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  1. #17071
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    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    I'll admit that im not to up in iraqi politics but i know in the States if the president doesnt sign a law within a time frame it automaticly becomes a law. i wasnt aware iraq had this same standard not to say its not true i just wasnt aware of it ..
    there was an article a couple weeks ago about it. or last week. they run on so they do...

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #17072
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Abbas Bayati : benefited from all that is civilized and advanced in the door of rights and freedoms

    Liberty met channel space with Mr. Abbas Bayati member of the House of Representatives during which he answered a number of questions of interest to the Iraqi street, and archaeological concept on the federal investment and the rights and freedoms set forth in the Constitution and some of the terminology and other things.
    O / postponement of the political forces by your Why?
    Bayati / issue of postponement due to technical reasons for the less and less because there is a conference of religious scholars hurt at the end of this week and therefore imagine that there are two events on reconciliation in the same range, so that the reconciliation media and political, social and hand were identified another date for the political forces in 14 of the month coming This does not mean that there is obstruction to the reconciliation efforts there versa continuous meetings of the National High for national reconciliation and the political forces which is the fourth in the framework of the conference was preceded by clan and the institutions of civil society and of the religious scholars and the Fourth is the political forces as n procedures and technical issues related to the issue of good preparation, which meant the presence of political forces both within and outside the scientific political or from outside is for these reasons and there are no other reasons

    O / formation of the Commission on Human Rights to the ministries of interior and defense will Is resolving security problems?
    Bayati / previously had been talking about that there is a victory for these devices by the henchmen of the former regime, or penetrations be strong irresponsible and undisciplined, there was talk about using random, and perhaps this volunteering led to pushing irresponsible persons do not have the necessary competence to perform duty Thirdly There was talk about that these devices told Yassin, the sort of balance and IV that these devices where the type of goitre is unnatural sections and divisions and the establishment of departments and directorates without legal study, therefore, the committee formed by the Prime Minister will consider the four ministries of Defense, Interior and National Security and Intelligence Department is working on a dependent four points came imbalances and addressing the bottlenecks and address adaptation indiscriminate and address imbalances and address the situation of the administrative swelling, which led to this improvisation in the development of districts and to improvise in some instructions and regulations and linked to a specific legal framework in the form in which the Iraqi citizen feels that the institution M. cohesiveness and crass and not as a loose and Mstrhlah

    O / Some say that the problem of the Iraqis that they are looking for solutions after the access problems?
    Bayati / issue of the Iraqi situation was exceptional, as you know Aptdoua disasters related to the security aspect, we need to be made for the security and intelligence apparatus can to the army or the police to do this correctly and it is a good part of their duties, but in addition to this organ should be proactive things or, as it is called a cases of preemptive Sahbha and that the police and army were able to detect many cases before they occur, but remain rare and limited, if we have to be a qualifying effort of our troops and intelligence and security and predict Balmalomh and we avenge information and prevent a disaster on the security level and feed security services through the use of technology There is, for example, in the streets of London that city safe more than four thousand camera control, which is a Atklv nothing compared to the Tahe told cadres of police and sent abroad.

    O / and on the federal system that the fundamental rights and powers vested in the Territories and thus may vary from one region to another depending on the laws?
    Bayati / I believe that the fundamental rights and Title II of the Constitution should not be subject to change and if there is a change should be about expansion, not crush, The question of the rights and freedoms of the things the federal government means that regions can limit these freedoms only if there are emergency require that,
    We are left with the question of fundamental rights and the powers of the regions we are against this view that the Federal Constitution should be the ruler of the constitutions of every province and Territories district, if left to predict regions could be rushed in case of arrest and stifle freedom of opinion and therefore be a violation of the question of prisons and other Therefore, we ask that all regions of the same freedoms, but that the jostling in the field of freedoms and rights in the expansion of the merged hands

    O / In the case of violations how the central government will deal with this matter?

    Bayati / central government with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, one of the independent bodies regulating constitutionally We are now in the House of Representatives are working on a draft bill to this Commission, which is similar to the Office of integrity and be governed in all regions in the case of violations of human rights.

    O / formation of a committee to re-examine the Constitution still incomplete and facing problems in the beginning as still representatives Very able Turkomen and Assyrian Christians expelled by because of the consent of the other parties on the candidates?
    Bayati / I think this is the obstacle Was We will work after the holidays, particularly the heads of the bloc had met to agree on a mechanism for the selection of the Chairman of the Committee there is more than one candidate and the coalition adheres to a briefing by Sheikh Humam Constitution and the other candidates, and there is mutual agreement will be reached by the presidency to resolve the issue either representatives of the Turkmen, offerings such people elect among themselves or to the Presidency of the Parliament settle these matters in meetings or bring the matter to Parliament and then voting on a candidate authorized the Commission is now ready two and a decrease does not affect the work as the shortage increased the number or the issue will compromise and thus not vote on the amendments constitutional Committee disrupted work because we were busy law Territories and voted upon after the holidays and we hope to have a direct first meetings on the situation of the administrative committee and a plan of action of the Commission

    O / Speaking of the rights and freedoms must be guaranteed in the Constitution?
    Bayati / Iraqi constitution indispensable question of the rights and freedoms and to assure that we have in the Constitution of the rights and freedoms save money in any one of the neighboring countries and the region in which we are able to Iraqi Constitution, I was a member of the Sub-Committee of the Constitutional Commission in the door of rights and freedoms
    We benefited in this section of all that is modern, advanced and civilized and advanced to the States and we come in the door and Wdhanah freedoms and rights both in the expression and belief, the question of the rights of prisoners and detainees or the other rights of human beings, such as upkeep and maintenance and security, I can say that the list of rights and freedoms that we have in the d Storna is a list of very advanced.

    O / question of who controls it?
    Bayati / First Elimination Any person who considers that a violation of his constitutional rights should be reviewed by the judiciary and the judiciary is independent and not subject to the authority of the law only Secondly Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will monitor any breach no matter how small of human rights and we also have the institutions of civil society will monitor that to have a number of institutions of TNT will protect the rights and freedoms of citizens
    Do you adopt the heritage or the modernity in a law?
    We Astamzjna addition to Maldina of ancient civilization and rich heritage we Mzjna between all these values and all humanitarian principles-Semitism and created a list of the rights and freedoms of the Attnagd Attaks among themselves and created a kind of intermarriage between modernity and modernism and originality and heritage
    There was no case with the past because the currency exchange with the past will lead to distortions in the personal as well as the Iraqi did not cancel Matosalt humanity pretext that it is the product of others ahead of the others had, in some cases, and should take advantage of, and therefore, we found a mixture homogenous and powerful package of rights and freedoms of the spirit of the past and civilization Walter Ath, vital and dynamic contemporary and modern.
    How you mix of culture, tradition and religion?
    We Anattakd that should always be there is a conflict between religion and heritage and modernity exchange between these departments is leading to the distortions we have managed to create and continue the relationship and harmony between these constituencies debt, which calls for the dignity of man (and have honored the children of Adam ...) Regardless of the sex and nationality and religion any absolute each Beni Adam either before or after the prophet, now or in the future, (no compulsion in religion and currently and in the future, and honor the absolute essence of the sex and regulations of human rights and human rights conventions based on human dignity and freedom and we say that this dignity and freedom exist in our heritage and our doctrine, there is a kind of intersection and Altdab t between the so-called modernism, heritage and religion, but there are workshops serialized important to find a nickname that link them to thread linking the wisdom and rationality and moderation not extremism and not chaotic, and not in the case of improvisation
    And, if wisdom and rationality and moderation, you will find harmony between civilization and religion fully in line
    What expose you to the Iraqis?

    Bayati / I think that is the Iraqi rights who served this country and lived in this country and there are Iraqi and Iraqi rates due rights and therefore felt inside a result of the stay on the land and work it feels belonger to the civilization of the land and to the people of this land, is an Iraqi, whether he lived before 5 were enacted by the 100 or T. in Unfortunately there Iraqis have lived here for hundreds of years and defended the Iraq Katlo was therefore came gang ruling Iraq, and cast them outside the pretext of the border are not Iraqis authorized this situation chauvinism racism in the classification of people on the basis of genuine and intrusive to the citizen first and second citizen of this came as a result of racist ideas diseased m closure of the view that there lords of the ozone layer and Ebeid was also thinking of Hitler
    Hitler institutions involved in many Arab countries, which puts General or national or a marginalized groups and other nationalities is authorized Iraqi rights, who was born in this place and lived and defended him and brought up by the Iraqi Atmanh by two called Iraqi nationality is not the document that granted such Iraqi capacity deep sense of the Iraqi b membership and loyalty to this country and this people and this is the essence of the Iraqi constitution was fair in this section and paragraphs that dealt with all the ravages of a devastating and catastrophic humanitarian, social, humanitarian and stressed that the Iraqi regime is born of a father or mother is Iraqi and naturalization under certain conditions and the issue is one of the foreign Aintmi with the heritage of this people and the doctrine of the people we have we have Msihin Sabah have Turkmen have stapler and multinational and thus to Aintmi to our social fabric is a foreign alien who is classified as the same Iraqi classified the same feeling of belonging.
    O / What is the position of federalism and there are different positions?

    Starting say what political crises that led to the tendency that the federal We know that the central government since the fall of the monarchy to the central created crises we had to have a centralized closed led to uprisings, revolutions and then came to the disaster and said the central system if the change even if the Constitution imposed crises of a multi We are not a society we typically a pluralistic society the Central lead to disasters and crises, and we said that this is the best way to Rita this diversity and the maintenance of this diversity and durability of this framework is a federal system Alatjadi We are not the first country in this area, there are more than 40th before a federal Na practiced this system and the Arab countries to have the United Arab Emirates to choose a federal system was not optional, but a choice based on the reading of history and social reality of Iraq and the political reality which confirms that the federal system is the best for this community and the fittest of the current system and thus become the Alvderali essence of the current Constitution of Iraq

    O / Controversial talk about the distribution of wealth.
    Bayati / Perhaps those who oppose federalism fears of two things should they squander the first division of Iraq, and the second Ahnha lead to be a rich regions and poor regions with respect to the division of Iraq, we say that the federation is to conduct a similar procedure of the content space remains intact one of the terms of science and foreign policy and borders, defense and foreign object that any space to the state to the federal Ames is at the disposal of the State's internal content Secondly, with regard to the question of the distribution of wealth Constitution affirmed that the natural wealth belongs to the Iraqi people and will be distributed on the basis of just according to population ratios of the territory and maintain

    And on the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk pointed?

    Bayati / a committee will monitor the normalization of the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk within parliament composed of about 13 members and purpose of the return of every citizen affected by the origin of Akercock whether Kurdish or Turkomen for damage caused by Badlh including the amounts and thus the normalization of the situation of the necessary political to raise part of the cause of Z Abi the Baathist regime
    Some say that Iraq was born Bjgravith result of the current conflicts of regional identity of Iraq is now reserved and subject to future debate you think the current situation develop acceptable or recognized?

    The current system of government in Iraq and found after the Sykes-Picot agreement, which had been divided remnants of the Ottoman Empire and now the country has stabilized Ben certain limits where people and many groups we say that the facts of geographical and ideological and cultural stresses that the fabric of the region straddling the fabric of the country and that all agree on unity and united Teh fixed and therefore our constants of the people who talk about dividing these Aevhmon Iraqi reality social fact Iraqi is not division, because he goes there every reason to, if I fully guaranteed insurance Why think of the secession issue guarantees and co-existence and to ensure the co-existence. \

    The House of Representatives last investment law?

    A free people is the one that has free and save Alavtsad salient features of the free trade zone is the most important Magaumath investment now in China the Communist state is the first state in terms of attracting investments and economic renaissance goes to the House Currently only half of its furniture from China started from the pens of school children to the mechanisms huge Els Jarat if investment revives the economy and providing jobs for the unemployed and also comes as technically and technology course, all this within the framework of the law and we in the law to give the guarantee for the investor to ensure the fund's capital in the non-secure it is the right of any investor to come out and Traders in the framework of the law and protected by the law without any interference from the executive authority.

    O / text of the Iraqi constitution in article 30 of the second item (the State guarantees social security for its citizens in the event of old age, Mali did not work this law?
    Bayati / Iraq, many funds and resources many, but unfortunately did not provide for the people's wise leadership and dictatorship and all were confiscated freedoms and lead to spend the bounties of this people and by the McCann spend on the Rocket Chemical, which was slaughtered by the Iraqi people and the security agencies should act on the Iraqi people and there the view that divides the Iraqi oil each, The issue of widows and aging should be examined by the Constitution and the European countries in the rights of unemployed by the State to ensure a
    We need many with the money to do these things the way that Neji every citizen's right and must pass a law and must be of Dita point, we need to stabilize the country, which opens many advantages of this country, but there are those who want to beat this does not enjoy stability to the Iraqi people these bounties.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 23-10-2006 at 05:05 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #17073
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    I don't know if this has been addessed and I missed it but, CBI did not have an auction today 10/23, is this because of the end of Ramadan holiday...just not sure what to think about CBI auction today or should I say lack of....

  4. #17074
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    Default closed

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I don't know if this has been addessed and I missed it but, CBI did not have an auction today 10/23, is this because of the end of Ramadan holiday...just not sure what to think about CBI auction today or should I say lack of....

    They are closed...

    Iraq Public Holidays and Bank Holidays - Calendar 2006

  5. #17075
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I don't know if this has been addessed and I missed it but, CBI did not have an auction today 10/23, is this because of the end of Ramadan holiday...just not sure what to think about CBI auction today or should I say lack of....
    actually the eid started on monday so this is only the second day of eid and the third day is tomorrow then it begins the next phase of their calendar. looks like from that calendar they will be closed tomorrow too. oh goodie!!
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 23-10-2006 at 05:51 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #17076
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    actually the eid started on monday so this is only the second day of eid and the third day is tomorrow then it begins the next phase of their calendar. looks like from that calendar they will be closed tomorrow too. oh goodie!!
    Thanks Shotgunsusie,
    For all the info. Seems like they are always closed. Hopefully they will light this candle soon. All the info is really good lately.
    Go Dinar.
    "SAYS" $1.26 here we come!!!!

  7. #17077
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    actually the eid started on monday so this is only the second day of eid and the third day is tomorrow then it begins the next phase of their calendar. looks like from that calendar they will be closed tomorrow too. oh goodie!!
    So on Wednesday, the banks will open with a reval amount and we'll all be RICH!!!!

  8. #17078
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    Quote Originally Posted by *CLEO* View Post
    So on Wednesday, the banks will open with a reval amount and we'll all be RICH!!!!
    i think they are scheduled to be closed tomorrow (wednesday) as well. im not saying they will instantly revalue the dinar but i suspect before the month is over we are going to know how close we really are. lol

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #17079
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    I was wondering...even thoughthe banks are closed tomorrow for the EID holiday...there could still be a possibility that they could put the reval into effect. Any thoughts..

  10. #17080
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    How does everyone think it will be announced once it revals? News, Radio, or will it be hush, hush and we'll just see it on the market with a new price?

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