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  1. #18521
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    Thanks PAn8tv,

    I think all the comments you are hearing about MunnyBaggs are from us who have had to put up with his nonces on About Dinar for some time. If he stays long enough you will see what we mean. He has away of making your blood boil. I am sure Neno will keep him under control. I am just upset because I had a run in with him on About Dinar last night so it is still fresh.

    Just a very arrogant character.

    You can always go into your settings and put this person on ignore, as you have seen already we have many knowlegable and astute memebers here and if this person doesen't bring their "A" game they will be put in check ASAP.

  2. #18522
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    Cool Thank You, Thank You, and God Bless each of you Too...

    Thread is cleaned and I am going to celebrate alittle with my family for the afternoon. As I have been reading the post for past two days. Things are changing drastic. I have been with the Rolclub Dinar forum back right before the100th post. I will never forget it. I had a freind in Australia I was asking about the dinar too. At the time niether of us was into it. And he found a link that I psted here in that thread at the time. man did the Dinar gang set me straight. They made me go back and read everypost in that thread. At the time it was 900 post. Now I will never forget what that Gang did for me. As I jump on this "TRAIN" and with close to 20,000 post I personally feel with the Whole New Gang now, that we will be starting a New Thread verysoon. Titled. THE REVALUED THREAD!!!!.

    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by maxib View Post
    Happy Birthday Neno. Mr. Maxib sends his best wishes also. Hope to see you in Australia real soon.
    Quote Originally Posted by antjesz2 View Post

    May the Dinar make this new year of your life a very special one for you and all your dreams and wishes come true very soon!


    Love, Antje

  3. #18523
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    Lightbulb Here ya go ladies!!!!!!!!!!

    Hughes, U.S. businesswomen going to UAE to boost business goals of Arab women

    WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 (KUNA) -- U.S. Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes and 14 women leaders and executives from the United States will go to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) next week where they will join more than 250 businesswomen from 17 Middle Eastern countries and territories to strengthen entrepreneurship on the part of Arab women in the region, the State Department announced on Thursday. The 2006 Middle East and North Africa Businesswomen's Summit in Abu Dhabi will help participants expand their networks, discuss real-world experiences and build management and leadership skills, the announcement said. Summit speakers will include Hughes, Delta Private Equity Partners CEO Patricia Cloherty, and Raja Easa Al Gurg, number four on the Forbes 50 most influential women in the Arab world list.

  4. #18524
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    Sorry if this has been posted already, looked good and first time I have seen it today...

    Sun, Oct 29, 2006, 17:36 GMT

    Kuwait hosts meeting of Intl' Compact for Iraq Oct. 31

    KUWAIT, Oct 27 (KUNA) -- The state of Kuwait would host a preparatory meeting for the International Compact for Iraq on October 31 where discussions would focus on the final preparations to endorse the international compact by the end of 2006.

    A statement by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) said Friday the meeting would be attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Mohammad Al-Sabah and US assistance Secretary of State, Iraqi Vice President, and senior figures representing 22 states as well as UN.

    Labeled as "The International Compact" by the Iraqi government, the meeting aims at reinforcing cooperation between Iraq and the international community for the sake of strengthening economic, social, and political growth in the Middle Eastern country.

    The meeting would discuss the procedures to develop the international compact to guarantee that reconstruction efforts in Iraq would continue, said KFAED.

    It went on saying that another preparatory meeting would be held in Baghdad which would precede the official International Compact conference to be held by the end of this year.

    Kuwait confirmed its supports to the Iraqi government during the last meeting in the UAE. The Kuwaiti Fund granted the Iraqis USD 60 million to finance the sectors of Education and Health, as well as easy loans worth USD 450 million were also given to develop several projects in Iraq.

    © KUNA (Kuwait News Agency) 2006

    Article originally published by KUNA (Kuwait News Agency) 27-Oct-06

  5. #18525
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    Default What's up with CBI?

    Hi Everyone,

    I am a little confused with CBI Auctions I thought they were supposed to be closed.

    What do you all think this means for the 10,000 gift and the RV?

    Do you think they just had an auction without opening the Banks? I am not sure they can do that.

    Or are they having a fake auction as they do not read clearly? I may just be pulling at straws here.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  6. #18526
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    Cool Yes

    Quote Originally Posted by bubbajr View Post
    Are you cleanig the cob webs again, and moving the threads so we have to work on finding things. THANKS
    You only need to go to our History for it. I didnt have any BS to move to the Archive Thread today. So just to our Hisory Thread for everything that is from yestetrday and beyond. Today forward in the here in the "Latest Thread".

  7. #18527
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NENO!!!!!!!!! HAVE A GREAt day!!!

  8. #18528
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    Again sorry if this is "old news"...

    Brown rules out plan to split up Iraq

    Friday, October 27, 2006

    The partition of Iraq is not on the agenda, Britain's finance minister and prime ministerial hopeful Gordon Brown said Thursday amid scrutiny of the US-led coalition's strategy there.
    "I don't think that's the plan or the possibility at the moment," Chancellor of the Exchequer Brown - who is widely tipped to take over from Prime Minister Tony Blair by next September - told BBC radio.

    "What really people are talking about is how we can bring security to the whole country, strengthening the forces of democracy.

    "Nobody in our government or, I believe, anywhere else is talking about the partition of this country."

    Spiraling sectarian violence and mounting coalition casualties have focused attention on the US and British strategy in Iraq, including calls for a withdrawal and possible partition of the country along ethnic lines.

    US President George W Bush and Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki have insisted though that their plan to pacify the warring factions is on track, despite the violence that threatens to plunge the country into civil war.

    Earlier this week, Britain's foreign secretary Margaret Beckett conceded that partition of Iraq into separate Kurdish, Sunni and Shia states may be a solution in the future but any decision was a matter for Baghdad.

    Brown echoed Blair and other senior ministers by saying that it was crucial to sort out the security situation in Iraq before reducing any of Britain's 7,000-strong force based predominantly in the south of the Gulf state.

    Meanwhile, October's death toll among US forces in Iraq reached the highest level in nearly two years Thursday following the deaths of four US Marines and one Navy sailor in volatile Anbar province.

    The military says 96 US troops have died so far this month, equaling the level for the whole of October 2005. The highest monthly death toll prior to that came in January 2005, when 107 US troops were killed.

    The climbing numbers of US deaths have been a major factor behind rising anti-war sentiment in the United States, fueling calls for Bush to change tactics.

    Fighting continued with fresh clashes between Iraqi security forces and militia groups linked to major Shiite political parties, part of an ominous new trend adding to the violence wrought by the Sunni-led insurgency against US coalition forces and their Iraqi allies.

  9. #18529
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-29-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    It closely Mecca, a fatal blow to the fanatics new Tkverein

    Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdel Mahdi (file Press) : federalism is not a project for the division of Iraq, but to remove tension

    Nasiriyah file-Presse :

    The Vice-President of the Republic of Iraq Adel Abdel Mahdi, that the application of the federal system in Iraq gives an opportunity for the people of the Territories in the governorates to enjoy all the powers and the allocation of resources according to population density of each governorate. unlikely to be the project of dividing Iraq.

    He said in an interview with the (file Press) that the plans are exposed wants to contain this project arguments it raises sectarian war and the more displacement, considering that the embodiment of the components of thought these proposals, forget that it is the oldest of the siege of the former regime within the foreign blockade, isolating the Kurdistan region of Iraq and toppling force.

    The Abdel-Mahdi said in a statement in the victory, his birthplace town in Nasiriyah (320 km south of Baghdad) that federalism is the establishment of local governments and not a sectarian or separatist nationalists, , but a means to eliminate sectarian tension. and guarantee that citizens have full Iraqi Bmwatunath, without dividing people into groups or nationalities. " , expressed his conviction that the federal law "a source of strength and security for all, regardless of the title of sectarian "in the recipe." pointing out that "provinces need to provide political and economic security, social and food, after there was a malicious attempt to capture the governorates by the same family, one party, Thus, the injustice of what is happening year to the Shiites and injustice as Turkmen alike, The organization is a reflection of the real balance of the district and its inhabitants enjoy their legitimate rights, He added : "The city of Nasiriyah, and the preservation of the provinces that are stable, safe, The station will be the beginning of the investments of the building, through the hiring of oil resources in accordance with the constitutional and legal foundations.

    Sign and Adel Abdel Mahdi, "to lead the process of building the operation of the unemployed, There would also need to import labor, if hours of work and vital projects invested, He stressed that "the Iraqi government and the fundamental duties in terms of labor laws and to facilitate transactions without the complexity, because the state spent whatever investments did not last the people of Iraq without initiatives or Muji domestic and foreign investment.

    He said in this regard : "Iraq is lost in the Iraq-Iran war, 675 billion dollars and other wars Kgz, Kuwait, the uprising Shabaneh and other, There are great legacy left by the former regime, and must be destroyed infrastructure cooperation and to offer hand-in-hand, and that the conduct of the amounts allocated to the provinces in time to be with the economic activity and large, pointing to the insistence of the Iraqi parliament to increase the amounts allocated to the provinces on the basis of population census in every governorate. noting that "in order to advance the city of Nasiriyah residential and develop resources needed to be two billion dollars, note that the exchange so far does not exceed $ 200 million. "

    Replying to a question on the role of government in the adoption of the document Mecca The Vice-President of the Republic "that the document was a fatal blow to the fanatics Tkverein new, He said, "The signing will pull the cover of legitimacy for the alleged acts of violence now under way in Iraq. although this document will inevitably surrounded schemes bloody target for the Iraqis. even vanish, "stressing" the importance of that received by the document is a broad Sunni-Shiite-Iraqi extended to all Muslims in the world who are interested in security and peace with their brothers Iraqis. "

  10. #18530
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-29-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Misfortunes of the Iraqi mobile phone companies benefits

    Half of the incomes of families to contact because of fear and gangs specialized sticks phones

    Baghdad-file Press

    Unlike many of the inhabitants of the world, the Iraqi families, including their children may have more than one mobile phone, perhaps numbering in the same household to more than five or six, this does not reflect the kind of luxury as it reflects the scene fear, Many families bought all their mobiles, maybe for more than one company, so that one of the family members communicate with each day and within hours despite dispersed in several places because of the fear of some of the bombings or armed confrontations taking place daily in Baghdad Street, and other Iraqi cities in addition to reassuring the young boys, who are often targeted by gangs of kidnapping and Altsl south.

    The advantage of mobile phone companies in Iraq fear the people to increase the profits of these companies have started work after the occupation of Iraq by one year, as companies raised Iraqna, and Asia flood, those companies and achieved sales of almost utopian compared to the period in which they worked. Alpargatas Iraqna owned Egyptian group that managed over two years from the sale of more than two million mobile phone while still Mkalmtha high prices and poor service compared to other companies.

    Perhaps medium Iraqi families spent between 70-$ 100 per month to buy cards is the amount of communication has become part of the expenses of the Iraqi family that did not exist before the deterioration of the security situation and the high rates of crime and violence in Iraq, , which is equivalent to full salary of the employee or the new half of the old staff member went by years of service.

    But repeated use and possession of mobile phones by the Iraqis pushed some companies, printing and publishing houses to enter in the field of exploitation and profit-making commercial terms, some publishing houses to offer books with the words of the poetic or literary serve as a textual messages used by young men and women of yarn or for the expression of relations Elio Mia, emotional, and perhaps sometimes exchanged jokes or political roots may reduce the severity of fear among Iraqis in their circumstances they are experiencing.

    Coaches and heard in transport or in the universities tones tank, carrying a majority of popular songs or songs Iraqi national, and most young women choose to emotional songs like Matrbiha artist Kazem GALA, which hastened the company Iraqna mobile phone companies more active role in Iraq to the image on the ballot Contact own, With announcements become the company offering satellite television in a piece of singing Kazim vigilant.

    Used most young women, especially in the university textual messages to express Auatefhen and sometimes their fear of the future, But these messages will not last long after any armed confrontation, a car bomb turned phone calls and messages to reassure words between family members or friends and know the latest news Almfajkhat victims, Perhaps gunmen used at the same time as outreach them to arrange their operations.

    However, the strange in each series mobile phones in Iraq is the emergence of specialized gangs stealing mobile phones, might have sometimes sabotaged by force, or kidnapping and use their phones to contact their families and demand a ransom of substantial financial return for the release of the hostage release of the hostage, and are often destroyed or sold without a phone line after the operation, which forced the family to buy another telephone to be in profit for the phone companies and double the loss of Iraqi family does not find the means to use the phone to make sure

    Writer :
    File Press

    Source :
    Baghdad-file Press

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