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  1. #16891
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    you are translating into some other language. looks kurdish. try the google translator and select arabic to english (beta).
    From the PDF I selected all, the copied it, then pasted it into google translator arabic to english and thats what I got. Try it yourself and see if you get something different.

    Also if you look at the PDF in arabic, you can see it's the same one on CBI because of the numbers, and %'s.

    I have no idea where that other article the "I see it" one came from, and would love for someone to tell me where it came from, but I dont think thats it.

    EDIT: Nevermind Susie, see below, thanks.
    Last edited by Treater; 23-10-2006 at 01:17 AM.
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

  2. #16892
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    Treater...Here is the whole article:

    Bank of Baghdad, the Iraqi Marazi 18 / October / 2006 World Marazi 4196th statement on the Iraqi current positive trends in the overall level of prices Press Communiqué 'Issued from the CBI Concerning the current Positive Seabird of the General Price Level following World Marazi Iraqi interestdeep price trends and the current positive indicators displayed by the index of consumer prices in Iraq (Am'cher for inflation), which scored a broad decline in the growth rates, particularly in the month of September of this year, 2006,The (negative 13%) compared with August of the same year.And to the extent that the bank believes the Iraqi Marazi in this decline as a sign of the health of the Iraqi economy, to show its ability to contain the phenomenon of inflationary trends and respond to unwanted levels of living or productivity in the distribution of resources among the various uses,However, he is still aware that the source of Ant price fluctuations resulting from vibrations generated by the supply sector in the level of real rates of production or productivity promised by changing the basis for the development of activities of price and delinquency rates on the price of natural tracks and levels of moderation.Taking the positive developments in the energy sector, fuel and transport and communication sector has Abera, in the low rates of inflation in the month last September as the rates of decline contributed by paragraph fuel and lighting components in the index of consumer prices in Iraq about (negative 42%), while transport contributed paragraph. ( Wa%some of the surface (negative 33 and the World Marazi Iraqi need support the economic policy of positive trends in the level of inflation and the decline through various hubs and trends, particularly in the field of energy, fuel, and the areas of fiscal policy aimed at restructuring public expenditures and a containment pressureMali, as well as the role of the investment policy, including the various investment opportunities and boosted economic growth in the country. At a time when monetary policy to sense that there was high optimism in the stability of the general level of prices and the decline in inflation rates but it is aware of the importance of staying on the trends of strong backing to the hard-line LasTakrar economic,reflected in the current level of rates as well as the bank continues Marazi,interest Rate Policy-Marazi Iraqi Iraqi bank to achieve its objectives current operational addressed to influence the rates of the monetary liquidity and control menaced and embodied activity u1575 ongoing auction money, bonds and foreign currency auction. The bank will maintain Marazi Iraqi on the other tracksin its monetary policy to achieve intermediate goals for reducing inflation and contain inflationary expectations, relying on "stabilizing nominal" cash Aatar Yazzmen rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and boosted the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar to move across the tracks and cash assistance in inflation targeting. eitherAlihalanange reflect the Bank's monetary Marazi Iraqi Without doubt on the link between climate and means of monetary policy,whether in the area of interest rates or exchange rates on one hand,The stability of the general level of prices on the other hand promised the Association of tasks President underlying the Marazi Bank in the implementation of its goals to maximize the purchasing power of cash income and the strengthening of the capacities of the country coffers in a way that achieves the objectives of economic growth in the long term.


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    Islamic Initiative on Iraq

    Islamic Initiative on Iraq Amir Taheri

    As the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan ends, all eyes will be on Makkah where a number or prominent Islamic scholars come together to seek ways of ending the sectarian violence in Iraq. The gatherings brings together Sunni and Shiite theologians from Iraq and eight other Muslim countries to discuss and approve a declaration demanding an end to sectarian feuds that have claimed the lives of thousands of Iraqis, mostly civilians. Backed by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the gathering reflects growing impatience with the self-styled jihadists and militias throughout the Muslim world.The proposed draft of the declaration, designated as “The Makkah Covenant”, categorically states that bloodshed motivated by sectarian considerations is “haram” (forbidden) with its perpetrators regarded as individuals waging war on God. Iraq’s principal Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali-Muhmmad Husseini Sistani wants the Makkah gathering to go further by also labeling as “haram” not just the bloodshed but any incitement to sectarian hatred. Some participants wish to make the covenant applicable to people of all faiths, thus sending a signal that Muslims also oppose the killing of Christians in Iraq.The Makkah gathering represents the first major effort by Sunnis and Shiites toward the mutual recognition of one another as acceptable versions of the same faith, since 1947. The accord signed at the time put an almost immediate end to centuries of vilification conducted by the more radical Shiites and the Sunnis against one another. It was not until the late 1970s that the Sunni-Shiite feud was stoked up once again, and then for entirely political reasons.While efforts to develop a common position against sectarian killings in Iraq must be welcomed, the Makkah Covenant is unlikely to tackle the fundamental causes of violence in that country: The inability of the newly installed Iraqi system to impose law and order, and the growing concern that its American allies might not be prepared to stay the course.Talk to Iraqis these days, and you are likely to hear one thing: What are the Americans and their British allies up to? The Iraqis have in mind the perception that the political mainstream in both the US and Britain, as illustrated by the recent remarks of the head of the British armed forces, now regards the Iraq project as a disaster, with cut-and-run, or whistle-and-walk-away, as the only options. It is not surprising that most radical of the self-styled jihadists, flushed out of Afghanistan after the fall of the Taleban, have found their way into Iraq. Other self-styled jihadists, from North Africa, Egypt, the Sudan, Jordan, the Gulf Arab states, and the European Union, have also gone to Iraq, to prevent the consolidation of the newly established system. Iraq today is the central battlefield in the global war between two mutually exclusive visions of the future.The self-styled jihadists know that they cannot win on that battlefield. After three years of almost daily killings, often in the most horrible manner imaginable, they have failed to alter new Iraq’s political agenda. Nor have they managed to win control of any territory or broaden their constituency. The self-styled jihadists have suffered thousands of casualties with many more captured by the US-led forces and the new Iraqi Army and police. Despite more than 180 suicide operations, and countless opportunistic attacks on civilian targets, the self-styled jihadists have been largely on the defensive since they lost their principal base at Fallujah last year. They kill teachers and children, but schools remain open. They kill doctors and patients, but hospitals continue to function. They kill civil servants, but the ministries are crawling back into operation. They kidnap and murder foreign businessmen, but more keep coming. They massacre volunteers for the new army and police, but the lines of those who wish to join grow longer. They blow up pipelines and kill oil workers, but oil continues to flow. They kill judges and lawyers, but Iraq’s new courts continue to work. They machine-gun buses carrying foreign pilgrims, but they keep coming back in growing numbers. They kill newspaper boys, but newspapers continue to be delivered every day.Since the invasion, an estimated 45,000 Iraqis have been killed, largely because of insurgent and terrorist activities. And, yet, there are few signs that a majority of Iraqis are prepared to raise the white flag of surrender.Several events in the past two weeks have highlighted the growing isolation of the self-styled jihadists and their Saddamite allies. One event is the creation of a tribal alliance, bringing together all Arab Sunni clans of western Iraq together in a united front to “chase Al-Qaeda out of Iraq.” (The alliance is partly modeled on the Algerian self-defense movement, set up in 1994 to arm villagers against Islamist terrorists.) It was partly in response to that event that Al-Qaeda’s branch in Iraq published an appeal to Osama Bin Laden, the presumed leader of the group, to dismiss Abu-Ayyub Al-Masri, the group’s “commander” in Iraq. The reason is that Al-Masri, an Egyptian terrorist, has tried to push the group’s violence to new depths of perfidy by planting mines in primary schools and hospitals and organizing rackets against shopkeepers, both Shiite and Sunni. The statement calling for Al-Masri’s dismissal calls him a “deviant”, a label that indicates the willingness of some Al-Qaeda members to liquidate him if he is not replaced in time.A second noteworthy event is the almost unanimous approval by the Iraqi National Assembly (Parliament) of a new plan for peace and reconciliation. Backed by all ethnic and religious communities through their political parties, the new plan further underlines the marginalization of the self-styled jihadist ad Saddamite groups.Under the plan, the different ethnic and religious groups would come to one another’s help whenever needed in the battle against the insurgents. If implemented, the plan would end a de facto situation in which Arab Sunni areas have been regarded as no-go areas for Shiite and Kurdish forces and vice-versa. More importantly, perhaps, the plan envisages the creation of a unified information office that to harmonize the sermons delivered at mosques, regardless of their sectarian affiliations. The idea is to use the mosque as a forum for a unified and democratic Iraq rather than a hub of sectarian agitation.Despite the dramatic increase in terrorist attacks in recent weeks, new Iraq is holding its own because Iraqi morale is holding.The Makkah Covenant, welcome though it is, cannot propel Iraq out of the current crisis. The Muslim nations need to ask themselves whether allowing Iraq to remain in crisis for many more years is in their best interest. And, if the answer is no, they ought to look for ways and means of helping stabilize Iraq. The United Nations’ mandate under which the US-led multinational force is present in Iraq ends in December. That provides an opportunity for thinking about a new, vastly re-composed, international force to replace the present coalition. While the US is certain to remain committed to Iraq at least as long as George W. Bush is in the White House, it is natural that Muslim nations should assume a major role in helping phase out the American presence without undermining new Iraq’s integrity and security.

  4. #16894
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Treater...Here is the whole article:


    Thank you. Nevermind Susie, thanks guys, don't know why it translated so messed up for me with google translator, thanks.
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

  5. #16895
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    Quote Originally Posted by motomachi View Post
    ID exchange rate declines | Iraq Updates
    ID exchange rate declines

    Baghdad, 22 October 2006 (NINA)
    The US Dollar exchange rate increased against Iraqi Dinar in central bank's auction Sunday. The US dollar was sold on Sunday's session for 1473 Iraqi Dinars, whereas it was sold for 1470 Iraqi Dinars on Thursday's session. The total sales of the central bank were 50,220,000.
    Looks like they are forced to RV, look at this!
    That means the "DOT" has to move from right to left three "whole" numbers!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!
    Therefore, 1473 becomes 1.473 and that looks good to me, how about you?
    where are you getting that at?? this article says that it now takes three more dinar added to the last rate to make it cheaper currency which is correct.
    where were you reading moving the decimal? im confused.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #16896
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    Cool World, Iraqi, and Kurdish National News, The KNUT Shell!

    .:: Peyamner Daily NEWS::.

    Headlines: Germany to open Consulate in Erbil
    By The Kurdish Globe

    PNA-The new consul has been named as Kenan Shekho, a German citizen of Kurdish origin and member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Mr. Shekho is due to present his official documents to Kurdistan President Barzani at the end of this month.

    Mr. Shekho has been member of Hanover Landtag (Regional Parliament) for the last six years.

    With the flow of foreign investors to the region following the end of war in 2003, several foreign countries, such as France and Czech Republic, have considered and expressed their readiness to open representation offices in Erbil to offer services to their nationals who are based in Kurdistan.

    National _ Turkey would have to face Peshmarga if it opposes Kurdistan independence [15:37 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Galbraith warned that any attempt to attack the Iraqi Kurdish region would wreck Turkey's goal of joining the EU.

    National _ Iraq Kurdistan launches tourism campaign [15:20 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-There are about 70 flights a week to the region, some of which do require travel through the dangerous Baghdad International Airport.

    National _ Kurdistan Health minister: Top priority is improving primary healthcare [15:20 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Dr. Abdul Rahman Yones, Kurdistan Regional Government Minister for Health, came to the UK and Germany last week to hold talks with several specialists about medical training programmes. The minister gave this in-depth interview about the health sector and his plans to improve healthcare in the Region.

    National _ Tussle between Baghdad, Kurds over crude resources [15:06 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Temperatures are soaring. And the apples of discord are the energy riches of Kurdistan Region (Iraq) -– now firmly under Kurdish control. Stakes are getting higher as the issue enters a new, defining phase in the war-torn Iraq.

    National _ Kurds angry at appointment of a Turkmen in a high council [15:06 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Kader Aziz, representative of autonomous Kurdistan region president Massoud Barazani, criticized Saturday the Iraqi premier's decision to appoint a Turkmen representative to the higher council responsible for implementation of the much-debated article 140 in Kirkuk.

    Iraq _ U.K. official: Iraqi army 'coming along' [15:06 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Iraqi police and military should be ready to take on much of the work being done by U.S.-led forces within a year, a British government minister said Saturday.

    Iraq _ Iraqi forces will take over within a year: British minister [15:06 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Iraqi soldiers and police will be ready to take over security from coalition troops within a year, British junior foreign minister Kim Howells said.

    Iraq _ US to give Iraq a timetable on security [15:05 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-The United States plans to give the Iraqi government a timetable to address sectarian violence and get a handle on the security situation, and it will threaten penalties if the Iraqis fail to reach US-established benchmarks, The New York Times reported on its website.

    Iraq _ U.S. sees deadliest month of '06 in Iraq [15:05 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Five bicycle bombs and a hail of mortar shells ripped apart a market south of Baghdad on Saturday, killing 18 people in yet another sign that Iraq's government and U.S. forces were struggling to contain sectarian violence. Three U.S. Marines also were killed, making October the deadliest month for American forces this year.

    Iraq _ Diplomat admits US 'arrogance' and 'stupidity' in Iraq [15:05 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-A senior US diplomat said his country has shown "arrogance" and "stupidity" in its dealing with Iraq and admitted Washington had made "many mistakes" in its foreign policy in the war-torn country.

    Iraq _ Pope calls for end to sectarian violence in Iraq [15:05 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Pope Benedict called on Iraqis and religious and political leaders worldwide on Sunday to stop the violence between religious factions in Iraq that has cost the lives of innocent Muslims and Christians.

    Iraq _ "Arrogance" and "stupidity" from U.S. in Iraq: official [14:43 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-The United States has shown "arrogance" and "stupidity" in Iraq, a senior U.S. official said in an interview aired by an Arabic news channel on Sunday.

    Iraq _ Poll: Iraqi youth want U.S. to leave [14:41 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Majorities of Iraqi youth in Arab regions of the country believe security would improve and violence decrease if the U.S.-led forces left immediately, according to a State Department poll that provides a window into the grim warnings provided to policymakers.

    Iraq _ Bush, top generals mull changes in Iraq strategy [14:41 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Amid a surge in US soldier deaths and under increasing pressure to change course in Iraq,President George W. Bush met with top military commanders to mull possible adjustments to US strategy, the White House said.

    Iraq _ Iraq eyes grim holiday as US mulls change in tack [14:41 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Iraqis prepared to mark a grim Eid holiday after the bloodiest Ramadan month in more than three years forced the United States to weigh a change in tactics.

    World _ Somali, Ethiopian troops capture town from Islamists [14:41 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Somali government troops backed by Ethiopian forces have captured a town near a government base in south central Somalia after heavy clashes with Islamic militia, residents and commanders said.

    World _ Georgia denies planning war over breakaway regions [14:40 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili qualified as "absurd" a claim by Russian PresidentVladimir Putin that Georgia was preparing military action to take back two separatist regions.

    World _ Rice gets Russia assurances on North Korea sanctions [14:40 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Russia has indicated it would strictly enforce sanctions on North Korea as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met top leaders in Moscow at the end of a tour to push for full implementation of the UN penalties in response to Pyongyang's nuclear test.

    World _ Voting in Greek runoff elections underway with right wing ahead [14:40 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Runoff elections in seven regional districts and 247 municipalities in Greece has got underway with the ruling right-wing New Democracy party in the lead after a first-round ballot last week.

    World _ US, China at odds over how to handle NKorea [14:40 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's visit to China illustrated a fundamental gap in how Washington and Beijing think the North Korean nuclear crisis can be resolved, observers say.

    World _ Incumbent Parvanov leading in Bulgarian election [14:40 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Bulgaria's incumbent Socialist President Georgy Parvanov, who is running for a second term, was leading in the elections with between 57.5 and 67 percent of the vote, according to unofficial exit polls carried on independent radio.

    World _ More than 400 illegal immigrants land on Italian island [14:40 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- More than 400 would-be immigrants have landed on Italy's extreme southern island of Lampedusa, south of Sicily, after being intercepted by the Italian coast guard.

    World _ Iran vows retaliation against expected UN sanctions [14:39 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA-Iran admitted it was heading for UN sanctions over its nuclear programme, warning it would take "appropriate measures" in retaliation for any punitive action.

    World _ Devilish details could undermine Sri Lanka peace talks [14:18 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- Sri Lanka's warring parties were bracing for talks aimed at saving a tattered truce, but arranging next weekend's parley is becoming a logistical "minefield" that could blow up before the meeting begins.

    World _ Bomb kills one, injures 12, in Thailand's Muslim-majority south [14:17 , 22 Oct 2006]
    PNA- A bomb in Thailand's insurgency-torn south on Sunday morning killed one soldier and injured a dozen people including five Buddhist monks, local police said.

    (Read all this news at .:: Peyamner Daily NEWS::. ,
    here you can pick and choose what you want to read in English!
    Then you can visualize what is happening and it is happening faster and faster!
    Pack your RV bag and get ready to go! )

  7. #16897
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    I really can not figure out Iraq what makes sense to us seems they do the opposite.

    I am hoping they are holding off on the 10,000 gift and I hope they RV before are US elections are over. Right now the Republicans are in jeopard of losing the Senate and the House. This would not be good I hope the October surprise is a BIG RV.

    I understand that this is a big task for the Iraq Government to become a Democracy and a lot is probably going on that we do not know about. I just wish we had the milestone planer.

    I really hope this happens before the end of the year but even better would be before the end of this month.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  8. #16898
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    I really can not figure out Iraq what makes sense to us seems they do the opposite.

    I am hoping they are holding off on the 10,000 gift and I hope they RV before are US elections are over. Right now the Republicans are in jeopard of losing the Senate and the House. This would not be good I hope the October surprise is a BIG RV.

    I understand that this is a big task for the Iraq Government to become a Democracy and a lot is probably going on that we do not know about. I just wish we had the milestone planer.

    I really hope this happens before the end of the year but even better would be before the end of this month.

    the 'october surprise' would never be a big fat rv to celebrate for the republicans. most americans have no clue about dinar or what it is or what a revalue would mean or anything.

    im sure it has to do with the change in iraqi policies etc. once they have a revalued currency etc. but that would come after the revalue a bit. i think the timing hasnt accomodated dubya at all or the republicans. the iraqis have been playing a game of cat and mouse about that debt which has caused them to hold off on the rv even with the pressure from bush. they do not want to pay more back than they absolutely have to and if they revalued the dinar before they had all the agreements on the debt taken care of the countries wouldnt agree to diddly coz they would then see iraq was going to have plenty to pay back with. like i said they are cuttin it so very close...

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #16899
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    by the way, the last rumor i heard, or was pmed to me trying to get me to publish it was for the 21st. it came from the fab 5 camp. for some reason they want others to take the blame if their rumors dont pan out and im not gonna buy me a big tub of bohica butter for them NO MO!!

    someone might wanna take that info back to dg and atlas for them, or since they read all our news here because theyve run all their good news people off i guess they can read it here for themselves.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 23-10-2006 at 01:44 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #16900
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    Wink Adster, Is this what you wanted?

    Adster keeps saying the end of November because of some ICI being signed. Is the ICI that your talking about that is going to be signed on October 31 in Kawait? If so, they also talked about settling the debt at that time also, so I guess it's possible the first week of November? I sure hope that secret passage of the HCL they've been talking about gets done this week so we can get a move on it!!!!! I think that when it does happen I won't believe it since they have cried wolf so much.

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