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    Today the House resumes sittings

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    Today the House resumes sittings

    The House resumes its sessions today after yesterday's meeting was postponed for lack of quorum
    did not attend, where only 95 deputies. The presidency of the Council : The members did not attend due to the heavy traffic and the disruption of road and area closures and Karadah Mansour al-Sadr and the city for security reasons.

    The sources pointed out that the Parliament would discuss the statement of the Presidency on a document Mecca in today's meeting is also expected to vote on the bill on the abolition of the removal of judges and the first reading of the draft judicial organization and ratification of the Agreement between the United Nations and the Republic of Iraq on the regulations of the United Nations to help Iraq and the first reading Lal CSCE Revolution Command Council decision No. 700 of the disbanded in 1980.

  2. #19452
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    Default Kurds to talk to Iraq on oil and budget

    01 November 2006 (The Kurdish Globe)

    KRG has accused the central government of the Shiite PM Nouri al-Maliki of refusing to give part of the KRG's annual budget.

    Kurdistan Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani will head to Baghdad in the coming days, to broker a deal with the central government on the divisive issues of oil and budget that have tarnished the relations between Baghdad and Erbil over the past few months, government sources said.
    Barzani is to meet with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani.

    The visit comes at a time when the rifts between the Iraqi and Kurdistan regional governments have grown ever wider after the US-led invasion of the country in 2003.

    Kurdish officials have pre-warned that if their talks with federal authorities reach a deadlock, they may sue al-Maliki's government in an International Court.

    Government officials who were contacted by the Globe refused to comment on the date of the trip or if the Kurdish government has new solutions for these outstanding problems.

    Tensions emerged when Kurdistan Regional Government signed oil deals with several foreign firms last year and were further exacerbated as the KRG signed more deals this year. That pushed the Oil Minister al-Shahristani to threaten Kurds that their oil deals are legally "invalid" and warned international companies who sign deals with KRG that they will be deprived of lucrative deals in other parts of Iraq.

    In return, KRG PM issued a tough-worded statement accusing al-Shahristani of sabotaging "foreign investment in Kurdistan's oil sector" and non-compliance with the national constitution.

    "Article 115 of the Constitution gives regions 'all powers not stipulated in the exclusive powers of the federal government'," the statement read. "Oil and Gas are not among the exclusive powers of the federal government."

    The statement ended with an explicit warning that if Iraqi authorities "refuse to abide by that constitution, the people of Kurdistan reserve the right to reconsider our choice," in a clear reference to Kurds' possible secession from the country.

    Meantime, KRG has accused the central government of the Shiite PM Nouri al-Maliki of refusing to give part of the KRG's annual budget. According to agreements between Kurds and federal authorities, 17% of the national budget will be allocated for the three northern provinces of Erbil, Sulaimaniya and Duhok of Kurdistan Region.

    However, KRG's Deputy Prime Minister Omar Fattah recently acknowledged in a parliament session that only 8% of the designated budget has reached the regional government's treasury.

    Calls for restoring the remaining budget to the KRG were intensified as Barzani recently said that the central government owes $US500 to the Kurdish government.

    Iraq's budget for 2006 was projected at $US33 billion when the price of oil was projected at $US26 a barrel, but for much of that period oil was sold at $US60 per barrel.

    Observers believe much of the problem in Kurdish-Iraqi relations emanates from ambiguities in the text of the Iraqi constitution that has led to various and in some cases conflicting interpretations of a certain item in that document.

    The Iraqi parliament is to review articles in the constitution and make amendments to the text, likely to include the ones related to federalism and the region's authorities.

    Kurds to talk to Iraq on oil and budget | Iraq Updates

  3. #19453
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    Default $100m for Iraq, Iran railway

    01 November 2006 (Al-Sabaah)

    Iraq and Iran have agreed on railroad project between the two countries via Khanqeen-al-Muthria-Khasrowi Karmeshah-Basra- al-Shalmacha- KhormShahr. The costs reach to $100 millions.

    An official source at the Ministry of Transport clarified to as-Sabah that "the length of the project reaches inside the Iraqi lands to 35 km, while 12 km inside the Iranian lands of Kazeria, northern of al-Maqal train.

    $100m for Iraq, Iran railway | Iraq Updates

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    Australia says Iraq needs for stronger political will

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    Canberra (Reuters) - The commander of the Houston Anjos Australian Air Force on Wednesday that the Iraqi government needs to be stronger political will to deal with acts of militia violence in Baghdad.

    The statements came after the most violent month in Iraq more than two years ago, killing 103 American soldiers and dozens of Iraqis in bombings and the attacks of militias.

    He said Houston before a parliamentary hearing in Canberra, "I think that the Iraqi government needs to address the issue of militias probably in a more stringent."

    Australia, one of the first countries that sent troops to the war led by the United States to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, which is a close ally of the United States and has about 1400 troops in and around Iraq.

    In a wide debate on the Iraq Houston said he disagreed with the commander of the British Army, General Richard shells, which caused confusion last month when he stated that the presence of British forces in Iraq, worsening the security situation.

    The Houston that the presence of coalition forces is important for Iraq and led to economic and social developments in most parts of the country.

    His "If we left tomorrow will be the biggest problem."

    He pointed out that militia attacks and violence centered around Baghdad in particular, represent a difficult challenge to the Iraqi government led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

    He said Houston "is required to overcome the sectarian violence. If so, I think that things will improve greatly.

    "I think that there is a need for political will and good political strategy in addition to good security strategy."

    He pledged conservative Australian Prime Minister John Howard lag in the outcome of mid-term polls to maintain the four forces in Iraq until Iraq is able to establish its own security.

    He pledged Workers Party, which represents the center of the left to withdraw its forces from Iraq if won power in the next elections, scheduled end of 2007.

  5. #19455
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    Default Iraq seeks help of private security companies to protect highway

    Baghdad, 01 November 2006 (BBC Monitoring)

    The Iraqi government has decided to seek the assistance of private security companies to protect a road that is considered one of the most dangerous highways in Iraq. The road is connecting Baghdad with the Syrian and Jordanian borders through the restive Al-Anbar Governorate.

    A government statement published today said that the Iraqi cabinet approved the Ministry of Transportation's contracts with private security companies to ensure the necessary protection of the road leading to Syria and Jordan. Under the terms of these contracts, the security companies shall provide security services in return for certain amounts of money paid by the Ministry of Finance.

    The road is among the most risky at all in Iraq because it witnesses abductions and murders almost daily. A large area of the highway is controlled by armed groups affiliated with the so-called Mujahidin Shura Council.

    Source: Kuna news agency website

    Iraq seeks help of private security companies to protect highway | Iraq Updates

  6. #19456
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    Iraqi authorities refused to Zalmay Bremer and Casey MacArthur!

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    The conclusion of a dialogue delegation of the International Committee of reconciliation with former Baathists in Amman
    Iraqi authorities refused to Zalmay Bremer and Casey MacArthur!

    Baghdad - Amman-file Press

    Parliamentary sources said Iraqi sources : "The Stephen Hadley, put forward a set of ideas on ways to restore security in Baghdad and rid it of sectarian violence, and at the same time expressed his conviction in the importance of the work to pull the carpet from under the feet of the driving forces of the rebellion in the "Western front", and in particular the strengthening latest move for the people of the area to strike and the expulsion of foreigners from followers of Al Qaeda. "

    And it seems that the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has ordered packages in the "notice to the Panel, General George Casey, the great American Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad had final insisting on not accepting any action that have taken without reference to him, in spite of the understanding of the meaning of the occupation authority. However, it would not accept to be told Bremer new, or that the great General Casey Field Marshall American MacArthur in the Department for Japan after the surrender of Japan's Emperor Hiro Hetu after striking the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs on the 6th and 9th of September 1945. "

    Prime Minister and show appreciation to the eagerness of the Americans in their contacts with some Iraqi armed factions in the hope of stopping dead Americans, , who arrived in the afternoon of Tuesday, the last day of October to 103 dead, without this figure Alsakotin conclusion of the Americans in Iraq this month. the Maliki feels backed popular among the broad, and realizing that is among its allies who voted for the assumption of the presidency of the government, it has not escaped the sight of the establishment of clear rules of justice socially and economically and politically. by refusing to inform some of the parties to restore the authority of the brutal sectarian, and enjoy the bounty of Iraq alone, in light of return to the marital rights of the center and south in the development and the jobs and services and the army command and vital institutions in the State. "

    The head of the delegation to seek reconciliation committee to Amman Faleh hospitality to the delivery of this letter; at the dialogue meetings; in addition to representatives from the various Iraqi political spectrum who met the delegation. The meetings concluded in Amman yesterday after a three-day, It included more than thirty personality Iraqi political, economic, social, and activists in the field of human rights, university professors and former Ba'thists and officers of the former army, with the participation of a delegation representing the National Reconciliation Commission headed by al-Maliki.

    And characterized as a recent dialogue session was closed to the media to reverse the last two days, Neither the meeting - which lasted until the late hours - The results of the dialogue.

    The head of the delegation of the reconciliation committee to Amman Faleh hospitality, announced the postponement of a conference of political leaders to the Iraqi middle of this month, at the request of the parties to the dialogue to allow for the participation of the largest number of Iraqis and the dimensions of a date for the conference on the date of the American elections.

    The Iraqi parliamentary sources talked to (file Presse) for "rebellion, some carrying arms objector is not sectarian considerations, , but they took cover for sectarian interests socio-economic (class) intended to recover the seizure of all financial and commercial supplier in the country, just as the 1964 nationalization "revolutionary nationalism" and the alleged means of disarming the Shiites of their property. "

    And may I hear Hadley : "The work to achieve stability in Iraq. not from the point of view of Al-Maliki and his allies merely of armed security, and they are aware that at the heart of the Security equitable distribution of resources, and work to employ them for the service of citizens in the eight provinces ten, and is not achieved without the stipulated by the Constitution of the distribution of each dividend Iraq on the basis of population ratios each governorate, Note with special needs urgent, part of the flexibility of distributive justice between people of the nation. "

    The appreciation of the sacrifices on the American "liberation" of Iraq, which insisted on by many of deputies and heads the American Congress, the Al-Maliki also However, he "did not intend to deny the burden suffered by Americans in the invasion, but at the same time believed that the American officials in Baghdad. Bremer, in the forefront, failed to accommodate the realities of Iraqi society. , which is not allowed to pursue by one since it is at the helm of the constitutional package, without ignoring played some of the wires within consensual governance and an end to hypocrisy, but he knows, President Bush and several officials, including Hadley, Rice and Hadley Associate, Aj Di breaking, from that whatever increased American forces in Iraq. the cities of Iraq Stbutlaha, unless the support and presence within concerted plan to build genuine stability, we must contribute effectively the Iraqi armed forces and the rest of the organs of national security, through training and upgrading armaments and means of transportation, , which is the preferred "MAC Artherion" in Iraq to prevent the reduction by the prospective on this subject and other issues related to the Basics of National Security Iraqi. "

    And concluded informed Iraqi sources told her "file Press," saying that "increasing American forces in Baghdad. add 20000 American troops will be sent, as expected, after the mid-term elections of the 7th of November, the benefits would remain unless understand the path to national reconciliation, which works by persuasion Maliki, and strengthening the capacity of the Iraqi army and the national police, taking care to rid them of offenders and non-confidential, whom Bremer management in the police and some other units, without this mean the denial of the fact that the infiltration of some sectarian bigots within these forces. especially the police and units of the Ministry of the Interior.

  7. #19457
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Wednesday, 11-1-2006

    During his speech to the International Covenant

    National Security Advisor Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie : the political aim of the International Covenant make Iraq united, sovereign and reconciled with the regional and global environment

    He said National Security Advisor Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie, in a speech to the preparatory meeting for the International Conference being held in the State of Kuwait : under conditions become very difficult and, the Iraqi government is still seeking to achieve this goal in addition to national reconciliation and economic reform and represents the international and regional support for Iraq's efforts an important element in enhancing the security situation and restore stability in the country.

    He pointed out that the Iraqi government has launched the national reconciliation plan, which could be considered the hub and the core theory at this stage is the bridge to reflect upon the shore of safety and security, in order to expand the participation of groups interested in the initiative, regardless of their ideological and political.

    He added : The political aim of the International Covenant is that Iraq will be united, democratic and federal, sovereign and reconciled with the regional and global environment. stressing that the national dialogue and national reconciliation is not a temporary or media wrestled with him, but the political process is repeated, developed and consultation for the inclusion of all segments of the Iraqi people.

    As for the security framework, said Rubaie : The provision of safety and security for all Iraqis and to protect the sovereignty of Iraq and to contribute to achieving national and regional stability is the goal of security to the International World with Iraq, through the Iraqi government's efforts to build the capacity of the Iraqi security forces effectively to create security forces-politicized and non-partisan, non-sectarian and M. Seule, transparent and professional, including the army and police.

  8. #19458
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Draft parliamentarians to punish absent

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    Iraq : project to punish absent from the meetings of parliamentarians

    Baghdad (November 1) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-building witnessed the Palais des Congrès, a strongly worded verbal altercation between Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Mahmoud Almshahadani and Member of Parliament for the Sunni Accord Front, Abdel-Karim al-Samarra'i on the reasons for not holding the meeting today, , which was scheduled yesterday was postponed due to lack of quorum. Almshahadani He pointed out that the Council will develop a new mechanism for the accounting absent from the meetings, "no matter who they belong to." The President of the Chamber of Deputies (Sunni), during a press conference held by the presence of deputies Khalid al-Attiyah (Shiite) and Aref Taifour (Kurdish) point the finger at a number of members of Accord Front whom he described as "the work according to its own agenda and does not suit the demands of Iraqis," and this is what caused the postponement of the parliament sessions. Addressing Almshahadani Samurai saying, "You bear the consequences of default because of delays and non-attendance at the scheduled time," which led to a brawl that almost lead to hand-to-hand engagement for the intervention of attendance and ended its impact on the press conference. Justifying Almshahadani reasons for the postponement of the lateness of the presence and absence of other MPs from the meeting and confirmed that the Council will host the next meeting of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the ministers of defense Abdul Qader Mohammed Jassim, Interior Jawad who is to discuss the reasons for the continuing deterioration of the security situation, especially in Baghdad. Discussed, too, the next meeting of Mecca, a document signed by the religious scholars Sunni, Shiite, for approval. In this regard, A member in the House of Representatives from the list of the Shiite coalition common in an exclusive b (Lucky), A number of members of the House of Representatives proposed projects submitted to the Presidency on punishing members absent to attend the meetings include forfeiture of salary, as well as the dissemination of names in the two daily newspapers to inform voters it. " He stressed that rejection of a proposal to cancel or suspend the membership of the absentees from the fact that this meeting is "inconsistent with the Constitution country. " The Presidency Council has decided to postpone today's meeting to the next day, Sunday, the fifth of November because of the current lack of quorum for a meeting of the second day in a row.

    Am I reading this right??? The proposal to punish those consistently absent by forfeiting thier salary as well as plastering their names on the local newspapers so their constituents can see what their elected official is doing?


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    Rumsfeld says Iraq is ready to increase the number of its troops

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The American Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said Tuesday that is expected to exceed the number of security forces that Iraq constituted the target of 325 thousand with the continuing high level of violence in the country.

    Rumsfeld said that he had received recommendations from the Iraqi government, General George Casey, commander of the American forces in Iraq on the increase in the number of Iraqi troops trained and quickly because of its importance for the United States hopes of reducing the number of troops there.

    Rumsfeld said to reporters at the headquarters of the American Ministry of Defense Pentagon, "I am very let them on the increase and the speed with which they had proposed to achieve some of their goals they have proposed. It is my understanding that the Iraqi government as well. "

    He added, "The matter now is simply to move forward and get our share of funding from Congress and work to implement it."

    And Rumsfeld refrained from identifying the size of that increase.

    The television network CNN. Bi. S. America on Monday that General Casey recommended an increase in the number of Iraqi security forces up to about 100 thousand souls.

    The aim of the American forces to train and equip 325 thousand soldiers of the army and police in Iraq by the end of this year. To date, the program has trained more than 312 thousand of the security forces including 181 thousand from the police and 132 thousand army troops, according to the American Army.

    Analysts, skeptical about whether the new Iraqi forces had received sufficient training will be able to work effectively. They have also expressed particular concern for the penetration of the Shiite armed elements in the police.

    He said American commanders in Iraq that the violence in Iraq in recent weeks, the highest rate since the invasion, which led the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

    The month of October October the bloodiest for American forces since nearly two years in Iraq, where the number of people killed between 103 American soldiers dead. The killing of more than 2880 American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis since the American invasion of Iraq.

    The total number of American forces in Iraq currently 150 thousand soldiers, the highest level this year. She said the Ministry of Defense said that this was due to the survival of the soldiers scheduled to return for the training of newcomers.

    Rumsfeld did not mention whether the move towards increasing the number of Iraqi forces is a reaction to increasing security challenges in Iraq. He said he expected the Iraqi government announcement of such changes.

    He said he doubted that there would be a need to go further than the American military trainers to Iraq to train the additional numbers of troops.

  10. #19460
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    See States looks forward to write off their loans to Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    Deputy Treasury Secretary : see States looks forward to write off their loans to Iraq

    Reem Almea wrote : Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert were subsequently that the letter to the Iraqi people is that the government and the American people stand with him, He stressed in a press conference on the sidelines of the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the International Covenant with Iraq that Washington will be new commitments and pledges to support Iraq during the next ministerial meeting.
    He started his press conference were subsequently saying : last summer the Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri Al-Maliki program consisted of three parts (security, the economy, policy) After the International Covenant with Iraq coherent economic and Maliki document which referred to Iraq's commitment to achieve reform within five years, on the other hand, the international community is committed to supporting reforms in Iraq.
    He added : and I have been asked President Bush last summer to head the American delegation to Baghdad last July 20 and September 10 in the United Arab Emirates and then by the General Assembly of the United Nations, Singapore then this preparatory meeting here in Kuwait.
    I would like once again to thank the government of Kuwait to extend an invitation to the United States and 20 international organization to come to Kuwait to take part in this important conference. I would also like to draw special thanks to my friend the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad al-Sabah, who I have known for a long time an actor is marvelous and distinguished diplomat of the State of Kuwait (in the United States).
    And thank Kuwait for the invitation not only to attend, but its contribution to the conference.
    He continued : The Conference was excellent with about 20 countries including the United States and countries in Asia, Europe and the regional and international organizations, I felt strong support for Iraq, There is also strong support from the American government to the International draft, which puts us in a position to move the meeting to ratify the International Covenant with Iraq.
    The following is the text of the press conference :
    • Is there a new American commitments will be submitted to Iraq?
    - I think that the volume of commitments and pledges would be announced by ministers at the ministerial meeting. But what I know and I emphasize is that we have in the past, technical assistance and support in the area of investment also contributed to the reconstruction process and economic development in addition to the development and training of Iraqi security forces. I expect that the United States government will provide new commitments and obligations in each one of those areas during the next ministerial meeting.
    • What you assess the performance of the Iraqi government until now?
    - Through my work with the Iraqi government on the economic side, I can say that it has made significant progress in spite of the political and security difficulties faced. They have reached the stage of the Iraqi currency stability, also, there has been a cash reserve good addition to the fact that oil production levels back to what it was before the war and therefore are insufficient to finance a large part of the economic projects and operations organizations. But there is still a gap between available resources to the actual requirements. This is one of the major things that are to debate the like between the Iraqi government and the international community in an effort to bridge that gap.
    • How appreciate the size of Iraqi debt? What other steps in support of the Iraqi political project?
    - I think that what I have heard today (yesterday) the importance of which lies in the commitment of the government of Iraq at the state and help its people, but I also heard that the international community wants to help Iraq in reconstruction efforts, We have witnessed the Madrid Conference in 2003 promises to bring about a huge part of the international community, It pledges that have been implementing some of them, while others are still awaiting implementation. And I think that there were about 50 countries provide financial facilities to Iraq and a number of countries, including the United States decided to drop 100% of the debts owed to Iraq. There are other States had decided to drop 80%, and as we will see other countries, such as Russia and China looks towards relieving Iraq of its debt, but they need to hold bilateral discussions with the Iraqi government in this regard.
    • As part of the Covenant, what is the size of Iraq and demand that was agreed upon during the previous meeting?
    - Have been careful during previous meetings - especially with officials of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund-to develop perceptions about the requirements of the Iraqi government over the medium term in respect of expenditure on the one hand and the volume of resources available on the second. The fact that there is still a gap between resources and requirements. There was discussion about the needs, The Iraqis must be clear innovators in the amount of money they need and how those funds would be spent by. I personally believe that the international community will respond to these needs once clearly identified, There is another conference will be held for further details before making commitments on the part of the world.
    • But you can provide us with preliminary figures on this?
    - Indeed, it does not have preliminary figures now, I believe that the answer to such a question there with the Iraqi government, but what I can say is that we are working very hard with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in order to assist the Iraqi government, which has also fail to meet the obligations of certain economic conditions to become eligible for assistance from the international community in return.
    • Do you wish to send a certain message to the Iraqi people today?
    - Letter (to the Iraqi people) is that the government and people of the United States stand firmly on the side of your desire to live in peace and security. The voice of the Iraqi people for peace in the first democratic elections in decades. And I think that the international community supports the aspirations and the aspirations of the Iraqi people to live in peace and security.
    • What role can the United States play in the success of the draft for the new era? Are there requirements for American support of this project? And what is the extent of your belief performance of the current Iraqi government so far?
    - How can the success of the project lies in the fact that the Iraqi government had provided specific commitments and pledged to implement those commitments and the way to economic reform. Based on what we have seen so far of the Iraqi government's commitment to its obligations, I think that the Iraqis realize the importance of the commitment is not only to the United States but also to the international community and donor countries to set against Iraq's fulfillment of its obligations.
    We look forward to more support from donor countries in all fields of economic and military. I would like to note again that the United States will always be ready to contribute in every one of those areas, it would be the right of other States to choose specific areas of the contribution.
    • What return to the overall donor countries in return for loans and support to Iraq?
    - Will benefit as the Deputy Prime Minister, is that if there is Iraq that is at peace with itself and its neighbors, that would be good for the Iraqi people in the first place, and for the region and the world in general. And I think that this is the reason behind the participation of members of the international community today, as everyone looks at this is not important for the Iraqi people but for the whole world.
    • When expects to hold the Second International Conference main, which will be 40? Do you address the problem of Iraq's debts once in this conference?
    - I think, as the Deputy Prime Minister, The result tends towards the convening of the Ministerial Conference in mid-December, that is, within the next six weeks. This would not only participate in this conference, the countries represented at the conference here today in Kuwait. but we also expect the participation of the additional set of countries including Russia, China, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iran and other countries were invited.
    We certainly hope that great progress is being made with respect to the question of Iraqi debt, but the decision must be taken by each creditor on what will be played, and I think that all State of creditor nations participating in the conference will attempt to address that issue one way or another.
    • This month is more months bloodbath. How can reduce the future?
    - I have previously alluded to the league in this process is to support the Iraqi government economically and according to the plan put forward by Prime Minister Al-Maliki, For the political and security aspects, my colleagues in the ministries of defense and foreign affairs (of Americans) who will be responsible for providing the necessary support them. True, there was some failure in terms of security, but I will say, though, that the International Covenant is a successful, as it contains elements of economic, as it contains important political effects, As the Deputy Prime Minister - such as developments at the level of laws and the law of resources integrated with the issues of politics and security.
    • Some believe in the Arab region that the American government exercised pressure on the governments of the region for their assistance What is your comment on this?
    - In general, the American aid program on the basis of mutual agreement with the Governments concerned. When we give assistance to the State, I naturally try to achieve our interests and the interests of those countries at the same time, Of course, any government assistance believes that this helps the government which provides assistance to improve their positions but the important thing is to be done within the framework of agreements and joint decisions, Therefore, we do not put pressure on any government but seek to achieve common goals.
    • However, the debt obstacle to reform do you have a specific agenda on debt forgiveness?
    - We did not put any pressure on friends and allies. All we are doing is to explain to them the reasons that prompted us to go beyond the terms of the Paris Club and dropping 100% of the debt owed to the United States to Iraq.
    In fact, this issue is the economic issue in the first place. If we want Iraq to become independent and dependent on the resources and investments instead of relying on foreign aid, the important message we should be sending to foreign investors and the capital markets is that Iraq is free of the constraints of debt or at least manage its debt successfully. Therefore, I think that all nations wish to encourage Iraq to rely on itself and the use of its resources. This one of the justifications for Iraq's transition from a totalitarian economy under Saddam to a free economy and economic analysis shows the size of the economic impact and the elected government should not act under pressure burdens inherited from the dictatorship, which stifled the Iraqi economy for many years.

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