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  1. #17781
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post'%20Issued.pdf

    Press communique from oct. 18th on's in arabic, pdf, so i can't translate on google, anyone else see this??
    It was found right after the CBI came back up the first time. It is translated a few threads back....

  2. #17782
    Senior Member Onenomad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postcon View Post
    Jihad Unspun - A Clear View On The US War On "Terrorism"

    In a dispatch posted at 4:20pm Makkah time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, US occupation forces distributed leaflets throughout various parts of Iraq in which they offered rewards ranging from 15 million Iraqi dinars (about US$10,000) to 100 million dinars (nearly US$70,000) for information on what the Americans called “terrorists,” i.e., Iraqi Resistance fighters.

    Why would they offer 15 million Iraqi dinars if they knew how much they would be worth? Or they just don't know?
    hhhmmm this would'nt look good for a high RV SGS adster opinions???
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  3. #17783
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    I need a double shot of hope! I think that even after the reval occurs I will need something equivalent to suzy-methadone. Somebody out there must have a strong rumor to get me over the hump. This place where I am in northern Iraq is like prison. As Jerry Clowers once said "Just shoot up here amunst us and give somebody some relief!" No seriously though; any inside scoops out there?

  4. #17784
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    IGIR, the U.S. agency that oversees Iraq's reconstruction, recently announced that oil production in Iraq, which had hovered around 2 million barrels per day during 2005 and most of the first half of 2006, briefly reached the prewar level of 2.5 million barrels per day in mid-June. It also said oil exports had increased, averaging 1.6 million bpd during that quarter.

    But oil analysts have dismissed those numbers as a blip, not a benchmark.

    "Figures for one week, or even one month don't mean much. Oil markets look at the numbers over an average of six months. That is what we call sustained figures," said Issam al-Chalabi, a former Iraqi oil minister now working as an oil consultant in Jordan.

    What happened to the 2.8 million we recentley saw reported? Wasn't that for August or September? Somebody help me with this one. Could this just be another negative article???

    The 2.8MBD was reported by the Iraqi's, it was their current estimation. The US are skeptical on this figure being currently achieved.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #17785
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    It was found right after the CBI came back up the first time. It is translated a few threads back....
    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post'%20Issued.pdf

    Press communique from oct. 18th on's in arabic, pdf, so i can't translate on google, anyone else see this??
    It is the text containing the mystical "Aatar Yazzmen rate" which was much discussed last weekend.

  6. #17786
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    Quote Originally Posted by Original Spiderman View Post
    I need a double shot of hope! I think that even after the reval occurs I will need something equivalent to suzy-methadone. Somebody out there must have a strong rumor to get me over the hump. This place where I am in northern Iraq is like prison. As Jerry Clowers once said "Just shoot up here amunst us and give somebody some relief!" No seriously though; any inside scoops out there?
    well....if you could confirm when smaller denoms come could drive this whole forum smaller denoms= no/rv imo

  7. #17787
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Original Spiderman View Post
    I need a double shot of hope! I think that even after the reval occurs I will need something equivalent to suzy-methadone. Somebody out there must have a strong rumor to get me over the hump. This place where I am in northern Iraq is like prison. As Jerry Clowers once said "Just shoot up here amunst us and give somebody some relief!" No seriously though; any inside scoops out there?
    You don't want rumours Spidey, facts speak for themselves.

    FACT, FIL passed.
    FACT, oil law soon to be passed, leading to enacting on both, FACT.
    FACT, still no auctions, (although I've not checked today so far).
    FACT, GW giving Maliki ultimatum.
    FACT, IAMB meeting, 31 October, outcome should be a fully convertible currency through article v111.
    FACTS, articles in the last 3 days fom CBI and undersecretary to MoF talking about the need to raise the dinar value, strenghtening the economy and giving their people buying power.
    FACT, Inflation is at 70% and cannot be allowed to continue to rise.
    FACT, International Compact to be signed end of next month.

    These are off the top of my head, sure Susie or others can add to it. Rumours are like 'ring pieces' every facker has one. Facts cannot be disputed.
    Last edited by Adster; 26-10-2006 at 11:42 AM.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #17788
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onenomad View Post
    hhhmmm this would'nt look good for a high RV SGS adster opinions???
    This is what they're offering now. Once we have our r/v they'll change the amount. No big deal.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #17789
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    Default Experts warn against dividing Iraq into regions

    Some political experts warn dividing Iraq into regions could lead to disaster: civil war, unstable Mideast.
    By Dave Clark
    BAGHDAD, 26 October 2006 (Middle East Online)

    With the United States' mission to pacify Iraq struggling against a mounting tide of sectarian violence, it has become fashionable to predict the break-up of the country into warring statelets.

    Some of Iraq's bitterly-divided factions - while insisting they do not want to partition Iraq - are pushing to form large autonomous regions on ethnic or sectarian lines under a loose federal structure.

    But some experts warned this week that for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki or his US backers to allow this to happen, or even to encourage it, could lead to disaster: civil war, more civilian dead and an unstable Middle East.

    Dominique Moisi of the French Institute for International Relations said that the hypothesis of an Iraqi partition has "been sketched out before, but if no one is pushing for it, it is because they know what it would cost."

    Although neither the Iraqi government nor any foreign government is advocating partition, the prospect is reportedly among options being considered by a high-powered panel, co-chaired by former US secretary of state James Baker.

    Named by the US Congress to assess potential policy moves in Iraq, the Iraq Study Group is set to deliver its recommendations after November congressional elections.

    Last month the Iraqi parliament approved a law which will, in 18 months time, allow Iraqis to vote in referenda on whether to merge their own provinces into those of their neighbours to form bigger regions.

    The law was strongly backed by Iraq's Kurdish minority, which already enjoys de facto regional self-rule and would like to codify it, and by Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim's Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI).

    Hakim is one of Iraq's most powerful figures and SCIRI was able to persuade Shiite lawmakers to back a scheme which he hopes will see eight or more Shiite provinces merge into an oil-rich super region south of Baghdad.

    "Federalism will guarantee that the injustice of the past will not revisit our children nor our grandchildren," Hakim said in a speech this week to hundreds of supporters in Baghdad.

    Iraq's angry Sunni Arab minority, still smarting from losing the preeminence it enjoyed under ousted dictator Saddam Hussein, fears it would be left with a rump of arid and oil-free desert in central and western Iraq.

    For Hakim and his Shiite supporters, autonomy would guarantee that they could never again fall under the sway of a Sunni despot.

    Federal autonomy would be the minimum most Kurds would accept in return for shelving their long-standing dream of an independent Kurdistan.

    And some foreign observers, despairing of the sectarian and ethnic violence gripping mixed areas of Iraq, see regionalism as a means to end the war.

    Other experts, however, see only disaster ahead if the centrifugal forces tugging on Iraq's society and body politic are allowed to pull it apart.

    "It's often forgotten that a lot of Iraq is incredibly mixed," said Dr Laleh Khalili, lecturer on Middle East politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.

    "Kirkuk is not only Kurdish, and has a large Sunni Arab population, Baghdad has got a huge Shia population," she noted, naming two key areas - an oil-rich city and the capital - which will not be easy to assign to any region.

    Much of the brutal violence which has gripped Iraq this year has essentially been linked to a Sunni-Shiite turf war.

    In Diyala Province, a fertile region north of Baghdad, for example, Sunni extremist groups have driven tens of thousands of Shiite families from their homes, while in Baghdad, Shiite militias are cleansing Sunni districts.

    And the violence is not simply sectarian. "Partition would not resolve the problem of a conflict among the Shiites," said Moisi.

    If Hakim is pushing the federal agenda the hardest, it is because he hopes his Iranian-backed SCIRI party would dominate regional government and leave his supporters in charge of Iraq's main oil fields and only ports.

    Other powerful Shiite factions, including radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's political movement and Mahdi Army militia, are less enthusiastic about any plan which would leave the Shiite urban masses in Baghdad on the sidelines.

    And the question of foreign involvement brings up the issue of regional stability, which was a stated goal of the US invasion of Iraq but one that has been undermined by the ensuing bloodshed.

    "I don't think that either the Iranians or the Turks would like partition very much because that would immediately mean that the Kurds would have their own state," said Khalili.

    "That would spell trouble for the Iranian state and the Turkish state vis-a-vis their own Kurdish population," she warned. Many Kurds see a future Kurdistan as encompassing broad swathes of Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria.

    For Moisi, Iran might enjoy having an autonomous Shiite region under its influence, but this in turn might worry others of Iraq's neighbours.

    "A Shiite country close to Iran would be a major worry for Saudi Arabia," he said. Saudi Arabia - led by a Sunni royal family and wealthy elite - has a restive Shiite minority, concentrated in its oil-rich east.

    For these reasons, US President George W. Bush said last month that an Iraqi partition would create "a bigger mess than we have at this point in time."

    But some believe that now that the genie of separatism is out of the bottle, a break-up might become inevitable.

    "If there is no breakthrough and real unity does not begin, this situation will become reality," said Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

    Experts warn against dividing Iraq into regions | Iraq Updates

  10. #17790
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post'%20Issued.pdf

    Press communique from oct. 18th on's in arabic, pdf, so i can't translate on google, anyone else see this??
    Ok i translated

    Bank of Baghdad, the Iraqi Marazi 18 / October / 2006 World Marazi 4196th statement on the Iraqi current positive trends in the overall level of prices Press Communiqué 'Issued from the CBI Concerning the current Positive Seabird of the General Price Level following World Marazi Iraqi interestdeep price trends and the current positive indicators displayed by the index of consumer prices in Iraq (Am'cher for inflation), which scored a broad decline in the growth rates, particularly in the month of September of this year, 2006,The (negative 13%) compared with August of the same year.And to the extent that the bank believes the Iraqi Marazi in this decline as a sign of the health of the Iraqi economy, to show its ability to contain the phenomenon of inflationary trends and respond to unwanted levels of living or productivity in the distribution of resources among the various uses,However, he is still aware that the source of Ant price fluctuations resulting from vibrations generated by the supply sector in the level of real rates of production or productivity promised by changing the basis for the development of activities of price and delinquency rates on the price of natural tracks and levels of moderation.Taking the positive developments in the energy sector, fuel and transport and communication sector has Abera, in the low rates of inflation in the month last September as the rates of decline contributed by paragraph fuel and lighting components in the index of consumer prices in Iraq about (negative 42%), while transport contributed paragraph. ( Wa%some of the surface (negative 33 and the World Marazi Iraqi need support the economic policy of positive trends in the level of inflation and the decline through various hubs and trends, particularly in the field of energy, fuel, and the areas of fiscal policy aimed at restructuring public expenditures and a containment pressureMali, as well as the role of the investment policy, including the various investment opportunities and boosted economic growth in the country. At a time when monetary policy to sense that there was high optimism in the stability of the general level of prices and the decline in inflation rates but it is aware of the importance of staying on the trends of strong backing to the hard-line LasTakrar economic,reflected in the current level of rates as well as the bank continues Marazi,interest Rate Policy-Marazi Iraqi Iraqi bank to achieve its objectives current operational addressed to influence the rates of the monetary liquidity and control menaced and embodied activity u1575 ongoing auction money, bonds and foreign currency auction. The bank will maintain Marazi Iraqi on the other tracksin its monetary policy to achieve intermediate goals for reducing inflation and contain inflationary expectations, relying on "stabilizing nominal" cash Aatar Yazzmen rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and boosted the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar to move across the tracks and cash assistance in inflation targeting. eitherAlihalanange reflect the Bank's monetary Marazi Iraqi Without doubt on the link between climate and means of monetary policy,whether in the area of interest rates or exchange rates on one hand,The stability of the general level of prices on the other hand promised the Association of tasks President underlying the Marazi Bank in the implementation of its goals to maximize the purchasing power of cash income and the strengthening of the capacities of the country coffers in a way that achieves the objectives of economic growth in the long term.

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