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    Iraqi forces may be ready to take over security by late 2007: oil minister
    Iraqi security forces could be ready to take over from international troops as early as next year, but for now the international community must help defeat international terrorists operating in Iraq so they can't threaten the wider world, the country's oil minister said Thursday.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #16202
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    Bush acknowledges Iraq-Vietnam war comparison
    [13:24 , 19 Oct 2006]
    Iraq (AFP)

    PNA- US President George W. Bush has for the first time acknowledged a possible parallel between the raging violence in Iraq and the Vietnam War.

    But the White House also affirmed that it has no plan to reassess its strategy in the war-ravaged country, despite a surge in US casualties there and unrelenting sectarian bloodshed.

    Bush was asked in an ABC News interview late Wednesday if he agreed with a New York Times columnist's comparison of the strife in Iraq with the Tet Offensive, which is considered a key turning point in the US war in Vietnam.

    "He could be right," Bush said. "There's certainly a stepped-up level of violence."

    Bush said insurgents were trying "to inflict enough damage that we'd leave."

    "First of all, Al-Qaeda is still very active in Iraq. They are dangerous. They are lethal. They are trying to not only kill American troops, but they're trying to foment sectarian violence," he said.

    "They believe that if they can create enough chaos, the American people will grow sick and tired of the Iraqi effort and will cause (the) government to withdraw," Bush said.

    The Tet Offensive, a campaign launched by the North Vietnamese in early 1968, was considered a military defeat for them, but the scope of the assault shocked Americans and helped turn US public opinion against the war.

    Many Americans concluded that the war was unwinnable or victory too costly.

    The White House later sought to put the comparison in context.

    "The full context was that the comparison was about the propaganda waged in the Tet Offensive ... and the president was reiterating something he's said before -- that the enemy is trying to shake our will," Dana Perino, a Bush spokeswoman, said in a statement.

    "They know that we're a caring and compassionate people and that we're deeply affected by gross violence," she said.

    "The president also believes the American people understand the importance of beating our enemy who is determined to kill innocent freedom-loving people."

    The comments came amid a steep spike in US deaths in Iraq, including 10 killed in a single day, on Wednesday.

    The US military announced two more US soldier deaths early Thursday, bringing the total number of American fatalities in Iraq this month to 69.

    The US administration said the surge in US casualties would not lead to a reassessment of the US strategy there.

    "The strategy is to win," spokesman Tony Snow said in the southern state of North Carolina Wednesday. "As everybody says, correctly, we've got to win. And that comes at a cost."

    "The president understands not only the difficulty of it, but he grieves for the people who have served and served with valor," said Snow, who told reporters that US forces "do believe in the mission."

    Also on Thursday, a suicide truck bomber slammed into an Iraqi police station in the northern city of Mosul, killing 10 and wounding 14, police said. Nine of the dead were civilians.

    The attacks came amid a spectacular surge in insurgent and sectarian violence around Iraq, which has claimed hundreds of lives since the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan just over three weeks ago.

    In the television interview, the US leader expressed support for Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki but warned that his patience is not infinite.

    "In my judgment, Maliki has got what it takes to lead a unity government," Bush said.

    "I'm patient. I'm not patient forever. And I'm not patient with dawdling. But I recognize the degree of difficulty of the task, and therefore, say to the American people, we won't cut and run," he said.

    Bush ruled out a complete troop withdrawal as long as he is president, through January 2009.

    However, a high-powered panel named by the US Congress to assess policy options in Iraq is weighing recommendations that could deal a blow to Bush's "stay-the-course" policy in Iraq.

    A source associated with the Iraq Study Group confirmed media reports that options under consideration include a phased withdrawal of US soldiers from Iraq and an opening of diplomatic channels with Iran and Syria.

    Both steps would represent a major break with the president's policies.

    The 10-member panel of bipartisan heavyweights will deliver its report sometime after the November 7 mid-term elections, according to its leader, respected former secretary of state James Baker.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #16203
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Apollo_ View Post
    ... he believes that the MOF was saying that 147 or 1.47 is where in his opinion the currency should be valued at. He was also confused because he knew that 1470 is (or was) the current value, so in the end, he was somewhat confused, but still stuck to his original view.
    Confusing indeed, since the rate is not and has never been 1470 USD/1 IQD

    If the rate is now 1470 IQD = 1 USD which is 1 IQD = 0.00068 USD, could somebody please show me how to move the decimal to get 1 IQD = 1.47 USD? When I try, I get 1.47 IQD = 1 USD which is 1 IQD = 0.68 USD.

    I'm not saying that it cannot revalue at 1.47$, but I say it cannot be done by moving the decimal.

  4. #16204
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    Old, but interesting.....

    Central Bank issues coins of 25, 50 and 100 dinars for circulation
    Sunday, January 2nd 2005
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    The Central Bank of Iraq will be issuing coins of 25, 50 and 100 dinars for circulation starting today. The coins have been issued according to the following specifications of the Central Bank:

    The front side of the coin shows the map of Iraq with two dates Hegira, 1425 and A.d., 2004.

    The back side of the coin contains a circle that has the denomination of the coin within the circle (25, 50, 100 dinar); "Central Bank of Iraq" is written on the top of the coin, while the denomination of the coin is written on the bottom.

    Dinar denomination ; Metal ; Diameter mlm ; Weight, Gram ; Shape

    100 ; Nickel plated steel ; 22 ; 4.3 ; Circle/jagged

    50 ; Brass plated steel ; 20 ; 3.5 ; Circle/smooth

    25 ; Copper plated steel ; 17.5 ; 2.5 ; Circle/smooth
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #16205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwood View Post
    Am I the only one here that doesn't get what "Sarah" means in your posts??

    Please help us out so we know what you are trying to say....

    Is it your way of saying "Say Rah!!" Like a cheerleader?? Not sure, just curious.

    That's her name!! If you notice, some people end their post by stateing their name. That's all! LISA

  6. #16206
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    I received an email from Mr. I after sending an email to him yesterday asking them to provide todays exchange rate due to the CBI site being down. this was the reply

    Please note that I am out of the office on vacation in Beirut during
    Eid National Holiday. Our esteemed bank will be closed until the 30th
    October 2006 and I will get back to your request once I am back in the

    Best regards,

  7. #16207
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post

    #1 - Indira has not spoken to fam in 24 hrs. / She’s been way to busy being tickled, etc. No way she’ll be a translator / despite my best efforts / she considers it work & looks @ work as Maynord G. Krebs did in Dobie Gillis . . .

    #2 - About 6 hrs. ago I called BOA / in L.A. back with a little *plot* . . .

    This requires a little background . . . during the 80’s I had a small piece of a little private bank in Reading PA., called The Knoblauch Private Bank . . .

    So, I pulled out all my old files & found our old E.I.N’s, swift code / routing #’s, etc., & decided to do a little *covert* wet work . . .

    With the above / & my natural charm & rhythm once connected to the BOA / it only took me a moment to get a currency trader in their Bank / to Bank / commercial dept. . . .

    I told the gal that I had a customer sitting across my desk who wished to purchase 50m NID, in CASH . . . and that he wanted the actual notes, and preferred new uncirc. 25K notes. And that he had informed me that according to information he had . . . all NID currency coming into The USA was handled by them @ BOA . . . So I asked her if we could order 50m from her . . .

    She checked for a moment or two with me listening / I was not on hold . . . Her answer: “Yes, we do handle the NID, but,” . . . [pauses] . . . I am not able to give you a current quote . . .”

    So, I asked, why Not?

    She says / while probably glaring @ her screen . . . “We can’t / Ahh, get a current quote / humm, that’s odd! This is strange.”

    I said, “What is odd?”

    She replies, “Apparently the Bank In Iraq is not showing any . . . humm, they aren’t showing anything . . . their site is not responding . . .”

    I say, “Yes, my customer says it’s been down for three days.” Then I ask, “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”

    She replies, “Three days, Huh, . . . No, . . . well, only once but . . . that was when a major change in value was in the works.” Then she shut up.

    I said, “Ma’am are you still there?”

    “Yes, I’m still here . . .”

    End of useful part of our conversation . . .

    So, here’s my question for everyone . . . “Has anyone had any trouble buying / or getting a quote today?” . . .

    If they’re still quoting / maybe they’re already here & in the distribution pipe-line . . . because with no official CBI pricing / or quotes, no one would be foolish enough to do any quoting . . . The CBI is the name written on the notes . . .

    Also, . . . Mods / Move this if you wish / I don’t know it its news / with a rumor hook @ the end / or a straight rumor / or what it is . . . do as you wish . .

    Best to all . . . RR . . .
    I did a history on the FXConverter - Currency Converter for 164 Currencies, and even tho the CBI site is down, they are still in business and quoting.....there has been movement on the exchange rate daily....check it out

    FXHistory - Historical Currency Exchange Rates

  8. #16208
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-20-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Mr. net welcomes Bmatmermkh elected government and calls for the exercise of its functions even in the face of pressure

    Mr. Ahmed welcomed the representative of the net supreme religious authority, "the Mecca conference is being held between Iraqi parties to discuss the crisis in Iraq." It had welcomed the "conditional set of things" and wished "Had this step has taken place before that date."
    The net added that the "conflict, which was convened Almetmaraho political conflict and not sectarian, It must also understand, It also said that "this conflict may take cover religious conflict is not religious."
    As the front of the holy Karbala Friday that "the success of such conferences thus subject to understanding the nature of the crisis on the ground," and added that "decisions are important in forcing it to all the parties that signed it."
    Turning to Mr. net Iraqi situation at home, saying "that the neighboring countries are still help to the enemies of the Iraqi people through facilitating the entry of terrorists and financial support" and called the elected Iraqi government to "be aware of being elected and thus derive their legitimacy from the people and their will to support the opposite of what, if not of the Takhbh the strength may turn against him repressive and terrible "and called on the government to" show firmness and force about the ongoing crises in the country "where it Mr. net that" the most important of these problems are two things : lawlessness and administrative corruption. " at the same time reminding that "this government suffers from the pressures of local, regional and international" and that "pressure should not prevent the government from exercising its best functions in the trial of criminals, terrorists and spoilers administratively."
    As Mr. net striking example of lawlessness - Almsitaralih is "my way of Iraq with Syria and Jordan," who I consider "ways of terror and death", criticizing all the security authorities and blaming it responsibility, whether occupying forces or troops and Iraqi national, He called Mr. net all drivers working on the roads to "leave them until the security situation stabilizes. in order to preserve the lives of innocent passengers. and in vain and then, because of terrorism. "

  9. #16209
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    Quote Originally Posted by lazyasL View Post
    I did a history on the FXConverter - Currency Converter for 164 Currencies, and even tho the CBI site is down, they are still in business and quoting.....there has been movement on the exchange rate daily....check it out

    FXHistory - Historical Currency Exchange Rates
    The *CW* here is that those changes are small movements on the Dollar side only . . .
    Φ Iligitimi Non Carborundum Φ....

  10. #16210
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    its slow today were has everyone gone

    its driving me crazy now the dinar rv for feck sake lol

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