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  1. #17251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwizard View Post
    FALSE, the currency declined in value when Iraq attacked, then when the threat was over it regained its value back to normal, never a new currency in kuwait.
    Thats what we are hoping for with Iraq. With the FIL now passed, the other issue wont be a problem either, because foreigners are being encouraged to invest so i cannot see them restricting cashing in to residents only.

  2. #17252
    Senior Member clintstella's Avatar
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    Normal atmosphere in Amarah first day of Eid Al-Fitr

    (صوت العراق) - 24-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-24-2006 | ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    أجواء طبيعية فى العمارة أول أيام عيد الفطرNormal atmosphere in Amarah first day of Eid Al-Fitr
    من نزار الراضىNizar from Nadi
    العمارة -(أصوات العراق)Architecture - (Voices of Iraq)
    شهدت مدينة العمارة بمحافظة ميسان أجواء طبيعة فى أول أيام عيد الفطر المبارك حيث توافد المصلون بكثافة لاداء صلاة العيد ، فيما كثفت قوات الجيش العراقى من إنتشارها بمساندة من القوات البريطانية للعمل على تهدئة الاوضاع فى المدينة بعد الاشتباكات الأخيرة.The city of Amarah in Maysan nature of the atmosphere on the first day of Eid al-Fitr, where heavy influx worshipers to pray for the holidays, With intensified Iraqi army forces backed by the deployment of British forces to work on calming the situation in the city after the recent clashes.
    كانت المدينة قد شهدت الخميس والجمعة الماضيين اشتباكات بين جيش المهدي والشرطة العراقية على خلفية اغتيال مدير الاستخبارات الجنائية في شرطة ميسان العقيد علي قاسم التميمي الأربعاء الماضي واعتقال عدد من عناصر جيش المهدي في المدينة من قبل الشرطة في المحافظة.The city had witnessed last Thursday and Friday clashes between the Mahdi Army and Iraqi police on the background of the assassination of the Director of Criminal Intelligence in Maysan police Colonel Ali Qassem al-Tamimi, last Wednesday the arrest of a number of elements of the Mahdi Army in the city by the police in the province.
    وبلغت الحصيلة النهائية للخسائر من الجانبين 25 قتيلا 150 جريحا بحسب، محافظ ميسان عادل مهودر.The final outcome of the losses from the two sides 25 dead 150 wounded, according to, Maysan governor just Mhoder.
    وقال المحافظ فى مؤتمر صحفي الليلة الماضية إن الاوضاع الامنية فى المحافظة مستقرة وان الحكومة المحلية قامت بخطوات سريعة لاخماد بوادر الفتنة بالمحافظة خاصة بعد العثور على جثة شقيق قائد جيش المهدى فى المحافظة فى منطقة الكحلاء.The governor said in a press conference last night that the security situation in maintaining stable and that the local government had taken steps to extinguish the signs of a quick sedition conservatism, especially after finding the body of the brother leader of the Mahdi Army in the province in the Kahla.
    وكان مصدر في مكتب الشهيد الصدر في العمارة قال إنه تم العثور أمس الاثنين على جثة شقيق قائد جيش المهدي في العمارة مقطوعة الرأس في قضاء الكحلاء (25 كم جنوب العمارة).A source in the office of martyr al-Sadr in Amarah said he was found yesterday, Monday, the body of the brother leader of the Mahdi Army in Amarah headless Kahla in the district (25 km south of Amarah).
    وقال المحافظ ان "من اهم الانشطة التى قامت بها المحافظة لاحتواء الموقف المتدهور الاتصال بوزير الامن الوطنى السيد شيروان الوائلى حيث تم اطلاعه على كافة التفاصيل والملابسات المتعلقة بالحادث."The governor said that "one of the most important activities carried out by the province to contain the situation deteriorating contact the Minister of National Security Shirwan Mr. Alowaeli been looking at all the details and circumstances of the incident."
    وأضاف " كما تم اللقاء بالسيد وزير الدولة لشؤون العشائر محمد عباس العريبى وتم الاتفاق على تشكيل وفد برئاسته وعضوية رئيس مجلس المحافظة وشيوخ العشائر، وتم اللقاء مع مكتب الشهيد الصدر فى المحافظة وفى محافظة النجف ، وكذلك الاتصال بزعماء وممثلى الكيانات السياسية وقيادة الشرطة لتهدئة الامور ."He added : "We also have been meeting with Mr. Minister of State for the clan, Mahmoud Abbas Aribi was agreed to form a committee, the membership of the delegation of the President of the Provincial Assembly and the elders of the clan The meeting took place with the Office of the Martyr al-Sadr in Najaf and maintain, as well as the contact with leaders and representatives of political entities and the leadership of the police to calm things down. "
    واضاف " تم الاتصال مع اهل المقتول وحثهم على التهدئة وتجاوز الازمة."He added, "was murdered contact with the people and urge them to calm and overcome the crisis."
    وعن انتشار قوات الجيش العراقى فى المحافظة اوضح المحافظ انه طلب من آمر اللواء الرابع العميد الركن عبد الحسين البيضانى نشر فوجين على كل من طريق العمارة - الكحلاء وطريق العمارة - المجر للعمل على عدم دخول مسلحين الى مركز المحافظة.Regarding deployment of the Iraqi army in the province, the governor explained that he had asked a fourth brigade, Brigadier General Abdul Hussein Albidhani deployment Fujin both through architecture-Kahla, through architecture-Hungary to work on the entry of non-armed to the province.
    واشار الى ان الامور مستتبة الآن ولا يوجد حظر تجول حاليا.He pointed out that things are uncomfortable now and there is a curfew.
    وقامت دوريات الجيش العراقى الليلة الماضية بابلاغ المواطنين بعدم التحرك فى الشوارع العامة والتزام منازلهم.The Iraqi army patrols last night to inform citizens not to move in the streets and public commitment of their homes.
    فى الوقت نفسه ، قال شهود عيان إن قطاعات من القوات البريطانية وصلت الليلة الماضية الى العمارة ورابطت قرب معسكر البديرة مقر اللواء الرابع من الجيش العراقى (على بعد 10 كم غرب العمارة) لكى تكون وحدة اسناد لقوات الجيش العراقى المتواجدة فى المدينة.At the same time, Eyewitnesses said that the sectors of the British forces, arrived last night to Amarah, stationed near Camp Albdirh fourth brigade headquarters of the Iraqi Army (at a distance of 10 kilometers west of architecture) to be assigned to the unit and the Iraqi army forces stationed in the city.
    من جهته ، اوضح أحد أعضاء مجلس محافظة ميسان رفض الكشف عن اسمه لوكالة أنباء (أصوات العراق) المستقلة ان تقديرات الخسائر التى تكبدتها مدينة العمارة جراء الاشتباكات الاخيرة بلغت حوالى أربعة مليارات دينار عراقى.For his part, one of the members of the Maysan Governorate who wished to remain anonymous, told News (Voices of Iraq) Independent estimates that the losses incurred by the city of Amarah by recent clashes amounted to about four billion Iraqi dinars.
    ح مH M

    Probably get some trouble outside the local Kebeb House on the way home from the boozer.

  3. #17253
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    Susie have you heard anything from the lawyer

    "ok, heres my newest scoop i got when i came home tonight. a friend talked to a lawyer who works in some capacity for the cbi and was told that everything is done and must be announced before the 1st. so somebody needs to get that countdown clock fired up again and get us a countdown goin here!!!


  4. #17254
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Not heard anything going out yet matey.

    Quite interesting, nothing on the economy, only the security. They did say they were working on improving the economy........ Had the US ambassador for Iraq on who said they would not send more troops over, same as the UK. They had on the Iraqi deputy pm, Saleh on, very articulate, very clued up. He was saying they need our troops there as long as possible to help curb the militias until their own troops are ready to handle the situation.

    I got the impression just from the interviews that the US are getting extremely miffed at the delays and that the fact they're not controlling it very well out there.

    Jeremy Paxman is an obnoxious facker!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #17255
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    I posted this earlier but I thought I should throw it out there again in case it was just overlooked....Any thoughts.

    I am not sure if this is anything of significance so if somebody with more insight might know. We know that CBI has the updated publication dated 10/18/06. I also was searching around and found this document which is a spreadsheet. You have to play around with it to get it open. This has information from 10/18/06 including foreign assets. It is called KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS FOR OCTOBER 18, 2006....which seems odd since CBI was down during this period. Again, I don't decipher the financial info as well as most of you so I don't know if it means anything.

  6. #17256
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    SGS here is your link translated in case there are some not able to translate.

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-24-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Tokyo-Reuters : Trade Ministry official said yesterday that the Japanese government is considering lending Iraq five. three billion dollars to support projects, including three projects connected with the development of oil and gas sector.
    The official added that Japanese Trade Minister Akira Amari told Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Sharistani that Japan may be extended for the loan and that during their meeting earlier today, Monday,.

    Translated version of

    Thanks-for some reason, google wouldnt translate this-1st time that has happened to me

    How/why would Iraq borrow at the same time asking for debt forgiveness (I know the debt is from the Sadam era). Money owed is money owed.

  7. #17257
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    The Prime Minister of Kurdistan. Najirfan Barzani, in statements published yesterday. the hope in the settlement of the dispute between the territorial government and Baghdad over control of the oil resources after the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. وقال بارزاني لصحيفة «فاينانشال تايمز» البريطانية «أتمنى بعد انتهاء العيد أن نزور بغداد وان نتمكن من حل تلك المشكلة».He denounced the newspaper «Financial Times» «I hope the British after the end of the holidays to visit Baghdad and that we will be able to solve that problem». وأثارت حكومة الإقليم التهديد بالانفصال الشهر الماضي إذا لم تتخل بغداد عن مطالبتها بدور في تطوير موارد النفط في الإقليم.The territorial government and raised the threat of secession last month if Baghdad had not abandoned its claim for a role in the development of oil resources in the province.

    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãíÉ - ÑÆíÓ ÍßæãÉ ßÑÏÓÊÇä: äÃãá Ýí ÊÓæíÉ ÇáÎáÇÝ ÇáäÝØí ãÚ ÈÛÏÇÏ ÈÚÏ ÇáÚíÏ

  8. #17258
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    The packed major markets and craft docks quantities of garments imported from several countries including Syria, China, Iran, Turkey and Thailand. وق ».Mason said Abdul Hadi, 45 years old, acting teacher : «I have come today to this shopping mall to buy new clothes for my daughter only Despite fears of bombings and armed attacks». هناك وThe prayer Rashid is a housewife, 39 years. she pointed out that «there is an abundance of goods, especially children's clothing, women's clothing, But the prices were very high compared with the past years ». .It was the decision of the Iraqi government to pay an amount of 10 thousand dinars grant to every Iraqi citizen. good effect in increasing purchasing power of families with limited income. He hopes that the Iraqis day of Id al-Fitr, an outlet for them to allay fears that surround them by the escalating violence and the breadth of forced displacement that has been sweeping the country, especially after the 29 senior clerics from the Sunni and Shiite last Friday on a document in Mecca auspices of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to outlaw Iraqi bloodshed

  9. #17259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    I got the impression just from the interviews that the US are getting extremely miffed at the delays and that the fact they're not controlling it very well out there.

    Jeremy Paxman is an obnoxious facker!

    Hehe...I saw that interview too... and yes indeed... but what else do you want but the bottomline to be heard and we DO AWAY with all the diplomatic wrangling and protocol talk...that is NOT helping out with the real situation on the field those poor chaps are subjected to with their lives...just to help save a land and folks that are simply numb and still oblivion on gratitude and sacrifice the world out there is granting with their political butts beaten on by back-benchers at home soil!!!

    My take on this for Salih is.... : Boldly step in, with the curent full might of the now revamped Iraqi new born army to impose a nation wide Marshal Law, grab all those munitions and fireware from both sides esp. from the Sadr's militia camp and the Sunnis too and in the course of it, allow the ordinary Iraqis to "lynch" any suspected "foreign insurgent" still hiding in whatever foxhole he/she is in... let the job be done by themselves, saves bullets and risks and a clean bill of helth will soon clear the air and streets of Iraq....

    I'm thinking of the way the Japs overrun Asia back then...even the Triad went helpless and ducked until there was no place left to hide and got strung up by their S-holes and eliminated!!! It should and could be applied here need for all that anti-Muslim rhetoric involved and those martyrdom-madness talk either....

    Trouble with the muslims...they talk BIG when against the West and Christians,... but they shower cowardness against their own fellow faith....weird isn't it???

    YB. - cheers to all wanting peace instead and Dinars to RV as well...!

  10. #17260
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    News conference on FOX. Live now

    They just cut away and said if there was any big news they would go back. Dang!

    Last edited by OneShotOneKill; 24-10-2006 at 12:10 PM. Reason: Cut Away

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