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  1. #18941
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    We are watching history in the making folks....

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-31-2006
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    The Iraqi Chargé d'affaires Hamed al-Shurayfi that this conference draws its importance from the venue as Kuwait has a special role and effectively to the stability and security of Iraq and the economic upswing, It has for long years to support the Iraqi people at all levels and is now continuing that the guidance of His Highness the Emir, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad.
    He said : The leadership of Kuwait and its people have spared no effort and money in order to save Iraq and its people. He pointed out that the great hopes that this will bring the hoped-for success in the face of eradicating confrontational ferocious terrorist attack on our unarmed people.
    He said that the dark forces of terrorism Ttmsh dressed in Islam and with the remnants of the previous regime in order to destabilize Iraq.
    He stressed that the first look forward to the gains achieved to dry up the sources of terrorism, which no doubt that a large part of its funding comes from Arab and Islamic countries must therefore control of banks, institutions and movements suspicious, The security side, the responsibility of all the countries of the region. Because terrorism is a scourge that everybody suffers.

    He pointed out that Iraq is a country being rebuilt from the foundation to the roof, In spite of the considerable wealth but at the present time are not available because of security difficulties and time constraints and the growing obstacles that impede the use of that we need to help all of humanity belongs to Iraq to stand on its feet again and be influential politically and economically in the international arena.


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    I know this was probably posted earlier but it certainly deserves posting again because this is great news.

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-31-2006
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    Muhammad Al-Sabah met with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister :
    We reunite the international community Iraq

    Khaled Al-Dossari wrote :
    The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Dr.. Mohammad al-Sabah Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Iraqi. Barham Salih, pointing out that he knew d. The solid fighter for democracy, human rights and good governance.

    He added Sheikh Mohammed told reporters upon receiving d. Saleh, who arrived the country yesterday that the idea of the International Decade of Iraq is an innovative idea to highlight the seriousness of Iraq in achieving the goals set for Iraq's stability and economic development of Iraq and to be supportive of his brothers in the neighboring countries, For the Arab and Islamic nation, explaining that there Mbzula international effort to help Iraq.
    He explained that the conference will be held today in Kuwait will update of the Mecca, which was held a few days ago.

    He pointed out that the reunification of Mecca Iraqis, today, the objective of the reunification of Iraq with the international community to be one unit supportive of Iraq.
    He said Dr Sheikh.

    Sabah : This congress will be a preparatory conference of the General Conference to be held soon.
    For his part, Dr. eighth. Barham Salih Kuwait initiative to mobilize international support for Iraq, pointing out that Iraq is facing a very difficult and dangerous challenges.

    , Said. Saleh I am confident that we and the brothers in Kuwait share in the important objective is to produce an Iraq security with itself and its neighbors, He added that the new Iraq must not be the graves and genocide or any aggression on its neighbors.

    And, he said. Saleh said the brotherly Kuwaiti people know of the suffering of other Iraqis and the need to help Iraq to overcome the current challenges, stressing that he is confident that the peaceful and democratic Iraq will be a brotherly neighbor of Kuwait and will cooperate with the interest of the peoples of the region.

    The draft contract contains an Iraqi initiative on the vision of Iraqi political and economic reforms and the necessary security for Iraq's transition to a secure and prosperous future, He said that he will today in the meeting details of this vision and the necessary reforms that are primarily the responsibility of Iraqi But Iraq needs the help of the international community, especially from our brothers in the region because of failure in Iraq would have serious repercussions for the entire region, Success in Iraq will be a success for each region, Responsibility for that international, regional and Iraqi us all. He added that Iraq was the last source of threat and instability in the entire region, stressing that the current leadership in Iraq has had a vision of turning Iraq into a supportive role for stability. And whether they will discuss the issue of debt forgiveness for Iraq, he said. Saleh said that there is always a connection with the brothers in the Gulf. He pointed out that there are some situations inherited from previous eras, and we are fully confident that we and our Arab brothers, and particularly the Gulf Cooperation Council states will be able to arrive at what is good for the region and the Iraqi people.

    Dr.. Saleh said that the conference, which will be held today, important as that is the final stage of preparation for the International Decade, in an effort to create a true partnership between the international community and the Iraqi government to overcome the challenges of a political, security and economic. Dr.. Saleh said that Iraq will abide by the reforms set by the contract, will not be easy and we expect help and support from the international community, He pointed out that this may help embodied in helping political, security and economic.
    He said that without political reforms, including national reconciliation among the components of the Iraqi people and the victory of what is common between the sons of the Iraqi people will not be able to control the security situation, He stressed that political and security reforms and economic background to overcome the challenges.

  3. #18943
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    As far as the counterfeit stories. A couple of months ago, they uncovered a large operation. Using the new 5,000 dinar. The USD uses a special blend of paper using cotton and stuff. So it is unique paper for the USD used no where else in the world! However, I have heard that you can use that marker detector. To detect fakes, but the marker cannot tell the difference between the USD and some other world notes. Including the IQD, so that is one reason they were and are using the dinar. The 5,000 dinar could be trimmed down easily!

    Another GREAT reason for the RV!!!!!!!!!!!!...........
    As far as the Mazzini rate I some that rate quoted on IDI by I think Oldskiier!

    What is IDI? I know of Oldskiier from one of the other forums but have not been to IDI

  4. #18944
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-31-2006
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    Skinner called on neighboring countries to refrain from harming his country
    Iraqi government spokesman told Al-Qabas
    : if Iraq sinking into a civil war Kuwait and the region Stlthban

    The meeting : Laila Al-Sarraf, Badr Almshaan
    Government spokesman warned Iraqi Skinner of the dangers of failure for the stability of Iraq on the region as a whole. He called on neighboring countries to support Iraq politically, economically and hoped to Hamas neighboring countries to this goal equal to the Hamas away States.
    Skinner said in an interview with the 'Al-Qabas' on the sidelines of his participation in the International Covenant groups based in the guise of charitable work of the financing of terrorism in Iraq as well as the intelligence services of some neighboring countries. He also talked about the administrative situation in the ravaged Iraq and said that corruption was endemic in all the state, warning that Iraqis feel despair and frustration of the future, and frustration has bred violence and terrorism.
    How do you see the meeting of the Preparatory to the International Covenant with Iraq due to the volume of participation, venue?
    - This meeting acquires great importance as a result of an international trend to help Iraq to get a solution that suits Iraq and the impact of this situation in the region. It is well known that the failure to good for the stability of Iraq could affect all the countries in the region and international attention to control the situation inside Iraq but there must be political and economic criteria in addition to many other aspects, As for the site and venue of the meeting it was the request of the Iraqi government convening of this meeting on the land of Kuwait, Kuwait welcomed the convening of this meeting on its land under the auspices of the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development, Kuwait Perhaps importance lies in the fact that there is a trend towards the Gulf contribute to the International Covenant, especially after the international conference held in Abu Dhabi, as Abu Dhabi Declaration issued by the Iraqi government and we would like to be a Hamas enthusiasm for the stability of Iraq, which we are witnessing at the same distant States.
    What Iraq's obligations towards the donor states?
    - There are commitments to Iraq, which have to be in Iraq mechanisms for the control and management of resources and fight against financial and administrative corruption that has spread in state bodies and the application of human rights standards in addition to political and economic reforms. As is known to all, we turn today from the system in a comprehensive manner to an open country, Therefore, the standards that Iraq needs differ from what it was in the past and we hope to sketch the road map in Kuwait schedules must be used by Iraq to coincide with the international aid provided by the international community.
    Political support is also
    If, as the size of the grant for Iraq?
    The support-not only financial but political and hope that there will be political support and openness, especially after the formation of the first elected Iraqi government, after decades of oppression and tyranny, From this standpoint, there is no excuse for countries to open diplomatic representation and openness to Iraq in particular, we need to rebuild the rights of the Iraqi people who have suffered greatly from the cultural vacuum because of the wars that led to the former regime. also in Iraq, we need to rehabilitate all the state's departments and systems development in all aspects of life to come after financial support to the environment and find grounds for spending, we can benefit from optimal.
    Is Iraq today need political support to stop military or economic chaos?
    - Iraq needs a political decision with simultaneous resolution of economic and security areas. Resolution security needs to be a clear economic vision of the new system, as there is a feeling of frustration, , which generates suitable ground for terrorism. Therefore, the security solution comes through understanding of Iraqi political and providing job opportunities for citizens, In this way contain terrorism.
    There is information that the United Nations declare that Iraq is the civil wars, But the United States refuses to ensure continued survival in Iraq. what is Talcik?
    I think that the term civil war is a threat psychologically significant to the Iraqis and used by the enemies of Iraq. Iraqis all persuasions, faced with terrorism in Anbar and Mosul and Baghdad and all other areas of Iraq, Terrorism has no religion, We in the face of strong takfiri and remnants of Baath, and the Iraqis have demonstrated that they are refused to be dragged or bow to civil war. For example, when the bombing of the headquarters of Almerkdin in Samarra, which is September 11 at his home in Iraq. However, the Iraqis passed this attempt to recruiters in this war, Here we are betting a lot on the strength of this people in confronting the terrorists and their plans.
    Those who support terrorism?
    The support of terrorism, from your point of view in Iraq?
    I think that the groups that were benefiting from the former regime in addition to the groups of those who were deceived, in addition to outside support for terrorism sources, I can not equal among themselves, but it is a non under the guise of charities in addition to the intelligence services of some neighboring countries. as well as the Arab media, which shows the terrorist operations inside Iraq under the pretext of resistance and the fight against the United States (in the United States exist in all Arab countries, not only Iraq).
    American strategy
    Do you think that the smart in case the Democrats to the American Congress and the failure of the Republicans?
    I think that there is a clear American strategy combines the American decision by the American interests, From this standpoint, we have nothing to do with these interests to the extent that corresponds with the Iraqi interests, As for the issue of withdrawing its forces from Iraq, there is no even any of the Democratic Party calls for the immediate withdrawal of troops, We as Iraqis and through our current can not afford to see foreign troops in the streets of Iraq. But on the other hand we face terrorism, The international community must assume its responsibilities on this moral perversion and I think that what is happening in the United States after elections would not affect the basic strategy of the United States but perhaps some of the details may vary in Iraq and we want to prioritize and put on the basis that the American forces to leave in the coming months and through this we asked that the Iraqi security file, however, and assume full responsibility for this file.
    Do you have a clear strategy between the United States and Iraq?
    - The meeting between Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with the American President George Bush to draw up a plan and a vision of these relations, We are still feel that Washington supports the capabilities of the Iraqi forces, This, expressed by President Bush during his statements that there is a plan to build a professional forces ready and able to assume the security file, This work will be done during the coming months.
    There are fears Kuwaiti-way transmission spark sectarian war from Iraq to the region. Will discuss with the Kuwaiti officials?
    - We appreciate the position of Kuwait during the past period, as it is a positive attitude in the stability of the Iraqi situation. I believe completely that Kuwait is not only, but the entire region Stelthb that sank Iraq in a civil war for, there is an invitation from the Iraqi government to provide assistance to overcome the crisis and are out of the bottleneck and if there is no help there must be at least whom to stay away from Iraq.
    What is needed?
    What is required of Iraq's neighbors today?
    - That Iraq needed to Kuwait and all other States in the region, It is expected that Kuwait appreciated the feelings of Iraqis and the years that the caravan passed by, and take a step to ensure Iraq, and they are able to take the bold step, Valbaidon took great strides. Because the closest first Virtue.
    Maamutlob specifically?
    - We acknowledge that there were international resolutions resulting from the Iraq, Iraq is committed although they overburden the Iraqis and for friendship and brotherhood with neighbors and brothers in Kuwait, we would like to be taken outside the international framework through which Kuwait could increase the proximity to the Iraqis and is already near, and through the steps on the issue of debt and compensation, especially that there are many noted that the situation facing Iraq.
    Iranian interference
    Are there any Iranian interference in Iraqi internal domestic matter?
    - The situation in Iraq, which resulted after the fall of the former Iraqi regime allowed some neighboring countries and other neighbors to intervene, We are fully aware that there was an Iranian attempt to pass messages to the United States through Iraq's interior, The cross-Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during his recent visit to Tehran to be there for closer relations with its neighbor Iran, and that there is no interference in the internal situation critical, and also assured Tehran that the Iraqis will not allow their territory to be used for any attack from neighboring countries, whether in the East or the West, We believe that the leadership in Tehran realized the depth of the effect of any intervention. Therefore, we are now witnessing a commitment in the Iranian policy towards Iraq. but we expect that there be more control of the parties in various Iranian relations with some Iraqi currents.
    Maalersalh outcome of the special Mecca that terrorist operations had not diminished in intensity?
    The message of the Mecca clear to isolate terrorists across clarify that what is happening in Iraq has nothing to do with religion, which is the religion of Islam, which calls for tolerance and Christian, but it is a perverse moral delinquents backed by serious debt, and whatever through killing innocents in the name of God. but we do not have the mechanisms to enforce this matter vigorously. The ideology of counter-terrorism plan inadequate because it is not clear-cut and are not based on a clear concept.
    What about the initiative Maliki?
    - The draft reconciliation espoused by Maliki is a courageous step by the government, especially as it rose olive branch before flying Canes (who sticks) to the door and the option to return to reality and the reconciliation between the Iraqi people, We went reconciliation mechanisms and remained little Once these mechanisms will be discussed draft legislation on the proposals and then these conferences will be the application of the law and protect the innocent through the use of full legitimacy granted to the Iraqi government! There will be no excuse for those who want to exercise murder under various names.
    Why did the draft reconciliation, especially that there are a number of Iraqi factions involved in the Iraqi government?
    The draft is the reconciliation between the two sides of government as well as political force and part of this project is a solution and the integration of the militia and fight armed groups which kill Iraqis. It is, therefore, a shared responsibility.

    The border with Kuwait
    Speaking to the official Iraqi spokesman Skinner on the issue of the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border had no appreciation of the sensitivity of Hzaala over, It is based on the sensitivity of previous experience and painful with the former regime.
    He added that the call for consideration for the future. and not remain prisoners of fear accumulated since the Iraq wants to build as a safe and be a friend to all.
    He could not deal with some of the lumps and we will deal as we deal with our neighbor Turkey to dispel concerns on its borders. We now look forward to a new era with the Kuwaiti government to strengthen the bonds of political and economic relations.

    Gulf States affected by the tension between the United States and Iran
    He said Skinner 'We are in Iraq to pay tax any tension in Iran has nothing to do with the United States, The Gulf states affected by, The growing fear of turning Iraq into an arena for settling differences between the conflicting parties'.
    He added : The issue of the Iranian nuclear dossier and possibly escalate been problems between Tehran and the European countries, America and the hope resolved peacefully until receipt of the region from any new conflict.

    Human rights
    Skinner said in response to a question about the procedures for the reduction of gross violations of human rights in Iraq that noticeable thing in Iraq right now is that there is transparency with respect to any violation when compared to the current days of Saddam Hussein, We are now in Iraq trying to build the institutions of the state and do not allow any person to violate any right of any Iraqi citizen, It is involved in that is accountable and accounting institutions of civil society, the Ministry of Human Rights in Iraq can be transformed into the Office of independent control over the government and its commitment to human rights standards and certainly true that there is no cover for any group attempting to violate the standards agreed upon in Iraq.

    Do not interfere in the trial of Saddam
    Skinner objected to the designation of the trial of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's regime performance, He pointed out that the trial of the Governor has not seen in the Iraqi counterpart to spite the world. and robbed, He said 'We wanted to give the court the independence and objectivity beyond the capacity of the Iraqis to accept them and we want to send a message to the world that we in the new Iraq dedicate liberty At the same time, everybody's going to accountability and accounting, and justice must take its course on all issues and events'.
    He added that the Iraqi government does not interfere in the work of the Tribunal problem of Saddam and men.

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    Here's an article from the economic section of Al Sabaah...
    It's from someone that works under the Ministry of Finance...

    Economic :inflation and fuel crisis in 2006 d.* Visual Kamal, undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance submitted :The Iraqi economy during the last months continues to rise in the inflation rate amounted to about 70% with the possibility of continuity rise.As the statistics indicate to the rise in the proportion of spending on fuel in the family budget to be about 40% of total household expenditure.Given the widespread unemployment and the most stable incomes, the result has implications for the spread of the phenomenon of inflation is the decline in purchasing power, the real income of individuals.This study tries to shed light on the causes of inflation and looking at the role of various government policies, including fiscal and monetary necessary to reduce the proportion of high and therefore mitigate the negative effects resulting from it.The phenomenon of inflation :the phenomenon can be defined as a constant rise in inflation and continued in the overall level of prices.Since the beginning of the 1990s of the last century until 2006 the average inflation growth of about 50% annually.However, I figure to 32% for the period from 2003 - 2006.In January 2006 inflation reached 20%, a record high of 53% in 2006 Maes to the deepening of the high prices of oil derivatives.The continued rise in the inflation rate to hit in July and 70% in August and 76.6% in a row.Referring to the Central Agency of Statistics in September 2006 on the indices of goods and services.We find that the number of commodities covered count price index of 446 consumer goods and services.The index of consumer prices for the month of February 2006 in Iraq (21375) basis in 1993.This means that the consumer is happening in the month of February 2006, an amount (21375) on the same goods and services that he could be purchased in 1993 at 100 dinars.The index rose from the previous month (July 2006) at a rate (15.1%) also increased by (76.6%) for the month of August of last year (2005).As in the table (1) reasons, in fact, there is no single cause and no one Atvser single theory can explain alone the high overall rate of prices in IraqBut one can say that the high rates of inflation, which recently witnessed the Iraqi economy can be attributed to the absence of security and stability, which is reflected in the lack of supply of goods and services and to a rise in the price of oil derivatives.In spite of the support provided by the state in 2005 to import oil derivatives, and of about $ 400 million per month (to meet the shortfall in the production of such derivatives),However, the local market has been experiencing a serious shortage in bridging the growing demand due to the entry of a large number of cars that have been imported by the private sector,and also because of constant interruptions of power and the frequent use of generators in operation, which depend on those products as well as the distribution sector Maiaaneh of big problems and the existence of administrative and financial corruption.All these factors have contributed to the rise in the overall level of prices and impacted directly or indirectly in the food basket.In line with the economic reform policy has been reduced financial allocations in 2006 to become half of the $ 200 million each month.This reduction was based on a desire of the government to gradually reduce the size of support and make prices (at least) consistent with the prices of the neighboring countries.As planned is a presidential order to end the monopoly of the state can be summed up for the import and sale of oil derivatives, and allow the private sector to work in partnership activity.However, the legislation did not go into existence and continues to fuel crisis still raging.During the recent period of 2005 stopped the imported oil from Turkey for reasons of irregular payment of financial dues of the Turkish side,This made prices more than normal market prices (non-subsidized)and because of the high prices of derivatives is the rate derivatives on the domestic spending limits 40% of the family income.This is evidenced by the statistical survey limited to the city of Baghdad, carried out by the Central Agency for Statistics in the fifth month of this year.Results and the phenomenon of inflation have led to the production of many of the negative effects on the local economy.It is these effects, we find a reduction in the purchasing power of individuals, as well as the decline in the real value of savings and deposits (particularly if the inflation rate is higher than the rate of interest).On the other hand,the inflation is to increase the prices of locally produced goods, which results in a national decline in exports,as well as causing negative effects on the size of the investment in the national economy and discourage economic development process.Sources phenomenon of inflation and its causes :in general, the phenomenon of inflation caused by the mismatch between the growth or the volume of cash owned by individuals and the growth or abundance of goods and services available in the market.One of the most important reasons that led to the recent rise in the rate of inflation are :1-high prices of oil derivatives :the reason for the rise increase in the cost of production of goods and services that rely on oil derivatives directly or indirectly.2 - scarcity of oil derivatives :scarcer led to the emergence of a black market and the high Asaaramushanget (and sometimes more than the normal market price-supported).This also led to the scarcity of derivatives is that about half the local market need reimbursed from the black market.There is a statistical study indicates that increasing the supply of oil derivatives lead to lower inflation by 40% (after two months of the date of the increase of supply).Three-power outages :causing power outages disrupt the production of goods and services and thus reduce the size of supply in the market.It also emerged the need to use power generators, which use an additional form of the request oil derivatives.Four-twice the capacity of the government machinery in the implementation of projects and service degradation of the production of government services municipal services, public transport, electricity, water and health ...Etc..Where the deterioration to hamper the production of goods and services.5-deterioration of the security situation :the deteriorating security situation caused by the irregular supply of goods and services in the local markets (reduced working hours).On the other hand, the security problem led to difficulties in the supply of the imported border outlets and the high costs of insurance and escorts.Six-Mile phenomenon of the rise of spending and weak tendency for savings due to the policy of blockade and deprivation suffered by individuals.3 - 7 weakness of the banking system and the temptation to attract cash.Recently, in an attempt to rein in inflation.Senior Central Bank to raise interest rates from 10% to 12%.This increase observers estimate unable to make any positive impact,They are unprofitable Valtakl caused by the inflation of capital greater than the interest rate,Therefore, this policy is not sufficient to maintain the purchasing power of the Iraqi currency.8-improved level of wages and pensions after the war and thereby improve the purchasing power of individuals.In the 2006 budget, increased the size of salaries and various payments by more than 90% from what it was in 2005.There is no doubt that this increase has not been accompanied by an increase in the supply of goods and services.9-structurally weak GDP :The previous economic policies and because of the embargo and the war on the weak structure of the gross domestic product.This is illustrated by the following table :Recalling SNA to the adoption of the economy in recent years (2004 and 2005) on the oil sector alone, where the percentage of its contribution to GDP of 63% after it was 18%.He got the opposite with regard to agriculture, where the ratio from 14% to 7%.and industry from 13% to 2% increase compared to 1988 :as in the table (2) When checking a working class find the unemployment rate is 27-30%.The greatest proportion of the labor force in the services sector with marginal influence in the overall GDP,although an estimated 2% of the labor force in the oil sector with a major impact on GDP.From this we can deduce that 2% of the labor force contributes 64% of gross domestic product.while 98% of the labor force contributes 37% of the GDP.(Sectors, which does not include the petroleum industry).There is no doubt that there are flaws in the structure of the Iraqi economy.In the industrial sector, public works 580 thousand from labor,but because of the weakness of productivity, the State supported by 840 million dollars.Government support is also estimated direct and indirect in the state budget, and 80% of the GDP.Thus, there is clear imbalance between the sectors of production and services sectors.This is the purchasing power depends on the external market to satisfy their needs.Thus exposing the economy to import inflation from an external source,and to make the balance of payments deficit to weaken the Iraqi currency.And if we take into account the amount of government support for the wages in the productive sectors of the picture is much worse.The result of all Matqdm low productivity of labor cost which is inversely proportional to the rate of prices.Dealing with the phenomenon of inflation :we will review the financial and economic tools available cash to restore the desired balance between circulation of goods and services and the cash available to individuals.Undoubtedly, the issue of security and the high prices of oil derivatives and the inability of the economy to produce goods and services competitive Pklv all influential factors in the continued rise in the rate of inflation.And can deal with the phenomenon of inflation through Mayati : First :work on Astekararalamen of confidence in the local market and the smooth flow of goods from the border outlets.Second :to address the scarcity of derivatives by ending the monopoly of the State of import and sale of oil derivatives,and to allow the private sector to import and thus can control the price rises above the market price.It is essential that the state urgently implement the law, which aims to raise the Ministry of Oil monopoly for the import and distribution of petroleum derivatives,and working to find permanent legislation for this purpose.We hope that the law allows competition in the sale of oil derivatives by ensuring that a sufficient number of independent importers from one another.Since the government has already provided a draft bill to the National Assembly the previous late 2005 Alaanh are not ratified it.It should be noted that the amount of reduction (planned), in supporting the prices of oil derivatives in the current year budget was about (25%).However, due to accumulated debts derived from the import of derivatives in 2005 and payment of allocations this year,the lack of support is more real.Third :improve the distribution of products and reduce the negative effects of the black market through the adoption of the distribution Alcabonat.Fourth :raising interest rates in general have a role in collecting cash, which is a practice in many countries stable.However, we do not believe that have a significant impact,due to the lack of miles for savings and the absence of investment opportunities that can be fed savings.Banks find no economic incentive to raise interest rates,no individuals have the tendency to save because of consumerism (as a result of the policy of deprivation in the previous preference for spending on savings).As for the rich because of lack of confidence in the Iraqi economy, their preferred diversion of capital abroad.Accordingly, it is hard to imagine that the rate of interest rate role da m difference between the inflation rate significantly.Fifth : raise the exchange rate,There is no doubt that the rise in the value of the Iraqi currency against the dollar would make the value of the imported less.The higher value of exports.As exports are negligible,the economy will benefit from the policy of raising the rate of the Iraqi dinar.Therefore I believe that this procedure has positive effects when used with other procedures.Sixth : fiscal policy,reflected controlling public spending and the use of tax policy to reduce the cash.In fact it difficult to talk about controlling spending at a time when the government is seeking to encourage investment spending tottering (in the projects in the draft ministerial provincial assemblies).Examinations of the budget items found it difficult to reduce spending on any part of its terms.The same applies to tax, there is reluctance to pay taxes starting While we take the unemployment rate, which exceeds 25%, we find that there is a need for government spending to protect the rights of the consequences of poverty and deprivation.Seventh :the sale of government bonds in order to absorb liquidity,this is not expected to significantly impact of the procedure, but no doubt that his role will be complementary to the previous treatments, which are all aimed at creating a balance between the flow of goods, services and cash flows bloc.Undoubtedly, the policy of correcting the prices of oil derivatives, the policy required them to activate,However, there is a need to link reform scheduling prices of oil derivatives, including governmental actions of :1. the improvement of public services, especially public transport sector.2.The expansion of the network of social protection vertically and horizontally.3.Addressing the problem of security and reducing the impact of economic development.4.Linking expenditure policy and support the production of goods and services.5.Tighter control on the distribution of oil derivatives (using the Alcabonat).

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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-31-2006
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    31 / 10 / 2006 wrote the following to the cashier and Badr Almshaan :
    The spokesperson for the Iraqi government to Aldbagh Kuwaiti support for Iraq,
    but asked in an interview with the 'Al-Qabas' on the sidelines of his visit to the country to participate in the' International Covenant 'drop the debt because of the Kuwaiti tragic circumstances through which the country.
    Aldbagh warned that if Iraq is sinking into civil war, the Kuwait and the countries of the region Stelthb, He talked about the funding of the Red takes the guise of religion to the financing of terrorism.
    He said Aldbagh that corruption is widespread in all the state required Arab and international support to save Iraq.
    For his part, he said the United Nations envoy to the Conference Said Mohameed that Iraq witnessing significant violations of human rights.


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    Quote Originally Posted by ronbo View Post
    What is IDI? I know of Oldskiier from one of the other forums but have not been to IDI
    Don't know if I can post this or not, but if not, mods please feel free to delete.


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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-31-2006
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    Kuwait is witnessing today the launching of the initiative of the International meetings with Iraq

    The participation of 14 countries and seven international organizations in order to agree on a final version of a document partnership

    KUWAIT : Middle East «»
    Opens in Kuwait today of the meetings of the preparatory group for the adoption of the Covenant (contract) international with Iraq, that includes fourteen countries and seven international organizations. The opening of the meetings, Deputy Prime Minister of Kuwait, Sheikh Mohammad al-Sabah, the presence of representatives of States and stakeholders, The most prominent Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt.
    The group is composed of 14 State preparatory to the part of Iraq, , namely Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and the United States and Britain, Finland (the current chairman of the European Union), France, Germany, Japan, Canada, Italy, South Korea and Spain. Also attending the meetings, representatives of international organizations and institutions, the United Nations, the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.

    The aim of the preparatory meetings to reach a final version of the document (contract) International, , which announced in a formal meeting expected to be held before the end of this year between the Iraqi government and various international parties concerned.

    Distributed meetings today at the three meetings, preceded by opening protocols, will the words of the host State, the United Nations and the Iraqi government, then finally wrap-up session to suspend representatives of the countries participating in the meeting.

    And will the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh during the first meeting the government's vision of the commitments, goals and national aspirations, seeking to achieve during the International Decade with Iraq. With the second session was devoted to discuss the shared commitments and support for sustainable development in Iraq and ways of financing, and the third to discuss the mechanism to implement the contract, in accordance with the vision of the Iraqi government, the World Bank and the United Nations on this issue. During the meeting, and will discuss the draft document for the International Decade with Iraq. , which contains the goals and aspirations and national vision for Iraq for the years 2006 / 2011, initiated prepared by the Iraqi government to support and care from the international community, and that will determine the institutional mechanism for the implementation of the final form and identify needs major investment and the allocation of contributions by a high degree of flexibility.

    The document contains measures political, security and social and economic achievement of national goals for Iraq, also includes detail on the financial prospects of the state, including the major investment needs, during the contract period, concepts of the mechanisms, procedures and steps for its implementation and the role of the Iraqi government, the international community and its obligations to the contract.

    The document containing the goals and aspirations of the Iraqi government is seeking to achieve during the contract period, in the medium term, the most important achievement of the aspirations of the Iraqi people to security, national unity, democracy, peace and the building of a federal and improving the national economy and achieve sustainable development on the basis of the free market and openness to the global economy and integration with the economies of neighboring states.

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    GO DINAR GO!!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by snottynose View Post
    I don't know about you guys but it feels like we are right ontop of this thing and I don't think it has ever seemed so much so as right now....Best of luck to everybody!!! Here we go!!!

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