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  1. #19301
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    Barham Salih : the stability of Iraq should receive international attention

    And the failure with serious ramifications for the region
    Iraq between its obligations to the States in the International Covenant
    Kuwait-envoy morning-Safaa Hadi
    Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih that there should be a regional and international consensus in support of Iraq and assist in overcoming the challenges facing terrorist in the current phase and the rehabilitation of its infrastructure. He explained in a speech he delivered during a preparatory conference of the International Covenant, which was held yesterday in Kuwait

  2. #19302
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    The postponement of the trial of Saddam and six of his aides in the case of the Anfal to November 7

    The judge postponed Aribi President Mohamed High Criminal Court yesterday the trial of Saddam and six former regime officials accused in the Anfal campaign against the Kurdish civilian population in the eighties of the last century to the seventh of November. The Kurds, five witnesses testified yesterday at the 20th meeting of the case, which began on the 21st of August.

  3. #19303
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Posted elsewhere.....

    I just received this email today from one of the biggest sellers on ebay. He buys his dinars from warka,seems to have inside info with 1 of their employees. Just passing on info.

    Dear Gary,
    I will catch up with feedback soon, just trying to keep up with all the
    orders ! I work 7 days a week also. According to Warka Bank in Bhagdad,
    the ISX is supposed to open to Foreign investment within a couple of
    weeks.They wil be back on line with online banking shortly. They had to
    update their systems for the new security incription coded system. I
    personally have spoken to the bank manager there, via phone, 1 week ago.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #19304
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Iraq needs $100 billion to rebuild

    Kuwait, 01 November 2006 (Gulf News)

    War-torn Iraq requires approximately $100 billion over the next five years to reconstruct its infrastructure, a government spokesman said on Tuesday.

    Officials from donor nations and the United Nations met in Kuwait for talks on the International Compact for Iraq, a roadmap for economic reform, as well as building dialogue and disbanding militants to try end the sectarian violence.

    Government spokesman Ali Al Dabbagh said, “The Iraqi economy is a one-crop economy built on oil only and there are no other revenue sources in Iraq, therefore oil exports are being spent on operational expenditure.”

    "Until the oil sector can rise and assume its full role ...we need this sum for the infrastructure and for investment expenditure," he said.

    Iraq has been hit by insurgent violence which has severely hampered its rebuilding process as funds have had to be redirected towards security.

    Also, many projects have been suspended and the oil industry has suffered frequent sabotage attacks.

    The country’s infrastructure has been destroyed by years of war and sanctions imposed on former president Saddam Hussain by the international community.

    Iraq needs $100 billion to rebuild | Iraq Updates

  5. #19305
    Senior Member clintstella's Avatar
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    Cabinet reshuffle large prospective

    ( - 01-11-2006(Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    Cabinet reshuffle large prospective
    Baghdad / Nina / Edomjls House announced the Iraqi United Iraqi Alliance list Nasser Al Saeedy, that there is a big change and reshuffle will happen soon

    Any ideas?

  6. #19306
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    Default Economic : the benefits of the accession of Iraq to the IMF and the World Bank

    Hilal war
    * The Ministry of Finance
    Economists disagree and concerned Iraqis and foreigners alike on the above subject at the time believed part of these people that the Iraqi government has rushed to resort to the IMF and the World Bank to reschedule its debt on the terms of the implementation of the policy of economic reform, what happened was a fire (11.6) billion dollars

    External debt in the first stage and are not only (7.8%) of the foreign debt is a small percentage compared to succumb to the conditions of the economic reform policy, which include :
    1-raising support for the prices of fuels and other services.
    2-cancel the ration card.
    3-privatization of the public sector and transfer most of its business to the private sector.
    However, the application of these procedures in light of the current circumstances of the country and this speed (What Speed?)is a serious negative repercussions on the Iraqi society who are suffering, It weighs on his shoulders, it is unreasonable to be converted centrally planned economy based on the absolute leadership of the public sector and over the last four decades to a liberal economy based on free market economy between overnight has been Iraq after the events of 2003 / September 4 to the shock of political and economic shock and the trauma outside shoulder developing countries such as Iraq and unable to afford.
    According to the latest statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation that in Iraq (60%) of the citizens below the poverty line if it is to be abolished the ration card, the removal of subsidies on fuel prices and services will be a lot of these? Moreover, the unemployment rate was between (40% - 50%), when taking these measures, the increase would amount to more than this percentage, this means that poverty line will increase and thus increasing rates of crime and corruption as the peoples of Iraq and the young population which are broad base of the population pyramid and unemployment are concentrated in the younger ages as a there n (3) persons of the unemployed (4) Each Iraqi people under the age of 25 years, and the resulting concentration of unemployment in this age group the consequences of political and social problems associated with unemployment situation among young people, as unemployment is fertile and conducive environment for the growth of crime and extremism and acts of violence which emerged strongly to the surface in a in Iraq, and particularly after the events of 2003 / September 4 and left serious negative effects on Iraq and there are many examples recall, for example, is not limited to (revolution of bread in each of Egypt, Tunisia, Revolution raise fuel prices in Yemen, etc.).
    Despite all this, but we believe that Iraq can be achieved accession to the IMF and the World Bank and the benefits thereof, there will be a genuine development, as the case now in some Gulf countries Emirates for example, through the promotion of investments in certain sectors, such as the agricultural vital task through many inducements such as the granting of loans and tax exemption. etc..
    The remaining investments is left free to supply and demand, Since Iraq where natural resources prices surely will be cheap production costs much less than other countries therefore feasible manufacturing and export why we are now importing cement types poor while the raw materials for the luxury industry this article are we? One of the benefits of the accession, we will get cheap raw materials can be carried out by industry, and we will also import expertise and technology to create industry and agriculture unsophisticated.
    But what is happening in Iraq now is that there is somewhere in the building and demolition in another place, here is the words of the poet :
    When the building on Lady
    If you build and others destroy
    Therefore, Iraq is at a crossroads important requires everyone - especially economic policy-makers in the country and transform them to review the premise of intellectual and economic theories which they depart in the formulation of policies and applications compatible with the concepts promoted by the modernization and reform and this is the biggest challenge Alaghtassa had we face today.
    Thus, about the reality of bad-check society and with the requirements of the policy of the State economy faces up question about how that could be followed out of this crisis without a flaw adversely affect the economic process in the conduct of the citizen and the state alike?

  7. #19307
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default US forces lift Sadr city 'siege'

    01 November 2006 (Aljazeera)

    US forces have begun lifting checkpoints set up along the southern edge of the Baghdad suburb of Sadr City.

    The move follows a request from Nuri al-Maliki, Iraq's prime minister, a military spokesman said on Tuesday.

    Iraqi and US troops have for the past week been manning checkpoints and mounting raids in Sadr City, a stronghold of the Mahdi Army of Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr.

    Earlier, a statement from al-Maliki's office said: "The commander-in-chief, prime minister Nuri al-Maliki, has ordered the lifting of all barriers and checkpoints to open roads and ease traffic in al-Sadr City and other districts of Baghdad."

    All checkpoints should be removed by 5pm (1400 GMT) on Tuesday, it said.

    The order appeared to be a step by al-Maliki to assert his authority at time of tension between him and the United States.

    The checkpoints had initially been installed by the US army as it hunted for an American soldier of Iraqi origin abducted in central Baghdad last week.


    A local cleric loyal to al-Sadr ordered protests at what he called a US military "siege" of the sprawling slum.

    Al-Sadr is a member in the Shia bloc that dominates Iraq's government.

    He is the leader of the Mahdi Army which is an Iraqi nationwide movement that controls police and much else in Sadr City, and is blamed by the US military and minority Sunni leaders for kidnappings and death squad killings.

    An abortive US raid against an alleged death squad leader in Sadr City that killed 10 people last week increased tensions between Al-Sadr and Al-Maliki.

    It was also caused friction between his government and Washington, which wants him to disband militias like the Mahdi Army, whose political leaders underpin his parliamentary majority.

    In a statement addressed to local supporters on Monday, al-Sadr warned of unspecified action if the military's "siege" continued.

    "If this siege continues for long, we will resort to actions which I will have no choice but to take, God willing, and when the time is right," he said in the statement.

    He also criticised what he called the silence of politicians over actions by the US military in Sadr city, home to about 2.5 million people.

    US forces lift Sadr city 'siege' | Iraq Updates

  8. #19308
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Wish we'd heard about article V111. Can't believe they're going to delay this until the end of the year.......Could be it was signed yesterday and to avoid speculation they've kept it quiet till everything is in place.....

    The International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) is an audit oversight body for the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI).
    The DFI was established pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483 and holds the proceeds of petroleum export sales from Iraq, as well as remaining balances from the UN Oil-for-Food Program and other frozen Iraqi funds. Disbursements from the DFI must be used for the benefit of the Iraqi people, and are directed by the Coalition Provisional Authority, in consultation with the Iraqi interim administration. The IAMB will continue to function after the dissolution of the Coalition Provisional Authority on June 30, 2004 and will work with the Interim Government of Iraq, as set out in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1546. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1637 extended the mandate of the IAMB until December 31, 2006.
    The principal role of the IAMB is to help ensure that:
    • The DFI is used in a transparent manner for the benefit of the people of Iraq, and
    • Export sales of petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas from Iraq are made consistent with prevailing international market best practices.
    For this purpose, the IAMB functions akin to an audit oversight board. (Terms of Reference)
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #19309
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    Default Aman Ticker

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Posted elsewhere.....

    I just received this email today from one of the biggest sellers on ebay. He buys his dinars from warka,seems to have inside info with 1 of their employees. Just passing on info.

    Dear Gary,
    I will catch up with feedback soon, just trying to keep up with all the
    orders ! I work 7 days a week also. According to Warka Bank in Bhagdad,
    the ISX is supposed to open to Foreign investment within a couple of
    weeks.They wil be back on line with online banking shortly. They had to
    update their systems for the new security incription coded system. I
    personally have spoken to the bank manager there, via phone, 1 week ago.

    that coinsides with the ticker on Aman:

    Internet on line accounts now available with Aman Financial Services... Bank foreign mergers approved... Dar Sallam Bank resumes trade... Ahli Bank resumes trade... Credit Bank resumes trade... ISX resumes trade after Eid break Nov 07...ISX commissions new premises...

  10. #19310
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    Thanks for all the great links and stuff people. You know who you are! By now, we should all be familiar with the way Iraq operates. Deadlines are there to be broken though they have surprised us a few times. I still feel this will be dragged into the first quarter of 2007. Would love to be surprised though!

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