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  1. #19311
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    Cool Funny....Very Funny

    Quote Originally Posted by stockjedi View Post
    Just saw this page, I don't know how old it is, what do you guys think about it? - Information on The IQD Iraq Dinar
    This was my very post in the "Dinar Gang Land". At that time there was just 90 pages to catch-up on. I was told by the Gang at that time to go read them all. Now there is over 20,000 post. Hummmm, I dont know what to tell you except forget about it.

  2. #19312
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Heyyy, it shouldn't surprise most of us patiently in the waiting... all eyes and bucks are now focussed on the coming elections... REPs returning or DEMs destroying more hopes??? Iraqi Govt tossing their thumbs here as well...

    It is good NOT to be too dependent on just one outcome... Din Ar tell ya...diversify ALWAYS...even if it takes to fill in another 10 or 40 or 100 baskets... spread your cash comfortably

    YB. - Cheers to ALL hanging in on this hopeful for many here and way beyond!!!
    Last edited by YogiBrood; 01-11-2006 at 12:42 PM.

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  3. #19313
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    Default UNAMI-Compact

    Posted by: nadioshka on Wednesday, November 01, 2006 - 09:09 AM
    Iraq’s international partners pledge their support - UNAMI
    Baghdad, Nov 1, (VOI) – The preparatory meeting on the International Compact with Iraq (ICI) held in Kuwait on Tuesday has yielded a pledge from the partners to provide financial, technical and political support to help Iraq meet challenges, the United Nations Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) said.
    “A High-Level preparatory meeting on the International Compact with Iraq (ICI) took place in Kuwait City, hosted by the Government of Kuwait (on Tuesday). The purpose of the meeting was the final consolidation of support for and endorsement of the International Compact with Iraq, as jointly presented by the Government of Iraq and the United Nations,” the UNAMI said in a statement on Tuesday.
    The meeting event was attended with representation of 20 States, regional and multilateral institutions, the formal members of the preparatory group for the ICI, said the statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    Iraq agreed with the United Nations in July on establishing new partnership for Iraq with the international community through “the International Compact for Iraq”.
    The primary focus of the Compact will be to build a framework for Iraq’s economic transformation and integration into the regional and global economy.
    “The meeting marks the completion of the preparatory process of the ICI which has been developed by the government of Iraq with support of the United Nations and the World Bank, under the prevailing difficulties,” UNAMI statement said.
    The ICI is an initiative of the Government of Iraq for a new partnership with the International Community, it added.
    “The Compact, jointly co-chaired by the Government of Iraq and the United Nations, with the support of the World Bank, will over the next five years, bring together the International Community and Multilateral Organizations to support Iraq in achieving its National Vision.
    “This Vision seeks to build a secure, unified, federal and democratic nation, founded on the principles of freedom and equality, and providing peace and prosperity for all its people, and fully integrated within its region and the international community,” the statement said.
    The UNAMI said that domestically the Compact aim was to complement a National Compact around the government’s political programs and restore the Iraqi people’s trust in the state and its ability to protect them and meet their basic needs.
    “Internationally, the Compact establishes a framework of mutual commitments that will support Iraq and strengthen its resolve to address critical reforms and policies,” it said.
    “Iraq’s international partners have pledged to provide financial, technical and political support to help meet these challenges on the basis of mutual commitments to the necessary steps required to realize their shared vision for the normalization of Iraq,” the statement said.
    The UNAMI said the formal adoption of ICI is scheduled for a high-level meeting during the next six weeks.
    It was not clear where the meeting will take place.

    UNAMI-Compact :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  4. #19314
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    Default Kurdistan-U.S.

    Barazani meets U.S. national security advisor
    By Abdul-Hamid Zibari
    Erbil, Nov 1, (VOI) – Kurdistan President Massoud al-Barazani met on Tuesday night the U.S. National Security Advisor Steve Hadley who arrived in Erbil on a surprise visit, a government source said on Wednesday.
    Hadley was received at Erbil airport last night by Kurdistan’s Prime Minister Nijirvan al-Barzani, the source told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    Hadley later went to Salah Eddin resort to meet Barazani away from the media.
    The Kurdish authorities did not announce Hadley’s visit to the autonomous Iraqi region.
    Hadley has arrived in Iraq on Monday on a previously unannounced visit.

    Kurdistan-U.S. :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  5. #19315
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    Posted on Wednesday, November 01 @ 03:46:29 PST
    Topic: Kurdistan
    KRG has accused the central government of the Shiite PM Nouri al-Maliki of refusing to give part of the KRG's annual budget.

    Kurdistan Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani will head to Baghdad in the coming days, to broker a deal with the central government on the divisive issues of oil and budget that have tarnished the relations between Baghdad and Erbil over the past few months, government sources said.
    Barzani is to meet with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani.

    The visit comes at a time when the rifts between the Iraqi and Kurdistan regional governments have grown ever wider after the US-led invasion of the country in 2003.

    Kurdish officials have pre-warned that if their talks with federal authorities reach a deadlock, they may sue al-Maliki's government in an International Court.
    Government officials who were contacted by the Globe refused to comment on the date of the trip or if the Kurdish government has new solutions for these outstanding problems.

    Tensions emerged when Kurdistan Regional Government signed oil deals with several foreign firms last year and were further exacerbated as the KRG signed more deals this year. That pushed the Oil Minister al-Shahristani to threaten Kurds that their oil deals are legally "invalid" and warned international companies who sign deals with KRG that they will be deprived of lucrative deals in other parts of Iraq.

    In return, KRG PM issued a tough-worded statement accusing al-Shahristani of sabotaging "foreign investment in Kurdistan's oil sector" and non-compliance with the national constitution.

    "Article 115 of the Constitution gives regions 'all powers not stipulated in the exclusive powers of the federal government'," the statement read. "Oil and Gas are not among the exclusive powers of the federal government."

    The statement ended with an explicit warning that if Iraqi authorities "refuse to abide by that constitution, the people of Kurdistan reserve the right to reconsider our choice," in a clear reference to Kurds' possible secession from the country.

    Meantime, KRG has accused the central government of the Shiite PM Nouri al-Maliki of refusing to give part of the KRG's annual budget. According to agreements between Kurds and federal authorities, 17% of the national budget will be allocated for the three northern provinces of Erbil, Sulaimaniya and Duhok of Kurdistan Region.

    However, KRG's Deputy Prime Minister Omar Fattah recently acknowledged in a parliament session that only 8% of the designated budget has reached the regional government's treasury.

    Calls for restoring the remaining budget to the KRG were intensified as Barzani recently said that the central government owes $US500 to the Kurdish government.

    Iraq's budget for 2006 was projected at $US33 billion when the price of oil was projected at $US26 a barrel, but for much of that period oil was sold at $US60 per barrel.

    Observers believe much of the problem in Kurdish-Iraqi relations emanates from ambiguities in the text of the Iraqi constitution that has led to various and in some cases conflicting interpretations of a certain item in that document.

    The Iraqi parliament is to review articles in the constitution and make amendments to the text, likely to include the ones related to federalism and the region's authorities.

    Source: The Kurdish Globe

  6. #19316
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    United Nations Security Council Resolution 1546. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1637 extended the mandate of the IAMB until December 31, 2006.
    Considering that we expected Resolution 1637 to be RESCINDED,
    this is NOT good news..........

  7. #19317
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurenr View Post
    Considering that we expected Resolution 1637 to be RESCINDED,
    this is NOT good news..........
    This is old news. They had the option yesterday to rescind it, they don't need to go the full way to 31/12. We just don't know at this point if they did or not.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #19318
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    This is old news. They had the option yesterday to rescind it, they don't need to go the full way to 31/12. We just don't know at this point if they did or not.
    Very true, If they have'nt yet no problem we know its going to happen by 12/31 will happily take advantage of the extra time to invest in ISX all things are pointing in our direction my friends the day will come.
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  9. #19319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    This is old news. They had the option yesterday to rescind it, they don't need to go the full way to 31/12. We just don't know at this point if they did or not.

    Wonder how long it takes to post the minutes of the meeting here: International Advisory and Monitoring Board for Iraq (IAMB) -- An audit oversight body for the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) -- Minutes

  10. #19320
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluezzguy View Post
    Sure they're not too quick about it, they still got the location of the latest meeting blank on their site.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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