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  1. #19211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Stephanie on IIF who works for BoA.
    Sooo was it ever established if it had any credibility to it...? thought someone else confirmed it... but might be wrong?

  2. #19212
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    concerning the ( 1 ) ECO-7LD KUWAIT-IRAQ-ICI
    Int'l Compact with Iraq preparatory meeting issued final communique
    if it is dated oct 6 how can it talk about something happening on oct 31
    (with any certainty) or was it back dated. ( 2) money for martyrs isn't
    that for homicdal maniacs familys who kill others ?
    as you can tell i don't know how to quote etc.

  3. #19213
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarEngineer View Post
    SGS I hope that your mother has a speedy recovery, I suffered with pnuemonia over the summer, so I know how she feels. I pray that Gods Healing Touch be with her and His Peace be with you. Thanks for all you do.
    Susys gone for one day and seems like forever!! Susy, you're missed.. can't be replaced... and more so that you have your priorities in order ... mom first! Glad you are able to be with her...
    ez :)

  4. #19214
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    any possibility of truth to this? hic? gasp?
    Thinking Adster toddled off to bed.

    With all we've read from all of our resident experts and their research, a reprint seems out of the question. Of course, there are no absolute guarantees in any of this.


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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    3 or 4 days....ANY TIME NOW.....COME ON LET'S REVAL-O-WEEN THIS THING....excellent speech....we are here folks. Everything else is just least that is what I got from it.
    I have been following you guys for a while. I am an investor, too, and have followed for 2 years plus, I think, the goings on in Iraq. The fundamentals here are so unbelievable, that I humbly suggest the exact date is unimportant, perhaps, irrelevant. A very pleasant outcome for Dinar investors strikes me as an inevitability.

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    Smile Date

    The exact date is very important to me! I want and need it now! So do the people of Iraq.

    The sooner the better.

  7. #19217
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default so you do listen! excellent!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    The term was from recipient of aid to donor country............

    Tells me they want to be one of the big boys again, woooooohhhhhayyyyyyyyy!!!
    You have passed your listening test; I heard "DONOR", and that is good, real good! So in my own words again!

    Huki pau! RV Pau Hana!

    Last edited by motomachi; 01-11-2006 at 12:01 AM. Reason: +r

  8. #19218
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    IRAQ: Troubled Oil Begins to Surface

    Troubled Oil Begins to Surface
    Mohammed A. Salih

    ARBIL, Oct 24 (IPS) - Through a steadily worsening security situation and deepening political divisions, a dispute is now erupting between Kurdish leaders and the Baghdad regime over access to oil resources.

    Kurdish authorities and the federal government in Baghdad have exchanged sharply-worded statements recently in their rival claims for control over northern oilfields. The row is expected to intensify after the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in charge of the three northern provinces Arbil, Sulaimaniya and Dohuk presents an oil bill to the regional parliament.

    This would then be a basis of claims from the federal government, and an assertion of rights over oil in the north.

    In an attempt to calm this growing confrontation U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Kurdish leaders on her last visit to Kurdistan to make concessions to Baghdad on distribution of oil revenues.

    Kurdish leaders agreed to share an unspecified portion of their revenues with Baghdad, but they say they will not hand over control of oil wells to the Iraqi oil ministry.

    "We have not made any concessionsàand the KRG has constitutionally the right to exploit the oil wealth in areas under its control," Dler Shaways, head of the economic and financial committee of the Kurdistan Parliament in Arbil told IPS. "It is part of the characteristics of federal systems that regions can govern themselves and control their revenues."

    Accusing federal authorities of adopting "a colonialist approach in dealing with Kurdistan," Shaways said "the regimes in Baghdad have so far used our oil wealth to buy bombs and destroy the country with it."

    Disputes emerged first in December last year when the KRG officially declared the discovery of oil in the northern town Zakho by a small Norwegian firm.

    Such oil explorations in the north have led Iraq's Shia Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani to declare that his ministry "isn't committed to oil investment contracts signed in the officials of the government of the Kurdistan region."

    The Kurdish government in turn held out options other than co-existence with the federal government if it refused to recognise its authority over oil wealth in the north.

    Over the course of the past three years, since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the Kurdish government has signed three production sharing deals. These are with the Turkish companies Petoil in April 2003 and Genel Enerji in January 2004, and recently the Canadian company Western Oil Sands.

    Much of the disagreement over oil management and revenue distribution has emanated from ambiguities in the text of the national constitution.

    The constitution gives ownership of oil and gas resources to Iraqi people, but stipulates that "the federal government, with the producing governorates and regional governments, shall undertake the management of oil and gas extracted from present fields."

    The phrase "present fields" has been interpreted by Kurdish officials as those which are producing oil already, not new fields.

    Many see the oil dispute is a major battle of self-assertion for Kurdish and Iraqi governments. Baghdad fears that Kurds' control of their oil wealth will give them powers challenging the central government's domain of influence.

    Sunni Arabs, who constitute the core of insurgency against the U.S. and Iraqi government, are afraid that the Kurdish example would inspire Shias to follow a similar path in their southern oil-rich regions, and leave their oil-barren central region impoverished.

    As squabbling over oil increases, what many Iraqis want is only an end to the fuel shortage they have been facing for years.

    Abdullah Razwan, 32, a government employee from Arbil, is not interested in the dispute. Stopping every now and then to wipe the sweat off his face as he rolled an empty barrel to a kerosene tanker, he said the oil controversy is all politics.

    "When I cannot get a barrel of oil easily without paying the whole of my monthly salary for it, what difference can it make in my life who controls the oil."
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  9. #19219
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    Default First, second and third!

    First: You have to know how fish with no bait! Patience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Quote Originally Posted by cmeshon View Post
    OK...I may be THICK and not as smart as some of you BUT I have been watching here ALL day and I am confused as ever. In a nut shell, how close are we and what else are we waiting for before a RV?
    Second: You have to know how to cast you line straight! How to Wait for a Tow Truck -

    Third: You have to know how to hold your pole! Waiting: Unrated and Raw - Own It On DVD February 7th

    But the harded part is knowing when to quit fishing!
    Learning to Wait

  10. #19220
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    Chairman of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen : State to stop the flow of foreign goods to protect the economy **

    Baghdad-Hussein Thgb
    Leading the Iraqi businessmen big role in the development of studies to solve the problems of the Iraqi economy and joints Iraqi trade as well upon closer relations with the world's traders to activate trade and the economy with the various countries of the world and the activities of the Union and the present and the future to us alive Lisse Reza Ragheb Blebel saying : the professional organization is not-for-profit economic material, but serve businessmen, and the activation of the national economy was in March the European role in this area through closer links between the businessmen on both sides, which means in this regard through the involvement and participation of international fairs, conventions, and has been referred to benefit from this Keh and development of the relationship between the Iraqi traders and businessmen in various countries around the world, which led to the introduction of modern technology to some of the projects also contributed in the preparation of research papers dealing with the most important obstacles and dilemmas facing the Iraqi economy, which has had the attention of officials and economists alike «» pointing out that the Latt sharp representatives in most economic commissions, the State ministries and we had a privileged role in the drafting of investment law, we have to study the lifting of those responsible for solving the problem of unemployment in the near future and further studies aimed at the growth and prosperity of the Iraqi economy «. »explaining that the Union's relations with the cooperation of most organizations WEC Athle in the Arab region and foreign There protocols joint work with these organizations that we are in constant contact with them and attend most of the process and would have liked to have penetrated the security appropriate to invite international organizations to attend our operators inside Iraq. We also focus through these relations on cooperation for the operation of capital projects to serve the national economy and to address the problem of unemployment «. »Pointing out that the union represents all areas of business in the country of industrialists, merchants, contractors and carriers and ushers in the area of investment, where we specialized committees of each of these sectors put studies for the advancement of which the Iraqi businessman could take his outstanding role in economic activities and the development of the country, pointing out that «» businessman suffers pressure adversely affect the exercise of its activity, which is the completion of the important projects. One of the most important problems troubled security situation, bureaucratic corruption and poor basic services, electricity, fuel, the laws have not changed since the time of the former regime, which resulted in the escape of a large number of businessmen with their investments to neighboring countries and the reason for this upheaval of the economic situation, where the European package of solutions to these problems were exacerbated. We hold those responsible decision-making responsibility for the economic problems and we believe that the goodwill associated with the work faithful will address these problems «. The Blebel »that all the studies undertaken by the European Union focused on the reasons for the aggravation of the unemployment problem and stop the production process for most projects and the reason Laura this automatic dumping of foreign goods market from the neighboring countries and the world and facilities to bring the goods without charges and controls as valid as it is not subject to the calibration and quality control. still, these problems are exacerbated and must be addressed quickly and immediately to save what remains of our national and resume full activities demanding «» exempting private sector industrial projects from taxes and duties for a period of time until that government activity is well «.

    The newspaper Azzaman »«

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