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  1. #17771
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedi17 View Post
    it would be nice to have rollsroyce opinion or word from his contacts in Iraq...has anyone heard from him lately?
    i got an email. from the sounds of it must not be anybody talkin, lol.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #17772
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    Bush says that the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is the man capable of running the situation in Iraq

    The American President George Bush said that "Washington supports the Iraqi government headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the end the presence of militias and armed manifestations." He pointed out that "Al-Maliki is the man capable of running the country and to meet the expectations of the Iraqi people. it proved in the past few months to deal with the situation of sectarian violence and to achieve national reconciliation. " Bush added during a press conference held by the White House that "the United States of America will continue to support the government and the Iraqi people in spreading democracy and building a new country." He stressed "the need to eliminate armed groups and extremist ideas everywhere in order to achieve peace."

    10 / 25 / 2006
    Radio Nawa

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #17773
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    The release of the 254 detainees in Baquba

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-26-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Diyala -- Iraq News On the occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, Party released five Iraqi infantry 134 detainees had yesterday, Wednesday. He said Division Commander Maj. Gen. special forces corner Shaker al, "This is the second diet, It was last Monday the release of 120 of the total complement of the release of 254 detainees who were arrested in a campaign carried out by a rapid response team in cooperation with the national police in Diyala Province, planning and the direct supervision of the Ministries of Defense and Interior. " It is in this regard that the process was supposed to go according to plan for drying up the hotbeds of terrorism in the province, but the constant pressure from members of the House of Representatives of two Iraqi consensus and dialogue on one hand and members of the Diyala province, of the mass of the Islamic Party, on the other hand, which resulted in disruption of public life, coercion ALMAO Zevin not to go to their constituencies and continuous weeks ago, to now, what was rescinding of the system.

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  4. #17774
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    Western sources confirm : delivering a fatal blow to the Mahdi Army a matter of time!

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-26-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Nahrin Net Western sources confirm : delivering a fatal blow to the Mahdi Army a matter of time! Sources in the municipal council in Sadr City that the American forces and even to the night was still surrounded the city and imposed a blockade on it, and mobilize some mechanisms at the additional outlets in the city, in addition to the flight of helicopters and planes in the skies of the city to terrorize the population, although the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was opposed triggered by the American forces from operations in the city Wednesday night. The eyewitnesses said that the American forces arrested ten citizens, , killed four and wounded twenty others a result of their attack on Gaza and 73 to 747 Wednesday night, The deputies asked in an interview with the Voice of the government of Iraq, al-Maliki must be resolute in the demand the American forces to stop their aggression against Sadr City, He threatened Sheikh Yousef Nassiri, one religious figures of the current sternum in an interview broadcast this radio published in the news yesterday, the Chairperson, that the continuation of this aggressive approach of troops American must stand and face only with a popular range of children Sadri trend and the honor of all Iraqis. He threatened that any continuation of these operations Adouaneh or to prepare to storm Sadr City may lead to having to declare jihad against The American forces. It is noteworthy that the American forces that are planning to deal a strong end to the existence of the Mahdi Army and thus weaken the entire trend Sadri trying to hack into Sadr City several months ago but goes down with no due process by rushing overwhelming popular in the city for demonstration and the declaration of readiness to fight the American forces, However, Western sources confirm that a strike described as a serious blow to the Mahdi Army now is only a question of time. especially after reaching Americans and Sunni parties that the Mahdi Army obstacle to the empowerment of strengthening Sunni figure in the government over electoral entitlement and restore the Baathists and former intelligence men to the organs of government overtly and various names.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #17775
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    New Iraq Oil Law One of Many Obstacles: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
    New Iraq Oil Law One of Many Obstacles

    Wednesday October 25, 6:14 pm ET
    By Thomas Wagner, Associated Press Writer

    U.S. Demand for New Oil Law in Iraq Is Only One Challenge Industry Faces

    LONDON (AP) -- Industry experts believe the bitter rivalry among Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds will make it difficult to pass a law on distributing Iraq's oil wealth -- one of the key steps in a timeline for restoring production to prewar levels and shoring up the shaky Baghdad government.

    But even if Iraq's politicians do better than expected, two other problems the industry is facing have shown no sign of abating: widespread attacks on pipelines and oil smuggling.

    SIGIR, the U.S. agency that oversees Iraq's reconstruction, recently announced that oil production in Iraq, which had hovered around 2 million barrels per day during 2005 and most of the first half of 2006, briefly reached the prewar level of 2.5 million barrels per day in mid-June. It also said oil exports had increased, averaging 1.6 million bpd during that quarter.

    But oil analysts have dismissed those numbers as a blip, not a benchmark.

    "Figures for one week, or even one month don't mean much. Oil markets look at the numbers over an average of six months. That is what we call sustained figures," said Issam al-Chalabi, a former Iraqi oil minister now working as an oil consultant in Jordan.

    "Nothing has changed. Nothing has improved," he said in an interview, adding that if it had, major international oil companies wouldn't still be sitting on the sidelines, waiting for Iraq to clarify its laws and reduce its widespread violence.

    On Tuesday, Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. ambassador in Iraq, said its leaders had agreed to the timeline that would require Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government to set dates by the end of the year for completing six key tasks.

    Five of the markers are clearly designed to mollify Sunni Arabs, the Muslim sect that makes up the bulk of the insurgency and is responsible for most American deaths in Iraq.

    In addition to a law that would guarantee the sharing of Iraq's oil wealth, the timeline requires amending the constitution, turning an anti-Baathist organization into a reconciliation body, disbanding Shiite militias, setting a date for provincial elections, and "increasing the credibility and capability of Iraqi forces."

    A new oil law could help Iraq's oil sector and its crumbling infrastructure by resolving how Iraq's Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish regions would share oil revenues and resources, and broker deals with international oil companies regarding desperately needed exploration and development.

    Most of Iraq's known oil wealth is exported from the south, where majority Shiites predominate and where U.S. and Iraqi ground forces and ships work around the clock to protect Iraq's main offshore oil terminal near Basra from insurgent attacks.

    In the other main area -- the Kurdish north -- the regional government already has signed agreements with small international oil companies, in defiance of the central government. Minority Sunnis, who mostly live in barren, war-torn central and western Iraq, worry they will be left with little or no control over the country's oil industry.

    "The Kurds have submitted a draft Petroleum Act to be adopted that gives them the right to control oil, regardless of the government in Baghdad. The Oil Ministry has submitted another completely different draft that gives the authority to the ministry, not regions. It's the main issue of the conflict: oil and Kurds," said al-Chalabi.

    Mustafa Alani, a senior adviser at the Gulf Research Center in the United Arab Emirates, also said he doubted that Iraq's deeply divided parliament will be able to pass legislation that resolves the regional dispute over Iraq's oil wealth.

    But he said the U.S. timetable has left many Iraqis believing that Washington is now planning for a gradual withdrawal of its forces, meaning that fighting among Iraqis -- not a compromise in parliament -- could determine the fate of the oil industry.

    "If the U.S. stepped up its forces and stayed, there would be more chance of success," Alani said. "But the U.S. must remember: this is a major oil producing region, not a Somalia. The impact of a cut-and-run strategy wouldn't stop at Iraq's borders."

    Even if Iraq's Shiite-led government resolves the dispute, there is little sign of improvement in two other challenges to the oil industry: widespread attacks and corruption.

    Recent SIGIR and Iraqi government reports have described corruption in Iraq such as oil smuggling as "pervasive" and "a virtual pandemic" -- one that threatens not only Iraq's capacity to fund new capital investment, but also to sustain and increase oil production.

    The reports also said widespread insurgent attacks and vandalism on crude oil and product pipelines -- which stretch 4,340 miles across Iraq -- and the oil industry's dilapidated infrastructure have hindered domestic refining, forcing Iraq to import significant amounts of liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, kerosene and diesel.

    Smuggling includes sending imported oil products or stolen local crude to neighboring countries such as Turkey, Iran, Syria and Jordan, where they often sell for more than in Iraq.

    A May 2006 survey found that 20 percent of Iraqis in 10 major cities have paid bribes to purchase gasoline on the black market.

    The U.S. State Department estimated that about 10 percent of refined fuels are sold on the black market and about 30 percent of imported fuels are smuggled out of Iraq.

    A recent report by the inspector general of Iraq's Oil Ministry said such smuggling is mainly done in boats at Iraq's southern ports and trucks at the western and northern borders, thanks to a lack of coast guards and border patrols, the corruption of customs officials and police, and the existence of illegal ports and anchorage areas operated by smugglers.

    In some areas, it said, an Iraqi truck driver who pays $500 in bribes to police patrols to take oil to a smuggling outlet still makes a profit of $8,400.

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  6. #17776
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    IGIR, the U.S. agency that oversees Iraq's reconstruction, recently announced that oil production in Iraq, which had hovered around 2 million barrels per day during 2005 and most of the first half of 2006, briefly reached the prewar level of 2.5 million barrels per day in mid-June. It also said oil exports had increased, averaging 1.6 million bpd during that quarter.

    But oil analysts have dismissed those numbers as a blip, not a benchmark.

    "Figures for one week, or even one month don't mean much. Oil markets look at the numbers over an average of six months. That is what we call sustained figures," said Issam al-Chalabi, a former Iraqi oil minister now working as an oil consultant in Jordan.

    What happened to the 2.8 million we recentley saw reported? Wasn't that for August or September? Somebody help me with this one. Could this just be another negative article???

  7. #17777
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    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - بوش يطالب القادة العراقيين بإجراءات جريئة.. ويحذر: لصبرنا حدود
    Bush calls Iraqi leaders with bold. He warns : patience to the limits
    Source : Middle East
    26 / 10 / 06
    With warned American President George Bush, Iraqi leaders yesterday that his country's patience limits «», inviting them to take bold action »« to stop violence and the completion of the political and economic reconstruction. The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki reject any schedule, especially in regard to disarming the militias. At a press conference largely devoted to the situation in Iraq, Bush said «urge Iraqi leaders to take bold action to save the country», He warned that the patience of the United States is not infinite «». However «However, we also understand the difficult challenges faced by the Iraqi leaders will not exert pressure on the Iraqi government overstretched». He explained that there is a three-point plan was announced by the American ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad and include : First : work with the political and religious leaders in Iraq to urge their followers to halt violence, sectarianism, Secondly : help Iraq's leaders to complete work hard to resolve outstanding issues that divide their country. Thirdly : use of Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Jordan to support the efforts of the Iraqi government and the rebels of trying to persuade the Sunni Arabs to lay down their arms and accept political solutions. Earlier yesterday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki reject any timetable for political reform and disarmament of the militias. According to the French Press Agency, Al-Maliki said in a press conference in Baghdad «Everyone knows that this government is the popular will of the government and no one has the right to put its schedule», «He is the elected government of the people (...) It is the right of the people that elected only to talk the issue of a timetable ».

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  8. #17778
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    Quote Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    IGIR, the U.S. agency that oversees Iraq's reconstruction, recently announced that oil production in Iraq, which had hovered around 2 million barrels per day during 2005 and most of the first half of 2006, briefly reached the prewar level of 2.5 million barrels per day in mid-June. It also said oil exports had increased, averaging 1.6 million bpd during that quarter.

    But oil analysts have dismissed those numbers as a blip, not a benchmark.

    "Figures for one week, or even one month don't mean much. Oil markets look at the numbers over an average of six months. That is what we call sustained figures," said Issam al-Chalabi, a former Iraqi oil minister now working as an oil consultant in Jordan.

    What happened to the 2.8 million we recentley saw reported? Wasn't that for August or September? Somebody help me with this one. Could this just be another negative article???

    western media, yeah. good point.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #17779
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    Jihad Unspun - A Clear View On The US War On "Terrorism"

    In a dispatch posted at 4:20pm Makkah time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, US occupation forces distributed leaflets throughout various parts of Iraq in which they offered rewards ranging from 15 million Iraqi dinars (about US$10,000) to 100 million dinars (nearly US$70,000) for information on what the Americans called “terrorists,” i.e., Iraqi Resistance fighters.

    Why would they offer 15 million Iraqi dinars if they knew how much they would be worth? Or they just don't know?
    Last edited by postcon; 26-10-2006 at 11:30 AM.

  10. #17780
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Press communique from oct. 18th on's in arabic, pdf, so i can't translate on google, anyone else see this??

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