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  1. #18891
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    Cool OK. My response for D-Day

    Dang this is why I prefer only news in this Thread. I had to move 47 post over BS. Now I Have to go back and move Tax things. I guess most don't realize that our History Thread is for the News and comments for Digging. Who wants to read the rest? Thats is why there is other threads.

    Anyways, does anyone remember this rule?

    7. Fellow Members, I want this more than anyone else. If we can reseach and share with others in a mature fashion, RC will not have no Problems. If you feel there is trouble in the forum, please PM Myself are Admin, Co-Admin, or anyone of the other Mods. there is just 5 of us and almost 20,000 members. Please be Patient as Mods are looking out at all times. Just dont be "Stupid" and lower yourself to commence in the Child Play too.

    I didn't think so. So what I am going to do is Ban D-Day for 1 week to cool off. And I am doing this for the Name calling. But I should Ban D-Day for alot longer and some of you that commenced to this Play too.

    I dont think D-Day meant any harm. I think the Investment has just gotten to him/her for the lack of just a little more patients. But I can not Ban D-Day and want for longer than 1 week to just cool off, for the fact of the child play from the rest. Plus I think D-Day just needs some time to relax.

    One More thing no more curse words on this forum. Not even abbreviated. I am tired of having to make excusses for it when others ask what does that mean. So thanks ahead and enjoy the rest of the ride, how ever long it is. The way I look at it is another day of no r/v is another day for the opritunity for more. Agreed? Good.
    Last edited by neno; 31-10-2006 at 02:01 AM.

  2. #18892
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    What about Fack and Wanker? Being from New York, those are two of my new FAVORITE words! lol! Not swearing exactly either....

    P.S.....Happy Birthday Cowboy!

  3. #18893
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    What about Fack and Wanker? Being from New York, those are two of my new FAVORITE words! lol! Not swearing exactly either....

    P.S.....Happy Birthday Cowboy!
    No I mean the FN and the F__K and the MF also the B*tch, that short of thing. I wish we all would rather use Fack & Wanker. Then maybe the next generation would be alittle better off. Hot Tub time. then MondayNight Football. BBL.

  4. #18894
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    Default Auditors want rules for Iraq aid

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    Auditors want rules for Iraq aid By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer
    39 minutes ago

    Federal auditors are recommending that the Iraqi government meet specific milestones of progress to receive any future aid for reconstruction, according to a report released Monday that echoes a message the Bush administration has delivered to Iraqi leaders.

    The study, issued by the special inspector general who audits U.S. work in Iraq, also concluded that reconstruction is being blocked by violence, and efforts to empower Iraqis to do more are fraught with problems 3 1/2 years after the U.S. invaded the country.

    The Iraqis should "meet concrete milestones and political and economic benchmarks as a condition of future aid," the report recommended. It said U.S. relief and reconstruction aid could be provided through conditional loans and be tied to specific actions by the Iraqi government.

    During the past two weeks U.S. officials have pressed the Iraqis to begin to meet milestones of progress, an effort that has revealed rifts in the relationship between the two governments.

    Last week Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki complained publicly after U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said the Iraqis had agreed to meet specified benchmarks for progress. Bush later voiced confidence in al-Maliki, but warned that the U.S. will not have "unlimited patience" with the Iraq government's failure to quell sectarian violence.

    The strains have surfaced in the run-up to the Nov. 7 elections for control of Congress, a campaign in which voters' dissatisfaction with Bush administration policy in Iraq has become a significant weak point for Republicans.

    The quarterly audit report by the inspector general said the "deteriorating security situation across Iraq continues to impede progress," causing construction project delays, increasing costs and preventing repairs to critical power supplies.

    The report underscores the persistent problems faced by the Iraqi government as it struggles to rebuild and take control of its own security in the face of a stubborn insurgency and a populace on the brink of civil war.

    "The U.S.-funded phase of Iraq's relief and reconstruction has entered its concluding stages," the report said. "The government of Iraq's success in building on the foundation established by the U.S. relief and reconstruction program will now depend in part on (Iraq's) ability to attract more support from other donors and the private sector."

    A consistent theme in the audits is that the escalating violence in Baghdad is stalling reconstruction. For example, auditors found that "repairing power lines is nearly impossible because of sniper attacks and death threats to repair crews." As a result, on one day earlier this month there was only enough power to generate a few hours of electricity.

    The audit also said corruption continues to exist in a number of the Iraqi government ministries, and that building up a system of inspectors general is the most important initiative to fight such wrongdoing.

    It said the Iraqi government must improve its ability to spend and manage its own money on capital projects, or international aid could dry up. The budget available for capital projects is about $6 billion, the audit said.
    Print Story: Auditors want rules for Iraq aid on Yahoo! News
    Tighten the screws baby! Lean on them enough until they give!

  5. #18895
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    Default Work resumes tomorrow Legislative Chapter II

    Baghdad morning

    A Abbas Bayati deputy coalition common is that the parliament will discuss and vote in the coming days on three significant laws. He said "Al-Bayati told Sabah :" that these laws are the law of the Communications and Public Information Act and the Higher Commission for Elections and the election of the provincial assemblies.
    He added that the district councils election law is the most important in the current term because of the need to accomplish before elections for members of district councils, which will start in 2007. Bayati explained that the House of Representatives was able to accomplish many of the important laws during the past period, primarily the formation of regions and foreign investment .
    He added : There was a new investment because the oil investment law voted on by excluding oil and that discussions are currently in adding that the issue of distribution of wealth constitutional issue rather than legal, therefore, must not be a controversy there.
    It is noteworthy that the Council will resume the work of the second legislative chapter tomorrow, Tuesday, after the Eid holiday.


  6. #18896
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    rmcam sorry if i insulted you. the critique was meant for the translation.
    again my apology.

  7. #18897
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    Default Why the need to protect?

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    its safer to hand it out at the GOVT BANKS which are the state run banks, the big ones near the cbi. its why theres all the rangers guarding. they arent protecting worthless dinar anymore. this simply explains why they are doing it that way instead of putting the agents who hand out the foodstuffs in danger.
    I would be nice to think with all the talk of millions, billions, and trillions of dollars and Dinars; they they would be able to contrive a simple task of giving ration cards. Such a bunch of BS already!!!!!
    If they did a cencus (how long ago)? do you think that perhaps in the records of their country ( that they know who theri citizens are? Do they have some form of ID like a Social Security Number or the like? Would it not stand to reason - that instead of handing out a GIFT CARD (Could they possibly be that Asinine) that they would give the ration cards connected with the persons ID upon receipt and USAGE of such card.
    I think They are just jerking everyone around - and acting Ignorant and Incompetant THEY ARE DOING A GREATING JOB AT IT BTW! while they do their behind the sceen manipulations.

    Well hopefully for everyone this will pull off soon. Sorry for the mini tirade!! ICHM
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    rmcam sorry if i insulted you. the critique was meant for the translation.
    again my apology.
    bigred52...none taken.

  9. #18899
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    BBC NEWS | UK | Security firms 'abusing Iraqis'

    Security firms 'abusing Iraqis'
    Roadside bomb in Baqouba
    Security problems have meant private firms are in demand
    Private security firms operating in Iraq are committing human rights abuses, a charity has claimed.

    A report by War on Want says no prosecutions have been brought despite hundreds of complaints of abuse.

    And the charity is calling on the government to introduce legislation to ban private security in war zones.

    Lt Col Tim Spicer, whose Aegis security firm operates in Iraq, said they worked under "very strict rules" and could be prosecuted if they did anything wrong.

    'Huge profits'

    War on Want claims UK ministers are increasingly using private security firms with a total of 48,000 employees in Iraq - six to every British soldier.

    John Hilary, the group's campaigns and policy director, said the Iraq war "has allowed British mercenaries to reap huge profits".

    Regulation would add clarity to what people can and can't do
    Lt Col Tim Spicer

    "But the government has failed to enact laws to punish their human rights abuses, including firing on Iraqi civilians.

    "How can Tony Blair hope to restore peace and security in Iraq while allowing mercenary armies to operate completely outside the law?

    "We call on the government to introduce tough legislation as a matter of urgency to ban the use of mercenaries in these conflict situations."

    The report is published on the opening day of the first annual conference of the British Association of Private Security Companies in London.

    Dispel myths

    Col Spicer said it was "completely inaccurate" to suggest that security firms operated outside the law.

    He said: "If a British or US citizen - or a citizen of any other country - committed an offence, it is perfectly possible for the government of that country to implement a prosecution against them."

    But he said he supported proper regulation of the industry because it would "dispel a lot of the myths and make the situation much clearer".

    "It would add clarity to what people can and can't do and where they stand with regard to the law."

    Earlier this year the US army launched an inquiry after a video posted on the internet showed an Aegis Defence Services contractor firing at civilian cars in Iraq.

    But it said no charges should follow and an investigation by Aegis found that the incident was within the rules on the use of force by civilian personnel.
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    Default Columbians using NID's to counterfeit USD's

    Hey everbody, I heard today on the radio that Columbians are using the new Iraqi dinars to counterfeit US dollars. Supposedly bleaching the currency paper and then printing over it. They're counterfeiting mostly $100 bills and they've chosen the Iraqi currency because of the quality of the paper and because it's so cheap purchase.

    Has anyone else heard of this or know anything about it? I'm wonder, since they know this is being done, how long before they change value so as to prevent this from continuing?

    Any thoughts, anyone?

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