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  1. #18091
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcquiller1 View Post
    Thank you so much for that post. Gives us some idea of at least where some of our money is going and that there really is process in a country worth saving. I really appreciate your post.
    You're welcome. The Lord said; "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." My heart is a whole lot easier to follow than my brain, most of the time.

  2. #18092
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    We send our prayers to him and to all the troops that are serving in Iraq
    Amen to that!!!

  3. #18093
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    Interesting article found by John Jay at IIF.

    James Baker's Double Life
    Interesting indeed,

    Forgot to mention Bush and Cheney's double life setting this deal up behind closed doors. (g)

  4. #18094
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Thumbs up TEXT-Joint statement by Iraqi PM and US envoy

    Fri 27 Oct 2006 1:59 PM ET

    BAGHDAD, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Following is the text of a joint statement following a meeting on Friday between Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, as read to Reuters by government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh.

    "We are pleased to meet today to discuss our ongoing efforts to bring peace and security to Iraq and create a better future for all Iraqis. Iraq and the United States are committed to working together to respond to the needs of the people.

    "The Iraqi government has made clear the issues that must be resolved, with timelines, to take positive steps forward on behalf of the Iraqi people.

    "The United States fully supports their goals and will help make them a success.

    "While we recognise the difficulties, we know that our continued strong partnership will allow us to meet the challenges facing Iraq.

    "The United States will continue to stand by the Iraqi government and the Iraqi government welcomes the support of the United States as it moves forward with plans for national reconciliation and the strengthening of the Iraqi security forces.

    "The government of Iraq is committed to work toward a good and strong relationship with the U.S. government, to work together toward a democratic, stable Iraq and to confront the terrorist challenge in the light of strategic alliances between the two countries."

  5. #18095
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger III View Post
    In the first sentence of your second paragraph, are you sure you didn't mean
    to say "too high?"

    No I meant to say too low. What i mean is that if the RV were high enough to tempt impatient people into cashing out yet still low according to expectations, which lets say for the discussion the activity caused the rate to drop a bit more dramtically than was expected. This would give opponents the chance to spin the activity as a collapse and drive fear. The higher RV alleviates that option for opponents to Iraq since there is more cushion in the rate to absorb the movement.
    Last edited by wciappetta; 27-10-2006 at 08:21 PM.

  6. #18096
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    Default Iraq PM meets US envoy, commits to "timelines"

    Fri 27 Oct 2006 1:55 PM ET

    By Alastair Macdonald

    BAGHDAD, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Iraq's prime minister said in a joint statement with the U.S. ambassador his government had "timelines" for the resolution of the country's problems after the two men met following days of diplomatic tension.

    "The Iraqi government has made clear the issues that must be resolved, with timelines, to take positive steps forward on behalf of the Iraqi people," government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh told Reuters, reading from a joint statement by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and envoy Zalmay Khalilzad after their meeting.

    Maliki earlier this week countered remarks by Khalilzad that the Iraqi government had agreed to meet "benchmarks" for policy action over the next year according to "timelines" agreed with Washington.

    He said only that his government had a view of when various political and military developments ought to take place and bristled at suggestions that Khalilzad was saying that Washington was imposing a timetable on him.

    The controversy over language and the extent to which Maliki was responding to U.S. impatience with efforts to stop sectarian militias has coloured campaigning for Nov. 7 elections that may cost President George W. Bush's Republicans control of Congress.

    Some opponents say U.S. troops should be withdrawn quickly as Iraq heads towards civil war with an ineffective government.

    The statement appeared aimed at dispelling the impression of mounting friction between Washington and its Iraqi allies:

    "We are pleased to meet today to discuss our ongoing efforts to bring peace and security to Iraq and create a better future for all Iraqis. Iraq and the United States are committed to working together to respond to the needs of the people," the prime minister and the ambassador said in the document.

    "The United States fully supports their (the Iraqi government's) goals and will help make them a success," they went on.


    Bush this week said he would go on backing Maliki "as long as he continues to take tough decisions".

    Maliki responded by saying he needed more weaponry and freedom of manoeuvre for the Iraqi security forces in order to take those "tough decisions".

    "While we recognise the difficulties, we know that our continued strong partnership will allow us to meet the challenges facing Iraq," the Friday statement said.

    "The United States will continue to stand by the Iraqi government and the Iraqi government welcomes the support of the United States as it moves forward with plans for national reconciliation and the strengthening of the Iraqi security forces.

    "The government of Iraq is committed to work toward good and strong relations with the U.S. government to work together toward a democratic, stable Iraq and to confront the terrorist challenge in the light of the strategic alliance between the two countries."

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    British troops in Iraq to be halved if success continues: report

    26 October 2006

    LONDON - The number of British troops in Iraq may be halved early next year if apparent military successes in the country continue at their current rate, The Daily Telegraph reported on Thursday.

    Citing senior British army officers and a senior American defence official, the newspaper said that the plan is contingent on Operation Sinbad, a severAl month long attempt announced about a month ago to restore security and rebuild the troubled southern port city of Basra, continuing to succeed.

    Britain has about 7,200 troops deployed in Iraq, but that number will be cut to 3,500 if Operation Sinbad continues to go well, the newspaper reported.

    “If Operation Sinbad goes as well as it has done, then we can expect to substantially decrease our force by February at the earliest,” the newspaper quoted an unnamed senior British official based in Basra as saying.

    “There is a real sense that we are just short of that tipping point. If we can just push it over the edge everything will fall in a particular way.”

    The newspaper also said that an unidentified senior American defence department official in Washington had said that British officials had told their US counterparts that they wanted to withdraw the majority of their troops in Iraq within a year so they could concentrate their attention on Afghanistan.

    The American official told the newspaper that British officials had said that their military was “near to breaking point” due to long deployments in Iraq.

    The report follows comments from British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Wednesday, who said the country will not change its strategy in Iraq, despite mounting calls in the face of spiraling sectarian violence and casualties within the US-led coalition.

    “Let me make one thing absolutely and abundantly clear — there will be no change in the strategy of withdrawal from Iraq. (It will only happen) when the Iraqi forces are confident that they can handle security,” he told parliament.

    Khaleej times

  8. #18098
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    This is great news guys!

    More income per person, improving economy and tackling the poverty.

    The FIL = Enacted the doors are open NOW!!

    There is room for investment in OIL. Does this mean that the HCL is also approved and enacted? Anybody knows this?

    Reading this I would say a RV must has taken place. Maybe we should watch the Forex real carefully this time!!!


    its not in the 'official gazette' yet.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 27-10-2006 at 08:56 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #18099
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    The 2nd? My birthday...what a great birthday present, come on r/v
    SCORPIOS RULE!!!!!!!!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #18100
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    its not in the 'official gazette' yet.

    Is there a link for the official gazette does anyone know?

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