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  1. #18571
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    1637 has RESTRICTIONS ON THE CURRENCY so they MUST GET ARTICLE 8 TO GET RID OF THOSE RESTRICTIONS. looking for the entire article...
    right on, susie! THAT WORKS FOR ME!!! Makes for a nice Trick or Treat as far as Im concerned.

  2. #18572
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    right on, susie! THAT WORKS FOR ME!!! Makes for a nice Trick or Treat as far as Im concerned.

    yeah well iraq has tricked us enough and im ready for one helluva good treat!!!
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 29-10-2006 at 10:53 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #18573
    Investor Alphamystic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    yeah well iraq has tricked us enough and im ready for one helluva good treat!!!
    I will second that Woot -

    wOOttttttt !!!!
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  4. #18574
    Senior Investor MOM2TWO's Avatar
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    Question Impressed with knowledge...

    I would like to start by saying how impressed I am with all of you and your ability to find all of this information. Although, I am not new to buying the dinar, I am new to research. The reason I started, was that I received a letter from the company that I buy from (super over-priced btw!! eeek) The letter stated that their supply was getting low, and that most of the supply they have now is somewhat circulated. I pretty much felt that was bs, so this is why I am now on a quest for knowledge.

    I would like to ask the people who have been here for awhile, It seems as though you are all very excited about the upcoming reval; is this something new here??, or do you feel this is it??

    Not sure if I am allowed to post the company's name I am dealing with, but please let me know; because I would also like some info on them.
    Thanks in advance

  5. #18575
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    Originally posted by Daydream:

    Well I'm not a rocket scientist but...shouldn't these numbers add up? I'd hate to have my money in their bank....THEY CAN'T ADD!!
    Oh cmon daydream, they are only off by $360,000. What is a little change between friends.....

  6. #18576
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    I would like to start by saying how impressed I am with all of you and your ability to find all of this information. Although, I am not new to buying the dinar, I am new to research. The reason I started, was that I received a letter from the company that I buy from (super over-priced btw!! eeek) The letter stated that their supply was getting low, and that most of the supply they have now is somewhat circulated. I pretty much felt that was bs, so this is why I am now on a quest for knowledge.

    I would like to ask the people who have been here for awhile, It seems as though you are all very excited about the upcoming reval; is this something new here??, or do you feel this is it??

    Not sure if I am allowed to post the company's name I am dealing with, but please let me know; because I would also like some info on them.
    Thanks in advance
    my dealer is also higher in price but i can call and have it delivered the next day if i call early enough. that has its advantages. and i never have to worry about legitimacy of the bills. also they did short one order in the past for half a million to a sister and they made good on that. many reports of circulated bills or 'bottom of the barrel' is out now from dealers and this is a very good sign.

    now, as far as excitement goes i can only speak for myself but i have been excited about this since day one and yes there are better days than others but i know the end result is the same one i was expecting from the beginning and thats enough in itself to celebrate!!

    following this board is the smartest thing you could have done because yes there is a plethra of information coming from here, just read the news and filter the opinions, lol. we are EXTREMELY CLOSE.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #18577
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    Default Iraqi PM, US envoy present united front

    Maliki, Khalilzad agree on political timeline developed by Iraq's government with US support.
    By Dave Clark
    BAGHDAD, 29 October 2006 (Middle East Online)

    Iraq and the United States issued an unusual joint statement Friday in a bid to counter the impression of friction between them over a "timeline" for resolving the political issues driving the war.

    The statement, issued in the names of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki amd US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, said such a calendar of measures would be based on goals developed by Iraq's own government with US support.

    "The Iraqi government has made clear the issues that must be resolved with timelines for them to take positive steps forward on behalf of the Iraqi people," said the statement, issued in English by the US embassy.

    "The United States fully supports their goals and will help make them a success," it added.

    On Tuesday, Khalilzad announced that Iraq had agreed to meet certain "benchmarks" to disarm illegal militias and put in place political and economic reforms designed to placate the country's warring parties.

    This angered Maliki, who on Wednesday gave a press conference of his own to declare: "Everyone knows that this government is a government of the popular will and no one may set a timetable for it."

    Maliki's anger laid bare the tension in the working relationship between the governments at a delicate time for US President George W. Bush as he defends his strategy for victory in Iraq to an increasingly sceptical electorate.

    Bush has been under pressure in Washington to force Maliki to speed up his programme of national reconciliation and move aggressively to disarm the sectarian militias behind much of the violence.

    American officials have been at pains to insist publicly that the prime minister has their full support, while privately worrying that he lacks the political will to pull Iraq back from the brink of civil war.

    Maliki has countered in a series of interviews by blaming the US for the disarray in the Iraqi security forces they are trying to build to replace the 142,000 US soldiers still fighting in the country.

    "The government of Iraq is committed to a good and strong relationship with the US Government to work together toward a democratic, stable Iraq," the joint statement said.

    The leaders vowed "to confront the terrorist challenges in light of the strategic alliance between the two countries."

    Iraq is in the grip of a vicious sectarian conflict which claims more than 100 Iraqi lives per day and has undermined attempts to defeat a rebellion against the US-backed government and revive the shattered economy.

    The plan outlined by the two governments over recent weeks has been for Maliki to oversee a joint political and military strategy to confront armed groups and co-opt their political backers into a peace process.

    There will be changes to how Iraq's oil revenues are shared, a review of the constitution to secure minority rights, and the committee set up to purge members of the pre-invasion ruling elite from government will be reformed.

    Both the US and Iraqi governments appear to agree on the broad outlines of the plan -- and Bush this week endorsed Maliki as "the right man for the job" -- but differences in emphasis have led to tension.

    In particular, some US commanders have been pushing the prime minister to take a tougher stance on the powerful Shiite militias linked to parties in his coalition, which now fight almost daily gunbattles with security forces.

    Maliki has instead pushed to resolve the crisis through dialogue.

    Iraqi PM, US envoy present united front | Iraq Updates

  8. #18578
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    1637 has RESTRICTIONS ON THE CURRENCY so they MUST GET ARTICLE 8 TO GET RID OF THOSE RESTRICTIONS. looking for the entire article...
    Help me understand here, in order to get Article VIII a country must not have any restrictions on currency, with this I agree, however what restrictions does resolution 1637 impose on currency?

    Do you believe because multinational forces are handling the DFI that this is considered a restriction and if the government of Iraq rescinds this resolution for control that this will absolve all restrictions?

    I also understand that Iraq may rescind 1637 at anytime as it is stated in the resolution, so what better day then tomorrow?

    2. Decides further that the mandate for the multinational force shall be reviewed at the request of the Government of Iraq or no later than 15 June 2006, and declares that it will terminate this mandate earlier if requested by the Government of Iraq;

  9. #18579
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    can someone give me a refresher on when the artical 8 is suposted to be signed? I thought it was the 30th but a friend said 31st. I would like to check out the artical, but cant find it. I am in need of someones superior intelect. Thanks in advance.

  10. #18580
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    like we said yesterday when reviewing those pdf's, UNTIL the day they rescind that 1637 which holds RESTRICTIONS ON THE CURRENCY there will be nothing done to the dinar. all the rumors youve heard saying it was about to revalue for three years have been horsepucky. (too bad everyones 'sources' didnt read all the fine print.)

    this tells me that jafari wasnt the only reason it didnt revalue, and maliki isnt the only reason it hasnt revalued yet. the ULTIMATE REASON was 1637 RESTRICTIONS. until thats gone we wont have a revalue. << can i get some emphasis on this period??

    franny, were almost there!!

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