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  1. #16681
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    Default Under American Financial : Iraq issued a new law guarantees the right of all citizens

    Source : Middle East
    22 / 10 / 06
    قال وكيل وزير المالية الاميركية روبرت كيميت، ان الحكومة العراقية تعمل على اصدار قانون نفط جديد يضمن حق الشعب العراقي كله في ثروة البلاد النفطية قبل نهاية العام.The Deputy Minister of Finance, American Robert Kimmitt, The Iraqi government is working to issue a new oil law guarantees the right of the entire Iraqi people in the country's wealth of oil before the end of the year. وشرح كيميت في حديث خاص لـ«الشرق الاوسط» ان هذا القانون يأتي ضمن «العقد الدولي» الذي وقع بين العراق والأمم المتحدة في يوليو (تموز) الماضي، والذي يهدف الى استقرار العراق وبناء اقتصاده كلياً خلال السنوات الخمس المقبلة.Kimmitt explained in an exclusive statement to the Middle East »« This law comes in the «international» contract signed between Iraq and the United Nations in July last (July), , which aims to stabilize Iraq and the rebuilding of its economy entirely during the next five years. ولفت الى ان ممثلين عن المجتمع الدولي والحكومة العراقية سيجتمعون في الكويت يوم 31 اكتوبر (تشرين الاول) الحالي لتقييم الالتزامات العراقية للعقد الدولي ومن بعدها تقييم الواجبات الدولية تجاهها من اجل تحقيق هذا الهدف.He pointed out that representatives of the international community and the Iraqi government would meet in Kuwait on October 31 (October) to assess the current Iraqi obligations for the International Decade and after assessing international obligations towards in order to achieve this goal. وكان كيميت في لندن بعد زيارة الى دول اوروبية عدة تعتبر رئيسية في اللجنة التحضيرية لـ«العقد الدولي مع العراق» من اجل التحضير للخطوات القادمة من تحقيق اهداف العقد.Kimmitt was in London after a visit to several European countries is a key to the Preparatory Committee for the International Decade «» with Iraq in order to prepare for the next steps to achieve the goals of the decade. وشرح ان العقد الدولي هو عقد بين العراق والأمم المتحدة للاعداد لإصلاحات سياسية واقتصادية في العراق.He explained that the International Decade is a contract between Iraq and the United Nations to prepare for the political and economic reforms in Iraq. وأضاف: «العراقيون وافقوا على اتخاذ اجراءات اصلاحية معينة وفي حال التزموا بهذه التعهدات فستكون هناك مساعدات اضافية لهم».He added : «Iraqis agreed to take remedial action in the event of certain committed these pledges there will be additional aid them». واشار الى ان بعض هذه الاجراءات واجبة على العراق بسبب اتفاقه مع صندوق النقد الدولي سابقاً مما دفع الى بعض الاجراءات.He pointed out that some of these actions and the duty to Iraq because of his agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which previously paid to some of the measures.
    وأكد كيميت ان نص «العقد الدولي» يأخذ في الاعتبار الوضع الامني والسياسي في البلاد، مضيفاً: «لا يمكن التوصل الى تقدم اقتصادي من دون تقدم سياسي وامني».Kimmitt stressed that the text of the International Decade »« take into account the security and political situation in the country. He added : «could not be reached economic progress without political progress and security». وأضاف: ان العقد الدولي مع العراق شبيه بذلك الذي وقعه المجتمع الدولي مع افغانستان نهاية يناير (كانون الثاني) الماضي مع افغانستان، مضيفاً: «الفرق هو ان افغانستان ستعتمد على المساعدات المادية الدولية على المدى البعيد، بينما هدف العراق هو الاعتماد الذاتي المالي خلال 5 سنوات».He added : The International Decade with Iraq similar to that signed by the international community with Afghanistan the end of January (January) last with Afghanistan, He added : «difference is that Afghanistan will depend on international assistance in the long term, while Iraq is the goal of financial self-reliance in 5 years ». وبالنسبة الى التعهدات المالية من الدول المانحة في مؤتمر مدريد والتي لم تصرف، قال كيميت: «تحدثت مع كل الدول المانحة والجميع ملتزم بتعهداته ولن يتراجع احد عنها».For the financial pledges from donor countries at the Madrid conference, which did not happen, Kimmitt said : «I talked with each of the donor countries and everyone is committed to its undertakings and will not back down one by». إلا انه اضاف: «كل دولة تختار الطريقة التي تصرف من خلالها المنح، فعلى سبيل المثال يفضل الاتحاد الاوروبي صرف منحه عن طريق البنك الدولي، بينما دول الخليج تفضل الاتفاقات الثنائية، ولكن الجميع متمسك بتعهداته».But he added : «each State choose the method by which the disposal of which the grants, For example, the European Union would pay a grant through the World Bank, while the Gulf states prefer bilateral agreements, But everyone adheres to its commitments ». ولكنه اردف قائلاً: «على العراق العمل على الاعتماد على مصادر ثروته الوطنية بدلاً من الاعتماد على المساعدات الدولية».But he went on to say : «Iraq to work on unreliable sources of national wealth instead of relying on international aid». وقال كيميت «ان قانون الهيدروكربونات سيوضح بأن عائدات صادرات النفط تخص جميع مواطني عراق موحد، وليس فقط المواطنين في المناطق الجنوبية والشمالية التي لديها آبار النفط».Kimmitt said that the law on hydrocarbons «explaining that the proceeds of oil exports belong to all citizens of a unified Iraq. and not only citizens in the southern and northern areas which have oil wells ». وأضاف: «هذه نقطة مهمة، فعلى الرغم من ان هذا اجراء اقتصادي، سيكون لديه وقع سياسي مهم لأنه يقول بأن 20 في المائة من الشعب العراقي، وغالبيتهم من السنة، الذين يعيشون في مناطق غير ثرية بالنفط، إلا انهم سيستفيدون من الايرادات النفطية التي ستوزع حسب التعداد السكاني على المناطق».He added : «This is an important point, Despite the fact that this conduct economic, will have a political impact is important because it says that 20 per cent of the Iraqi people. and most of the year. those who live in areas not rich in oil, However, they will benefit from the oil revenues, which will be distributed according to census areas ». ورأى كيميت ان «ضمان عراق موحد ديمقراطي مسالم يستوجب دوراً ملائماً للحكومة المركزية مع احترام الاقليم» الكردي.He believed that «Kimmitt ensure a unified, democratic and peaceful Iraq requires an appropriate role of the central government with respect Kurdish territory». وأضاف: «هناك اتفاق عام على توزيع الايرادات من النفط (في اقليم كردستان)، ولكن ما زالت هناك نقاشات حول مسؤولية اعطاء العقود للتنقيب واختيار الشركات الدولية بين الاقليم والمركز».He added : «There is general agreement on the distribution of revenues from oil (in Kurdistan), But there are still discussions on the responsibility of giving contracts for prospecting and international companies to choose between the Territory and the Center ». وتابع: «هذا ضمن النقاش الاوسع حول الفيدرالية في العراق، ولكن العقد الدولي يؤكد على ان العراق بحاجة الى حكومة عراقية مركزية قوية وقادرة، حتى مع التنوع الثري للفئات المختلفة للشعب العراقي والأقاليم».He continued : «This part of the broader debate about federalism in Iraq. But the International Decade confirms that Iraq needed a strong central Iraqi government, and capable, even with the rich diversity of different categories of the Iraqi people and territories ». وعن الفقرات الاخرى في العقد، قال كيميت سيكون هناك «تعهد لدعم حكومي لبرنامج نزع السلاح من الميليشيات وإعادة تأهيل عناصرها».And on the other paragraphs in the contract, Kimmitt said there would be «pledged to support the government for the disarmament of the militias and rehabilitation components». وأضاف: «اذا ارادت الحكومة العراقية ان تتخلى الميليشيات عن الاسلحة يجب ان تخلق فرصا اقتصادية لعناصرها، ويجب وضع طرق لقياس التقدم في هذا المسعى».He added : «If the Iraqi government to abandon weapons of the militias must create economic opportunities for its members, We must develop ways to measure progress in this endeavor ». وأشار الى ضرورة انجاح بند آخر في العقد الدولي وهو «زيادة الميزانية المحددة لوزارتي الدفاع والداخلية لدعم القوات الامنية، حتى تزداد المسؤولية العراقية عن الوضع الامني».He pointed out the importance of the success of another clause in the contract which the international «increase the budget set for the Ministries of Defense and Interior to support the security forces. even more responsibility on the Iraqi security situation ». وقال ان الهدف من العقد ان «يكون العراق خلال السنوات الخمس المقبلة قادراً على تمويل العمليات في البلاد، مع استثمارات اجنبية بدلاً من المساعدات».He said that the objective of the contract that «Iraq will be during the next five years able to finance operations in the country. with foreign investment instead of aid ». وأضاف: «سنبذل كل جهد حتى يشعر الشعب العراقي في بانجازات هذا العقد في اقرب فرصة ممكنة»، بدلاً من الانتظار حتى انتهاء فترة العقد المحددة بخمس سنوات.He added : «will make every effort so that the Iraqi people's achievements in this decade at the earliest possible opportunity», instead of waiting until the end of the five-year contract. واعتبر ان قانون النفط الموقع اصداره قبل نهاية العام، وقانون الاستثمار الذي اقره البرلمان العراقي، سيؤديان الى تغييرات جذرية في العراق العام المقبل.He added that the oil law passed in the site before the end of the year, The investment law, approved by the Iraqi Parliament, will lead to radical changes in Iraq next year. وأوضح: «لا احد يريد الانتظار خمس سنوات لرؤية تحسن في الاوضاع، إلا ان بعد انتهاء السنوات الخمس يجب ان تمول الحكومة العراقية جميع مشاريعها بنفسها».He explained : «No one wants to wait five years to see the improvement in the situation, However, after the end of five years must be financed Iraqi government all their projects themselves ».

    ولفت الى ان من اهم البنود في العقد الدولي هو «التزام الحكومة العراقية بمواصلة مكافحة الفساد والتحلي بالمزيد من الشفافية».He pointed out that one of the most important items in the International Decade is «the Iraqi government to continue the fight against corruption and greater transparency». ورأى ان الحكومة العراقية أخذت خطوات للحد من الفساد في الدوائر الحكومية، ولكنه شدد على ضرورة بذل المزيد من الجهود للتصدي للفساد.He believed that the Iraqi government has taken steps to reduce corruption in government departments. but he stressed the need to exert more efforts to tackle corruption. وقال: «قلص الفساد من جانب صرف الاموال على المشاريع الجديدة، إلا ان هذا عطل بعض المشاريع لأن لجانا وزارية تدرس كل مشروع قبل اقراره».He said : «reduced corruption on the part of the disbursement of funds for new projects, However, that the failure of some projects because of the ministerial committees studying each project before it is approved ». وأضاف انه «ما زالت هناك مشاكل في التصدي للفساد من ناحية تسلم الايرادات وخاصة من ناحية الصادرات النفطية».He added that «there are still problems in dealing with corruption in terms of revenue recognized, in particular in terms of oil exports». وأوضح ان «الشفافية والمحاسبة السبل الأمثل للتصدي الى الفساد».He pointed out that «the transparency and accountability of the best ways to tackle corruption». وعن مشاكل تهريب النفط، قال كيميت: «ما زالت هناك مشاكل، ولكن ليست بالمستوى السابق».Regarding the problems of oil smuggling, Kimmitt said : «there are still problems, But no previous level ». وأوضح: «في يوليو (تموز) الماضي، عاد انتاج النفط العراقي الى مستوى ما قبل الحرب، اي 2.5 مليون برميل يوميا، تصرف 1.7 مليون منها وتخصيص 600 الف منها للاستخدام المحلي».He explained : «in July last (July), Iraqi oil production has returned to the pre-war level, any 2.5 million barrels per day, the disposal of 1.7 million and the allocation of 600 thousand for use local ». وتابع: «هذا يترك 200 ألف برميل يومياً لم تدخل الى الميزانية المركزية، وهذه مشكلة رئيسية وتعمل الحكومة العراقية على حلها من خلال اجراءات أمنية واقتصادية».He continued : «This leaves 200 thousand barrels per day has not entered into the central budget, and this is the main problem that the Iraqi government is working to solve them through security measures and economic ». وأضاف: «أعضاء الحكومة العراقية الذين أعمل معهم، وعلى رأسهم نائب رئيس الوزراء برهم صالح، قادرون على هذا العمل، ولدي أمل كبير فيهم بأن ينفذوا العقد الدولي الذي حاز تأييد جميع الفئات العراقية».He added : «members of the Iraqi government who work with them. , headed by Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, capable of this work, I am very hopeful that those implement the International Decade, which won the support of all Iraqi groups ».

    Translated version of mid=73

  2. #16682
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    ABC News: Bush, Top Generals Review Iraq Strategy

    BBC NEWS | Middle East | Bush consults top Iraq generals

    bbc article was posted at 14:55 today *saturday* so this was a current article.
    the abc article seems to be written on friday for publishing on saturday, it appears as if fridays abc article was pre-written for saturday publication.

    now, in these two articles it shows that they may be intentionally misleading so that we arent sure where bush is or that we are lead to believe he is somewhere he may not be!!!

    the video conference is shown in the article for the friday meeting with cheney in the vid. the man bush was scheduled to have the vid conference with is in the picture on friday when they said he was supposedly in a video conference on saturday.

    BBC NEWS | Middle East | Bush consults top Iraq generals

    but the only pictures of a vid conference taking place with these people is from friday. have you seen any photos of bush from saturday?? wonder where he was saturday if he took care of this vid conference on fri....

    and another article talked about him taking an early morning bike ride at 2am est. on saturday mornin.


    Bush Holds Strategy Session on Iraq -

    ok, so, where is bush? is this like a waldo search??? lol
    if you ask me i would say he went to baghdad and its being VERY highly guarded naturally. just like when he went to bed the last time then dashed out and flew to baghdad in the middle of the night.

    Great post SGS,

    I think you are right Bush is making a surprise trip to Baghdad hopefully for the RV or to kick them in the butt again. But I like RV better.

    Something is definitely going on it's like Christmas Eve!!!!

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


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    Default read between the lies

    Quote Originally Posted by howler View Post
    Think the robber was reading this forum, and new what was comming? LOL
    Seriously though, do you think they know a RV is around the corner?
    well... this is from cbi today, Sat/Sunday depending on your location....

    "The 790 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Monday 2006 / 10/ 16 so the results were as follows : "

    now, either someone has bombed the CBI, or no one is buying dollars cos dinars are about to be worth more than a US dollar.

    dont you think that the anti bush/iraq spinning news guys would be harping on about it for days if the CBI had been blown up?

    so, reading between the lines, what does that tell you about next week??!!

  4. #16684
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    Quote Originally Posted by garthstar View Post
    well... this is from cbi today, Sat/Sunday depending on your location....

    "The 790 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Monday 2006 / 10/ 16 so the results were as follows : "

    now, either someone has bombed the CBI, or no one is buying dollars cos dinars are about to be worth more than a US dollar.

    dont you think that the anti bush/iraq spinning news guys would be harping on about it for days if the CBI had been blown up?

    so, reading between the lines, what does that tell you about next week??!!
    its already next week in baghad. current time 4:50am baghdad sunday oct. 22.

    that article came out on monday, and again on thursday, and again on saturday. i believe we are fixin to have some answers to some hot questions reallll quick.

    remember we got eid comin on monday, money to be dolled out at the bank before that happens which would leave TODAY, sunday.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 22-10-2006 at 02:52 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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    I just wanted to give an update to what TheBrain started as far as the CBI website. This is the data info we had prior to the website coming back on line.....

    8/23/06 had the Alan Habib owner.

    Domain ID:D103823764-LROR
    Domain Name:CBIRAQ.ORG
    Created On:18-Jan-2004 14:34:27 UTC
    Last Updated On:05-Feb-2005 01:52:40 UTC
    Expiration Date:18-Jan-2007 14:34:27 UTC
    Sponsoring Registrar:Go Daddy Software, Inc. (R91-LROR)
    Registrant ID:GODA-05130817
    Registrant Name:Alan Habib
    Registrant Street1:1291 Ballantrae Farm Dr.
    Registrant Street2:McLean
    Registrant Street3:
    Registrant City:VA
    Registrant State/Province:Virginia
    Registrant Postal Code:22101
    Registrant Country:US
    Registrant Phone:+1.7038215030
    Registrant Phone Ext.:
    Registrant FAX:+1.7038930535
    Registrant FAX Ext.:
    Registrant Email:[email protected]
    Admin ID:GODA-25130817
    Admin Name:Alan Habib
    Admin Street1:1291 Ballantrae Farm Dr.
    Admin Street2:McLean
    Admin Street3:
    Admin City:VA
    Admin State/Province:Virginia
    Admin Postal Code:22101
    Admin Country:US
    Admin Phone:+1.7038215030
    Admin Phone Ext.:
    Admin FAX:+1.7038930535
    Admin FAX Ext.:
    Admin Email:[email protected]
    Tech ID:GODA-15130817
    Tech Name:Alan Habib
    Tech Street1:1291 Ballantrae Farm Dr.
    Tech Street2:McLean
    Tech Street3:
    Tech City:VA
    Tech State/Province:Virginia
    Tech Postal Code:22101
    Tech Country:US
    Tech Phone:+1.7038215030
    Tech Phone Ext.:
    Tech FAX:+1.7038930535
    Tech FAX Ext.:
    Tech Email:[email protected]
    Name Server:WSC1.JOMAX.NET
    Name Server:WSC2.JOMAX.NET


    Here is the whois from 10-3

    Domain ID:D103823764-LROR
    Domain Name:CBIRAQ.ORG
    Created On:18-Jan-2004 14:34:27 UTC
    Last Updated On:16-Sep-2006 07:57:26 UTC
    Expiration Date:18-Jan-2009 14:34:27 UTC
    Sponsoring Registrar:Go Daddy Software, Inc. (R91-LROR)
    Registrant ID:GODA-05130817
    Registrant Name:CBI CBI
    Registrant Street1:Al-Rasheed St.
    Registrant Street2:Baghdad-Iraq
    Registrant Street3:
    Registrant City:Baghdad
    Registrant State/Province:Baghdad
    Registrant Postal Code:00964
    Registrant Country:IQ
    Registrant Phone:+964.018165171
    Registrant Phone Ext.:
    Registrant FAX:
    Registrant FAX Ext.:
    Registrant Email:[email protected]
    Admin ID:GODA-25130817
    Admin Name:CBI CBI
    Admin Street1:Al-Rasheed St.
    Admin Street2:baghdad-Iraq
    Admin Street3:
    Admin City:Baghdad
    Admin State/Province:Baghdad
    Admin Postal Code:00964
    Admin Country:IQ
    Admin Phone:+964.8165171
    Admin Phone Ext.:
    Admin FAX:
    Admin FAX Ext.:
    Admin Email:[email protected]
    Tech ID:GODA-15130817
    Tech Name:CBI CBI
    Tech Street1:Al-Rasheed St.
    Tech Street2:baghdad-Iraq
    Tech Street3:
    Tech City:Baghdad
    Tech State/Province:Baghdad
    Tech Postal Code:00964
    Tech Country:IQ
    Tech Phone:+964.8165171
    Tech Phone Ext.:
    Tech FAX:
    Tech FAX Ext.:
    Tech Email:[email protected]


    Now this is the info after the website came back up.....

    Here is the whois from 10-21-06

    Domain ID:D103823764-LROR
    Domain Name:CBIRAQ.ORG
    Created On:18-Jan-2004 14:34:27 UTC
    Last Updated On:20-Oct-2006 19:51:23 UTC
    Expiration Date:18-Jan-2010 14:34:27 UTC
    Sponsoring Registrar:Go Daddy Software, Inc. (R91-LROR)
    Status:OK Registrant
    Registrant Name:CBI CBI
    Registrant Street1:Al-Rasheed St.
    Registrant Street2:Baghdad-Iraq
    Registrant Street3: Registrant City:Baghdad
    Registrant State/Province:Baghdad
    Registrant Postal Code:00964
    Registrant Country:IQ
    Registrant Phone:+964.018165171
    Registrant Phone Ext.
    Registrant FAX:
    Registrant FAX Ext.
    Registrant Email:[email protected]
    Admin ID:GODA-25130817
    Admin Name:CBI CBI
    Admin Street1:Al-Rasheed St.
    Admin Street2:baghdad-Iraq
    Admin Street3: Admin City:Baghdad
    Admin State/Province:Baghdad
    Admin Postal Code:00964
    Admin Country:IQ
    Admin Phone:+964.8165171
    Admin Phone
    Ext.: Admin FAX:
    Admin FAX Ext.
    Admin Email:[email protected]
    Tech ID:GODA-15130817
    Tech Name:CBI CBI
    Tech Street1:Al-Rasheed St.
    Tech Street2:baghdad-Iraq
    Tech Street3: Tech City:Baghdad
    Tech State/Province:Baghdad
    Tech Postal Code:00964
    Tech Country:IQ
    Tech Phone:+964.8165171
    Tech Phone Ext.
    Tech FAX:
    Tech FAX Ext.
    Tech Email:[email protected]
    Name Server:WSC1.JOMAX.NET
    Name Server:WSC2.JOMAX.NET

    Not much difference EXCEPT that the August data had
    Name Server:WSC2.JOMAX.NET

    10-3 had

    Now they have gone back to
    Name Server:WSC2.JOMAX.NET is interesting

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    Managing different Network Operating Centers.
    Managing different IT training centers in Iraq and Jordan.

    Currently supporting many of the InterGlobe operations in Iraq such as:
    Managing an international gateway that helps our troops call home from the middle-east.
    Managing different Satellite operations and HUBs at different Teleports/Earth Stations.
    Logistical Support and Products Supplies .
    High level training in Technology and soft skills

    Any thoughts now as to why the site was down and now back up?


  6. #16686
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I just wanted to give an update to the CBI website. This is the data info we had prior to the website coming back on line.....

    Any thoughts now as to why the site was down and now back up?

    yeah, it was easier than trying to explain the fact that they had stopped the auctions in preparation for whats about to happen today i presume. we are fixin to find out.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #16687
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-21-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The disappearance of a police officer and with 400 million Iraqi dinars in Baquba
    Diyala -- Iraq News
    Aware of our office in the town of Baquba that Mullazmmustafi Obeidi officer salaries in the Directorate of the Directorate of receivership Diyala police had disappeared! Today.
    He said a reliable source close to the police in Diyala, said the amount of 400 million dinars and associate salaries were supposed to be in the Treasury Directorate had disappeared, The officer above the Thursday Ptoya part of the salaries, but it disappeared today, which prompted the Directorate Ttfi effects and raided his house in the PLO to twice Alaanhm did not find the amount and Obeidi.
    Possibly one commented on the matter b (and the bird flew thread).

    Oct 20, 2006 1:33 am US/Eastern

    Millions Stolen From Iraq's Treasury
    (CBS News) NEW YORK More than half a billion dollars earmarked to fight the insurgency in Iraq was stolen by people the U.S. had entrusted to run the country's Ministry of Defense before the 2005 elections, according to Iraqi investigators.

    Iraq's former minister of finance says coalition members like the U.S. and Britain are doing little to help recover the money or catch suspects, most of whom fled the country. The 60 Minutes investigation also turned up audio recordings of a suspect who seems to be discussing the transfer of $45 million to the account of a top political adviser to the interim defense minister.

    Correspondent Steve Kroft reports on this mother of all heists this Sunday, Oct. 22, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

    "We have not been given any serious, official support from either the United States or the U.K. or any of the surrounding Arab countries," says Ali Allawi, who was confronted with the missing funds when he took over as Iraq's finance minister last year.

    He thinks he knows why Iraqi investigators have gotten little help. "The only explanation I can come up with is that too many people in positions of power and authority in the new Iraq have been, in one way or another, found with their hands inside the cookie jar," says Allawi, who left his post when a new Iraqi government was formed earlier this year. "And if they are brought to trial, it will cast a very disparaging light on those people who had supported them and brought them to this position of power and authority," he tells Kroft.

    One of the people praised in former U.S. Ambassador L. Paul Bremer's memoirs is a major suspect in the case. Ziad Cattan was in charge of military procurement at a time when the ministry of defense went on a $1.2 billion buying spree. Allawi estimates that $750 to $800 million of that money was stolen. Judge Radhi al-Radhi, head of Iraq's Commission on Public Integrity, which investigates official corruption, tells Kroft that a lot of the money that wasn't stolen was spent on outdated, useless equipment.

    "It isn't true," says Cattan, whom 60 Minutes found in Paris and who was recently convicted in absentia in Iraq for squandering public funds. He showed Kroft documents and pictures of equipment that he says is now in Iraq. An official from Jane's, one of the world’s foremost experts in military hardware, says the documents Cattan provided were too vague to prove anything.

    Audio recordings obtained by 60 Minutes reveal Cattan talking to an associate in Amman, Jordan, in 2004 about the distribution of Iraqi funds. According to two independent translations, he is discussing payoffs to Iraqi officials.

    One possible payoff the recordings allude to is the transfer of $45 million to the account of a top political adviser to the defense minister, a man who is also identified on the recordings as a representative of the president and the prime minister of the interim government. Cattan acknowledged his own voice was on the recordings. Three translators say he specifically mentions "$45 million," but he disputes the translation. "I don't say dollars," he tells Kroft. "I don't remember what the matter was."

    Cattan maintains that U.S. and coalition advisors at the Iraqi Ministry of Defense approved everything he did and says the recordings have been doctored. Audio experts consulted by 60 Minutes could not find any evidence of that. Judge Radhi also has a copy of the recordings and says a former employee of the ministry of defense confessed after hearing them.

    60 Minutes has learned that Cattan is building himself a villa in Poland. Another suspect, Naer Jumaili, principal in a middle-man company that handled much of the $1.2 billion in Iraqi military contracts, is said to be buying real estate in Amman, Jordan, and building himself a large villa, even though he is wanted by Interpol. Judge Rahdi believes the fugitive suspects are bribing their way to freedom and says countries like Jordan and Poland have been "no help at all" in apprehending the suspects or recovering the money.

    The case is one of 2,000 Iraqi government corruption cases the judge's commission is handling that, all told, involve $7.5 billion.

    No one in the U.S. government would speak on camera about the case. But U.S. officials say this was Iraqi money spent by a sovereign Iraqi government and therefore is the Iraqis' business.


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    Default CABINET APPROVES acceding to the Convention Tripoli investment

    Source : Journal of the Conference-20 / 10 / 2006
    ةRatios Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki during the last meeting of the Council of Ministers made the State Consultative Council on the legal position of the coverage of the hostage special legal provisions person missing in terms of pension entitlement and other privileges of the rest of the relationship. اAs approved by the Cabinet at the same meeting to Iraq to join the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit signed in Tripoli, Libya in 1992.Where will the matter to the House for appropriate action.

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    Source : Journal of the Conference-20 / 10 / 2006.Directorate initiated contacts, and mail processing Najaf citizens across the lines of Internet telephone Aloairls.A source at the Directorate told Makhoul (long) : started in Madiritna step is the first of its kind in the provinces to deliver the Internet to citizens via the telephone (Aloairls And the prices of lines and monthly subscription said : price was identified on the line with the Internet in addition to the amount of attachments (515000) dinars, and the monthly subscription rate (45000) dinars, the duration of the processing of "24" hours a day.On the other hand, the Directorate announced the opening of the Center for the Internet near the Post and Communications in Najaf works to provide Internet services and international fax at reasonable prices.

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    Default Kuwait, Iraqi Kurdistan Cooperate in Developing Oil Fields

    Iraqi and Kuwaiti officials plan to secure an agreement of cooperation in the next few months, allowing Kuwait to help Iraq develop its oil fields, according to local media reports. | IRAQ

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