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  1. #16381
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justpraying View Post
    You have a good point here, I am not sure what the answer is. But folks were starting to get down on Winner and I was just trying to get folks to see it a bit clearer from his point of view.
    Understandable Mike. And very well appreciated. I was not trying to argue your views. I was simply tossing out other possible thoughts.

  2. #16382
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    Brain, I'm not trying to start anything, I just want to know for sure if they had auctions or not because I think it's a key element to our puzzle.

  3. #16383
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    Default Iraqi insurgents stage defiant parades

    Iraqi insurgents stage defiant parades - Yahoo! News

    (See what you guys started! Only joking neno!)

    By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer
    15 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Al-Qaida-linked gunmen staged military-like parades Friday in a string of towns west of Baghdad, underlining the growing confidence of Sunni insurgents in a part of Iraq where U.S. and Iraqi forces maintain a heavy counterinsurgency presence.

    Like the audacious show of force by up to 60 insurgents in the city of Ramadi on Wednesday, the latest parades — including two less than a mile from U.S. military bases — were staged in support of an announcement this week by a militant Sunni Arab group that it had created an Islamic state in six of Iraq's 18 provinces, including the capital, Baghdad.

    (More NEWS in the middle, I purposely left it out! Here is the end of the smoke screen! Aloha/Mo)

    The Interior Ministry spokesman, Brig. Abdul-Karim Khalaf, said earlier Thursday that participants in the Ramadi parade were members of al-Qaida in Iraq and that they suffered unspecified losses in clashes with security and tribal forces following the parade, in which black-clad, masked gunmen took over a central street for 15 minutes.

    The bravado shown by insurgents in Anbar serves to illustrate the problems faced by the U.S. military and their Iraqi allies in dealing with the rapidly deteriorating security in the country.

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    The thing is folks. We have to chill out a bit. Just remember the signs are still there...... it can still happen...... so their website went down, it does happen. Presently they are on holiday after ramadan, having a good time and not thinking about us. Lots of good things happening with laws being passed etc...... I have invested a lot of money in this opportunity and I want it to succeed......We will all have to wait just a little bit could still happen and very soon

  5. #16385
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    Default The Captain rocks!

    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    but im outta capt morgan the coffee pots broken the he came with that crap....
    a man can only endure so much
    Hey, another Capt. Morgan fan!!! My favorite!

  6. #16386
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default Olympic, Iraqi Shooters!

    Rmatna in the Arab Championship in Cairo for both applicants and beginners
    Translated version of (4th article down on the left side; just click on the picture with the shooter!)

    تلقى الاتحاد العراقي المركزي للرماية دعوة من نظيره العربي للمشاركة في البطولة العربية بالرماية التي من المقرر ان تقام في العاصمة المصرية القاهرة خلال النصف الثاني من الشهر المقبل.The Federation received the Iraqi Central Shooting invitation from his Arab participation in the Arab Balermaih championship to be held in the Egyptian capital of Cairo during the second half of next month.
    وقد اكدت مصادر الاتحاد على المشاركة في هذه البطولة بعد استحصال موافقة اللجنة الاولمبية والمقترنة بالموافقة على اقامة معسكر تدريبي لرماتنا في القاهرة حصراً في وقت يتناسب مع بدء البطولة.The sources said European participation in this championship after obtaining the consent of the Olympic Committee and the associated approval of a training camp for Rmatna exclusively in Cairo in time for the start of the championship. ومن الجدير بالذكر ان البطولة العربية ستكون للمتقدمين والناشئين في وقت واحد وبمشاركة الراميين ضياء عباس وقتيبة عباس.It is noteworthy that the Arab championship will be to applicants and young at one time and with the participation aimed Zia Abbas and Qutaybah Abbas. يذكر ان بطلنا الذهبي ضياء عباس كان قد احرز العديد من الاوسمة في المشاركات الخارجية على الصعيد العربي والقاري ولعل ابرز انجازاته حصوله على الوسام الذهبي في الدورة الرياضية العربية العاشرة في الجزائر.The hero, the golden Zia Abbas had won many medals in the foreign participants at the Arab level, continental, and perhaps the most prominent achievements of winning the golden medal in the 10th Arab Games in Algeria.

    (Looks like the Iraqi are moving up! Theye are going to learn to shoot better, HMMMMMMM! )

  7. #16387
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    Default They are pumping!
    (صوت العراق) - 20-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-20-2006 |

    Capitals-agencies - said navigational agent in the Middle East that Iraq has resumed oil exports from the southern port of Basra last Tuesday evening after poor weather conditions in stopping the anchoring of tankers in the previous day.

    The agent said that the loading port is continuing at a rate of 66 thousand barrels per hour.There are now four tankers in ports.
    Meanwhile, the NOC yesterday it resumed operations pumping oil from the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline, which extends from the fields R. K1 after stoppage last week because of technical problems, filling reservoirs in the Turkish Ceyhan pipeline. Al Mahmoud hailed the center of the production department in the company said that the pumping operation was resumed on Wednesday evening at about 18 thousand barrels per hour and the total stock at the port of Ceyhan 15 million two hundred thousand barrels a rate of more than 300 thousand to 350 thousand barrels per day.

    لرأي الاردنيهOpinion Jordanian

  8. #16388
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    Originally Posted by TheBrain
    I wasn't saying they would update with a new RV rate. I am saying you will see the normal Sunday auction and in the history you will see the auctions for 10/17 thru 10/19. I have it on good authority that there were auctions on those days.
    Sunday will prove to me if my source is correct.

    Brain- Why make us all wait til Sunday, if you have proof of this than show it.
    I'm not sure I trust your motives anymore if you are going to start playing games.

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    Default This is not a bad thing!!!

    OK family, the cbi site coming up is not a bad thing...

    It shows me there has not been any movement since Monday the 16'th...

    Funny how they put the site back up today knowing we all know the cbi does not hold any auctions Friday and Saturday...

    Funny how they took the site down for most of the weeks daily auctions (which never happened)...

    There is NO BADDDDD NEWS HERE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!

    This may just be a blessing in disguise...

    I feel as high as I ever did about a RV coming here within the next week!!!

  10. #16390
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShowMeThe$$ View Post
    Hey man, just pointing out the BS for the people who are too blind to see it.
    Why don't you tell me how we have arrived at this point in time when "Indira's" brothers and uncle "said" they had agreed on .93 euros. How can you simply dismiss this? Doesn't this raise a BS flag with you? If not, then I've got some prime ocean front real estate in North Dakota to sell you.

    Calling someone a liar isn't cool dude.

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