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  1. #16541
    Senior Investor Hardwood's Avatar
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    Smile Have a nice weekend folks!

    Just wanted to say I regret reading the last 20 pages of mostly garbage here.

    There were how many back and forths over a fax or no fax? Big deal!

    Were there auctions or not? So what?

    The truth is that we are all on the edge of our seats looking for any morsel of information to support our dear old RV. Unfortunately, we must sit back and wait patiently until the government of Iraq is back in business next week. Until then all we are going to do here is re-hash news, argue over petty crap, and beg Susie to come back. She's a tough girl, but she does have a personal website on the internet which tells me she does enjoy the limelight.... Can't blame her for fending off the personal attacks that were uncalled for earlier. She has more than redeemed herself for past mistakes. I forgave her and now quietly read her posts (when they are not just cut/pasted news articles with little or no relevance to the Dinar). She is doing us a great service by harvesting all that info for you to read (or not read).

    I am shutting the door on RC for a couple days. I'll peek in sometime Sunday to have a look-see though.

    Hats off to all of you! TheBrain, Mike, Adster, MrsCK, CharmedPiper, Boogirl, Clintstella, Shotgunsusie, Neno... and all the rest of you!! It's been a pleasure trying to keep up on a daily basis, but I am finding myself too distracted and need to pry away.

    I cannot change things in Iraq....But Iraq can change me...

    Good luck everyone and have a great weekend!

    <Hardwood Out>
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  2. #16542
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    Lightbulb True!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post

    Last year at the end of Ramadan there were no auctions 11-3 thru 11-06 Thurs-Sunday. 4 days no auction, two normal off days for weekend.
    Yes it is all true! There were a lot of dates that had 4 to 5 days in a row with no auctions...........

    However this year we the web site going down! Plus it seems as though the CBI withdrew the dinars convertibility. By not buying or selling!!!!!

    Plus some he said she said and some more rumors!

    Plus this year they just had that BIG meeting with the world bank and many others!!!!!

    Do I think, we will get our RV this month? Yes! Will it happen????????

    Plus this year compared to last year is night & day. When you add in, all of the progress and landmark accomplishments!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #16543
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    Lightbulb Check out my assets!!!!!!!!!!

    Notice the year 2003! A zero was added!

    Kuwaits EXCHR
    1986 290.53
    1987 278.86
    1988 278.94
    1989 293.74
    1990 291.24
    1991 289.19
    1992 293.30
    1993 301.32
    1994 297.62
    1995 298.46
    1996 299.42
    1997 303.36
    1998 304.79
    1999 304.38
    2000 306.79
    2001 306.54
    2002 303.97
    2003 298.046
    2004 294.07
    2005 292.00

    Last Update: 14/08/2005

    Name: Central Bank of Kuwait

    Email: [email protected]

  4. #16544
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    Default "Trade" develop new mechanisms of economic relations with the countries of the world

    Baghdad : Ali Jasim
    Musdrmsaul announced in the Trade Ministry, the Ministry for the introduction of new mechanisms to activate economic relations with a number of countries around the world, including Bahrain and Argentina.
    The source explained that these mechanisms include the preparation of special files will be through the Iraqi to identify joint meeting with representatives of these two countries and participation in fairs held on the sidelines of the development of economic relations with the countries of the world, in addition to identifying the next month as a date for the convening of joint meetings with the Committee to re-Iraqi economic relations.
    The source added that the Kingdom of Bahrain continues its preparations for an exhibition substantial economic support to Iraq and will be attended by major global companies, which have declared their willingness to support this exhibition and effective participation by emphasizing that the objective basis of the establishment of these mechanisms to activate trade relations with many countries of the world in order to stimulate Alaghtassa d Iraqi and benefit from the experiences of countries in addition to economic relations with various countries to service trade in Iraq.
    It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Commerce had announced earlier that the coming stage will witness a re-economic relations with the world countries in various fields in addition to activating commercial activities with a number of countries, especially the neighboring countries.
    On the other hand, the General Company for the extension of the grain trade buying rice in a cash payment to a period of one month so as to allow for traders to make presentations and provide sufficient time.
    A source in the company that the company had invited traders and companies competent in the earlier article to buy imported rice origins (American, Thai, Alvatnami, Pakistani and Indian) in accordance with the approved specifications and proven formula in the contract.
    He emphasized that the company conducted a cover grain reserves stored in the local (Bannaker) pointing to the end of all the positions of coverage in order to preserve the stockpiling of exposure to damage by rain and storms possible.
    The source said that the continued processing mills for the production of specialized Mills (Namira 7-0) to cover the 5 kg from each family, due processed by the mill before the Eid al-Fitr holiday.


  5. #16545
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Thank you, youv've just totally proved to the forum how full of BS you really are because if it wasn't the CBI who did the faxing than it meaningless.Your original contention was that they were faxed the info because the website was down -if you can't keep your lies and your BS straight please stop posting.
    Wow! I thought bashing was prohibited!!

  6. #16546
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    Posted by Munnybags on AD forum:


    I, like every Dinar investor World wide, have been trying to keep track of all the interesting Iraqi financial developments swirling around us. Could a huge re-val of the IQD really be just hours away??? I might have to trade in my middlesayer card and join the yaysayer crew pretty soon if we get even more “clues” leaning towards an IQD re-val.

    1. The CBI website has been down for over 3 days now. The obvious question is why? What caused the website to go down? Someone trip over a power cord? Server down? They must have backups or their hosting service (if it is of any quality) would have backup runners. Power outage? Not likely since CBI is located in the Green Zone. Upgrading the website? For 3 days??? Upgrades can be done on separate software and then downloaded onto the host server usually accomplished in less than two hours!!! None of those seem to be a real reason for CBI website to be down so long. This alone, by itself would raise eyebrows but we also have:

    2. Bank of Baghdad IQD currency exchange not updated since oct 15th. Why not? Surely some link has to be continued between a Central Bank and its underlings. The updates should have continued on other Iraqi banking websites.

    3. 10,000 IQD debit or ration cards to be handed out to Iraqi citizens this week. That’s worth about $7 USD. Buy a couple packs of cigarettes and a soda then the card is useless. Wow, thanks for the cigs Maliki I’m now going to support you 100%!!! But what if the card has the equivalent purchasing value of $14 or $28 or $56 or $112 or $224 USD? There is a way to do that, as we all know so well.

    4. Hydrocarbon law about to be enacted slated for this week. We know a Foreign Investment Law (F.I.L.) has nothing to do with a countries’ currency value other than potential future increases if you have positive investment flow. I’ve been trying to tell everyone this and we finally saw it to be true. But this Hydrocarbon law could be a different animal. The law concerns the sharing of oil revenues amongst the states and people of Iraq. Could it possibly also allow for Iraq’s currency to be based on a basket of World currencies plus known Iraqi oil reserves? If so they could re-val the currency to extraordinarily and in a swift rare move to unimaginable heights. The only flaw in that theory is the security situation. Would the IMF go along with it when the countries oil production is under constant attack by the terrorists? It would seem to be a huge gamble given the current circumstances.

    5. Political situation in the United States. The USA economy is in great shape. In fact it ranks as one of the best ever. Yet Republicans are in very real danger of losing seats and control of both the House and Senate. True, many scandals have been launched by the Democrats and the media. But the real bottom line reason Moderate voters are turning against the Republicans is directly because the bungling of the Iraqi war by Donald Dumsfeld. The man has not only caused far too much needless death and desperation but likely fumbled away the Republican political majority as well. The Repubs need something HUGE to turn this tide. They need the Ultimate “October Surprise”!!! Would a large re-val of the Iraqi currency be the winning ticket?

    If ever the yaysayer theory of high re-val had a chance of happening, these would be just about the only circumstances that would allow it. All of the above facts could be pointing towards Shibibi, the CBI, and the IMF invoking a large revaluation of the IQD. And the exciting part of it is the CBI could come back online at any time. Maybe minutes from now

  7. #16547
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-21-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Under his definition of the next program of work, The Minister of Territory for civil society, Mr. George Mansour visited President of the Parliament of Kurdistan Mr. Adnan Mufti, in his office official in Arbil.

    In the meeting, Minister Mansoor on the results of his recent visit to Canada and meetings at the Foreign and institutions working to support the building of democracy, civil society and his expected visit to Poland at the official invitation, , as well as his plan to focus on building an information base on the civil society organizations and the formation of a coordination committee between the organizations involved in the Kurdistan region and the introduction of the draft Act and controls the work of these organizations and the attempt to qualify and train activists. in order to raise awareness of civil society and a culture of human rights more generally, and the broader strengthening of the relationship and develop trust between the territorial institutions, civil society organizations and nationalities in Sisterhood Kurdistan.

    Having thanked the Speaker of Parliament on his visit home and presented the outlines of the work of his ministry, praised experience and the efficiency of the minister and the part played in the revitalization of the work of civil society organizations in Iraqi Kurdistan. He expressed the readiness of parliamentary committees of civil society to cooperate and coordinate with the ministry and emphasized the importance of organizing the work of civil society organizations in Kurdistan, supported and encouraged, in addition to the rehabilitation and training of cadres active in this area to assume the leadership of these organizations and the coordination among them in order to create greater room for the exercise of democracy and the foundations of civilized building of a civil society in Kurdistan.

  8. #16548
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post

    Last year at the end of Ramadan there were no auctions 11-3 thru 11-06 Thurs-Sunday. 4 days no auction, two normal off days for weekend.
    So is this Carl from T&B?


  9. #16549
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    Baghdad Daily Newspaper

    Tariq Al-Hashmi examines in Amman developing cooperation relations with Jordan, the Vice President of the Republic, Dr. Tariq Al-Hashmi during his current visit to Jordan talks with senior officials on Jordanian-Iraqi relations and ways of strengthening them in various fields in order to serve the two countries and the two fraternal peoples and the developments of the situation in the region. The Hashmi had arrived in Amman yesterday and was received upon arrival Amman, Prime Minister and Minister Bakhit known political development and Parliamentary Affairs Dr. Sabri Rbihat and Iraq's Ambassador to the Kingdom Saad Hayani and embassy staff. Accompanying Hashmi in the visit, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Rafie Layequalize the number of members of the House of Representatives. Hashemi said that his visit to Jordan within the framework of the historical relations between the two countries and the aim of consultation and exchange of views on common issues in the forefront of the situation in Iraq. He added in a statement to the Jordanian news agency,Jordan should not be too far away from what is happening in Iraq, especially since Jordan is responsible and interested in Iraq and, therefore, believe that continued dialogue and consultation with our brothers in Jordan, especially His Majesty King Abdullah II and Prime Minister on the situation in Iraq is necessary for Arab national security. He stressed that he found the Hashemite devoidfor his previous visits to the Kingdom of considerable attention from His Majesty the King and government of the situation in Iraq and the sincere and honest desire to help the Iraqis out of the impasse and the plight of frustration at the present time. He looked forward to hearing the point of view of His Majesty the King and the Prime Minister with regard to the gender Bank of Iraq, pointing out that before the cExcerpts what is happening on the Iraqi arena, expressing his hope to leave with a shared vision healthier urgent verification of the situation in Iraq and to ensure that the Arab national security. He added that he invested the visit to exchange views on the reality in Iraq and the future of emphasizing the positive impact of the visit on relations between the two countries. For his part, welcomed Dr.Bakhit visited the Hashemite stressing the importance of the visit to exchange views and to consult on the situation in Iraq. He said that Iraq is a country of Jordan and look at the importance of affirming that the Jordanian-Iraqi relations, rooted historical.Interior waging a campaign to purge its ranks of Baghdad

    Just thought I'd post this because of the Bank reference.


  10. #16550
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caddieman View Post
    Wow! I thought bashing was prohibited!!
    Yes I guess I was out of line, my apologies to "thebrain". I thought it was the naysaying that was prohibited sooooo...... CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR NAYSAYING ROCK (or IIF) Caddieman

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