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  1. #17271
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    LONDON -- Coalition troops must stay in Iraq and not give way to defeatism or panic in the face of hostile public opinion, Iraq's deputy prime minister said after meeting British leaders yesterday.

    Iraqi forces will increasingly take over responsibility for the country's stability from coalition troops, said Barham Saleh, an influential Kurd with long ties to the United States and Britain.

    He urged officials to ignore an increasingly pessimistic tone in the debate over Iraq's future.

    "I do believe there is no option for the international community to cut and run," Mr. Saleh said after talks with Prime Minister Tony Blair. "We need to understand that there is a need of utmost urgency to deal with many of the problems of Iraq, but we must not give in to panic."


  2. #17272
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    Default From the Drudge Report

    US commander sets 12-18 month timeframe for Iraq
    Oct 24 8:18 AM US/Eastern

    The US military commander in Iraq, General George Casey, has said the country's own armed forces should be able to take over security responsibility within the next 12 to 18 months.
    "I believe in 12 to 18 months Iraqi security will be completely capable of taking over their own security," Casey told a press conference in Baghdad Tuesday.

    The American general said the Iraqi armed forces had suffered 300 "martyrs" in clashes with insurgents during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan that ended this week.

    Since the killing of Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in a US air strike in June, the insurgents "remain wounded but lethal", he said, while claiming the Americans were winning the battle.

    "We have continuously adapted to stay ahead of the enemy," he said.

    Casey renewed charges that Damascus and Tehran were meddling in Iraq. "Both Iran and Syria continue to be decidedly unhelpful by continuing to provide support" to the insurgents, he said.

  3. #17273
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinartank View Post
    They can not do it until smaller denoms are out....its impossible....or banks being open to exchange higher bills for small ones. Or they could if the markets take credit cards. Other wise whos gonna pay $50 for a can of soda if the revalue was at 1:1. Or well you have to by 50$ worth of stuff or we cant help you.......THE SMALLER DENOMS ARE THE KEY!!!
    Could it be that part of the plan for exchanging would include trading larger denominations in as people make purchases and get change and then the natural way of using currency to buy would get the larger denominations out of circulation? If this is their idea, then a revaluation could happen at any time.

  4. #17274
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    Washington and negotiations are under way for the issue of amnesty for the armed year «»
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-24-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    A curfew was imposed in the architecture and more bodies in Baghdad
    Washington and negotiations are under way for the issue of amnesty for the armed year »« Iraq
    London, Baghdad and agencies :
    British newspaper revealed yesterday, Monday, that the American forces are negotiations for the issue of amnesty for the armed Iraqi Sunnis to defuse the emerging civil war and pave the way for disarming the Shiite militia.
    The Times newspaper «» This tactic constitutes a coup Dramatikia policy and the American army, which was halted all attempts that sought to give an amnesty to armed American blood stained hands after handing over sovereignty to the Iraqis in June .2004
    The newspaper quoted Jabr Adib Iraqi political independent Shiite and member of the National Reconciliation saying «there has been a change in the attitude of the Americans, who were refused amnesty by the persons involved killing Americans because of a disagreement that such a step could be considered a reward for the killers».
    He guessed Jabr likelihood of the two factions of the armed Sunni groups are the main Islamic Army battalions and Revolution Square in the national reconciliation conference scheduled next month.
    The newspaper quoted a deputy Izzat Shabandar member of the Iraqi secular bloc (Iraqi) saying «This amnesty comes as a result of the constant pressure of the American army on the Iraqi government to issue a general amnesty for all combatants, including killing Iraqis».
    «The newspaper said that the United States conducted negotiations on the amnesty plan, and that still remain confidential, with armed groups without government involvement. The plan aims to isolate Iraqi militants from Al-Qaeda against the amnesty and to set a timetable for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and the use of advanced intelligence network to those groups in order to eradicate the foreign fighters and criminal gangs ».


    And on the security front, the Iraqi government said it had imposed a curfew in the troubled southern city of Amarah as of yesterday, Monday, and until further notice following the outbreak of fighting between Shiite militia and Iraqi police in the last few days.
    He said Mohamed military spokesman for the Ministry of Defense (imposing curfews because of the security situation there).
    A source in the office of martyr al-Sadr in Amarah have been found on the body of Mohammed Bahdaly brother of the leader of the Mahdi Army in Amarah headless Kahla in the district (25 km south of Amarah).
    The death toll rose volunteers in the Iraqi police to 17 dead and 24 wounded
    After they were attacked by gunmen on Sunday during the return of the death
    60 km north of Baghdad
    The capital according to medical sources and other security.
    The sources pointed out that «most of the volunteers from the people of Baghdad and some of the wounded left hospital after receiving medical treatment while still a number of them in serious condition».


    The Iraqi police found 50 bodies, some with signs of torture during the twenty four hours past in Baghdad. A source in the Iraqi Interior Ministry, said the bodies were found 30 bodies «hit in the Karkh and 20 in the Rusafa». The source pointed out that all of the bodies found shot and many of them showing signs of torture.
    Three people were killed and at least one policeman was killed and 13 others including eight policemen were an explosive device targeted their patrol near the mosque, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani downtown Baghdad.
    The six American soldiers were killed Sunday in fighting in Baghdad
    This brings to 85 the number of American casualties in Iraq since the beginning of the month of October.
    He said another statement by the American army, that a joint force of coalition forces and members of the Iraqi army was able to arrest a number of arms dealers in addition to the 15 people in the raid near the town of surprises Sadiyyah north of Baghdad.
    Unidentified gunmen killed at dawn on Monday 1st Lt. Majid patient beautiful one Maysan police officers in front of his house and fled.

    Fallujah clashes

    Violent clashes broke out Monday morning in the city of Fallujah, major towns in the province of Anbar, between unknown gunmen and the American forces.
    The eyes witness said that the clashes took place after the attack American patrol rocket launcher (RPG), where gunmen fired several missiles toward American forces amid Fallujah, the marines raided the homes and exchanging confrontations with gunmen over the role of housing.
    Kuwaiti homeland

  5. #17275
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    Senate »Congress calling Bush to put pressure on Maliki
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-24-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    «Accord Front» his responsibility for the deteriorating situation
    Senate «» Congress demanding Bush put pressure on Maliki
    Baghdadoashntuna homeland agencies : asked Prominent members of the Senate, President Bush exert greater pressure on the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the Elimination of militias that are fueling sectarian violence and endanger the "fragile democracy" in Iraq. With loaded Accord Front Sunni Maliki responsibility for the deterioration of the security situation in the country.
    And across the elders of both the Republican Party and the Democratic Alliance, expressed "confidence shaken" Maliki's ability to achieve this goal. They argue that Maliki represents the best horse bet at the present time, they warn that if a political solution between the Shiite and Sunni groups warring, it would be impossible to achieve peace.
    He said Democratic Senator Carl Levin that the Bush administration put pressure on the Iraqis to achieve a political settlement on power and oil revenues. He said that "if the Iraqis did not wish to do so, If they want to fight a civil war. , we have to say to them : you will you doing that apart from us. " Levin calls for the withdrawal of American forces end of this year.
    But Republican Senator John Warner believes that setting a timetable for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq would be catastrophic. it would create a security vacuum will be filled by terrorists. He says that there is no other choice but to grant Al-Maliki "confidence and support." However, it expressed concern at the same time that Al-Maliki talks with the leaders of the communities did not halt the hostilities. He said al-Maliki to grant more powers of the Iraqi army, to get rid of the "private armies".
    But Democratic Senator Joseph Biden said that his confidence in the ability of low-Maliki and desire, at the same time, to impose a political solution to the conflict militias for control of the land.
    It is believed Republican Senator Richard Lugar, the pressure on al-Maliki will not be useful, mainly because Maliki has a lot of influence that could be used to solve the problems required to be solved.


    In Baghdad, the Iraqi Accord Front charged the government al-Maliki responsible for the deterioration of the security situation and the inability to stop the bleeding of Iraq.
    He said Omar Abdel MP from the front in a statement published by two radio "Sawa" that the American initiative of reconciliation and national dialogue are still a slogan, not a project
    He pointed out that it has done nothing to bring about stability and security in Iraq.
    He added Abdel ", as well as the document is a dead letter.
    As it has not been a reality of the Iraqi street to stop the bloodshed continued. "
    The deputy Iraqi government that Maliki does not have a genuine will and serious actors to end the deteriorating situation in the country.
    Kuwaiti homeland

  6. #17276
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    Changes are in store for the execution committee of Article 140, the crucial article in the permanent Iraqi constitution related to the normalization of Kirkuk's situation, local media reported last week.

    "Based on an announcement by the Iraqi Councils of Ministers, the constituents of the Article 140 execution committee will undergo some modifications," said Kakarash Sidiq, member of the article 140 high commission and Head of the article's execution committee in Kirkuk. "Ahmed Barak, who is chief of the property-claims panel, has become a member of the high commission committee; Jasim Mohamed Jaafar has become individual representative of the Iraqi PM in the commission; and an Iraqi Turkumani Front member, Anwar Mohamed Bairaqdar, will become a member of the high commission," said Sidiq.
    Regarding the budget of the committee, which is $200 million, Sidiq said, "The chief of the committee has decided that the budget will be in the form of installments paid by the Iraqi Finance Ministry; and we have called upon the budget to be remunerated in four separate payments."

    The Kurdish Globe

    LawkSalih.Com - Changes made to Article 140 execution committee

  7. #17277
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    Voices of Iraq : Latin-press conference

    Books : nakr2004 on Tuesday, October 24, 2006-2:31 PM BT

    Khalilzad and Casey urged Iraq's leaders to take responsibility
    From Santa Mikhail
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Zalmay Khalilzad urged the Ambassador of the United States in Iraq, George Casey, commander of the American forces in Iraq today, Tuesday, Iraqi leaders to assume their responsibilities and exert efforts to achieve political objectives and security desired, The new accusations against Syria and Iran of support for terrorism and the conflict in Iraq.
    This came in a joint press conference held by Khalilzad and Casey in Baghdad today to clarify the American strategy in Iraq to help the development of democracy.
    The American ambassador that the American strategy relies on three points of the first help Iraqi leaders to complete national reconciliation. Second, urged Iraq's leaders to control the militias and death squads. Third persuade whom he called (the rebels a year), to lay down their arms and participate in the political process.
    He said for the last point, "We rely on Saudi Arabia, and Jordan."
    He stressed the need to promote Iraq's leaders to assume their responsibilities and functions, He said, "then we must support Iraq."
    The proposed initiatives in an attempt to achieve stability in Iraq. He pointed out that there must be a plan to reform the security ministries in Iraq by the end of the year.
    He pointed to what he called "the conflict between the political forces of sectarianism" and said that it "because of positions and interests." He stressed that "the Iraqi people is the victim of this conflict, which want an end
    Soon. "
    He told the "death squads had been formed there, including militias, including the Mahdi Army, but Muqtada al-Sadr announced that he is not responsible."
    He held Zalmay political leaders in Iraq a failure that happened in Iraq that caused the violence, He said that "there is violence and sectarian violence between Shiites and the Shiites and other factors outside of the law, They exist in the militia and engaged in the political process at the same time, Some Iraqi leaders. "
    He told "changed our strategy but our objective for Iraq remains unchanged, Our goal is a democratic multi policies involving all communities and minorities, but we are going through a difficult period of transition, We believe that the next 12 months there will be a relaxation of the multinational forces with the program to reduce the militias. "
    He emphasized his support for the Iraqis. He said, "Despite the challenges that success is possible only in Iraq on the agenda and unrealistic."
    He renewed accusations of the American ambassador to Iran and Syria for their support of terrorism and the conflict in Iraq.
    For his part, Casey said in a press conference that "the situation in Iraq is not good, This is not new. "
    Casey attributed the insurgency in Iraq to three reasons is the "Al-Qaeda organization, The death squads, and who claim to be honest resistance. "
    He pointed to the importance of intensifying the security plan applicable in Baghdad. He said they "will have additional troops, whether multinational or Iraqi forces."
    He pointed out that "90% of the violence in Iraq is concentrated in only 30 miles, There are five provinces witnessing violence, for 13 governorates at peace. "
    He said "I can not set a timetable for the withdrawal of multinational forces."
    The General Casey has said recently that he might be able to Iraqi security forces take charge of Iraq during the entire year between a year and a half.
    He stressed the need to control the Mahdi Army, He said "the Mahdi Army must be under control."
    The new Casey accusing Iran and Syria. He said, "they are afraid the success of Iraq."
    He concluded the press conference by saying "we will continue to adjust and evaluate our plans to help Iraq and the creation of a Middle East security leads to secure America and the world more secure."
    H M

  8. #17278
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i believe it was 800B (that was the price THEN also remember its went up a ton since then) gold it stated which backed the saddam dinar. combined with what they have potential, and they are about to let the world know how much oil they discovered in the ground there, they can revalue at any fn number they pick. they got the backing.
    I believe the value of gold is two and a half to three times higher in value now...Wow!!!!! that's got to be two trillion dollars minimum........

  9. #17279
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    The actual signing of the Makkah Declaration took place in a hall overlooking the Grand Mosque. The scholars were seated along the walls in the hall, with the journalists ranged across from them. In the center of the room a table had been placed at which Ihsanoglu took up his position, with an empty chair on either side of him. One could not ignore the symbolism of Ihsanoglu seated with the holiest place in Islam as a backdrop.

    The names of the scholars were called, two by two, one Sunni and one Shiite at a time. They approached the table together, each taking a chair and then proceeding to sign the Makkah Declaration.

    The mood was very solemn. One by one the Shiite scholars in their turbans and seeping black robes sat at a table with the Sunni scholars in their mishlahs and traditional head scarves. A total of 14 scholars from each sect signed the document. It was a very impressive ceremony. Everyone present was aware that lives depended on the terms and conditions in the declaration being fulfilled. Nearly every paragraph of the declaration cited a verse from the Qur'an as the basis for the required action.
    This seems very significant to me, and I hadn't noticed anyone else highlighting it

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    Could last weeks CBI shutdown be the calm before the in red seems very similar.

    A Call for Re-framing banks
    October 20, 2006

    Economic expert disclosed that the banking system in Iraq is suffering from deficiencies in performing its core functions, stressing the need for re-framing government banks. Dr. Majid Assoori, an expert at the Iraqi Central Bank, said in an interview on the role of banks in the economic reform: the fundamental task of re-framing banks is improving their performance in order to provide banking services to the government, institutions and individuals in accordance with the requirements of developing the economy.

    Assoori emphasized that the banking sector plays an important role in the international economic and financial relations; therefore, it has a considerable international attention that the banking sector needs to be responsible and accurate in implementing these transactions.
    He said: Therefore, the main objective of re-framing is to eliminate the problems facing banks and ensure the functioning of local and international dealings.
    The tasks of re-framing are determined by two main factors: first, The existence of a genuine, clear and transparent political will to do this process, and a proper timing in a relatively calm financial banking activity. The second task in financial re-framing includes the commitment to the minimum capital for the banks. If a transition to be made to broad international activity, the capital should be increased to its higher levels as well as reconsidering the credit portfolio and improving its management; also, obliging to regulations, instructions and procedures.
    Dr. Magid pointed to the need to ease the liabilities of banks and convert as much as possible to increase the capital. Some of the requirements of re-framing banking activity are to reconsider the type of services provided, develop and execute them as soon as possible, strengthen internal controls and monitoring compliance, policy-making is also required in accordance with the Banking Law and the regulations of the Central Bank and the instruction of the Board, as well as reducing operational costs and the use of modern means of providing banking services.
    Assoori believed that one of the requirements for re-framing government banks is to reconsidr specialized banks and merge them in one bank to develop industry, agriculture and the projects related to them.
    He called for capital increase up to half a billion dollars in order to be able to deal with the new tasks of the current stage of economic development, and the exploitation of part of the oil resources allocated to this development, in order to develop the industrial and agricultural activities, small and medium-sized, to be a center for attracting foreign investments and collaborate with them to implement of these projects, even big ones.
    He concluded by saying that the re-framing of banks requires acting according to a well studied plan and serious work by all of those related to these banks and these are, basically, the State represented by the Ministry of Finance, as the sole owner of these banks and the Iraqi Central Bank as the supervisor of the banking activity and the most specialized in assessing this activity. He also said :
    Without the cooperation of these bodies and to the support of the government, it is impossible to accomplish the task of re-framing government banks drastically. He pointed out that the re-framing will activate the role of banks in the process of reconstruction and development.

    Source: Al Sabaah

    LawkSalih.Com - A Call for Re-framing banks

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