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  1. #18641
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile Just hoping and praying!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lonelyintexas View Post
    I believe the same way. Sounds like it is all happening the 31st. Let's
    sure hope so. The sooner the better. Good luck to all.
    Well I know I am praying desperately for the 31st October I have a very sick family member who has been in hospital for over 2 months. I found out today that now he has a blood clot in his leg. I really want to be there to take care of him. Money buys you time with loved ones something you can't put a price on.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  2. #18642
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    Hey guys, a few days ago, I recall reading posts by other members in which they had gotten word back from Mr M at warka indicating Warka was closed and also indicating Mr M was on "vacation" in Beirut. Am I recalling this right? I even recall a member making a joke about why would someone go on vacation from one war torn country to another.

    Well, I just received this from Mr M after I was requesting info on my last ISX purchase which I had not received due to Warka being closed.

    Thought it was interesting. Also, notice he says "back on the 10th.
    Yeah, that was me--the response I got when I asked about my wire transfer. I just got a comfirmation on my last stock purchase order, sometime around the 10th...the balance they show does not reflect my last wire transfer... trying not to get too worked up about it....but are you saying that Mohammad Issa is out until the Nov 10 now???? If that's the case I'll just start emailing everyone I've ever been in contact with there until I get an answer...

    BTW--nice work everyone, as usual--I'm still out on vacation, hoping for a reval before we have to go back to work on the 13th.

    Happy Birthday Neno!!!! Today is me and my sweet husband's first anniversary... don't let him kid you....I'm the lucky one!!!

    Cheers! Tracy

  3. #18643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    I want to thank all the members supplying us with the information on Article 8 and Resolution 1637.

    After carefully reading this information it would seem to me the opening of Iraq and a RV. I do not see how after signing those Laws they could not open there doors as that is what the Law addresses. This Law sounds like it is the RV. Now we know why the other Laws have not been passed before and why they have waiting on enacting the FIL.

    I think on the 31st they will sign article 8 and enact FIL and HCL JMO.


    It's funny how we've been trying to put this puzzle together for so long, Like a puzzle we started off with the end pieces, the outline, worked our way in and are down to the final pieces.
    It's also funny how when you get to the end of the puzzle you seem to see things you couldn't see before and you say omg I can't believe I didn't see that. We're at the end and all the pieces are fitting together so nicely now. And go a lot quicker and before you know it it's complete.
    Dinar Excited, I like your post and agree with you and can see the puzzle complete. Thanks for you input.
    Now here come the dancing
    Last edited by day dreamer; 30-10-2006 at 05:31 AM.

  4. #18644
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinartank View Post
    has anyone been able to open this link on the cbi site...'%20Issued.pdf
    could be some good info!
    4196th World Marazi statement on the Iraqi current positive trends in the overall level of prices Press Communiqué 'Issued from the CBI Concerning the current Positive Seabird of the General Price Level Marazi Iraqi bank following with great interest the current price trends and indicators Alaijamarvel shown by the index for consumer prices in Iraq (Am'cher for inflation), which scored a broad decline in the growth rates, particularly in the month of September of this year, 2006,The (negative 13%) compared with August of the same year.And to the extent that the bank believes the Iraqi Marazi in this decline as a sign of the health of the Iraqi economy, to show its ability to contain the phenomenon of inflationary trends and respond to unwanted levels of living or productivity in the distribution of resources among the various uses,However, he is still aware that the source of Ant price fluctuations resulting from vibrations generated by the supply sector in the level of real rates of production or productivity promised by changing the basis for the development of activities of price and delinquency rates on the price of natural tracks and levels of moderation.Taking the positive developments in the energy sector, fuel and transport and communication sector has Abera, in the low rates of inflation in the month last September as the rates of decline contributed by paragraph fuel and lighting components in the index of consumer prices in Iraq about (negative 42%), while transport contributed paragraph. ( Wa%some of the surface (negative 33 and the World Marazi Iraqi need support the economic policy of positive trends in the level of inflation and the decline through various hubs and trends, particularly in the field of energy, fuel, and the areas of fiscal policy aimed at restructuring public expenditures and a containment pressureMali, as well as the role of the investment policy, including the various investment opportunities and boosted economic growth in the country. At a time when monetary policy to sense that there was high optimism in the stability of the general level of prices and the decline in inflation rates but it is aware of the importance of staying on the trends of strong backing to the hard-line LasTakrar economic,reflected in the current level of rates as well as the bank continues Marazi,interest Rate Policy-Marazi Iraqi Iraqi bank to achieve its objectives current operational addressed to influence the rates of the monetary liquidity and control menaced which embodies the current activity of the auction money orders, bonds and foreign currency auction. The bank will maintain Marazi Iraqi on the other tracks in Ceasix cash efforts to achieve intermediate goals for reducing inflation and contain inflationary expectations, relying on "stabilizing nominal" cash Aatar Yazzmen rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and boosted the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar to move across the tracks and cash assistance in inflation targeting. As imply afor Ihalanange cash adopted by the World Marazi Iraqi Without doubt on the link between climate and means of monetary policy,whether in the area of interest rates or exchange rates on one hand,The stability of the general level of prices on the other hand promised the Association of tasks President underlying the Marazi Bank in the implementation of its goals to maximize the purchasing power of cash income and the strengthening of the capacities of the country coffers in a way that achieves the objectives of economic growth in the long term.
    there it is translated, we have discussed the odd wording on it.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #18645
    Senior Investor ronbo's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Happy Anniversary!

    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    Yeah, that was me--the response I got when I asked about my wire transfer. I just got a comfirmation on my last stock purchase order, sometime around the 10th...the balance they show does not reflect my last wire transfer... trying not to get too worked up about it....but are you saying that Mohammad Issa is out until the Nov 10 now???? If that's the case I'll just start emailing everyone I've ever been in contact with there until I get an answer...

    BTW--nice work everyone, as usual--I'm still out on vacation, hoping for a reval before we have to go back to work on the 13th.

    Happy Birthday Neno!!!! Today is me and my sweet husband's first anniversary... don't let him kid you....I'm the lucky one!!!

    Cheers! Tracy

    Happy Anniversary! We had our 25th this year.

  6. #18646
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    Security Council Resolution 1483 of May 22, 2003 led to the establishment of the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB), which began operations in December 2003. The IAMB acts as an audit oversight body for the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), also created under SCR 1483 to receive Iraqi oil proceeds, balances from the UN Oil-for-Food Program and frozen Iraqi funds. Until June 28, 2004 disbursements from the DFI were directed by the CPA in consultation with the Iraqi authorities. The mandate of the IAMB was extended under SCR 1546, and resources in the DFI are now controlled by the Iraqi authorities. The IAMB initially consisted of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the International Monetary Fund, the United nations, and the World Bank. A fifth member was later designated by the Interim Government of Iraq. For more information on the IAMB, and access to the audit reports, please visit International Advisory and Monitoring Board for Iraq (IAMB) -- An audit oversight body for the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI).
    that document was written as early as june 05. if they were truly in control of their own assets then why did they request an extension from the IAMB in dec. 05?

    after all they have been and were then arguing with the UN about the fact that the UN was still taking money out of the oil sales after saddam was removed. and what the UN was doing is they were charging the iraqis a surcharge to take it even and the iraqis said hey knock that off hes gone and youre still charging us and taking our money and we need it.

    their goal has been to distance themselves from the UN because of this.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 30-10-2006 at 05:53 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #18647
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    Default - Suspected Sunni Insurgents Gun Down 23 Policemen in Iraq - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
    Political tension deepened in Baghdad when Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi, the country's ranking Sunni politician, threatened to resign if Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not act fast to eradicate two feared militia groups
    Al-Maliki depends heavily on the backing of a pair of Shiite political organizations and has resisted concerted American pressure to eradicate their private armies — the Mahdi Army of radical anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and the Badr Brigade, the military wing of Iraq's most powerful Shiite political bloc, the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, or SCIRI.

    They're starting to really put pressure on Maliki, I believe this needs to be done, the militia's need to be delt with.
    Last edited by day dreamer; 30-10-2006 at 05:52 AM.

  8. #18648
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    It's funny how we've been trying to put this puzzle together for so long, Like a puzzle we started off with the end pieces, the outline, worked our way in and are down to the final pieces.
    It's also funny how when you get to the end of the puzzle you seem to see things you couldn't see before and you say omg I can't believe I didn't see that. We're at the end and all the pieces are fitting together so nicely now. And go a lot quicker and before you know it it's complete.
    Dinar Excited, I like your post and agree with you and can see the puzzle complete. Thanks for you input.
    Now here come the dancing
    its called E-M-B-A-R-G-O !! lol

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #18649
    Investor TerryTate's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SGS:

    The bank will maintain Marazi Iraqi on the other tracks in Ceasix cash efforts to achieve intermediate goals for reducing inflation and contain inflationary expectations, relying on "stabilizing nominal" cash Aatar Yazzmen rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and boosted the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar to move across the tracks and cash assistance in inflation targeting. As imply afor Ihalanange cash adopted by the World Marazi Iraqi Without doubt on the link between climate and means of monetary policy,whether in the area of interest rates or exchange rates on one hand,The stability of the general level of prices on the other hand promised the Association of tasks President underlying the Marazi Bank in the implementation of its goals to maximize the purchasing power of cash income and the strengthening of the capacities of the country coffers in a way that achieves the objectives of economic growth in the long term.
    Here we go.....

  10. #18650
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TerryTate View Post
    Originally posted by SGS:

    Here we go.....
    yes, like i thought then and still think, this is our official notice that they do indeed intend on raising the rate of the dinar to equate better with the US dollar. now all we want to know is WHAT DAY AND HOW MUCH??? lol

    franny, were almost there!!

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