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    Unemployment in Iraqi affairs
    Report : Amir Hasson on
    Introduction : memory Bahjat
    Comment : Ali Mohsen

    · Report : Welcome Dear viewers, in the Iraqi inputs, break observers to the happenings Alamurvi Iraq believe that the welfare and prosperity of the Iraqi economy will start first in overcoming all obstacles and difficulties which may face government elected to overcome the difficult steps reflect us to a new stage of advancement and construction Every government program would boost economic activities in a resource-rich country like Iraq oil in addition to other resources such as agriculture, industry, tourism and other resources. if we have to seek the government to find solutions to the remnants of the difficult era in which this economy than spending on wars. Nearly a decade of economic sanctions. and also make up this episode in the last three years following the occupation, and change the volume and Ziad unemployment and the transition perhaps others to the system programmer socialist long long decades to a free accompanied by a clear deterioration in the security and services.

    Comment ...
    Iraq is characterized by wealth, mainly oil, which is one of the first countries producing and exporting, including possessed of a strategic reserve of this wealth, in addition to that enjoyed by the geographical location of the center not to mention the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which provide fresh water and drinking water and a fertile ground unfit for cultivation as well as a wealth of other like sulfur, phosphate and other minerals not forget another resource is religious tourism civilian in Iraq, where many of the holy religious sites and archaeological areas, which were also attracted to a financially from the thousands of visitors and tourists every year is different corners of the planet.

    Spokesman ...
    Already Iraq's considerable resources and a great potential and Aiaoz Iraq absolutely nothing in the way of economic development and also suffers from extreme poverty, we find these things, lack of resources, lack of skills and poverty in other countries but, unfortunately, we see it more economically advanced of our beloved.

    Comment ...
    Manifestations of economic growth is apparent in Iraq after the nationalization of oil in 1972 until the beginning of the 1980s of the last century as the country has entered a fierce war with the state of Iran to stopping the wheel of development and construction, the siege imposed on Iraq by the United Nations due to the entry of Iraqi troops into Kuwait, the beginning of the 1990s and since that time, the Iraqi citizen of a tough economy suffering passed the worst period for the level of inflation in the Iraqi dinar to the detriment of the economy directly and continue to decline in the economy even after the occupation of Iraq Webb Afterward subject to conditions of stability between them.

    Spokesman ...
    Economic advancement is linked to the availability of a combination of factors, these factors highlighted the need for the accumulation of capital, Mali the need for capital is the absence of such capital can not make any new investments. We must open the door to foreign investment, But opening the door to foreign investment must be unconditional and specific sectors in which the state wants to play.

    Comment ...
    A strong economy is necessary for the state to build programs needs to invest seriously and imports of wealth and put them in the straight.

    · Report : So Dear viewers, and you are welcome to Mr. Jabr Al-Zubaidi, the Iraqi Minister of Finance welcome your professor in the program.

    · Zubaidi : Hello, and Welcome.

    · Report : beginning Siadjeh minister will ask whether the Iraqi economy, relying only on imports of Iraqi oil and other imports absent Iraq's natural resources and many installations can be used for Iraq?

    · Zubaidi : In the name of God the Merciful, of course, undoubtedly the current Iraqi economy over the past fifty years or more is one-sided economy depends on oil sales and thus inherited a sound economic policy-it started visas elected government in a far-reaching policy over the next four years is a five-year plan to transform Alaghtassa d to the multi-faceted Mthlath in tax policy and not linked to inherited policy or taxes or customs charges that the Iraqi economy as well as the development of local industry, including supplementary Aloztneh and other supplements, So I say we need time to move from reliance on oil, or 97% of Iraq's budget for the year 2000-5000 and six ratios to God less than the 70th% in the next four years.

    · Report : So you now you change what in the current tax system, which is different in this system?

    · Zubaidi : this system, when it inherited the ministry is based solely on the staff and some deductions are limited to a very limited extent the terms in a meeting with one of the officials in taxes and general manager and directors of departments in taxes when the stated figure, which comes from taxes crop I said that the supermarket in Europe possible to obtain this amount, Iraq can not a when you get 28 two million such a meager amount and very little so ashamed that the rights quotes. For example, the mobile phone companies have three major companies get huge profits too, Similarly popular sell us the air, talking in the air and we sell dollars and go to their pockets and this is something good to contribute to invest in Iraq, but there must be a share of the citizen through a tax guide us resolutely to these companies and asked them to submit complete records on what they get from the profits.

    · Report : and there are other companies since the beginning of their entry in Iraq?

    · Zubaidi : I will turn to ... Complete records even begin to accounting, I will not allow the marginal tax in the new Iraq and today the tax in the whole world, when you go to Europe controlled until the President of the Republic. The tax basis of the work and the economy of major countries, today, the tax can not shirk from any human being, We have limited staff and we began to take a portion of their salaries, but the commercial sector and investment and not say in the meeting because we Snfajie these companies also Vjana mobile phone companies who did not expect to attend the official tax records and hold them, but asked him to go to the main computer to know how many calls per day, how much n outrage taxes. These taxes help the Iraqi economy so as not to be one-sided and obtain additional funds supporting the Iraqi economy. I believe that the current law Alastthmaler who will read the second reading in the Economic Committee, which I am the Deputy Chairman and brother Dr. Barham and members of the Minister of Trade and Minister of Oil and the Office of Financial Supervision and will finish the second reading and hoist to the Cabinet even Aghervi the House of Representatives, the Council of Ministers, I think it is CNN Khtlv God.

    · Report : Yes, Mr. Minister, also developed strategic future studies for the advancement of the Iraqi economy listening and watching together and colleague memory Bahjat authorized Dear viewers, the memory of our colleague and Bahjat meeting with Aldectormahdi Hafiz.

    · Introduction : Thank you, welcome Emir Dear viewers, and we welcome the visiting deputy in the parliament and former minister of planning Aldectormahdi Hafiz Welcome to you.

    · Hafiz : Welcome to you.

    · Introduction : the 50th-page report cited by the Emir colleague in the two thousand and five entitled : strategic national development from 2005 to 2007 Why has this report?

    · Hafiz : this is the truth and national development strategic document requested by the donor states and institutions in order to determine the priorities and sectoral plans in Iraq so that they can identify their financial identification of this plan and the reality is the development of the first version, which was published in the year two thousand and four and presented to a meeting in Tokyo in Aktau Mainland two thousand and four. The study is based on the new developments and changes in different sectors, and became a guide for the development of sectoral policies, but regrettably this program, so to speak, it was possible to achieve all the desired goals due to the security situation in the country had deteriorated so egregiously very hampered projects designed and submitted and approved and the availability of Ha money and the second reason that the donor countries themselves because of this and other factors may Matnat to provide the necessary aid, for example, say that some donors began to feel Iraq has won new financial resources due to high oil prices and that it is able to provide a portion of these funds to reconstruction in Iraq. These factors collectively had soured Jdiba in default, which took place in the implementation of all projects.

    · Introduction : in your opinion, what is Dr. Mahdi Abroz immediate treatments that the government had taken to improve the per capita income?

    · Hafiz : this issue is directly linked to the improvement of income, the economic factor is the key element in improving the quality of life and raise the standard of living and those running primarily in the volume of unemployment in the country. Now in Iraq, there are approximately two million jobless people annually and is almost two hundred thousand people to the labor market must provide two hundred thousand jobs annually Caspian Sea to the existing unemployment, if the Iraqi forces workforce of about seven million are unemployed, including two Mloin any 30% this very serious problem for the economic situation and living for Iraq, in addition to this there has been a deterioration of services and, alas, the deterioration of services amounted to a very large extent.

    · Report : Welcome Dear viewers, and once again we continue our conversation with you Mr. statement Jabr Al-Zubaydi, the Iraqi Minister of Finance, Mr. Minister, we return once again to the ages, this important topic and you talked about two billion or more to activate something of infrastructure and service throughout Iraq. We want real ages when Esibda and finance reconstruction?

    · Zubaidi : Construction is to build the first two parts of infrastructure that is lacking in Iraq for example, the fact of drinking water in Basra circulating in the pipes of asbestos, Today, asbestos in the world since nearly forty years ended, it was found that cause cancer, This model of the infrastructure destroyed in Iraq and therefore, there are more than two billion and 2 billion of these earmarked directly to the provinces but the amounts allocated to ministries. This kind of reconstruction to drink citizen drinking water and sewage to go to their places to get rid of them and prayed to the streets of the citizen to reach his car safely this is not the real ages ages rightful I point being made is that you establish refineries at lightning speed, so that no imports of petrol and oil is able to give it to any company. There are many companies met me and say we are ready in two years that Anbqi the problem of electricity in Iraq even begun in this since the beginning of what we have nothing left to worry and all of this because of the law, "the investment law."

    · Report : What other investment law?

    · Zubaidi : is the need to be debated and I Penny Pink spoke at the Council of Ministers and to the brothers and, frankly, we are still possess mental socialism can not leave with these substances could be Gadrtne I am because I lived on the 20th Ssne abroad and toured and read and Basle dealer, I do not believe in socialism mentality that wants the state to send the n supermarket. The state can not be to sell oil, kerosine, gas, which brings wheat and rice this is not reasonable. The state must be directed to the major strategic industries, such as oil extraction from the earth and minerals, We are now in another world, We have oil wells drained from the neighboring countries and we are watching do not have one go and put the oil wells to withdraw from the dome between the two countries, and many of the examples I say that we have the problem of inflation and must chart the financial policy of Iraq therefore you before increasing inflation, which reflected negatively on the citizen and the citizen feels directly b told in an indirect and thus reduces the citizen who is inflation. We now before this study in the preparation of the budget 2000-5000 and seven Why work on the issue and the issue of salary inflation and how to deal with income and tax rate. the study does not promise you that settled overnight, but the creation of God in the long future, we find that the employee or the Gulf tends to work in the private sector rather than to go to the government.
    · Report : So, Mr. Minister, we stand and watch this present report on the situation Alaghtassadaraghi and put the Iraqi people and the size of existing unemployment when the Iraqi people. Dear viewers, and stopped short.

    Comment ...
    What to see Sobh, a new day begins even Iraqis daily journey Between economic crises and the search for job opportunities amid unemployment is a phenomenon to weigh on the daily details of a citizen in an attempt to support his family away from want and need.

    Residents gathered to rent workers.
    Sitting from morning to afternoon waiting for the work and go home without him, from six to five in the afternoon there was no work and we Sahabin Sahabin families and children and call on the government to provide job opportunities for these young people seated here.

    Business activity of the unemployed work is for many of them to waste their energies and their minds are supposed to be utilized in many areas of nation-building in posts in the level of their possessions potential.

    Citizen out of work.
    We unemployed for what? Why not provide the opportunities for the unemployed? Secondly we graduates Why do we provide the steadfast job as certificates and scientific progression?
    Citizen out of work.
    We are working day and month sit. Only relatives and knowledge Itainon Why?

    Another citizen out of work ...
    Our fill of promises and we are sitting here young and old, sitting in rented houses and must pay rent and we have families and we do not have work.

    Comment ...
    Questions suffering is on the table from interested citizens, as it will make its own contribution is to take the government seriously ago.

    · Report : Welcome Dear viewers, once again, Mr. Minister of Finance, unemployment in Iraq, the volume of unemployment and inflation increased and you stated that the increase in inflation and whenever we ask is responsible for the salaries of state workers in the field say that the Iraqi officer was paid three thousand dinars, and now more than 200 thousand dinars, and as has become a mantra. Now the unemployment soar, and have negative effects on the livelihood of the Iraqi individual, it also had negative effects on the political situation in general how to answer these details?

    · Zubaidi : I think it was the first alliance is a lot of institutions, the army and the Interior and the police and some institutions of the former regime resolved this way, the reason for a large part of the problem, that we are addressing that in the Ministry of Finance and the continuous meetings to solve this issue, and not saying that will happen in the near future, but has a certain the solutions to openly call a prosthesis and must find a comprehensive solution to this problem can not be aimed million between the officer and a soldier and officer and a policeman, or worked in a manufacturing or non-military because of the decision made a mistake in my view, The second aspect : Iraq has money and is capable of implementation of projects and should be dismissed with these amounts in the area of investment as we have already failed Iraq to undertake this task, whether the provincial or Baghdad or projects and strategic part of the reason security and I am not of those who pin all on the Security Council and there is a detachment to serve The Iraq for some states, such as Africa and Iraq is an example in terms of security and we have been able to construct and reconstruct What happened in the Zafaraniyah now is a good example where built electric plants there and Mosul there reconstruction Therefore, I say that we should not attach everything on the peg of security for the investment and work and make clear the Arab and foreign Iamra in this country and the country in which the possibilities and the financial and monetary Zaloda of the country very well and I am talking minister and the beginning of the financial figures .

    · Report : should the state even if live free economic system that Tofferslv bank advances to build real estate projects or simple home, one of the rights?

    · Zubaidi : God willing we will produce citizens that the Land Bank will conduct its activities in the coming six months.

    · Report : pause again with Dr. Mahdi Al-Hafiz to tell us about the plans and what can be provided by the State, especially in the investment, Yes, my colleague memory.

    · Introduction : Doctor Is it true that the investment will be the best solution? Why did not the law governing this place so far?

    · Hafiz : investment is very important, extremely important for Iraq to the conditions that need to sums of money to provide jobs and addresses and provides services for example electricity is estimated that Iraq needs about $ 15 billion so that the electricity or electricity to rise to meet the needs of the population and we have the problem of unemployment which need billion v so that they can have jobs and we have medical services and the process to the end. Iraq currently depends only on the production of oil, which provides revenues cover the needs of the State budget, but if we have other burdens to the state budget becomes Iraq in the event of disability Investing important because contribute to the building of the country's roads, ports, airports, hospitals, and hence the importance but can not be achieved unless it is necessary climate that gives security to investors, which calls to be a law properly regulated national controls.

    · Introduction : Return to unemployment. Can the establishment or development of vocational training centers or the opening of a number of educational centers for young people to practice and learn many trades?

    · Hafiz : There is no doubt that because of technical and vocational rehabilitation is very important, because it can not create jobs without qualifications, the person who put it in the post must be shells of their requirements. This is an essential and necessary to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Higher Education and other ministries concerned in this matter to take upon themselves to vocational rehabilitation programs and technical support for youth to be the level of need.

    · Report : Welcome again Dear viewers, Mr. Minister, the subject of recent talk is the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar but this offset by a significant increase in prices, spending and Asaaaralmwad food and fuel prices How can the government help the Iraqi citizens to these increases?

    · Zubaidi : this issue split the two prices and the financial aspect and talk about the monetary side. Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    · Report : say there's a statement to Mr. Jabr deleting 0 of currency?

    · Zubaidi : I stated that I suggest to my brother, Mr. Governor of the Central Bank which is responsible for monetary policy, Klin to have a delegation with me and Oil Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank met with the International Monetary In one of the meetings proposed to the governor to strengthen the Iraqi dinar is dear and decent Iraq as history, civilization, at least that was the Iraqi dinar equivalent of three dollars and little to equate dollars on the psychological Even when sorrow for one hundred dinars, you assume Bscheholh hundred dollars and not with a corresponding cent dollars today any bearing hundred and fifty thousand dinars, in addition to the strength of the economy and, of course, the governor has another view. Turkey rose six zeroes from its currency and many African States were also subjected Iraq to strong tremors. This aspect God we have great hope that working together, and suggested that the International Monetary Fund to strengthen the Iraqi dinar and we will discuss this subject either side of financial and price increase it is natural that all the things back and take photo, we can not sell oil or gasoline in Iraq three cents, and sold in neighboring countries Fifty cents is medicine be very aware that there smuggling of money for Iraq and its people, and must find a solution could not be found from whatever solutions police and the Customs and security can not, therefore you have to put fiscal policy to reach the price of gasoline, such as neighboring countries, if not more of them.

    · Report : Mr. Minister, to watch together this report, which shows the economic and financial situation of the Iraqi people.

    Dear viewers, we see this report and then complete dialogue with the Minister of Interior.

    Translated version of http:/%252 s%5C2006%5C008.txt%26storytitle%3D&langpair=ar%7Ce n&hl=en&ie=UTF8

  2. #18362
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    To follow up on BofA. I just spoke with my contact, a branch manager who has been with the company for 20+ years . . .who is also my best friends MOM. The info hasnt filtered out here to Los Angeles as far as she has seen nothing official yet. But that didnt suprise her since NY is the financial capitol of the US.

    I will believe it when I see it here: Bank of America | Please Select Your State

    List Iraq as currency BofA sells and buys from its customers. I am not doubting Stephanie, but I have seen her on both sides of the fence too many times

  3. #18363
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Unemployment in Iraqi affairs
    Report : Amir Hasson on
    Introduction : memory Bahjat
    Comment : Ali Mohsen

    · Report : Welcome Dear viewers, in the Iraqi inputs, break observers to the happenings Alamurvi Iraq believe that the welfare and prosperity of the Iraqi economy will start first in overcoming all obstacles and difficulties which may face government elected to overcome the difficult steps reflect us to a new stage of advancement and construction Every government program would boost economic activities in a resource-rich country like Iraq oil in addition to other resources such as agriculture, industry, tourism and other resources. if we have to seek the government to find solutions to the remnants of the difficult era in which this economy than spending on wars. Nearly a decade of economic sanctions. and also make up this episode in the last three years following the occupation, and change the volume and Ziad unemployment and the transition perhaps others to the system programmer socialist long long decades to a free accompanied by a clear deterioration in the security and services.

    Comment ...
    Iraq is characterized by wealth, mainly oil, which is one of the first countries producing and exporting, including possessed of a strategic reserve of this wealth, in addition to that enjoyed by the geographical location of the center not to mention the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which provide fresh water and drinking water and a fertile ground unfit for cultivation as well as a wealth of other like sulfur, phosphate and other minerals not forget another resource is religious tourism civilian in Iraq, where many of the holy religious sites and archaeological areas, which were also attracted to a financially from the thousands of visitors and tourists every year is different corners of the planet.

    Spokesman ...
    Already Iraq's considerable resources and a great potential and Aiaoz Iraq absolutely nothing in the way of economic development and also suffers from extreme poverty, we find these things, lack of resources, lack of skills and poverty in other countries but, unfortunately, we see it more economically advanced of our beloved.

    Comment ...
    Manifestations of economic growth is apparent in Iraq after the nationalization of oil in 1972 until the beginning of the 1980s of the last century as the country has entered a fierce war with the state of Iran to stopping the wheel of development and construction, the siege imposed on Iraq by the United Nations due to the entry of Iraqi troops into Kuwait, the beginning of the 1990s and since that time, the Iraqi citizen of a tough economy suffering passed the worst period for the level of inflation in the Iraqi dinar to the detriment of the economy directly and continue to decline in the economy even after the occupation of Iraq Webb Afterward subject to conditions of stability between them.

    Spokesman ...
    Economic advancement is linked to the availability of a combination of factors, these factors highlighted the need for the accumulation of capital, Mali the need for capital is the absence of such capital can not make any new investments. We must open the door to foreign investment, But opening the door to foreign investment must be unconditional and specific sectors in which the state wants to play.

    Comment ...
    A strong economy is necessary for the state to build programs needs to invest seriously and imports of wealth and put them in the straight.

    · Report : So Dear viewers, and you are welcome to Mr. Jabr Al-Zubaidi, the Iraqi Minister of Finance welcome your professor in the program.

    · Zubaidi : Hello, and Welcome.

    · Report : beginning Siadjeh minister will ask whether the Iraqi economy, relying only on imports of Iraqi oil and other imports absent Iraq's natural resources and many installations can be used for Iraq?

    · Zubaidi : In the name of God the Merciful, of course, undoubtedly the current Iraqi economy over the past fifty years or more is one-sided economy depends on oil sales and thus inherited a sound economic policy-it started visas elected government in a far-reaching policy over the next four years is a five-year plan to transform Alaghtassa d to the multi-faceted Mthlath in tax policy and not linked to inherited policy or taxes or customs charges that the Iraqi economy as well as the development of local industry, including supplementary Aloztneh and other supplements, So I say we need time to move from reliance on oil, or 97% of Iraq's budget for the year 2000-5000 and six ratios to God less than the 70th% in the next four years.

    · Report : So you now you change what in the current tax system, which is different in this system?

    · Zubaidi : this system, when it inherited the ministry is based solely on the staff and some deductions are limited to a very limited extent the terms in a meeting with one of the officials in taxes and general manager and directors of departments in taxes when the stated figure, which comes from taxes crop I said that the supermarket in Europe possible to obtain this amount, Iraq can not a when you get 28 two million such a meager amount and very little so ashamed that the rights quotes. For example, the mobile phone companies have three major companies get huge profits too, Similarly popular sell us the air, talking in the air and we sell dollars and go to their pockets and this is something good to contribute to invest in Iraq, but there must be a share of the citizen through a tax guide us resolutely to these companies and asked them to submit complete records on what they get from the profits.

    · Report : and there are other companies since the beginning of their entry in Iraq?

    · Zubaidi : I will turn to ... Complete records even begin to accounting, I will not allow the marginal tax in the new Iraq and today the tax in the whole world, when you go to Europe controlled until the President of the Republic. The tax basis of the work and the economy of major countries, today, the tax can not shirk from any human being, We have limited staff and we began to take a portion of their salaries, but the commercial sector and investment and not say in the meeting because we Snfajie these companies also Vjana mobile phone companies who did not expect to attend the official tax records and hold them, but asked him to go to the main computer to know how many calls per day, how much n outrage taxes. These taxes help the Iraqi economy so as not to be one-sided and obtain additional funds supporting the Iraqi economy. I believe that the current law Alastthmaler who will read the second reading in the Economic Committee, which I am the Deputy Chairman and brother Dr. Barham and members of the Minister of Trade and Minister of Oil and the Office of Financial Supervision and will finish the second reading and hoist to the Cabinet even Aghervi the House of Representatives, the Council of Ministers, I think it is CNN Khtlv God.

    · Report : Yes, Mr. Minister, also developed strategic future studies for the advancement of the Iraqi economy listening and watching together and colleague memory Bahjat authorized Dear viewers, the memory of our colleague and Bahjat meeting with Aldectormahdi Hafiz.

    · Introduction : Thank you, welcome Emir Dear viewers, and we welcome the visiting deputy in the parliament and former minister of planning Aldectormahdi Hafiz Welcome to you.

    · Hafiz : Welcome to you.

    · Introduction : the 50th-page report cited by the Emir colleague in the two thousand and five entitled : strategic national development from 2005 to 2007 Why has this report?

    · Hafiz : this is the truth and national development strategic document requested by the donor states and institutions in order to determine the priorities and sectoral plans in Iraq so that they can identify their financial identification of this plan and the reality is the development of the first version, which was published in the year two thousand and four and presented to a meeting in Tokyo in Aktau Mainland two thousand and four. The study is based on the new developments and changes in different sectors, and became a guide for the development of sectoral policies, but regrettably this program, so to speak, it was possible to achieve all the desired goals due to the security situation in the country had deteriorated so egregiously very hampered projects designed and submitted and approved and the availability of Ha money and the second reason that the donor countries themselves because of this and other factors may Matnat to provide the necessary aid, for example, say that some donors began to feel Iraq has won new financial resources due to high oil prices and that it is able to provide a portion of these funds to reconstruction in Iraq. These factors collectively had soured Jdiba in default, which took place in the implementation of all projects.

    · Introduction : in your opinion, what is Dr. Mahdi Abroz immediate treatments that the government had taken to improve the per capita income?

    · Hafiz : this issue is directly linked to the improvement of income, the economic factor is the key element in improving the quality of life and raise the standard of living and those running primarily in the volume of unemployment in the country. Now in Iraq, there are approximately two million jobless people annually and is almost two hundred thousand people to the labor market must provide two hundred thousand jobs annually Caspian Sea to the existing unemployment, if the Iraqi forces workforce of about seven million are unemployed, including two Mloin any 30% this very serious problem for the economic situation and living for Iraq, in addition to this there has been a deterioration of services and, alas, the deterioration of services amounted to a very large extent.

    · Report : Welcome Dear viewers, and once again we continue our conversation with you Mr. statement Jabr Al-Zubaydi, the Iraqi Minister of Finance, Mr. Minister, we return once again to the ages, this important topic and you talked about two billion or more to activate something of infrastructure and service throughout Iraq. We want real ages when Esibda and finance reconstruction?

    · Zubaidi : Construction is to build the first two parts of infrastructure that is lacking in Iraq for example, the fact of drinking water in Basra circulating in the pipes of asbestos, Today, asbestos in the world since nearly forty years ended, it was found that cause cancer, This model of the infrastructure destroyed in Iraq and therefore, there are more than two billion and 2 billion of these earmarked directly to the provinces but the amounts allocated to ministries. This kind of reconstruction to drink citizen drinking water and sewage to go to their places to get rid of them and prayed to the streets of the citizen to reach his car safely this is not the real ages ages rightful I point being made is that you establish refineries at lightning speed, so that no imports of petrol and oil is able to give it to any company. There are many companies met me and say we are ready in two years that Anbqi the problem of electricity in Iraq even begun in this since the beginning of what we have nothing left to worry and all of this because of the law, "the investment law."

    · Report : What other investment law?

    · Zubaidi : is the need to be debated and I Penny Pink spoke at the Council of Ministers and to the brothers and, frankly, we are still possess mental socialism can not leave with these substances could be Gadrtne I am because I lived on the 20th Ssne abroad and toured and read and Basle dealer, I do not believe in socialism mentality that wants the state to send the n supermarket. The state can not be to sell oil, kerosine, gas, which brings wheat and rice this is not reasonable. The state must be directed to the major strategic industries, such as oil extraction from the earth and minerals, We are now in another world, We have oil wells drained from the neighboring countries and we are watching do not have one go and put the oil wells to withdraw from the dome between the two countries, and many of the examples I say that we have the problem of inflation and must chart the financial policy of Iraq therefore you before increasing inflation, which reflected negatively on the citizen and the citizen feels directly b told in an indirect and thus reduces the citizen who is inflation. We now before this study in the preparation of the budget 2000-5000 and seven Why work on the issue and the issue of salary inflation and how to deal with income and tax rate. the study does not promise you that settled overnight, but the creation of God in the long future, we find that the employee or the Gulf tends to work in the private sector rather than to go to the government.
    · Report : So, Mr. Minister, we stand and watch this present report on the situation Alaghtassadaraghi and put the Iraqi people and the size of existing unemployment when the Iraqi people. Dear viewers, and stopped short.

    Comment ...
    What to see Sobh, a new day begins even Iraqis daily journey Between economic crises and the search for job opportunities amid unemployment is a phenomenon to weigh on the daily details of a citizen in an attempt to support his family away from want and need.

    Residents gathered to rent workers.
    Sitting from morning to afternoon waiting for the work and go home without him, from six to five in the afternoon there was no work and we Sahabin Sahabin families and children and call on the government to provide job opportunities for these young people seated here.

    Business activity of the unemployed work is for many of them to waste their energies and their minds are supposed to be utilized in many areas of nation-building in posts in the level of their possessions potential.

    Citizen out of work.
    We unemployed for what? Why not provide the opportunities for the unemployed? Secondly we graduates Why do we provide the steadfast job as certificates and scientific progression?
    Citizen out of work.
    We are working day and month sit. Only relatives and knowledge Itainon Why?

    Another citizen out of work ...
    Our fill of promises and we are sitting here young and old, sitting in rented houses and must pay rent and we have families and we do not have work.

    Comment ...
    Questions suffering is on the table from interested citizens, as it will make its own contribution is to take the government seriously ago.

    · Report : Welcome Dear viewers, once again, Mr. Minister of Finance, unemployment in Iraq, the volume of unemployment and inflation increased and you stated that the increase in inflation and whenever we ask is responsible for the salaries of state workers in the field say that the Iraqi officer was paid three thousand dinars, and now more than 200 thousand dinars, and as has become a mantra. Now the unemployment soar, and have negative effects on the livelihood of the Iraqi individual, it also had negative effects on the political situation in general how to answer these details?

    · Zubaidi : I think it was the first alliance is a lot of institutions, the army and the Interior and the police and some institutions of the former regime resolved this way, the reason for a large part of the problem, that we are addressing that in the Ministry of Finance and the continuous meetings to solve this issue, and not saying that will happen in the near future, but has a certain the solutions to openly call a prosthesis and must find a comprehensive solution to this problem can not be aimed million between the officer and a soldier and officer and a policeman, or worked in a manufacturing or non-military because of the decision made a mistake in my view, The second aspect : Iraq has money and is capable of implementation of projects and should be dismissed with these amounts in the area of investment as we have already failed Iraq to undertake this task, whether the provincial or Baghdad or projects and strategic part of the reason security and I am not of those who pin all on the Security Council and there is a detachment to serve The Iraq for some states, such as Africa and Iraq is an example in terms of security and we have been able to construct and reconstruct What happened in the Zafaraniyah now is a good example where built electric plants there and Mosul there reconstruction Therefore, I say that we should not attach everything on the peg of security for the investment and work and make clear the Arab and foreign Iamra in this country and the country in which the possibilities and the financial and monetary Zaloda of the country very well and I am talking minister and the beginning of the financial figures .

    · Report : should the state even if live free economic system that Tofferslv bank advances to build real estate projects or simple home, one of the rights?

    · Zubaidi : God willing we will produce citizens that the Land Bank will conduct its activities in the coming six months.

    · Report : pause again with Dr. Mahdi Al-Hafiz to tell us about the plans and what can be provided by the State, especially in the investment, Yes, my colleague memory.

    · Introduction : Doctor Is it true that the investment will be the best solution? Why did not the law governing this place so far?

    · Hafiz : investment is very important, extremely important for Iraq to the conditions that need to sums of money to provide jobs and addresses and provides services for example electricity is estimated that Iraq needs about $ 15 billion so that the electricity or electricity to rise to meet the needs of the population and we have the problem of unemployment which need billion v so that they can have jobs and we have medical services and the process to the end. Iraq currently depends only on the production of oil, which provides revenues cover the needs of the State budget, but if we have other burdens to the state budget becomes Iraq in the event of disability Investing important because contribute to the building of the country's roads, ports, airports, hospitals, and hence the importance but can not be achieved unless it is necessary climate that gives security to investors, which calls to be a law properly regulated national controls.

    · Introduction : Return to unemployment. Can the establishment or development of vocational training centers or the opening of a number of educational centers for young people to practice and learn many trades?

    · Hafiz : There is no doubt that because of technical and vocational rehabilitation is very important, because it can not create jobs without qualifications, the person who put it in the post must be shells of their requirements. This is an essential and necessary to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Higher Education and other ministries concerned in this matter to take upon themselves to vocational rehabilitation programs and technical support for youth to be the level of need.

    · Report : Welcome again Dear viewers, Mr. Minister, the subject of recent talk is the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar but this offset by a significant increase in prices, spending and Asaaaralmwad food and fuel prices How can the government help the Iraqi citizens to these increases?

    · Zubaidi : this issue split the two prices and the financial aspect and talk about the monetary side. Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    · Report : say there's a statement to Mr. Jabr deleting 0 of currency?

    · Zubaidi : I stated that I suggest to my brother, Mr. Governor of the Central Bank which is responsible for monetary policy, Klin to have a delegation with me and Oil Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank met with the International Monetary In one of the meetings proposed to the governor to strengthen the Iraqi dinar is dear and decent Iraq as history, civilization, at least that was the Iraqi dinar equivalent of three dollars and little to equate dollars on the psychological Even when sorrow for one hundred dinars, you assume Bscheholh hundred dollars and not with a corresponding cent dollars today any bearing hundred and fifty thousand dinars, in addition to the strength of the economy and, of course, the governor has another view. Turkey rose six zeroes from its currency and many African States were also subjected Iraq to strong tremors. This aspect God we have great hope that working together, and suggested that the International Monetary Fund to strengthen the Iraqi dinar and we will discuss this subject either side of financial and price increase it is natural that all the things back and take photo, we can not sell oil or gasoline in Iraq three cents, and sold in neighboring countries Fifty cents is medicine be very aware that there smuggling of money for Iraq and its people, and must find a solution could not be found from whatever solutions police and the Customs and security can not, therefore you have to put fiscal policy to reach the price of gasoline, such as neighboring countries, if not more of them.

    · Report : Mr. Minister, to watch together this report, which shows the economic and financial situation of the Iraqi people.

    Dear viewers, we see this report and then complete dialogue with the Minister of Interior.

    Translated version of http:/%252 s%5C2006%5C008.txt%26storytitle%3D&langpair=ar%7Ce n&hl=en&ie=UTF8

    Nice one charm can you put again your link please!!!

  4. #18364
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    Nice one charm can you put again your link please!!!

    Translated version of tle=

    Sorry...had to pick myself up off the floor after I found this....

  5. #18365
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I believe this was from June or July 06. It's one of those articles you can't help but want to read over and over!!
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

  6. #18366
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    Comment ...Iraqi citizen repercussions stage in its various forms and daily passes over them during the events of April 2003 and what followed that left a mark on his life and the obvious needs of the requirements in various fields, including economic,What is the push and pull of the Iraqi economy stalled, despite the wealth of Iraq has thus gave all its collateral effects on the citizen and family alike,but the Central Agency for Statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, there are two million Iraqi families live under the poverty line either unemployed, especially the young people in understanding the increasing numbers at the time opened a lot of training centers and vocational rehabilitation subsidiaries in a number of governorates many to register the names ofthe unemployed, and create job opportunities for them not to be the case remains as is, but Agzdad steadily and is now looking for a radical solution.Spokesman ...

    The process of attracting foreign investment and employment the right way and create a proper climate for investment, as well as the revitalization of direct investment and indirect investment through local businessmen believe that this movement has been active investment in Iraq and provides even unemployment.

    Comment ...Improve the economic level of the country is reflected positively on per capita income and providing job opportunities, and the ingredients that are available in the country has the potential human and material much waiting to be activated and exploitation helps to keep the wheels of progress, the various fields of life to the service of process development thinking.

    Spokesman ...Iraq has tremendous natural resources and wealth of human potential and if it is used to optimize the correct therefore reflected on the individual and the state, and the elimination of unemployment, which currently weighing heavily on the country.Comment ...

    The economic challenges facing Iraq will require a convergence efforts with a view to lift the country out of the midst of a springboard for the future of the economy has kept pace with the revolution solid economic and technical changes of the world.·

    Submitted :last question, Mr. Minister, combines the politics and economy, but perhaps many Iraqis and observers of the Iraqi political situation to ask this question,watching on satellite channels that Alkonckers American or discussed or approved by the President signed the American as well as one hundred billion dollars to spend on security in Iraq or Afghanistan, many uninhabited billion size, you talk about two billion for the whole of Iraq and the billions disposal to their people to the security of Iraq and this is the security of Iraq if spent fivee% of these funds in the reconstruction of Iraq, do you believe that Iraq Sehoude security and reconstruction.What is the truth behind these sayings? ·

    Zubaidi :You know that the first of these funds are funds Amerikeh of the American taxpayer, not the Iraqi funds spent on 140 thousand or 150 thousand troops in Iraq, as well as one thousand in Afghanistan.Report : · to establish peace in Iraq? ·

    Zubaidi :to bring security or other important that these funds You can see the difference between us and the United States of America or between us and Europe is a marked difference in the way the exchange rate and the size and therefore undoubtedly these funds available to the American army or the multinational forces in addition to the Iraqi forces through the purchase of vehicles, weapons and clothing, shoes, and all of these other Nstelmha ready by the United States of America to support our troops.·

    Submitted :Mr. Zubaidi statement Jabr Iraqi Finance Minister was guest dear to the Iraqi affairs Thank you very much.·

    Zubaidi : Hello, and welcome, thank you.·

    Submitted :Dear viewers, and the seminar ended Nltqikm in episodes to come, God willing,Accept greetings to the Amir Hasson, goodbye

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    Default A liitle off topic...

    Just wanted to thank-you Neno and all the other MODS for there great tolerance during this exciting time.

    I suspect all He double hockey stick is going to break loose in the next couple days here on RC.

    This is it people, our day has come!!

    Susie, love ya, Adster and fsndirector, thanks for the digging, and to all the great posts from every member. I thank-You.

    My sanity would have evaporated, if not for the Information I have recieved from you all.

    For this, I salute the MODS and you all... $1.48 + here we come!!!!!!!

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    Default Forex opening

    I thought we were waiting for Wed. Nov 1. After that meeting Oct 30-31.

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    Default Iraq, China to Revive 1997 Oil Deal

    The Associated Press
    Oct 28, 2006 2:32 PM

    BEIJING - China and Iraq are reviving a $1.2 billion deal signed by Beijing and Saddam Hussein's government in 1997 to develop an Iraqi oil field, Baghdad's oil minister said Saturday.

    Officials will meet next month to renegotiate the agreement over the al-Ahdab field, said Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani. He was wrapping up a three-nation tour to secure investment for Iraq's oil industry.

    "If agreement is reached very quickly then I expect them to start working right away," al-Shahristani said at a news conference.

    China is the world's second-largest oil consumer and has been investing heavily in trying to secure access to foreign supplies.

    State-owned China National Petroleum Corp. signed the al-Ahdab deal in the midst of U.N. sanctions that barred direct dealings with Iraq's oil industry. Beijing was waiting for sanctions to end when the U.S. invasion in 2003 overthrew Saddam's government.

    The new Baghdad government courted Beijing because Chinese producers have been willing to invest in Angola, Sudan and other countries considered too dangerous or politically isolated.

    All other energy contracts signed by foreign producers during the Saddam era also must be renegotiated after Iraqi lawmakers enact a new oil and gas law, which is likely to happen this year.

    Beijing had been thought to be out of the running for major contracts in postwar Iraq, with the best deals going to the United States and its allies. But the upsurge in violence there has made the country less attractive to Western producers.

    Al-Shahristani said al-Ahdab would be among the first fields offered to foreign bidders, which will need to show technical and financial capability and a proven record in producing oil.

    Iraq will need up to $20 billion in investment to develop its oil infrastructure, the minister said.

    Al-Shahristani met with Chinese energy officials and executives of the country's four biggest oil companies - CNPC, China Petroleum and Chemical Corp., China National Offshore Oil Corp. and Sinochem Corp.

    He said questions about security in Iraq did not come up, because the fields that interest Chinese producers are in the south, where violence is minimal.

    He said Iraq also wants to develop areas in its western desert and the Kurdish region in the north.


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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    SSHHHHH!!!! If you can faintly hear....


    It's a fact I WAS singing when I read this post... but why do you call me FAT?!?

    Last edited by antjesz2; 28-10-2006 at 10:03 PM. Reason: Sorry neno, just couldn't resist...

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