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  1. #18351
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lr4bama View Post
    Greetings, all! This is my first post and look forward to reading all the very inciteful information this forum has to offer.
    I am wondering how to decipher this post about BOA. Are they saying that they are going to offer the dinar on November 13th at the low price of ~$750 per million or are they saying that on November 13th the dinar will be available for investors since the new FIL will be official by then and investors will have to purchase at the newer revalued price? What is everyone else's take on this post?
    Bingo!!! It will be at the new rate....NY is the financial capital of the world... NYers would be the first to know about this kinda of stuff....Other speculators can jump in while were cashing out!!!!
    Thats how i take the info in in my opinion

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    I thought the Bank of America were selling anyway. This is still good news though things are happening.
    B of A is NOT selling in kansas city mo. i call friday and they told me they have not and are not selling iraqi dinar! so maybe they don't want miss out on the r/v either!

  3. #18353
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    With all the bank talk, I thought I'd post this just FYI...


    Transporting large amounts of currency is not advisable. Almost all of the international companies working in Iraq have the capability to make payments to their employees and at least four Iraqi banks are also able to convert cash into an international wire transfer directed to a bank account outside Iraq. Branches of the Credit Bank of Iraq (OWNED BY HSBC with Bank of Kuwait and World Bank International Finance Corp owning a share))(Al-Sa’adoon St., Baghdad), Dar Es Salaam Bank ([email protected]), Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank ([email protected]) and Al-Warqaa Investment Bank ([email protected]) all have this capability. Please be aware that large wire transfers may require Central Bank of Iraq approval because of measures in place to combat money laundering. Such approvals can be obtained by the sending bank, if information on the origin of the funds and the reason for its transfer is provided.

    The World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, will buy a minority stake in Credit Bank of Iraq in partnership with Kuwait’s largest bank, National Bank of Kuwait.
    The National Bank of Kuwait was one of the first three financial institutions in the world that received a full domestic banking license from the Iraqi Central Bank.
    Robert Eid, group general manager for National Bank of Kuwait’s international operations and subsidiaries, said; “We greatly value our partnership with IFC and look forward to working together in rebuilding the financial infrastructure in Iraq as well as in other initiatives in the region.”
    IFC and National Bank of Kuwait want to expand the capital of Credit Bank of Iraq to make it a key player in the local financial market. The transaction will set the ground for further investments and knowledge transfer by international banks.
    The deal is very important for Iraq because it will allow its financial system to play a catalytic role in its ongoing reconstruction efforts.

    Last edited by DayDream; 28-10-2006 at 07:39 PM.

  4. #18354
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    Default Wooooooooottttt

    well people were almost home i think we all see it coming all this waiting is going to pay off big WOOOOOOOOOTTTTT WOOOOT alll abort let the facts speak for them selfs

  5. #18355
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    With all the bank talk, I thought I'd post this just FYI...


    Transporting large amounts of currency is not advisable. Almost all of the international companies working in Iraq have the capability to make payments to their employees and at least four Iraqi banks are also able to convert cash into an international wire transfer directed to a bank account outside Iraq. Branches of the Credit Bank of Iraq (OWNED BY HSBC with Bank of Kuwait and World Bank International Finance Corp owning a share))(Al-Sa’adoon St., Baghdad), Dar Es Salaam Bank ([email protected]), Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank ([email protected]) and Al-Warqaa Investment Bank ([email protected]) all have this capability. Please be aware that large wire transfers may require Central Bank of Iraq approval because of measures in place to combat money laundering. Such approvals can be obtained by the sending bank, if information on the origin of the funds and the reason for its transfer is provided.

    The World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, will buy a minority stake in Credit Bank of Iraq in partnership with Kuwait’s largest bank, National Bank of Kuwait.
    The National Bank of Kuwait was one of the first three financial institutions in the world that received a full domestic banking license from the Iraqi Central Bank.
    Robert Eid, group general manager for National Bank of Kuwait’s international operations and subsidiaries, said; “We greatly value our partnership with IFC and look forward to working together in rebuilding the financial infrastructure in Iraq as well as in other initiatives in the region.”
    IFC and National Bank of Kuwait want to expand the capital of Credit Bank of Iraq to make it a key player in the local financial market. The transaction will set the ground for further investments and knowledge transfer by international banks.
    The deal is very important for Iraq because it will allow its financial system to play a catalytic role in its ongoing reconstruction efforts.

    Sounds good Daydream,
    I will use this method when I repatriate my funds from Al-Waarka bank.
    "SAYS" $1.26 here we come!!!!

  6. #18356
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    Translated version of tle=

    Bush and Maliki agree on the working partnership

    Baghdad-Eastern U.S. President George W. Bush with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki today, Saturday, to form a high-level working group to prepare a new work mechanisms and the strengthening of cooperation between the two sides.
    Bush explained to reporters that the agreement was reached during talks by video Konfrence included technical "issues of great importance to our common in Iraq."

    These issues, according to the Bush include the "development of Iraqi security forces, and efforts to promote reconciliation among Iraqis. The economic reforms. "
    The two sides agreed on three goals are "to speed up the training of Iraqi security forces, Iraq took the responsibility of leading the troops, The transfer of security responsibility to the Iraqi government. "
    It included a working group Iraqi National Security Advisor, The Iraqi defense minister, and the Iraqi Minister of the Interior, The commander of the American forces in Iraq and the American Ambassador, according to the statements of Bush.
    He added that the committee "will be issued recommendations about how best to achieve these goals."
    His emphasis on "our commitment to the partnership between the two countries and governments. And the various possible methods for a stable Iraq - democratic In order to achieve victory in the war on terrorism

  7. #18357
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    Default Bush, Iraq leader talk, try to ease rift

    By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writer
    30 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Embattled Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and President Bush agreed Saturday to expedite the hand-over of full control of Iraq's army to the government as they seek to quell the insurgency and sectarian bloodshed.

    The two leaders spoke for nearly an hour a day after al-Maliki declared he was a friend of the U.S., but "not America's man in Iraq," leading to talk of a growing rift between Washington and the Iraqi leader.

    The U.S. military, meanwhile, announced the death of a Marine in restive Anbar province west of Baghdad on Friday, raising to 98 the number of U.S. military personnel killed in October, already the fourth deadliest month since the Iraq war began in March 2003.

    Al-Maliki's office issued a statement after a 50-minute video conference with Bush saying the two leaders agreed to the joint goals of speeding up training of Iraqi soldiers and "handing over security responsibility to the Iraqi government."

    In Washington, White House spokesman Tony Snow said Bush affirmed that al-Maliki is a sovereign leader whom the U.S. is assisting.

    "What you've got in Maliki is a guy who is making decisions," Snow said. "He's making tough decisions, and he's showing toughness and he's also showing political skill in dealing with varying factions within his own country. And both leaders understand the political pressures going on."

    The statements from both sides were aimed at dousing speculation about a rift, which intensified Friday after al-Maliki declared he was his own man during a meeting with U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

    The comment, described by an al-Maliki aide, was in sharp contrast to the joint statement issued after the meeting that stressed the need to work together to set timelines to clamp off spiraling violence.

    "I am a friend of the United States, but I am not America's man in Iraq," Hassan al-Suneid, a close al-Maliki aide, quoted the Iraqi leader as telling Khalilzad.

    U.S. officials have been pressuring al-Maliki, a Shiite, to crack down on Shiite militias and death squads blamed for much of the sectarian conflict that has worsened this year and to accept a timeline for curbing violence.

    Al-Maliki depends heavily on Iraqi Shiite politicians whose parties run the heavily armed militias.

    Al-Suneid said the prime minister demanded that his government be treated as an elected administration with international legitimacy and that U.S. forces in Iraq must coordinate better with his government.

    He added that al-Maliki repeated to Khalilzad his reluctance to implement a timeline for tackling security issues, arguing that Iraq's security forces were not yet up to the task.

    The dispute has tarnished Bush's bid to promote policy "adjustments" in Iraq with less than two weeks left before U.S. elections. The vote is expected to be in part a referendum on Bush's policy in Iraq as U.S. deaths have topped 2,800 and the war dragged into its 44th month.

    A relative calm in the Baghdad area during the five days since the end of the holy month of Ramadan broke down Saturday in a fresh outbreak of violence.

    Iraqi soldiers, backed by American forces, raided an insurgent hide-out near Baghdad at dawn, killing 15 fighters and capturing eight, police said. The raid was in Shejeriyah, about 18 miles south of the capital, police Lt. Mohamed al-Shemeri said.

    The U.S. military reported a separate raid south of the capital in which an insurgent dressed as a woman was killed when he opened fire on American soldiers who had rounded up 10 comrades.

    A rocket hit an outdoor marked in southern Baghdad, killing one person and wounding 35, and a bomb exploded in a minibus in the capital's east, killing one and wounding nine, police said.

    Clashes erupted between U.S. and Iraqi troops and gunmen in the city of Ramadi, an insurgency stronghold where dozens of militants staged a military-like parade last week not far from a U.S. base. The troops used loudspeakers to ask residents to stay indoors.

    Nine Iraqi soldiers were kidnapped on the increasingly dangerous highway linking the capital with the northern city of Kirkuk. They were dragged off a minibus north of the restive city of Khalis, 55 miles north of Baghdad, said Maj. Gen. Anwar Mohammed Ameen, the regional commander.

    In Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Baghdad, police said they had found two bodies of apparent sectarian violence in the city's central al-Mu'allimeen district. A third body was pulled from the Diyala river. Later, police reported the shooting deaths of two men in a Baqouba market.


  8. #18358
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Hi Adam,

    Good to hear from you as well. As we all know, we are going through a very strange period with more going on through ramadan than in the previous three months, so very unusual to say the least.

    I heard that no one received the 10K yet, and this too was very strange given the announcement weeks ago, as if baiting the poor Iraqi's was the game to appease them for the final release, at a revalue level, which sure makes more sense as I see it.

    The news blockouts on all this is the most strange part to understand. There has not been one report to tell Iraqi's why there is a delay, so no one in gov. is talking about it, very strange. As we often do, we connect the dots and most of us have become experts at this in the past year, so I feel we are closer than ever now.

    Another point of interest is Saddam's regimes billions tucked away all over the world. It appears most has been located and will be coming back to Iraq, and this may be an even more important clue helping to connect the dots on reserve issues and concerns brought up by the so called economic experts. Sure is an interesting piece of puzzle and one that may be the main reason for delaying revalue.

    Just a few more things to think about while we are all awaiting our fortunes. (g) You must say, this has been the most interesting financial journey anyone has taken before, so enjoy it, as it will never happen again. Nothing even comes close to what we have here, not Kuwaiti dinar, or the ding dong, nothing will produce what Iraqi dinar will soon.

    As to the notes, as you know, 14 denoms were printed as it was mentioned last year, but we still don't know what they are, or where they are. My only reference was that the same denoms will be used as before, and the notes that were used without Saddam's mug will be the same. Remember, these were all exchanged out back in 2003, so unlike the Saddam mug notes, which are worthless now, the smaller notes may be reintroduced is what I have heard, but as educated speculation only. As you know, Kurd's used Swiss dinar, so they don't have a direct handle on which notes will be reintroduced, and which are new.

    When you think about it, why not. The smaller denoms were never counterfeited, unlike the Saddam mug notes used, so when they were exchanged, they may still have these stockpiled, which makes a lot of sense when you think it through. If this is the case, all one has to do is go and look at the former small demoms and I think you will see most did not use Saddam's mug, he was on most the large notes though as he showed is ego maniacal tendencies.

    Good luck to all, Mike
    Okay Guys, Question: What is the difference in the Kuwait dinar and our Iraqi dinar? Will the Kuwait dinar revalue when the Iraqi dinar does?I'm sure this has already been asked about but I don't remember. I'm just wondering how this fits together. THANKS LISA
    Sorry NENO if this is in the wrong thread

  9. #18359
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    I'm not sure if this is important but my father and I buy dinar all the time from chase bank here in san antoinio, and last week my father asked the teller about the exchange rates of kuwait and jordan. the teller looked them up on the computer and said that the kuwait dinar was $3.75 and jordans was
    $1.55. I just found it interesting that there currenices have gone up.

  10. #18360
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    Quote Originally Posted by South Texan View Post
    I'm not sure if this is important but my father and I buy dinar all the time from chase bank here in san antoinio, and last week my father asked the teller about the exchange rates of kuwait and jordan. the teller looked them up on the computer and said that the kuwait dinar was $3.75 and jordans was
    $1.55. I just found it interesting that there currenices have gone up.
    Its not that the value has changed . . .that is what Chase is marking them up to . . .you are paying Chase the premium for the currency. Just like 767.67 for a million IQD when the CBI rate is still around 680 per. . . .or when they buy them back in the 620s per

    They will always make a buck on us . . .thats why they are the bank and we arent

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