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  1. #16961
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Reading newspapers in Baghdad the day October 21, 2006
    1. Morning
    The first page
    1-Charter Mecca : clergy pledge for peace at the House of God, composed of ten items blessed al-Sistani and broadcast to the world the presence of three million pilgrims
    2 - continued to pay the salaries of the martyrs of the army and police until the beginning of next year

    The inner pages
    One-Maliki send a ministerial body to investigate the reasons and Sadr's calls for an end to the bloodshed. the situation in Amarah stable after the events of Thursday and Friday
    2-examine the final draft of the International Covenant with Iraq to sign it in Tikrit
    3-Fouad Massoum : approval of the principle of federalism does not mean the desire to divide the country, existing Kurdistan with the interests of Iraq and the region
    4 - Anti-Israel on the occasion of Jerusalem (in Baghdad and Basra and Diwaniyah and Najaf)
    5-Interior : security preparations for the reception of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, arrested gang affiliates
    6-Cabinet extended the work of the staff of the dissolved entities one year, A number of important decisions and vital
    7-electricity reveal the futility of importing electricity from the neighboring countries of the high cost

    2. Middle East
    The first page
    One-armed Iraqi leader of the organization : We do not want an American withdrawal immediately, Abu Omar told of the Middle East : Saddam is no longer able to command
    2-architecture : dozens of dead and wounded in clashes with security Mahdi Army, mortar fire for the country to sign nine dead and 12 injured
    Three-Saudi resolved more sensitive files. The pledge, identify arrangements allegiance, the crown prince and to fill any vacuum in the event of death, illness or disability
    4-relying on the Iraqis to meet in Mecca to rescue them, religious scholars and political leaders welcome the meeting agree on its importance Baghdad-
    5 : 5 Killed in Mortar attack on the compound of Palestinian
    6 - The killing of a former guard soccer star British Bikam in Iraq

    The inner pages
    1-more than 100 dead and injured in clashes between police and the Mahdi Army in Amarah, American killed in the raid of a mosque in western Iraq and the killing of one of the Marines in Anbar
    Two-the return of the sectarian violence to the Balad area north of Baghdad. 9 dead and 12 injured Down mortar shells at the town
    3-assassination of the former police chief of Anbar
    4 - The death of an Iraqi detainee in the Buca prison in southern Iraq.
    5 - Netherlands denies intention to send troops to Iraq
    6-United Nations : Maliki instructions from the Ministry of Health to provide us with the preparation of the dead, She expressed concern that the decision would lead to politicization of the counting victims of violence
    7-Commander of Iraqi armed organization : Maliki initiative failed because it is no planning or goal, Abu Omar told of the Middle East : our dialogue with the Americans for failing to stop the promises
    8-Iraqi street waiting for the results of the Mecca carrying righteousness safety, Shiite clerics and politicians welcomed the meeting
    Nine-American Special Representative : we defeat the Kurdistan Workers Party, in cooperation with Ankara and Baghdad. General Ralston : loss of Turkey similar to what was done by Al Qaeda in the September 11

    3. European
    The first page
    1-political council of national security continues to meet to discuss public affairs in the country
    2-announcement of the Mecca of the prohibition and Iraqi blood stop sectarian violence, Iraqis look with hope to the religious leaderships
    3-To allow students to return to their chains Almerqanh seats university study
    4-Maliki send Alowaeli to Amarah and government maintains that the situation was under control
    5-Zebari : the position of the American president was not against federal law, the Non located in the Constitution
    6-White House rejects some of the options on Iraq and insist on victory
    7-inspection campaigns and raids in Kirkuk and Mosul result in the arrest of a number of terrorists. the surrender of leaders of the terrorist group al-Qaeda in Anbar
    8-Iraqi President up to Sulaymaniyah

    The inner pages
    1-Foreign Minister will meet with the representative of the United States in the Iraqi-Turkish-American, emphasized that Iraq would not be a corridor or haven for terrorists
    2-President Talabani stresses the importance of the role of the Ministry of Planning in the current stage, personal and meet national Mohamed Al-Haj Hammoud
    3-President of the Republic : Washington is determined to continue to support Iraq despite violence

    4. Orient
    The first page
    1-Amarah confrontations : Sadr calls for calm, Al-Maliki send a commission of inquiry. The arrest of the brother of intelligence leading role in the Sadri movement accused of involvement in the assassination of security official Two-American army reconsider the Baghdad security plan
    Three-armed men abducted son of the President of Council of the Islamic party
    4-security company to protect international routes to Syria and Jordan
    5-Interior warns organizers groupings pro-Saddam

    The inner pages
    1-body integrity verification with the former minister of transport and a number of officials in the waste of public funds
    2-Najat Ahmad Chalabi of the assassination (on the road to Baghdad disbanded) Very able
    3-CALL-Assyrian autonomous Kurdistan within
    4-Turkey says that Iraq is on the fight against terrorism and to shoulder its responsibilities
    5-Accord Front proposes to amend 20 articles in the Constitution

    5. Justice
    The first page
    1-roots clinics to open its doors in the Eid al-Fitr holiday
    2-Cabinet decides to extend the work of the dissolved entities, amendment allowances rental housing units
    3-Iraqis Muharram blood on any person, the signing of the document and stop the bloodshed in Iraq at the Mecca.
    4 Abdul-Mahdi : We are now at the stage of the State and not in a category of whether the latter wants to be liberated, during welcomed the return of scholar Murtada Iraq's military

    The inner pages
    1-Mr. Hakim emphasized the need attention to the magnitude of the challenges facing the Iraqi people. during his meeting replaced with a wide variety of media cadres in the coalition
    2-Kurdistan parliament after the feast to discuss prison conditions there
    3 Ibid large-Mohammed Said Al-Hakim calls the security services into lifting the siege on the city of the country
    4-Diwaniyah Governorate Council to complain Vdhaiti Eastern and Zawra Mr. Qabbanji-
    5 : the new Iraq is entitled popular will and a fair distribution of rights, future notables clans Kufa
    6-abduction of a member of the committee writing the constitution

    6. Azzaman
    The first page
    1-have deployed calls to lay down their weapons in two months, the Haj season. the attention of Iraqis moving towards Mecca to stop the bloodshed
    2-Municipalities : counting 500 thousand plot of land of the martyrs, prisoners and staff
    3-collapse of security in Amarah after clashes between police and the Mahdi Army
    4-Iraqi astronomical : Tuesday, the first day of Eid al-Fitr
    5-Financial : Privileges families of the martyrs army and the police will continue until 2007

    The inner pages
    1 - academics : the economic recession led to a reduction in job opportunities
    2 - The Islamic Army in Iraq : let not to release Saddam and periodic ALLEGIANCE
    3-Political Council : all parties in the government bear the responsibility for security
    4-CBE : an urgent plan for dealing with inflation and recession
    5-criminal issued the death sentence against three guards working for victims
    6-Guard deputy governor of Diwaniyah assault beaten doctor
    7-growing displaced persons to Nasiriyah, divergent views of intellectuals on the draft Territories

    7. Long
    The first page
    1-Merqanh allowed to return to their chains desks
    Two-document Mecca : the sanctity of Muslim blood and money and the importance of national unity
    3-Maliki send a committee headed by the Minister to examine the situation in the city of Amarah
    4 - The Iraqi Islamic WARNS OF LEAD safe areas of Baghdad into something like the fate of Ramadi or Fallujah
    Five-treatment of Iraqi blood coagulation and clot

    The inner pages
    1-activate a Mecca practically the most important decrees signed
    2-Interior reduction of armed operations. And the American Army reviews Stratejth in Baghdad, Political Council for National Security cost-Maliki prepare ideas for the development of security performance
    3-Proliferation expanded gunmen in the areas west of Baghdad
    4-Turkey recognizes Iraq 120 people crossed the border in an informal way

    8. Fraternity
    The first page
    1-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iraq denies change the American position, the White House confirms the stability of America's strategy in Iraq
    Two-and the document has the support of Mecca and optimism authorities and religious symbols, the government announced renewed determination to achieve security in the country
    3 - Dr. Fouad Massoum : we will not abandon the principle of federalism and the matter is settled and not subject to any bargain
    4-Adnan Al-Dulaimi : The document Mecca has pride of place in the hearts of Iraqis. Iraqi leaders meet with the Saudi monarch
    5-White House : American strategy in Iraq can not be reviewed
    6 - The Ministry of the Interior to take strict legal action against anyone who incites violence

    The inner pages
    1-Vice-President of the Republic will meet the Iraqi community in Jordan
    2 - Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives ambassador of the Republic of Serbia and Denmark in Baghdad Press reports

    1-Alyan told «life» : government support for clans Council sharp internal dissension ...
    The rescue Anbar «» underestimate the importance of the rule review «» government support and is expected to proceed to the storm Ramadi Baghdad-Al-Hayat leadership Reducing the rescue Anbar «», «emanating from the awakening of the people of Anbar» importance of the military told «Mujahideen Shura Council», headed by Al Qaeda organization «», in Ramadi, the city declared Islamic Emirate «», He scoffed at the invitation of the people to pledge allegiance. A member rescue «» Alheis Sheikh Hamid in a telephone conversation with «life» «that the gunmen inside the gray forced shop owners, porters and vendors to get them in a number of reviews and walked around the city». He explained that they do not represent the non-«a very small percentage of people to maintain, and they (the gunmen) stationed inside the city and using civilians as human shields », He pointed out that the leaderships of the army and police and the rescue «» «taken the decision to postpone the invasion of the city». «And confirmed that the military organized by the armed groups came in response to the announcement rescue intention to invade the city». He added, «allegations that they wrest control of Anbar province is not true. understanding the control of the parts of the city of Ramadi only, These parts do not have to move to where it in the hands of the Islamic Party and the city's governor, Mamoun Rashid ». , Pointed out that «the government is still on its previous position of the operations that we are carrying out, but it did not provide any real support-media statements ». He stressed that the «Islamic Party and governor of Anbar behind this position». He concluded by saying : Alheis «Our meeting with Al-Maliki has not yet occurred and we are awaiting contact from the library». For his part, Khalaf Al-Alyan confirmed, leadership in front «consensus» Sunni, objection forces rallying in front of any government support or to the American clans involved in the rescue Anbar «». He questioned the intentions and capabilities of the tribal chiefs «» attorneys Sheikh Sattar Alborisha to achieve unanimity clan. He pointed out that the tribal leaders in Ramadi and other cities in Anbar «refuse to engage in formations founded Alborisha», He warned of a rift within Anbar, in the event the government and the American forces in support of this Council «». And on the review of Al Qaeda elements in Ramadi and declared the formation of an Islamic Emirate «» in the Sunni areas of Iraq, he said that Alyan «Base Organizations trying to invest the political and security vacuum in Ramadi». He added that «build true security forces, balanced and open a dialogue with the Iraqi resistance groups would end the presence of Al Qaeda, especially that the ambitions of the Principality of Iraq consistent with the pursuit of the multi division ». But Sheikh Abdul Sattar Po brushes, »« leader of the Council, told «life» that «all clans Senate Anbar, officers in the former army and the police and army in Anbar in a permanent contact with the Prime Minister waiting for the final position of the government of our demands». He said : «We are ready to fight a battle with the terrorists, but we are waiting for government support, the fact that we do not have the military capabilities and material resources for the battle of this size ». He added that the government has been saying that «we coordination with the city's governor, Mamoun Rasheed being elected, We do not know of him or when the elections took place », He went on to say that «Rasheed is not in a position to stand in the face (the gunmen), especially if the government knew that the military was the last in front of his house». The Po brush that «the center of the city of Ramadi, under the control of armed». He pointed out that «leaders of the rescue work on the restructuring of the fighters waiting to receive support from the Ministry of the Interior, the Council of Ministers, cars and weapons», He pointed out that «clans under the banner of the rescue surrounded the city of Anbar and in firm control of all the streets leading to it, but it does not have the power to enter the city ». He added that «clan fighting alone do not coordinate between them and other armed factions opposed to Al-Qaida and which battalions century revolution and the Islamic Army», He pointed out that «battalions of the national armed factions could coordinate with the future». And the new map of the areas controlled by the Save the Anbar «», The Po brush «We have gained on the areas clan Po Ebeid west to the city of Ramadi and Hit is the Antor (Amiriyat al-Bu Issa) in Habbaniyah, even Heat eastward addition to the city outlets including those leading to Syria, the highway and the old road. There patrols of the police to maintain curfew in the road between these areas and arresting them and climbed to ». So, Anbar governor discuss with a number of clan elders security operation in the city of Ramadi and other cities in the province. He said in a press statement that «been reached positive results, including the opening of dialogue for the formation of a coordination committee of ten men, five of them were from the province and five others of the clan elders ». He pointed out that «the work of the Commission is to study proposals for the reconstruction and maintain security and the fight against corruption and the elimination of armed groups». On the other hand, The commander of multinational forces in the western region, General »Brest that his forces coordinated with the tribal elders Anbar to establish a better security situation». The focus today : Echoes from Iraqi religious leaders signed a document Mecca 1-Friday preachers HAIL Conference Mecca and demand mechanisms to stop violence Baghdad, as the Najaf-Amri, Fadel Rashad-life Asked mosques, the imams of the two clerics and personalities participating in the Mecca need to take the decision to stop the daily bloodshed in Iraq. The Sheikh Mahmoud Abithaui, The Imam of a mosque imam, Sheikh Abdul Kader al-Kilani that «away participants at the Mecca of their political differences and sectarianism. and finding suitable solutions to the suffering of the Iraqis, which have been growing day after day ». With Sheikh Mohammed Jasim al-Samarra'i, Imam of a mosque preacher and blond, in Ghazaliya to «avoid clerics on the political arena and not be part of the game that emerges specific political views». He said that «Abithaui attention from the delegates in Mecca and the Iraqi people hold a lot of expectations on them to stop this river of blood in Iraq and tame security problems and sectarianism, which began exacerbated significantly in the last phase». He called for Iraqis of different shadows b «maintenance of the country's unity and not led astray by those who are trying to foment sectarian war». He stressed the need to release the detainees in the prisons of the Ministries of Defense and Interior, who were not proven guilty. For his part, Sheikh Mohammed Jasim al-Samarra'i, imam mosque in the Ghazaliya blond men of religion to stay away from politics «», stressing the need to be «not turn to the clergy as a political or participate in a game of draw political views». He said that «the clergy must move away from political bickering and enter into the maze and interventions are indispensable». He also called on Muslims to unite ranks, «not to be drawn behind the sectarian designations», He asked residents b «tolerance away from the practices away from religion, such as the displacement of sectarian worsening significantly in the Ghazaliyah district during the past few weeks». So, Sheikh Jawad al. Preacher Khalseh school in the Kadhimiya need «defuse the civil war, which are meant to burn strongly in the country», He called on those responsible to the government and parliament to prevent flare «such a war which will be on the green and the ground». He pointed to the need to involve religious leaders not to participate in projects such as «political reference Mr. Ahmed Al Baghdadi in Mecca and the subsequent religious conferences aimed at injecting blood of Iraqis», Dan and relocations sectarian and indiscriminate killings in the country, criticizing the confusion «security» suffered. In Karbala (110 km south of Karbala), Mr. Ahmed welcomed the representative of the net with Shiite Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in a sermon in the dish-Husseini at the Mecca «», He emphasized that «the conflict for which it was convened Conference is a political and not sectarian, It must also understand », The «this conflict may take the cover of religious It is not a religious conflict». He said that the success of the conference «pending understanding the nature of the crisis on the ground». »He said that the decisions that are important in forcing it to all the parties signatory». He stated that «neighboring countries still help to the enemies of the Iraqi people through facilitating the entry of terrorists and their support financially», «called on the government to be mindful that elected and thus derive their legitimacy from the people and will support it», He called on the government to «show firmness and force about the ongoing crisis in the country», in particular with regard to «b lawlessness and administrative corruption». In Najaf (180 km south of Baghdad), touched Mr. Yassin al-Musawi, , which established the Friday prayers in the Husseinieh Fatimid. federalism, and said : «We do not accept the division of Iraq, and we will not accept that our slogans raped cloudy and unclear», He added : «with the presence of terrorism and murder in the streets could not raise a hand on everything Astrjanah blood». With regard to the Mecca said : «The mere opening up to Iraq and participate in the solution to the problem of Iraqi blood by brothers is a good thing». 2-Iraqi imams support the document Mecca in Friday sermons Custodian of the Two Holy participants : We do not want to interfere between the sons of the Islamic nation Mecca : Riyadh Majid Kinani Baghdad : »« Middle East The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz. the participants in the Iraqi reconciliation conference being held in Mecca, Good luck in the interest of Iraq and in the interest of their brothers in the Arab world and the Islamic world. , saying : «I welcome you to your second, and I wish you luck and success to you, thankfully, all of Muslim Brotherhood, We do not want to interfere between the sons of the Islamic nation ». This came while the Iraqi street is waiting for the signing of the night on a document «» Mecca, which prohibits sectarian fighting in Iraq. particularly as it has the support and blessing of political and religious figures have an impact on the Iraqi street, troubled at the airport with Shiite Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. The imams in the Friday sermons document. It fell more than one hundred Iraqis were killed or wounded in clashes between Iraqi security forces and the Mahdi Army «» began the day before yesterday and continued yesterday in Amarah. A source who wished to remain anonymous, «The clashes broke out against the backdrop of the arrest of the brother is the Mahdi Army by members of police intelligence». * Text of a document Mecca * The document included Mecca in the Iraqi affair, , which took place yesterday evening on the outskirts of Mecca, the home's land question, ten items included elements of sedition in Iraq. The document stated that «Based on the way the situation in Iraq is a waste of blood, and confused aggression under the pretext of Islam, and Islam is innocent of them, We declare Iraq scholars of the Sunnis and Shiites, we met in Mecca, We have issued this document read as follows : The first item : Muslims from testified that "No God but God and Mohammed is his prophet of God. this certificate Iesma blood and money, Included in that the Shiites and Sunnis are all, The common denominators between the two doctrines weaken the areas of contention, its causes, The difference between the claimants is a difference of view and interpretation, It is not different in the assets of faith and the pillars of Islam. No one from the other propositions that disbelieves, There may be legitimately condemn the doctrine because of the crimes of some followers. The second item : the blood of the Muslims and their money and endangered religiously, there may be subjected to Muslim Shiite or Sunni death, abuse or intimidation or aggression on the property, or incitement to nothing of that, forced to leave his country or place of residence, kidnapping or hostage taking of people because of creed or doctrine.
    Translated version of

    hey, if they are signing the international compact in tikrit what was the article about them signing it in kuwait all about earlier??????
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 23-10-2006 at 08:03 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #16962
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    Bush speaks of the new tactics in Iraq

    Times : Washington negotiate confidential leaders of Iraqi armed groups in Jordan
    Baghdad and Washington - and agencies - 10-22 :
    Sandy newspaper revealed Sunday Times of 10-22-2006 that American officials held secret talks with the leaders of Iraqi armed groups last week in the Jordanian capital Amman. This comes at a time. speaking on the American President George W. Bush on new tactics to deal with the growing violence in Iraq. The newspaper pointed out that the step was a recognition of the failure of the United States campaign launched by over two and a half months to stop the violence in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. She said that few details available about secret meetings. But an Iraqi source close to the negotiations "said that the participants from both sides met for two days at least." He pointed out that "representatives of the Islamic Army in Iraq, one of the most prominent Sunni militias behind the rebellion took part in secret meetings that were held with representatives from the American government." The source informed the newspaper that "the main demand of the Islamic Army of the release of prisoners detained by the United States and detained in the prisons of countries allied." The sources added that the talks between the two sides described as a "bone take the pulse" They pointed out that American officials "were exploring ways to persuade Sunni groups to halt attacks against coalition forces and end the cycle of bloody communal clashes with the growing Shiite armed groups." The newspaper considered the talks with the armed groups, "a new indicator that the American forces in Iraq rethink Petktekatha military also coincide with parallel efforts to persuade the Shiite militias to stop the violence part." She pointed out that "Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki held talks with the young Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, who leads the Mahdi Army, controls 30 seats in the Iraqi Parliament's 275 seats to urge him to control his fighters." Bush changed tactics At the same time, The American President George W. Bush in his weekly radio "Our goal in Iraq is clear and unchanged. our goal is to achieve victory. What changed is the tactics that we use to achieve this goal. " He added, "attacks escalated significantly in the first two weeks of the month of Ramadan. The past few weeks difficult for our soldiers in Iraq and the Iraqi people. " The president said the American who faces term elections Congress, which emerged the voter dissatisfaction with the way the White House for the war as a major. "We will continue to be flexible and make all the changes necessary to win in this conflict." For his part, Cheney denied in a copy of an interview with Time magazine published by the White House that changing the methods include the search for a solution in Iraq. He said, "We are not looking for an exit strategy we are looking for a victory. Our strategy does not change. " He continued : "Victory will be in the day when Iraqis run their own problems and the political respect the government and when they are able to provide security."

    Welcome to AlRafidayn: The Iraqi information service
    Welcome to Rafidayn: The Iraqi information service
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 23-10-2006 at 07:40 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #16963
    Investor antjesz2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    "The bank will maintain Marazi Iraqi on the other tracksin its monetary policy to achieve intermediate goals for reducing inflation and contain inflationary expectations, relying on "stabilizing nominal" cash Aatar Yazzmen rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and boosted the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar to move across the tracks and cash assistance in inflation targeting."

    Woooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooo

    The Yazzmen rate is like 3.67

    Sorry but as many others here I know neither what "Marazi" nor what "Yazzmen" is, and I think to fully understand this paragraph we need that info. Could you please explain it - and how do you know that the "Yazzmen rate" is 3.67?

    Thanks, Antje

  4. #16964
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    Bush denies Washington's failure to achieve its objectives in Iraq and expresses confidence the government Maliki

    Gerg said the American President Bush, "Al-Qaida remains a major threat and is working very actively in Iraq." He explained in a press statement that "attempts to rule not only to kill Americans, but the organization also tries to fan the flames of sectarian fighting in Iraq."

    He denied that the country had failed to achieve its goals in Iraq, saying "that" definitions of success or failure is whether the Iraqis are able to defend themselves, and whether the government of national unity to take the difficult decisions necessary to unify the country. " and whether the Iraqi government achieve the required success, Bush said, "The Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has not been in power only four months ago, I believe that it has the necessary competence to lead the government of national unity, He added, "What we see now in Iraq is the birth of a new type of systems of governance after many years of tyranny, and I am patient but my patience will not last forever."
    NOAA 10 / 23 / 2006
    Radio Nawa

    (this is for those who have been mislead into thinking that bush wants to replace maliki because the lack of revalue is his fault. THAT IS FALSE INFORMATION!!!)

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #16965
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    Default Maybe 2 words!

    Quote Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    Well, the CIA doesn't know anyhing about Yazzmen

    the only country in the world that starts with "Y" is Yemen and their exchange rate is about 192 Yemeni rials to the dollar.
    "The bank will maintain Marazi Iraqi on the other tracksin its monetary policy to achieve intermediate goals for reducing inflation and contain inflationary expectations, relying on "stabilizing nominal" cash Aatar Yazzmen rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and boosted the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar to move across the tracks and cash assistance in inflation targeting."

    Looking at it again it could be 2 words 'Aatar Yazzmen'. I googled that but nothing came up. Have not tried anywhere else. Just a thought.

  6. #16966
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    Yazzmen was the middle eastern babe in the disney film alladin........
    Go big or go home.

  7. #16967
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    Quote Originally Posted by Webster View Post
    "The bank will maintain Marazi Iraqi on the other tracksin its monetary policy to achieve intermediate goals for reducing inflation and contain inflationary expectations, relying on "stabilizing nominal" cash Aatar Yazzmen rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and boosted the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar to move across the tracks and cash assistance in inflation targeting."

    Looking at it again it could be 2 words 'Aatar Yazzmen'. I googled that but nothing came up. Have not tried anywhere else. Just a thought.
    what ever it is, it is probably spelled wrong and without the correct spelling you won't have much success looking for what it means. that is what I think.

  8. #16968
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    Quote Originally Posted by aceman View Post
    Yazzmen was the middle eastern babe in the disney film alladin........
    wasn't she also a bay watch girl? LOL

  9. #16969
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwhatimsaying View Post
    wasn't she also a bay watch girl? LOL
    Yah but the drugs did a bad number on her.........
    Go big or go home.

  10. #16970
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    Posted: Sunday, October 22, 2006


    Britain is 'quite far down' the road toward transferring responsibility for security in Iraq to national security forces but British troops will only leave when the job is done, Defence Secretary Des Browne said.

    Browne's comments came amid speculation of a possible change in US strategy in Iraq because of unrelenting violence there.

    Asked if Britain could speed up its handover of security duties to Iraqi forces in the south of the country, Browne told Sky television that Britain had been moving towards transition to the Iraqi government for some months.

    'We're quite far down the process of transferring responsibility to the Iraqis ... We've handed over two of four provinces,' said Browne, who was speaking during a visit to Afghanistan.

    Events in the southern town of Amara suggested Iraqi security forces were able to deal with their own security, Browne said.

    Fierce battles between militia gunmen and police killed at least 25 people in Amara last week. Some 700 Iraqi troops helped restore calm to the town. British forces were on standby to intervene but were not needed.

    Browne was quizzed about an estimate by Foreign Office minister Kim Howells in a BBC interview on Saturday that Iraqi soldiers and police officers would be ready to take over a lot of the work done by coalition troops within about a year.

    But Browne refused to give a date for when British forces would leave Iraq. They would be out 'when the job is done', he said. 'This is a process and not an event.'

    US President George W Bush met his top military commanders to discuss the Iraq war on Saturday and said he would 'make every necessary change' in tactics to control the violence.

    Bush insisted he would not abandon his goal of building a self-sustaining democratic government in Iraq.

    In a separate interview with the BBC, Browne denied Britain had underestimated the task confronting its forces in Afghanistan, where they have met heavy resistance from Taliban guerrillas in the southern province of Helmand.

    Browne said he would visit British troops in southern Afghanistan after holding talks in Kabul with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

    Iraq must be doing something right. Wouldn't you say?

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