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  1. #18881
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post

    A poster at IIF purchased dinars from a dealer in Jordan 2 months ago and it was shipped by Fedex to Upper State NY. He just now learned that the package of dinars was seized by US customs in NJ. He received a letter from US Customs stating that he would be reimbursed for funds lost but will have to pay legal fees. He is waiting to hear from US Customs to find out more.

    I'm posting this just so everyone is aware of the risk of shipping dinar by mail.
    In February my order for 1 million dinars from a Jordanian dealer (Amer) was also stolen by US customs crooks. Since then I use SafeDinar exclusively.

  2. #18882
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Susie: My friend called the branch manager of his B OF A this am. He said only the New York branch will be BUYing the dinar.
    We are in the Northwest so don't know why they won't be doing that here.
    My friend is going to stop by the branch onthe way home and talk personally to the guy, so will get back to you on that conversation.
    We gotta be close!!!


    He stopped by the bank today. The manager told him that he did not know when they would be buying or selling dinar at his branch. But he said that could change any day. Once again, he did not know the exact date that the New York Branch would start their endeavor but would be soon.
    more info passed thru pm...

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #18883
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    Default Individual point of view?

    The real test of Iraq. After the storm Tuesday

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-31-2006
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    Foreign policy in congressional elections
    The real test of Iraq. After the storm Tuesday!

    Letter mandate Kontikt : Izzat Ibrahim

    Q : Do Republicans count on a huge event in the next few days would turn the balance of the indicators that give Democrats a majority of the American House, and perhaps seize the Senate in the elections next November 7th?

    Sure answer is yes. But is it enough time?

    The program, if left to escalate the headlines or new story against North Korea or Iran That feature heated election campaigns that are sought by administrations of the lifebuoy prevents the rudder for the loss expected for their camp. The latest indications point to the approach of the Republican Party of the loss of between 20 and 25 seats in the a the MPs, and thus the majority, while four potential loss of seats in the Senate, even if the number rose to six for the Democrats in control of the two councils. The elections will be held on the rest of Representatives and one third of seats in the Senate and 36 state governors. The margin Republicans enjoy a majority of 29 seats in the House of Representatives and 10 seats in the Senate.

    A camp in crisis

    Unfortunately, the Republicans are threatening the camp as claimed in the party attach Analysts expected according to the poll reliable indicator of any NBC and the Wall Street Journal, which says that 61% of voters believe that America is on the behavior and the proportion was 48% in the 1994 campaign, which the Democrats lost 52 seats in the House of Representatives and 8 in the Senate, while 39% said that America is moving in the right direction, compared with 26% in 2006. The degree to approve the policies of President George W. Bush's much less today than it was Bill Clinton's popularity in the elections of 94.

    The experts from the two parties on the results of the poll in order to avoid bias towards Democrats in the mainstream of American flags. But the picture is not completely bleak. The new threat to the Republican Party today, he was less than Democrats in 1994 in addition to the number of greats from the Republican Party this year is less than in the ranks of retirees House Democrats 12 years ago as competitors enter the affected results inexperienced to the electoral arena.

    ‏A source close to the Republican Party, refused to have his name mentioned in this report, The press conference of George W. Bush last Wednesday that resulted in great confusion in the ranks of the Republicans, who agreed last week to drag the Democrats into an arena once the economy away from Iraq except that the words of Bush's re ball in the court of Iraq quickly. and added to the confusion poor communication capabilities of the President only Merike Bush's way on many previous opinions on the situation in Iraq, where shows very agitated and unable to navigate the dialogue in many of the major conferences.

    The disappointing results of the election campaign, polls transformed American Congress Square to open confrontation between the Democrats and Republicans in both the open forums or on television. Even the declarations of the electoral rule, it has become the busy afternoon when Representative Michael J. Fox shaken by a crippling illness Arash told to support stem cell research supported by the Democrats to the war raging between Fox News Channel and radio stations maintained by the media and among liberal on the other side as it accused the Republicans of manipulating the feelings of voters of exaggeration in show on the screen of his illness after his assuming compared occasions other former!

    As for the spending on the campaign, notably thefts, as an independent institution estimated total expenditure by about 2.6 billion dollars, which puts term elections next highest in the history of Congress. The elections of 2004 had recorded $ 4.2 billion with the big difference is the holding of presidential elections in the same year. . The magnitude of the figure of the total expenditure campaign in Britain, which did not exceed 26.7 million pounds sterling in 2001. One explanation for inflated spending on the elections, despite the ongoing attempts rationing that the candidates who run in the elections as they were gathering in their seats over w اثه times for new candidates or traditional rivals.
    between North and the South and hysteria elections

    Trends in the American electorate difficult to monitor easily in a short sentences, but can identify indicators sometimes contribute to convert loyalties of some voters due to the frustration of the party that voted for him in previous elections, But the differences between the north-eastern states of New England and the north-west on the one hand and between the mandates Midwest and South seem relatively clear and defined the basic arenas of confrontation. in the northern states more liberal and vote for Democrats, usually the virtues of Iraq today in the election campaign, contrary to what is in Fara b East and the American South, where the majority of the population closer to the conservative policies and show a higher degree of appreciation and loyalty to the American military institution where a large proportion of the inhabitants of these States working in the sectors related to the organization or to receive scholarships guaranteeing them jobs after graduation in the military sectors in a matter of Sha n in the states of the north-west or east most welfare. Thus Republicans still rely on the coherence of support in the south.

    ‏In the face of the moral majority to the Republican Party follows the large number of candidates Democrats in the states of the Torah belt proportion to the majority committed religious values identifier essential to the vote in the general elections the policy of changing colors sense playing on ethical issues that might be useful in transforming allegiances change, among the visitors from the shocks ethical scandals for the Republicans, and manipulating the justifications for the war against Iraq to a vote Angry of the Democratic Party. The general strategy of the Republicans to intimidate the risk of raising taxes to the Democrats, once they took up the reins of the majority and increase government spending and the evidence they possessed increase in the budget proposed by Democrats of America in the House of Representatives in 2007, which amount to about $ 177 billion proposal Republicans.

    ‏There are two levels of understanding of the internal debate on Iraq : I see some other real or fabricated which reverberate in the rhetoric between the two Ferocious One of the most notable examples in the campaign against the minority leader in the House of Representatives Nancy Bilosi described Republicans as a traditional pose a significant threat to the supreme interests of the United States for being in favor of the maximum j Sar Democratic Party, which evaluates security risks faced by the country and the first candidate for the post of Chairman of the House of Representatives, the third most important position in the United States. I described the British newspaper Financial Times that the targeting Bilosi strangest new weapon in the hands of the Republicans, who always referred to liberalism rather than coming from San Francisco. Bilosi received that the Republicans are unethical and corrupt, when she had CNN. Bi. PSV they had such accusations answers immediately Yes, I said that. but I was very polite! This context makes the battle on the basis of national identity, and not only how to conduct foreign policy . bilateral seeking to victory against fatalism. The Democrats, the disclosure of the apparent failure in Iraq and that the claims of Republicans that they alone can achieve victory and continue to fight terrorism relentlessly is a big illusion. This controversy is expected to be completed end of the race as it exceeded red lines it became reality in the elections season.

    The second level of the controversy over Iraq is so far from the spotlight, which is characterized by extreme bitterness and cruelty, which is expected to begin after the elections next deal with the reality on the ground in Iraq. In the words of a New magazine Rbeblek the congress will discuss alternative options immediately after the elections. The words of R. THE PRESIDENT of the Armed Forces Committee in the Senate, Republican John Raner directed his warning to the Iraqis unless the Iraqi government to impose order in the two or three coming months, the United States must change course, which will recommend by the Chairman of the Committee on Iraq James Baker probably in his anticipated. It will be sought ef Mhoriin for substantial change in the strategic Iraqi faster if their party lost none of the Houses of the Congress. more specifically Republicans will be more hands disengagement from Iraq.

    There is a general feeling that the furore elections will expire and return everyone to the ground and even firearms statements for the democrats will keep them little to the Iraqi dilemma facing everyone away from the elections Ntarih a new test for each. If the democrats speech after the elections, it will revolve around the first of many Ha supreme interests of the American nation, especially the level of partisan ready to battle the presidential elections in 2008.

  4. #18884
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwulf View Post
    This has been suggested in the tax thread: Tax Accountant!

    Luck for me my gal is cpa(had her do my dirty work). Anywho, (for my US folks) that 15% and 35% is the max...It all depends on your state of residence. For example, in my state lcg is 4.75% (yes, I've got a couple of mil just chill'n to be cashed in )
    blackwulf if you don't mind me asking what it would be for the state of missouri (that is the show me state also as show me the money) THANKS!!!

  5. #18885
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    Default re:

    Quote Originally Posted by rmcam View Post
    Bush dispatched national security adviser to Baghdad

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-31-2006

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    **Bush dispatched national security adviser to Baghdad **
    **Hadley seeks to return b »« good news from Iraq **

    Baghdad struggle Laithy

    Hadley will hold talks with the Iraqi Prime Minister and President Jalal Talabani ten days before the elections of the half renewal of the Congress of the United States he wants Bush to prove to American voters that the situation remains under control and that American forces unable to stop the violence so that the Republicans to maintain the majority in the elections, amid pressure from the Democrats, who have turned Iraq into the case file number one to win voters after the number of deaths of American army month Present at the 100th, which is the highest rate since the invasion of Iraq. The sources did not rule out that the looming Washington during the talks the option of the new government in Iraq to save both top-Maliki, or something similar.

    The newspaper Azzaman »«
    ...... and the way to accomplish this is to announce the "rv"..... :)

  6. #18886
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    Cool Heard something today for a "First"......

    Before I catch-up, thought I would share something I heard for the first time ever about the word "Dinar" on the radio waves today.

    It was a report on Columbia Drug Cartels creating counterfit USD from the "OLD" Iraqi Dinar. The report stated that, The Old Iraq Dianr is worhtless". (I found that amusing, the "OLd Iraqi Dinar) Why would the Cartels use it for Counterfiting.

    Well what was said was that there is a use for the "Old" notes afterall. The Columbian Drug Cartels have gotten their hands on the Plates and truckloads of the "OLD" notes. What they do is, take the "Old" notes and Bleach them. Then use the paper to print Counterfit USD. Then they have their runners hit Disney World and change it out. Pretty amazing.

    But what I found the most News was when the reporter did say that the "OLD" Iraqi Dinar was worthless. Hummmmm, well then I would say that the media knows that there is the "Iraqi New Dinar". Can not wait to here it mentioned soon with a "BIG FAT REVALUE to it. Just thought I would shar that funny bit with you all. I finally heard the Dinar mentioned, but the "OLD" one.

  7. #18887
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    article : posted by rmcam i realize the english language is the hardest
    to learn but that article was too hard too read to make any sense.

  8. #18888
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    article : posted by rmcam i realize the english language is the hardest
    to learn but that article was too hard too read to make any sense.
    Sorry bigred52. It's how it was translated on the web site. Link is below. Thanks.

    Translated version of

  9. #18889
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    rumor from another board:
    Border Patrol


    Sorry to hear your story Quite.

    I just crossed the border back into the US from Canada on Sunday evening.

    They asked me 3 new questions that they haven't ever asked since I started crossing 5 years ago.

    the pertinent question was " are you carrying any currancy from Canada or elsewhere with a value of 10k or greater?"

    I was not. but the question struck me because of this investment.

    They also asked me if I had mailed anything including currency to my US address from Canada?

    The third question had to do with recieving a package to transport for someone else.

    This info might be helpfull to you. Good luck on your transaction.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #18890
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    This delay stuff got me upset... as did the mini-SGS bashing... I love hearing from you SGS.

    Anyway, I met with Congressman Frank Wolf's people.. he was one of the big pushers for the Iraq Study Group... I told him as a health care provider, how can we expect Iraqi people to buy healthcare when the value is nothing and yet the services are at market... the (7-year) foreign relations aide said "with all of the oil, you would think they would give proceeds to the people". I contradicted him about the policy and the value and the history of the rate, speculators aside, " are we setting Iraq up to fail if it cannot buy what it needs ??" ... no response... does Congressman Wolf know that the US will have soldiers most likely protecting individual Iraqi's for a 10K Dinar card, that is worth about $7.00 ??? "Dear So and So, The war department regrets to tell you that your loved one died for a 7.00 electric card."

    I commented that I care about our soldiers and the iraqi people.. and they should have all the help they need, but why are we kicking them off the economic playing field, or is it solely an Iraqi Government thing. The aide promised me a response (*like I will get a good one*) but our investment aside... is this soley on Iraq or what ???

    Congressman Wolf (R) is up for re-election in November.
    I never mentioned speculation...

    I have lost 4 friends in Iraq, and 2 fellow physicians in the Doctors without Borders... so I am not pro / con anything.. well maybe PRO-SGS. So don't slam me.. but the dinar revalue is important to us.. but I think/believe it is CRITICAL to the Iraqi's..


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