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  1. #16641
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    Iraq interior minister discuss with Sadr ways to end clashes

    Iraq interior minister discuss with Sadr ways to end clashes

    BAGHDAD, Oct 21 (KUNA) -- Iraqi Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani discussed on Saturday with Shiite cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr ways to end the serious clashes between militias and government police forces in a number of cities including Amara, Suwairia, Hindiya and Hashimiyah.

    Al-Bolani said after meeting Sadr that they discussed a number what he called "regrettable events" and ways to prepare the forces to contain the flaring situations.

    He said that the situation now has changed and is under control.

    He pointed to a number of legal measures and other steps that need to be taken after a probe, in addition to the investigations of the ministerial committee.

    Government forces' stations were burned in the city of Amara on Thursday and Friday when militiamen claiming nominal loyalty to Sadr retaliated for the police arrest of one of their members.

    At least 25 people died including 15 armed men of Sadr and 10 from the Iraqi police. Some 55 others were wounded.

    Furthermore, second Lieutenant in Suwaira Ali Naeema said that at least nine armed men were killed and five civilians wounded in armed clashes between Al-Mahdi militias and Iraqi police in central of the city, some 45 kilometers south of Baghdad. (end) mhg

    I can't wait till we can do something to get rid of sadar, I think he wants to be the next saddam, don't trust anything he says, believe he's behind a lot there

  2. #16642
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    On February 25, 2006, a source from the Central Bank of Iraq stated that "The exchange rate of the Iraqi Dinar will rise significantly against the US dollar during 2006, adding that all policies will be adopted to improve the exchange rate of the country's national currency."

    has this quote been verified ?
    thank you
    verified??? it was from an article which was published and i can locate the link if yould like but if you do a search here you will find the actual article.

    the only actual way to verify it is to find this person at the cbi and ask them if they did indeed quote this.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #16643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caddieman View Post
    Anybody hear anything on lower demos? They have to be in place for a high RV!
    I know we have all heard different snippets of info on this. I wish there was a way we could find out for sure. they need the lower denoms for the rv, but until it rv's there is no need for them. Again though 14 denomination printed and only 9 in use.

  4. #16644
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    please bear with me but: have the lower denomination of the iraqi dinars
    50, 250 and 500 and coins been always been displayed on the cbi website ?

  5. #16645
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    please bear with me but: have the lower denomination of the iraqi dinars
    50, 250 and 500 and coins been always been displayed on the cbi website ?
    yes they have

  6. #16646
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    UAE marks Eid Al-Fitr Oct. 23

    UAE marks Eid Al-Fitr Oct. 23

    ABU DHABI, Oct 21 (KUNA) -- The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr on Monday October 23, thus Sunday is the 30th day of the holy month of Ramadan.

    An official committee met and decided that nobody has seen the crescent and therefore Eid Al-Fitr would fall on Monday.

    The committee is chaired by the Minister of Justice Mohammad Al-Dhaheri. (end) jd.

    Ok everybody hold on to your chairs, that leaves only Sunday for them to get out the 10,000 and do anything before Eid Al-Fitr
    on Monday
    Wasn't it stated somewhere where the money would be given out before Eid Al-Fitr?????

  7. #16647
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Day View Post
    What you say is correct.

    Here's a little more -
    The Ministry of Finance together with the Central Bank are studying a proposal to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar in order to return it to previous levels where one Iraqi dinar was valued at 3.33 US dollars.

    The proposal has the support and approval of the World Bank.



    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #16648
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    Quote Originally Posted by doublescorpio View Post
    link:Archives - WTO info: Accession through the backdoor: how the US is pushing Iraq into the WTO (28/1/2006)

    As I said in a earlier post I beleive this is key to this is also a interesting article that talks about USA involment with their accession to tthe WTO. While we have not reaped any real returns on this investment yet...anybody that does not believe that we will and it will be $ENORMOUS$ is not reading the right info!!!
    usa is the SPONSOR of their accession. jordan is also helping them to expedite it.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #16649
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default NEWS, NEWS, NEWS Lots of News!

    .:: Peyamner Daily NEWS::.
    (News for 21 October at this time at the site above, read what you want!)

    Motomachi NEWS: Now, you talk about an RV soon, I believe, with all the bad stuff and good stuff, the enemy wants to make the news so all those "liberals" stir up the dust and create a problem for us Americans; if they can affect us and turn our own against our own, they win! Vote your conscience and not the "NEWS"! i.e. CNN

    National _ Kurdistan prepares to celebrate Feast [16:00 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Kurds, like any other Muslim people, celebrate the Islamic feasts of Ramadan and Qurban (Sacrifice) every year.

    National _ Turkey's Kurds voice loyalty to jailed rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan [16:00 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA-- More than three million Turkish Kurds have signed a declaration proclaiming loyalty to jailed Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, whom Ankara sees as the country's number one terrorist, activists said Friday.

    National _ Galbraith want US redeployment in Kurdistan Region-Iraq [16:00 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Kurdistan in the north is in every regard an independent country As U.S. President George W. Bush's administration faces mounting political pressure to change its failing Iraq strategy

    Iraq _ Officer awaits fate in Abu Ghraib case [15:38 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- An Army colonel began deliberating Friday whether to recommend a court-martial for an officer accused of abusing Abu Ghraib prisoners by ignoring their mistreatment and then lying to investigators about it.

    Iraq _ US, Britain mull eight Iraq options [15:36 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- London and Washington are discussing a range of eight options in a bid to tackle escalating violence in Iraq.

    Iraq _ Rumsfeld: Iraq must take over security [15:36 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA - The Iraqi government is going to have to take over its country's security "sooner rather than later," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Friday, as the violence there continued to escalate.

    Iraq _ US kills Qaeda bombmaker in western Iraq [15:36 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- US forces have killed a suspected member of the Al-Qaeda extremist movement and detained seven more during a raid in western Iraq, the US military said.

    Iraq _ Relative quiet returns to Iraq's south [15:24 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Shops and government offices reopened and army units manned checkpoints Saturday around a southern Iraqi city where gunmen loyal to an anti-American Shiite cleric briefly seized control in a bold confrontation with local security forces.

    Iraq _ Iraq's govt envoy meets tribal leaders in tense Amara [15:22 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- An envoy of Iraq's prime minister on Saturday met tribal leaders in the southern town of Amara in efforts to ease the tension after fierce battles between militia gunmen and police.

    Iraq _ Bomber kills Iraqi shoppers despite Mecca peace call [15:21 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- A suicide bomber has blown himself up on a bus crowded with Baghdad holiday shoppers, killing four people only hours afte Iraq's religious leaders issued a call from Mecca to end the bloodshed.

    Iraq _ Bush to confer with US generals on Iraq [15:21 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- US President George W. Bush will huddle with top US generals to discuss the US strategy in Iraq amid a bloody surge in violence there and one of the deadliest months for US troops.

    Iraq _ Iraqi militia battle police amid surge in violence [15:13 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Shiite militiamen have fought deadly street battles with Iraqi police in the southern city of Amara, after overnight clashes left 18 dead.

    Iraq _ Iraqi Sunni and Shiite clerics sign peace appeal in Mecca [15:13 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Iraqi Shiite and Sunni clerics meeting in Islam's holiest city signed a text calling for a halt to sectarian bloodletting in war-torn Iraq, al-Arabiya television reported.

    World _ Putin conciliatory on energy, but tough on Georgia at EU summit [15:12 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA - Russian President Vladimir Putin made conciliatory noises to EU leaders over energy security but took a hard line on Georgia, where he warned there could be a "bloodbath" in its breakaway regions.

    World _ Seven dead as blast hits festival shoppers in Pakistan [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- A bomb blast has ripped through a crowd of shoppers as they bought gifts for a Muslim festival in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar, killing seven people.

    World _ Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers bomb their way to peace talks [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Violence continued in Sri Lanka when a sea battle erupted off the island's northern coast, following a week of suicide bombings and other attacks that killed 250 people amid diplomatic pressure to resurrect a truce.

    World _ Rice says China vows to enforce sanctions against North Korea [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she was convinced China was committed to enforcing strong sanctions against North Korea but played down expectations of a swift breakthrough in the crisis triggered by Pyongyang's first nuclear test.

    World _ Sri Lanka's rebels make war warning [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels have warned they would extend their battle campaign across the tropical island if the country's government "wants a war".

    World _ Heavy fighting erupts in Somali town [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Heavy fighting between pro-Islamic militia and government troops backed by Ethiopian forces has erupted near a government base in south central Somalia, residents and militia commanders said.

    World _ Four killed, four injured in Thailand's restive south: police [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA - Four people were shot dead and another four, including two soldiers, were injured in a string of shootings in Thailand's restive Muslim-majority south, police have said.

    World _ Putin reassures EU on energy, but at a price [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Russian President Vladimir Putin has sought to assure EU leaders that Russia would be a reliable gas and oil supplier, although the Europeans are paying a heavy price to for Russian energy.

    World _ Rice doubts North Korea nuclear pledge, sees 'escalation' [15:11 , 21 Oct 2006]
    PNA - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has cast doubt on a reported apology by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il for carrying out a nuclear test and said the secretive state wanted an "escalation of tensions."

  10. #16650
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    Translated version of

    Ten-year six the number 1408-Wednesday, September 6, 2006

    كانت المصارف العراقية حاضرة بقوة في الندوة الاقتصادية التي أقامها "المركز العراقي للتنمية والحوار الدولي"، من خلال المناقشات التي شارك فيها اقتصاديون ورجال إعمال أعربوا فيها عن وجهة نظرهم بشأن المعوقات التي تعترض نمو القطاع والدعوة الى وضع قواعد لتطويره وتحديث أساليب عمله.The Iraqi banks have strong presence in the Economic Forum by "Iraqi Center for Development and International Dialogue", through debates, in which economists and businessmen had expressed their views on the obstacles that hinder the growth of the sector and the call to establish rules for the development and modernization of its working methods.

    The most important aspects that this sector experienced drifting figures to add to inflationary factors without attention to the value of the dinar, which affected to a large degree." in this regard, pointing out that "every million dinars of the capital of private banks which were established in 1992-1993 was equivalent to about 100 thousand dollars to the currently stands at no more than $ 700. In spite of this, the dinar adapt to the new situation and continued to move in circulation as acceptable. "
    وأشار الشيخلي الى ان التأرجح في سعر الصرف لم يؤثر كثيراً في العمل المصرفي الذي استمر يعمل بالائتمان القصير المدى، وذلك تحسباً لأي تقلبات كما حصل عام 1996 وتخلخل سعر صرف الدينار في شكل حاد.He pointed out that Shekhli swings in the exchange rate did not have much effect in the banking, which continued working short-term credit, in anticipation of any fluctuations as happened in 1996 and the erosion rate of the dinar in the form of sharply. الا انه لم يتسبب بخسائر كبيرة تتناسب مع معدلات التأرجح التي اخترقت السوق على الاقل وفي ظل توقعات محتملة في حينه.However, it did not cause great loss commensurate with the rates of oscillation, which broke the market, at least in the light of the imminent potential in a timely manner.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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