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  1. #17961
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treater View Post
    Wanna get a second opinion on this. Alsabaah hasn't updated yet, correct? How many days has it been? And whats with CBI not updating since the 22nd? Am I in error to think this? Am I seeing it wrong?
    last day in the archives is the 20th for al sabaah. cbi is not posting for 10 days and the last day was the 22nd. no, it didnt happen last year.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #17962
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    Quote Originally Posted by risktaker View Post
    i can see where you are coming from with that assumption, but the logic is a little off for me personally. any country that has an exchange rate of 1500 to 1 would see a much larger difference in the price of imported goods going to 3 to one, that is a huge gain in buying power. if you look at it relative to the current situation, anything higher than 3 to 1 is just icing. you can even take the dinar investor as a perfect example, if you paid 800.00US for a million dinars, and then it revalued at 3 IQD to 1USD, you would be thrilled. if it revalued at 1to1 you would be even more thrilled. but if you look at the relative gain you make on the investment, the biggest difference is made going from a value of $800 to a value of $300,000, than going the rest of the way from $300,000 to $1,000,000.

    the important thing want to keep in mind is that the investor still needs the perception of value to put money into the country. if they go too high they run the risk of having investors feel they are overpaying to invest money. don't forget, the dinar is not supportable at $3.22 if they can't get the money in country to build refineries, infrastucture, etc and at that price i don't think they would be able to. i would rather see them start low between .30 and .80 and be able to get the needed money, than to see them start at 1.50 and have trouble getting investment. if it starts lower, they will get what they need and the value of the dinar will take care of itself.
    Getting money into the country from investor's to build refineries, infrastrusture ect is not the only way they will be supporting the Dinar. I doubt if any body but them know how much they have in reserves from selling Dinar to all of us for the last three years. They also have the reserves from all of the Gold in Switzerland to support the Dinar. And the best support in the world is their liquid Gold. "Oil". Even the World Bank stated back in June that Iraq could support a reval of $3.00+. Plus there has been a lot of talk within this very forum about the "Marshall Plan". Plus the support that they have from the IMF, and all of the member countries support as well. I don't believe they have a problem with supporting the RV at what ever figure they want to put on it. I don't believe they will have any trouble getting investors with a RV of $1.20+. We know that the Dinar being put on a RV and then a float will take care of itself.
    Last edited by fsndirector; 27-10-2006 at 05:45 AM.

  3. #17963
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    Default My mind is in Simple mode again - Help!

    [quote=jedi17;126542]CURRENCY PEG: if Iraq was to Peg dinar at say .30....its movement would be limited to the currency it is Pegged at...which they have made mention to the US dollar, which might bring small investors to exchange dinar quickly...however would allow large investors the time to evaluate progress in Iraq and buy dinar. If you have millions to invest at .30 to the dollar and then in a year they r/v again to .50 you make a great profit.....however if they r/v money closer to 1.00-1.50 then larger speculators may think twice.

    If they r/v dinar and let it free float in currency market...many people might exchange quickly if there is an initial downward trend.....

    My dilemma is that I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around this scenerio. I have only a small investment ( a few Mill. ) if it does ony reval at .30 on the USD - would it pay for me to just hold on to the dinar I have - or should I exchange some of it giving me many more thousands of USD to invest than I initially invested and Re-purchase more dinar at the new exchange rate or would that be a mute point. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FIGURE IT OUT

    I am on my way to bed - so if any of you can PM me I woudl greatly appreciate that - so I dont loose track of the posts.

    PS DinarExcited - great post on the IRS info- I believe no taxes; however, I am sure that our US Government will find a way to make us pay. But maybe we will luck out. Maybe they just have to fill out those banking forms to track money, and as long as we keep good records as you mentioned we may be free and clear. THAT WOULD BE GREAT.

    Did anyone notice I changed my Avitar - that is LeLi my new kitten. I promised my 3 yr old cat taht I would get him a girlfriend when the RV hit- My daughter found 2 kittens as time would have it - so i figure it a SIGN OF THE TIMES.
    Last edited by; 27-10-2006 at 06:06 AM.
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    Count the $$$ figures !!!

  4. #17964
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    Very good, very interesting news/post tonight everyone...

    I was just now over looking at another forum and saw something very interesting and actually seemed like a great way to look at it...

    The poster said :All I have to say is that the US government has to leave Iraq at least where we found them. (.33). If not, there economy would been better under Saddam.

    Another poster replied : Their exchange rate was much lower than .33 when we went in.

    Does anyone in the family know the real answer to that???

  5. #17965
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    My dilemma is that I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around this scenerio. I have only a small investment ( a few Mill. ) if it does ony reval at .30 on the USD - would it pay for me to just hold on to the dinar I have - or should I exchange some of it giving me many more thousands of USD to invest than I initially invested and Re-purchase more dinar at the new exchange rate or would that be a mute point. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FIGURE IT OUT
    You would lose money doing that.

  6. #17966
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    i guess another question would be how long they would peg the dinar for before r/ving it for a second time. if they plan on pegging the dinar to curb inflation then they better go higher than .30 or you will see the big speculators with millions....

  7. #17967
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    Talking Excuse me!

    Quote Originally Posted by frathousemicrowave View Post
    You would lose money doing that.

    Ya think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................

  8. #17968
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    last day in the archives is the 20th for al sabaah. cbi is not posting for 10 days and the last day was the 22nd. no, it didnt happen last year.
    Didn't Warka say they would re-open on the 30th (I could be mistaken) anyway...just wondering what the possibility that we should be watching the opening of the FOREX over the weekend for the reval. I know CBI is not posting until around 11/1 but does that mean that a reval is unlikely. I just can't get past the 10/30 and 10/31 conference Shabibi is keynote speaker for. Sounds like he would want to announce that the reval has been launched as of the opening of the FOREX and all is smooth. Just a thought.
    Last edited by CharmedPiper; 27-10-2006 at 07:00 AM.

  9. #17969
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    Ya think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................

    The reason for my post was to answer someones question, just helping someone out. Whats the point of yours? I cant tell.

  10. #17970
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Didn't Warka say they would re-open on the 30th (I could be mistaken) anyway...just wondering what the possibility that we should be watching the opening of the FOREX over the weekend for the reval. I know CBI is not posting until then but does that mean that a reval is unlikely. I just can't get past the 10/30 and 10/31 conference Shabibi is keynote speaker for. Sounds like he would want to announce that the reval has been launched as of the opening of the FOREX and all is smooth. Just a thought.
    just my thoughts as well....we know that the r/v will happen when it is posted at the cbi...then the press conference.

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