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  1. #19071
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    BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraqi bus passengers 'kidnapped'

    Iraqi bus passengers 'kidnapped'
    BBC breaking news graphic
    At least 30 bus passengers have been kidnapped by an armed gang on a road north of Baghdad, Iraqi police say.

    A police official said the bus was halted near Tarmiya, about 40 km (24 miles) from the capital.

    The spokesman said that gunmen set up a fake security checkpoint and stopped the bus carrying mainly Shia passengers to the northern town of Balad.

    It is the latest in a spate of mass kidnappings, part of the growing sectarian violence in Iraq.
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  2. #19072
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    Al-Maliki : we support all of Iraq protects We do not accept political hypocrisy

    خلال استقباله وفد مجلس إنقاذ الأنبارDuring his reception of the delegation of the Save the Anbar
    بغداد - الصباح Baghdad-Sabah
    اكد رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي دعمه الكامل لمجلس انقاذ الانبار ولجميع القوى الخيرة التي تحمي العراق من الارهاب، موعزا بتوفير الدعم اللازم من اسلحة ومعدات وتجهيزات لشرطة الانبار حتى تستطيع بسط سلطتها الكاملة على المحافظة. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki full support for the rescue of Anbar and all good forces to protect Iraq from terrorism. purporting to provide the necessary support of weapons and equipment and supplies for police Anbar so that the full extension of its authority to maintain.

    وقال المالكي خلال استقباله امس وفد المجلس: ان الانبار وبهمة ابنائها المخلصين كانت في بداية الطليعة وتسامت فوق جراحها لتكون انموذجا للوحدة الوطنية، مشددا على ضرورة ارسال لجنة من وزارة الداخلية للاطلاع على الواقع الامني في محافظة الانبار وبحث سبل تعزيزه لتحقيق الاستقرار فيها.Maliki said during his meeting yesterday with the delegation of the Council : that Anbar and actively faithful sons were at the beginning of the leading and collinearity over wounds to serve as a model of national unity, stressing the need to send a committee of the Ministry of the Interior for the security reality in the province of Anbar and discuss ways to achieve enhanced stability. واضاف رئيس الوزراء ان على كل شريك في العملية السياسية تحمل المسؤولية فالحكومة الحالية ليست حكومة طائفة او حزب بل هي حكومة الجميع وان الذي يضع قدما في العملية السياسية ويضع الاخرى مع الارهاب يتصف بالجبن والنفاق السياسي.The premier added that each partner in the political process assume responsibility current government is not a government or a party but the government and everyone who put forward in the political process and other places with terrorism is cowardly and political hypocrisy.
    من جانبهم جدد اعضاء مجلس انقاذ الانبار دعمهم لمشروع المصالحة الوطنية الذي اطلقه المالكي مؤكدين ان هدفهم خدمة العراق وطرد الارهابيين والصداميين وتطهير الرمادي وتعهد الوفد بتسليم الرمادي آمنة مستقرة وتنظيفها من اوكار الشر والعصابات التكفيرية المدعومة من الخارج وبسط سلطة القانون في الم حافظة وتأكيد الوحدة الوطنية.Part of the new members of the Save the Anbar support for the national reconciliation project launched by Maliki, emphasizing that the aim behind the service of Iraq and the expulsion of terrorists and Sadamiin and clearing Ramadi and Ramadi delegation undertook to deliver secure and stable environment and cleaned nests of evil gangs SATISFACTION supported from abroad and the rule of law in pain The portfolio's national unity.
    واستعرض اعضاء الوفد الانجازات الميدانية لمجلس الانقاذ خلال الاسبوع الماضي التي تضمنت القيام بالسيطرة على مساحات كبيرة من المحافظة واعتقال وقتل العديد من الارهابيين ومصادرة كميات كبيرة من الاسلحة والاعتدة خلال مداهمات بالاشتراك مع شرطة المحافظة، فضلا عن اتساع التأييد لجهودهم وانضمام الكثير من شيوخ عشائر من مناطق مختلفة لمجلس انقاذ الانبار.Members reviewed the achievements in the field of the rescue last week, which included control over large areas of the province and the arrest and killing of many of the terrorists and the confiscation of large quantities of weapons and ammunition during raids in conjunction with the police to maintain, as well as the breadth of support for their efforts and join many of the elders of the tribes in different regions of the rescue Anbar.

  3. #19073
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    Baghdad morning
    قال السفير الاميركي في العراق زلماي خليلزاد: ان واشنطن تؤيد رغبة السيد المالكي في ان يكون له الاشراف المباشر على القوات الامنية العراقية، في حين رحب نائب رئيس الجمهورية طارق الهاشمي باتفاق المالكي مع بوش واصفا اياه بنقطة تحول تطمئن الشعب العراقي.American Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad : that Washington supports the desire of Mr. al-Maliki to have direct supervision of the Iraqi security forces, while welcomed Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi Maliki agreement with Bush, describing him as a turning point reassure the Iraqi people.

    واكد خليلزاد في تصريحات اعلامية ان الولايات المتحدة تشيد بمطالبة المالكي بان يتحمل مع حكومته مسؤولية اكبر، مضيفاً ان البحث يدور على كيفية تسريع هذه المسيرة لان المالكي يرغب في ان يتم ذلك باسرع ما يمكن، واشار زاد الى ان ذلك سيكون احد اهداف فريق العمل الذي اتفق المالكي مع الرئيس جورج بوش على تشكيله.Khalilzad stressed in statements to the media that the United States commends the claim that the Al-Maliki government bears with greater responsibility, He added that research is going on how to speed up this process because Maliki wishes to be done as soon as possible, He added that this would be one of the goals of the working group which Maliki agreed with President George Bush on the composition.
    وتابع السفير الاميركي: انه مما لاشك فيه ان بغداد مرت بفترة عصيبة للغاية خلال الاشهر الماضية وخاصة بعد الهجوم الذي تعرض له الضريح المقدس في سامراء، عندما هاجمت القاعدة الضريح وفتحت الباب لازدياد الصراع الطائفي الشيء الذي يسعى الارهابيون الى حصوله، وبعد ذلك فان فرق الموت والميليشيات وبعض المجاميع من القاعدة تورطوا في اعمال عنف طائفية سيئة للغاية ما ادى الى مقتل الكثير من المدنيين ومواجهة العراقيين ظروفا صعبة، ولكن على صعيد اخر فان اكثر من نصف محافظات العراق شهدت هدوءاً امنيا وتطورا اقتصاديا وتجاريا، ولكن بغداد خاصة وبعد هجوم سامراء مرت وماتزال تمر بمرحلة عصيبة للغاية ولكن الايام القليلة الماضية هي افضل مما كانت عليه في شهر رمضان.The American Ambassador : it goes without saying that Baghdad has been at a very difficult in the last months, especially after the attack on the holy shrine in Samarra, when Al Qaeda attacked the tomb, and opened the door to the growing sectarian conflict which the terrorists seek to obtain, after the death squads and militias, some of the totals Qaeda Involved in Sectarian violence very bad, which led to the killing of many civilians and Iraqis face the difficult circumstances, but on the other hand, more than half of Iraq's provinces witnessed calm, security, economic and commercial development, But Baghdad, and especially after the attacks of Samarra passed and still in a very difficult, but the last few days is better than it was in the month of Ramadan.
    من جهة اخرى التقى نائب رئيس الجمهورية طارق الهاشمي السفير زاد اذ جرى خلال اللقاء استعراض الاوضاع الراهنة والاتفاق الذي جرى بين الرئيس الاميركي جورج دبليو بوش من جهة والسيد نوري المالكي رئيس الوزراء من جهة اخرى.On the other hand, met with Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi, as the ambassador during the meeting was the current situation, the agreement was between the American President George W. Bush on one side and Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on the other hand.
    ورحب نائب رئيس الجمهورية من جانبه بهذا الاتفاق وقال: ان علينا اعتباره نقطة تحول هامة تبعث رسائل اطمئنان للناس بعد ان عاثت الميليشيات في الارض الفساد، واصبح خطرها لايقل عن خطر الجماعات الارهابية.The Deputy President of the Republic on his part of that agreement, he said : we considered an important turning point send reassuring messages to people after the militias caused corruption in the land, The danger is less than the danger of terrorist groups.
    واضاف الهاشمي في بيان صحفي تلقت”الصباح “ نسخة منه ان الاتفاق لوحده لايكفي ان لم يقترن بنوايا صادقة وارادة حقيقية والناس تعتبر ان هذا الاتفاق يضع حكومة السيد نوري المالكي على محك اختبار حقيقي مرة اخرى وتامل ان يشكل نهاية لمسلسل اعمال القتل والتعذيب والخطف التي شهدتها العاصمة بغداد منذ تفجير ات سامراء في شباط الماضي حتى الامس القريب، معربا عن آمله بان تشهد مناطق العراق عودة الهدوء والاستقرار اليها.Hashemi added in a press release received "Sabah" a copy of the agreement for the unit that is not accompanied by enough good faith and the will of the people is real and that the agreement puts the government of Mr. Nuri Al-Maliki on the real litmus test again and hopes that an end to the series of killings, torture and kidnappings in the capital since the bombing of Baghdad AT Samarra last February, until recently, He expressed hope that the coming areas in Iraq return to calm and stability.

  4. #19074
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    Got latest photos, all look pretty happy! LOL.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #19075
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Got latest photos, all look pretty happy! LOL.
    Did you notice Shibibi is in a lot of the photos...he certainly gets London yesterday and Kuwait today....Give that man a raise (reval the dinar that otta' do it)!!!

  6. #19076
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Did you notice Shibibi is in a lot of the photos...he certainly gets London yesterday and Kuwait today....Give that man a raise (reval the dinar that otta' do it)!!!
    Yup for sure, oh to know what goes on inside his head! Should get some feedback on this today hopefully.....
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #19077
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Did you notice Shibibi is in a lot of the photos...he certainly gets London yesterday and Kuwait today....Give that man a raise (reval the dinar that otta' do it)!!!
    That's not Shabibi, that's Said Arikat, looks a little like him though so I can understand the mistake.

  8. #19078
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    That's not Shabibi, that's Said Arikat, looks a little like him though so I can understand the mistake.

    Shibibi is there also....I blew up the picture to read the badge!!!

  9. #19079
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    Rolls Royce, where oh where have you been,
    It's been a long time since you clued us all in,
    Indira and the Boys have so much to say,
    Even if they argue-shout and create such a fray,
    I know you have info you're holding close to the chest,
    Believe me, we don't mind if you are "First" with the guess,
    Just give us something new to chew and digest,
    Firsthand conversations and family news are always the best,
    We hear rumors and predictions till we're blue in the face,
    Bombs going off, cars being blown up in place,
    All this is news but what is it good for,
    Without the reval the Iraqis still have less not more,
    Come on Rolls Royce, get on the phone,
    Call up Indira and see if she's home,
    Probe and ask and see what she's got,
    Without your good news all the rest is for not,
    We need to hear about all their shouts for joy,
    "The Reval is Here, I can buy my new Toy",
    The 10K check is only just the beginning,
    The Kurds got it together, they're the one's who are really winning,
    Tell Indira and the Boys so many of us wait,
    Not to hear from them is like fishing without bait,
    They'll never know what a gift they have been
    To so many of us that wish they were our kin,
    Tell them they have family here in the States,
    Who wait by our computers, phones and gates,
    Tell them we Love them and we wish them well,
    We know under Saddam it must have been hell,
    It's almost over now, of that you can be sure,
    So give us info that is accurate and pure,
    Off to the banks we all will skip,
    Each of us planning our own vacation trip,
    As for me I'm planning to go to Iraq,
    To shout and celebrate and give her a pat on the back,
    Tell her thanks for all she and her family have done,
    To make this IQD investment so darn much FUN!

    Thank you Rolls Royce !!!

  10. #19080
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    Dr. Sinan Al-Shabibi is on left.

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