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    Talking Take that Sadr...................

    BAGHDAD, Oct 25 (KUNA) -- US and Iraqi forces launched early on Wednesday a raid against Al-Sadr city in the eastern suburb of of Baghdad, a military source said.

    In a press statement, the source said US gunship helicopters bombed three houses before land forces clashed with gunmen on Abu Dhar Al-Ghefari street near the city's 74th and 75th sectors.

    State owned Al-Iraqia television station said the raid killed a number of civilians, adding that a booby-trapped motorcycle, weapons and explosives were found during the raid.

    According to eyewitnesses, five civilians were killed, a number of others were injured and damage was inflicted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zwhatimsaying View Post
    the foreign investors would love to come in now and buy everything that they can think of. there was an artical 2 days ago that talked about saudi business men waiting for the fil to pass so that they can do just that. the purpose of this foreign investment law if to protect the country just as much as it is to protect the investors i.e. saudi business men and the like. foreign investors will be spending their own currencies which would be exchanged for the usable currency of the country in question i.e. iraq. at the current rate verses the revaled rate is the same purchasing power, with on exception. if they were to buy now, it would allow their investment to grow with a reval and then they ultimately would have way more control than what they had when originally purchased. on another note, to purchase anything of a large value at a current rate would insure that the rate of the dinar couldn't raise with any real gusto, because that would insure that large amounts were to stay in cerculation. This is what I have come to see with everything that I have been reading and seeing. this is also why they will reval the currency with the release of the FIL and HCL. they need to so they can establish a level of normalcy. JMO, but i think that I am right. LOL
    And this is why I believe they CANNOT reval low,
    too much at stake for Iraq to r/v too low. jmo

  3. #17643
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    The Iraq Stock Exchange is open for international investors who desire to contribute to the reconstruction of the Iraqi Economy. New legislation with the purpose of liberalising the oil-rich Iraqi economy and promoting free market economics stipulates that:

    foreign investor shall be entitled to make foreign investments in Iraq on terms no less favorable than those applicable to an Iraqi investor, unless otherwise provided herein. Ref: Investment Law
    The amount of foreign participation in newly formed or existing business entities in Iraq shall not be limited, unless otherwise expressly provided herein. Ref: Investment Law
    A juridical or natural person foreign or domestic has the right to acquire membership in (all) companies … as a founder, shareholder or partner . Ref: Commercial Company Law
    To deal with Aman Financial Services Inc, the investor is required to open an account, for which he is required to fill an Account Opening form
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  4. #17644
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    Default Oil Pressure

    This is a little old...but real good info

    Foreign Policy In Focus Foreign Policy in Focus - A Think Tank Without Walls

    "The oil belongs to the Iraqi people. It's their asset," declared President George W. Bush in a press conference on the White House lawn in June. He had just returned from a surprise visit to Baghdad, in which oil had been one of the main subjects of discussion.

    "We talked about how to advise the government to best use that money for the benefit of the people", he clarified.

    Since the new Iraqi government was formed in May 2006, the U.S. government has dramatically scaled up its efforts to provide "advice". Last month, the administration and major oil companies reviewed and commented on a new law governing Iraq's crucial oil sector, before it has even been seen by the Iraqi parliament.

    Violating the very notions of freedom and democracy Bush invokes in nearly every speech on Iraq, the U.S. government has actively intervened in the restructuring of Iraq's oil industry since at least 2002.

    In October 2002, the State Department established a working group on oil and energy, as part of its "Future of Iraq" project. The project brought together influential exiled Iraqis with US government officials and international consultants. Later, some members of the group became part of the Iraqi government. The result of the project's work was a draft framework for Iraq's oil policy. Despite Iraq being rich in oil and technical expertise, the group recommended a major role for foreign companies, through long-term contracts--an approach which would set Iraq at odds with the rest of the Middle East, where major oil producers keep their oil in the public sector.

    In March 2003, the wheels started to turn as the Coalition Provisional Authority appointed the former head of Shell USA as senior oil adviser, in daily contact with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. He was joined by an executive from ExxonMobil, and after six months, the post was rotated to former managers of ConocoPhillips and BP.

    In December 2003, the framework was set out in more detail when USAID commissioned a report by the privatisation specialists BearingPoint entitled "Options for developing a sustainable, long-term Iraqi oil industry." The report reinforced the "Future of Iraq's" report, recommending long-term contracts with foreign companies. Pointing to the "success" of this model, BearingPoint used Azerbaijan's privatization model as an example. The report commented approvingly that Azerbaijan's high corruption and lack of democracy had not impeded investment--the government had simply given away a higher share of revenues, in order to attract companies. The implication was that Iraq, which has a nascent democracy and chronic corruption, might follow the same approach.

    After the handover to the interim government in June 2004, senior oil advisers--now based within the Iraq Reconstruction Management Office (IRMO) in the U.S. Embassy--continued work closely with the Oil Ministry in shaping policy. Post holders included executives from ChevronTexaco and Unocal.

    In 2006, these efforts intensified. In February, the IRMO advisers accompanied eight senior officials from the Oil Ministry on a trip to the U.S., sponsored by the U.S.' Trade and Development Agency. On the trip, they met oil company representatives to discuss the future structure of the Iraqi oil industry.

    The same month, at the request of the State Department, USAID provided an adviser to the Oil Ministry, again from BearingPoint, to work directly on a new oil law, providing "legal and regulatory advice in drafting the framework of petroleum and other energy-related legislation, including foreign investment."

    The U.S. campaign on the fledgling Iraqi government has been successful. Following his appointment in May, new Oil Minister Husayn al-Shahristani announced that one of his top priorities would be the writing of an oil law to allow Iraq to sign contracts with "the largest companies."

    This would be the first time in more than thirty years that foreign companies would receive a major stake in Iraq's oil. Oil was brought into public ownership and control back in 1975.

    But with the ink not yet on the paper, the U.S. has maintained its pressure. On his visit to Baghdad in July 2006, U.S. Energy Secretary Bodman insisted that the Iraqi government must "pass a hydrocarbon law under which foreign companies can invest." But the work to make this case had already been done: "We got every indication that they were willing and also felt a necessity to open the sector," he commented, after meeting with the Oil Minister and Iraqi officials.

    Mr. Bodman did not stop at reviewing the draft law himself in Baghdad: he also arranged for Dr. Al-Shahristani to meet with nine major oil companies - including Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco and ConocoPhillips - for them to comment on the draft as well, during the Minister's trip to Washington DC the following week.

    Given the pressures involved, perhaps the Minister felt he did not have much choice. His promise to pass the law through parliament by the end of 2006 was set in Iraq's agreement with the International Monetary Fund last December. According to that agreement, IMF officials would also review and comment on a draft in September.

    And still, the draft law has not been seen by the Iraqi parliament. Meanwhile, an official from the Oil Ministry has stated that Iraqi civil society and the general public will not be consulted at all.

    The issues could hardly be more important for Iraq. Oil accounts for more than 90% of government revenue, and is the main driver of Iraq's economy. And decisions made in the coming months will not be reversible - once contracts are signed, they will have a major bearing on Iraq's economy and politics for decades to come.

    No wonder a recent poll showed that when asked what Iraqis thought were the three main reasons why the United States invaded Iraq, 76% gave "to control Iraqi oil" as their first choice.

    Attempting to reverse this perception and change U.S. policy, lawmakers in the House and Senate have passed legislation stating that the United States should not exert "control over any oil resource of Iraq." But usurping democracy here at home, Republicans stripped this language out of the bill's final version Hoping for better luck the second time around, Senator Joe Biden successfully led the charge to add this language to another bill currently awaiting final passage.

    In an ideal world, this legislation wouldn't be needed after Bush promised that, "The oil belongs to the Iraqi people." But actions speak louder than words. If democracy is to be upheld in Iraq and the constitution is to be protected, it should be the Iraqi people who decide how oil is managed, not the U.S. administration and Big Oil.

  5. #17645
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    16:10 2006. 10 .10. 2525

    PUKmedia Othman Abu Bakr / Dukan :
    Scheduled to visit the president of the government of Cordstan Najirfan Mr. Barzani to Baghdad next week, and to meet with officials of the Iraqi government to deal with the fuel crisis in the region and the differences between the Governments of the oil region and Baghdad.

    Mr. Kosert Rasul, the Vice-Chairman of the territory Cordstan, in a press conference held in the tourist resort of Dokan, today, Wednesday, 25 / 10 that the head of the territorial government, Najirfan Barzani, head of the government delegation to visit the territory Cordstan Baghdad. It is scheduled to discuss with officials in the Iraqi government and the problem of fuel oil between the central government and the territorial government.

    تفاصيل الاخبار
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #17646
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    Al-Hayat newspaper that the draft law Cordstan oil in Iraq are ready, The Ministry of Natural Resources in the territory Cordstan allocated to the Territory Parliament in the near future. The draft bill differ oil in the territory Cordstan drastically from the draft federal law by Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani to the National Energy Commission under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih.
    For his part, The Minister of Natural Resources of the Territory Cordstan Robert Asti four statements the day before yesterday, Sunday,, announcing the readiness of oil and convert it to the parliament in Arbil to review it. She also spoke of data on the distribution of oil wealth and laws must prevail in the disputed areas of Kirkuk.
    تفاصيل الاخبار
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  7. #17647
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    Default Investment law

    Sorry if this has already been posted

    Iraq Legal : New law aims to open Iraqi economy to foreign investors

    Tuesday, October 24th 2006

    On Oct. 10 the Parliament of Iraq passed a new investment law which opens the Iraqi economy to investors globally.
    The new law provides foreign investors with adequate legal protection and with the ability to repatriate capital and profit. It offers opportunities to apply for significant exemptions from taxes and duties for 10 years and possibly longer, and it highlights the need to facilitate the process of obtaining necessary licenses and permits.

    "It is great to have the new law, which gives us a clear frame and solid ground for promoting investment in Iraq," a senior official at the Iraq Investment Promotion Agency (IIPA) said.

    "We are expecting positive reactions by foreign investors, who have been interested and enthusiastic about doing business in Iraq. It is very beneficial for our agency and for the country."

    The agency was established early this year with the support of the USAID-funded IZDIHAR project, which has also provided substantial technical assistance and counseling in the preparation of this law.

    In a significant institutional development, the law establishes the National Commission for Investment (NCI), attached to the Office of the Prime Minister and headed by a Chairman with the rank of minister. NCI will be responsible for overseeing and executing Iraq's investment policy.

  8. #17648
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    Default Wto

    Sorry if this is a repeat

    Iraq Trade : Iraq moves forward in negotiations for WTO accession

    Tuesday, October 24th 2006

    Iraq recently progressed in its ongoing bid for accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) by submitting written responses to a host of questions raised by key members of the organization.
    The questions focused on Iraq's agricultural regime, customs and tariff policies, privatization, intellectual property protection and enforcement, technical barriers to trade, as well as efforts to ensure good governance and fight corruption. The questions addressed the current state of affairs as well as future intentions of the Iraqi government in terms of regulatory and capacity-building reforms.

    Since filing its application letter to join the world trade body in September 2004, the pace of Iraq's progress to date has matched and in some cases exceeded that of previously acceded countries.

    The USAID-funded IZDIHAR project has contributed to this progress by providing training and technical assistance to Iraqi government officials focused on WTO accession. IZDIHAR worked with the ministries concerned and assisted in compiling and organizing the information needed for the responses.

  9. #17649
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    Voice of Iraq) - 10-25-2006 |

    A tripartite meeting between Talabani and Barzani and Khalilzad Balslimaneh
    Jayman favor of
    Arbil - (Voices of Iraq)
    The tripartite meeting this afternoon Wednesday between Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani, the American ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, at the resort of Dukan in Sulaymaniyah.
    The meeting of the American ambassador with Talabani and Barzani is the first of Khalilzad with Iraqi officials after his return from the United States and his meeting with President George Bush.
    The space of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Kurdistan "that Khalilzad, the American ambassador in Iraq began this morning meeting with the President of the Republic of Iraq, Mr. Jalal Talabani and Mr. Massoud Barzani's Kurdistan region in the head of Dukan."
    It added that the meeting would discuss the space of the deteriorating situation in Iraq. although Khalilzad will Talabani and Barzani on the content of the topics discussed with the American President George W. Bush.

  10. #17650
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    I went to google translate to translate cbi arabic version (done it before) and it froze the site I cant do a damn thing. someone else want to try and tell me if its me/my computer or something cbi set up

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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