp. create a new television ad campaign for the three-province region in Northern Iraq. "Westerners walk around freely and there is an active nightlife."
    Russo, whose firm handles largely Republican campaign clients, acknowledges that it "might be close by in miles" to the Iraq war, "it's a lot further from that in reality."

    That might be little comfort to a family considering a holiday there, but in three TV commercials airing nationally on cable news networks the pitch is clear: Kurdistan isn't the Iraq of roadside bombs and beheadings. It's safe, well-protected and home to a democratic government. Coalition troops are welcomed with smiles and flowers.

    "You think of bombings and this is peaceful," Russo said. "You think of desert and this is mountainous. You think of camels and you are more likely to see sheep."

    There are about 70 flights a week to the region, some of which do require travel through the dangerous Baghdad International Airport.

    Russo's ads show video of serene countrysides, smiling Kurds -- some waving American flags -- and bustling businesses. Though the campaign is largely based on the television ads, organizers have also launched outreach efforts in U.S. communities with large numbers of Iraqi immigrants, including Nashville, Tenn.

    The location and political history of the region -- the Kurds have previously sought independence from Iraq -- make some marketing experts skeptical about the real intentions of the campaign.

    Jonathan Frenzen, who teaches marketing at the University of Chicago, said the campaign looks to him to be more of an effort to distance Kurdistan from the rest of Iraq than to immediately lure tourists and investors.

    "The ads are helping Kurdistan separate itself from the rest of Iraq," Frenzen said. "It's a clever way to go about it."

    Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, chairwoman of the Kurdistan Development Corp., which is working with the Kurdistan Regional Government to fund the project, said the point of the ads is to grow the local economy. Tourism efforts that were impossible under Saddam Hussein's regime could be very popular and lucrative today, she said.

    "Historically (tourism) has been one of our strengths," Rahman said. "For the adventure tourist there is rock climbing and river rafting. Great prophets are buried there. There are Roman ruins."

    Nabaz Khoshnaw, who was born in Kurdistan and now lives in Nashville, said he remembers well the days when the region was bustling with tourists looking for a mountain vacation.

    "The mountains looks more like America," Khoshnaw said.

    Khoshnaw made his first trip back to Kurdistan in 2004 said the Kurds had immediately started to rebuild resort villages destroyed by Hussein's regime.

    Rahman said the effort has so far been successful.

    "Right now we are very happy with the results we have," Rahman said. "We have many people visiting the...web site. We get a lot of e-mails from people saying they were very moved by the thank you ad, and others saying they didn't know this place existed. We have no reason to think that this campaign is not working, quite the opposite." Kurdistan (Sulaimaiyah city)

    Source: AP


    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #16185
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    has anyone checked to see if there was any news about kuwait or jordan suspending nid sales?

  6. #16186
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    Thanks all for the updates! I went back about 15 pages, and did see the post by RR. Good Work! Also like the post about the Kuwait money, this looks like it may be it! I hope so, would love to be able to tell hubby that he can get out of that truck!

    Me too, he's been driving far too long, I can't wait till he's finished with it, it's taken so much of his time away,
    by the way where are you from, you have to be cajun,
    I'm orginally from Erath, La.
    You probably never heard of it , but it's south of Lafayette, La.

  7. #16187
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post

    #1 - Indira has not spoken to fam in 24 hrs. / She’s been way to busy being tickled, etc. No way she’ll be a translator / despite my best efforts / she considers it work & looks @ work as Maynord G. Krebs did in Dobie Gillis . . .

    #2 - About 6 hrs. ago I called BOA / in L.A. back with a little *plot* . . .

    This requires a little background . . . during the 80’s I had a small piece of a little private bank in Reading PA., called The Knoblauch Private Bank . . .

    So, I pulled out all my old files & found our old E.I.N’s, swift code / routing #’s, etc., & decided to do a little *covert* wet work . . .

    With the above / & my natural charm & rhythm once connected to the BOA / it only took me a moment to get a currency trader in their Bank / to Bank / commercial dept. . . .

    I told the gal that I had a customer sitting across my desk who wished to purchase 50m NID, in CASH . . . and that he wanted the actual notes, and preferred new uncirc. 25K notes. And that he had informed me that according to information he had . . . all NID currency coming into The USA was handled by them @ BOA . . . So I asked her if we could order 50m from her . . .

    She checked for a moment or two with me listening / I was not on hold . . . Her answer: “Yes, we do handle the NID, but,” . . . [pauses] . . . I am not able to give you a current quote . . .”

    So, I asked, why Not?

    She says / while probably glaring @ her screen . . . “We can’t / Ahh, get a current quote / humm, that’s odd! This is strange.”

    I said, “What is odd?”

    She replies, “Apparently the Bank In Iraq is not showing any . . . humm, they aren’t showing anything . . . their site is not responding . . .”

    I say, “Yes, my customer says it’s been down for three days.” Then I ask, “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”

    She replies, “Three days, Huh, . . . No, . . . well, only once but . . . that was when a major change in value was in the works.” Then she shut up.

    I said, “Ma’am are you still there?”

    “Yes, I’m still here . . .”

    End of useful part of our conversation . . .

    So, here’s my question for everyone . . . “Has anyone had any trouble buying / or getting a quote today?” . . .

    If they’re still quoting / maybe they’re already here & in the distribution pipe-line . . . because with no official CBI pricing / or quotes, no one would be foolish enough to do any quoting . . . The CBI is the name written on the notes . . .

    Also, . . . Mods / Move this if you wish / I don’t know it its news / with a rumor hook @ the end / or a straight rumor / or what it is . . . do as you wish . .

    Best to all . . . RR . . .

    I've never done this before, but here it goes...

    Yeah....that feels goooood!

  8. #16188
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    Finally caught up!

    Ok, from reading the last 20 pages and might be useful for those that log on and don't have the time to read back 20-30 pages........

    Points that stand out. The smaller denoms gets my juices flowing, that would really show a reval is round the corner.....

    RR's phone conversation, bank teller stating last time this happened was for a currency revaluation......

    Kuwait's banks stopped trading for a week when they revalued, similar to the CBI..........

    Dan/Apollo stating other smaller denominations being put into banks.........

    Money/ration cards going out next week.............

    CBI site still down................

    Oil minister making overseas trips for big meetings........

    November 7th election time, Republicans need to pull something out of the hat.......

    What have I missed????? Feel free to add to this list.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #16189
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    youre just stealin my number. lol
    Is that where that number came from? Must have been subliminal..

    But if you take the Saddam number of $3.20 and subtract .33, then divide in half, and ad .03 for the number of years the CBI has had the auctions you get $1.47...

    Coincidence? I think not!

  10. #16190
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Me too, he's been driving far too long, I can't wait till he's finished with it, it's taken so much of his time away,
    by the way where are you from, you have to be cajun,
    I'm orginally from Erath, La.
    You probably never heard of it , but it's south of Lafayette, La.

    gretna la here ( before katrina )

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