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  1. #16391
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    Default Al-Sadr calls for calming, really now that is a change!

    Al-Sadr calls for calming the situation and stop the bloodshed in Amarah

    (صوت العراق) - 20-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-20-2006 |

    Al-Sadr calls for calming the situation and stop the bloodshed in Amarah Architecture / Nina / The religious leader Muqtada al-Sadr to halt the bloodshed and stop armed clashes immediately and ending armed rallies in the city.

  2. #16392
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    Quote Originally Posted by motomachi View Post
    Al-Sadr calls for calming the situation and stop the bloodshed in Amarah

    (صوت العراق) - 20-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-20-2006 |

    Al-Sadr calls for calming the situation and stop the bloodshed in Amarah Architecture / Nina / The religious leader Muqtada al-Sadr to halt the bloodshed and stop armed clashes immediately and ending armed rallies in the city.

    might be a lil late for that

  3. #16393
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    OK fair enough. The source is a currency changer in Kuwait. I'm not saying he is right just that he said there have been auctions. I will know if he was right on Sunday. I aked how he knew and he said currency rates are faxed to them daily.
    A friend of mine also heard the same from a currency dealer in Jordan, so we will just have to wait for Sunday and see what happens
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  4. #16394
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    OK fair enough. The source is a currency changer in Kuwait. I'm not saying he is right just that he said there have been auctions. I will know if he was right on Sunday. I aked how he knew and he said currency rates are faxed to them daily.
    Faxed to them by whom ? The CBI ? Then why weren't they faxed to other banks ? I'm calling BS here- some currency changer in Kuwait huh? and no one else?????

  5. #16395
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    Default Ask him this

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    OK fair enough. The source is a currency changer in Kuwait. I'm not saying he is right just that he said there have been auctions. I will know if he was right on Sunday. I aked how he knew and he said currency rates are faxed to them daily.

    That is a pretty good conection to have...ask him if he knows why the web site was down, if the rates and amounts were the same everyday, and since he seems to be one of the upscale money changers (FAX MACHINE!) ask him if he knows when it will revalue!!!

  6. #16396
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default White House rejects some of the options on Iraq

    White House rejects some of the options on Iraq

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday to change the options approach in Iraq working with a committee of eminent personalities to make recommendations to President George W. Bush in the coming weeks on ways to change the strategy in the war unpopular in the United States.

    ووصف توني سنو المتحدث باسم البيت الابيض فكرة تقسيم العراق الى مناطق شيعية وسنية وكردية تحظى بحكم شبه ذاتي بأنها "بلا فرصة للنجاح" وهي الفكرة التي طرحها السناتور الجمهوري الحليف لبوش كاي بيلي هاتشيشون.He described Tony Snow White House spokesman idea of dividing Iraq into regions of Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish enjoy semi-autonomous rule as "no chance of success" is the idea put forward by Republican Senator ally of Bush Hachicheon Kay Bailey.

    كما رفض المتحدث الامريكي على نحو مشابه اقتراحا لتنفيذ انسحاب على مراحل للقوات الامريكية ربما بنحو خمسة في المئة كل شهرين وهي الفكرة التي طرحها بعض أعضاء الكونجرس الامريكي.The spokesman also rejected the American proposal for a similar implementation in a phased withdrawal of the American forces, perhaps about five% every two months, an idea put forward by some members of the American Congress.

    ووصف سنو تقريرا نشرته صحيفة واشنطن تايمز ذكر أن ادارة بوش تجري "تصحيحا للنهج" في العراق بأنه "مجموعة من الهراء".He described Snow report published in the Washington Times said that the Bush administration is "correct approach" in Iraq as "a nonsense".

    وليس مؤكدا ما اذا كانت فكرتا تقسيم العراق وانسحاب القوات الامريكية على مراحل سيتم عرضهما ضمن حزمة توصيات يقوم باعدادها وزير الخارجية السابق جيمس بيكر صديق عائلة بوش منذ فترة طويلة والنائب الديمقراطي السابق لي هاميلتون.It is not certain whether the notions of the division of Iraq and the withdrawal of American forces would be introduced in stages included in a package of recommendations prepared by the former Foreign Minister James Baker, Bush family friend for a long time, former Democratic Attorney Lee Hamilton.

    غير أن لجنة بيكر-هاميلتون المعروفة باسم مجموعة دراسة العراق تقوم باعداد تقرير يقول مسؤولون مطلعون على مداولات اللجنة انه سيطرح تغييرا في الاستراتيجية في العراق.However, the International Committee of the Baker-Hamilton, known as a study of Iraq was preparing a report says officials are aware of the deliberations of the Committee that he will present a change in strategy in Iraq.

    وسينشر تقرير اللجنة بعد انتخابات التجديد النصفي للكونجرس المقررة في السابع من نوفمبر تشرين الثاني حتى لا تصبح عاملا يستغل في الحملات الانتخابية.The report will be published after the elections, the term of the Congress scheduled on the seventh of November November so that it does not become a factor used in the election campaigns. ويواجه الجمهوريون الذين يتزعمهم بوش مخاطر فقد السيطرة على الكونجرس في الانتخابات.Faced with Republicans, led by Bush, the risk of losing control of the Congress in the elections.

    وقال سنو ان بوش وفريقه سيأخذون على محمل الجد تقرير اللجنة المشكلة من أعضاء بالحزبين الديمقراطي والجمهوري غير أن بوش سيعتبره "تقريرا استشاريا" وهو ما يعني أنه لن يكون بالضرورة ملتزما بنتائجه.Snow said that Bush and his team will take seriously the report of the problem Balehzbin members of the Democratic and Republican - that Bush would pronounce "a consultant", which means that he will not necessarily be committed to the outcome.

    وتقوم استراتيجية بوش على البقاء في العراق الى حين تمكن حكومته الناشئة من تحقيق الاستقرار ومنع تحول البلاد الى ملاذ امن لمتشددي القاعدة وغيرهم من المتشددين المناهضين للولايات المتحدة.The strategy for Bush to remain in Iraq until the government was able arising from achieving stability and the prevention of turning the country into a safe haven for Al Qaeda militants and other extremists opposed to the United States.

    وقال سنو ان تحول العراق الى قاعدة انطلاق للمتشددين الاسلاميين سيكون "كارثة بكل ما تعنيه الكلمة".Snow said that turning Iraq into a launching pad for Islamist extremists would be "a disaster by all meaning of the word."

    وأضاف "لذلك لا يوجد خيار هنا وبالتالي فلن نفكر في خيار غير النجاح واكمال المهمة."He added, "there is no option here and therefore would not think of the option of non-success and completion of the task."

    وخلال مقابلة مع مجلة تايم عبر ديك تشيني نائب الرئيس الامريكي عن فكرة مشابهة عندما سئل عما اذا كان الرئيس سيبحث في استراتيجية للخروج من العراق بعد الانتخابات.During an interview with Time magazine through Vice-President Dick Cheney from the U.S. similar idea when he was asked whether the President will discuss an exit strategy from Iraq after the elections.

    وقال "أعلم ما يفكر فيه الرئيس. وأعلم ما أفكر به. ونحن لا نبحث عن استراتيجية للخروج. اننا نتطلع الى نصر."He said : "I know what the President. I know what I think of. We are not looking for an exit strategy. We look forward to victory. "

    من ستيف هولاندBy Steve Holland

  7. #16397
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    Playing games? How long have you been following the guaranteed reval next week?
    Longer than you!

  8. #16398
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post

    I'm not as knowledgeable as many here, but learning as I looking at the history at cbi, it doesn't look unusual for them to go 4 or 5 days without auctioning. Am I looking at this wrong? What does seem unusual though is that from what I have gathered from everyone is that this is the first time their website went down in conjunction with no auctioning. Still makes you wonder and go hmmmm.

    Your right the auction history goes back to Jan 2004 now. It shows several time where they strung 4-5 days of no auctions. I did not check them all but they seemed to be week ends I plus 2 days. This is going to be at least 6 days at a time when the auctions seemed to be on a up swing.

    You add the site being down and all the important laws in there final stages I think we are knocking on the door.

    Sure hope RV opens the door

  9. #16399
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Faxed to them by whom ? The CBI ? Then why weren't they faxed to other banks ? I'm calling BS here- some currency changer in Kuwait huh? and no one else?????
    You have a good point here Mike.

    On Brain's behalf, he did say that this is what he heard and that even he would have to wait till Sunday to see if it's true.
    Last edited by Alphamystic; 20-10-2006 at 08:16 PM.
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  10. #16400
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShowMeThe$$ View Post
    Nooooo!!! I'm in total shock! What about the Reval??!?!??

    You'll all could easily sell yourselves a used car.

    franny, were almost there!!

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