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    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    Am I reading this right??? The proposal to punish those consistently absent by forfeiting thier salary as well as plastering their names on the local newspapers so their constituents can see what their elected official is doing?

    They should do that over here for our congress...

  2. #19462
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    Mohammad Al-Sabah : we can not bridge reconciliation allowance

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    Mohammad Al-Sabah : we can not cross the bridge of reconciliation instead of the Iraqis ... Is debt cancellation will lead to improvement in the economic situation Iraq?

    Reem Almea wrote : Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah said that the meeting of the preparations for the adoption of the International Covenant with Iraq message to the fraternal country that they are not alone in the ordeal.
    He added Sheikh Mohammad in a press conference on the sidelines of the meeting that the International Decade came to a bridge which will cross through Iraq to the stabilization phase.
    He said «the timing of the conference is very important and the importance of this time comes for several considerations. the first and most important is the account of what is happening in Iraq now and the news that comes from the increasing intensity of the conflict and internal strife in Iraq. and on Iraq to be aware and know that he has friends and brothers will not stand idly by and be part of the problem, but a large number want to be part of them. Kuwait presents itself as always is part of the solution, wants to provide help and assistance to our brothers in Iraq. why is a very important message to our brothers in Iraq that they are not alone in this plight, but have brothers and brothers trying to help them in time of adversity, The second consideration of the importance of the timing of the conference is that this conference came after the Mecca, which was a very important collection, which Iraqi clerics who met on the word either, but the objective in Mecca is not reunited all of it some Iraqi and Kuwait is the reunification of Iraq with the international community and the completion of a sequel to the Mecca is the international dimension of the Iraqi reconciliation beginning reconciliation and self-reconciliation with its neighbors and reconciliation with the international community, the most important reasons that make this conference a conference m namely, it comes Kutrah new Iraqi government, this is not a donor conference, what has been reached by donors in Madrid has been completed. But there is a responsibility on the Iraqi side, which produced this creative idea that he created our brothers in Iraq, that there be an international between Iraq and the international community committed to Iraq, which provide several things, such as those of security, political, economic, It is a binding on Iraq as it is binding on the international community and the idea of creative, Iraq is a very rich may be more of the wealthiest, if not in the Middle East is in the world. God blessed on Iraq natural resources of oil, gas, water, land and the most important thing for creative people and history proves that, why Iraq is not a poor country, not a need to be graces, but a state need help to overcome the plight in which the International Decade came to a bridge could cross through Iraq to a stage of stability is a significant and essential in the community of the Iraqi government in the international community and this is the creative process ».
    Then he started receiving questions were as follows :
    • How can the development process in Iraq in the light of the deteriorating security situation?
    - This is the decade, there is no development without security, no security without reconciliation in the end is national reconciliation we can, As the English proverb says, to bring a horse to the river but we can not force the horse to drink from the river of tomorrow why this bridge are the Iraqis themselves, we can not cross the bridge of reconciliation instead of them must express therefore very important that there is a message to the brothers in Iraq that there was spirited people in the world are ready to lend a helping hand will Itrcockm to Ouhdkm If Atafqatkm word on whether the whole world will be a champion you.
    • Do discuss debt cancellation on Iraq at the conference?
    - Did debt cancellation will lead to improvement in the economic situation Iraq? These things I believe are hypothetical premise, Debt cancellation develop the situation in Iraq. We talk that Kuwait provided $ 500 million aid or pledged $ 500 million and continues to exist, We wish of the brothers in Iraq to benefit from the 500 million dollars seized by the Kuwaiti government for their brothers in Iraq there are scholarships offered by Kuwait is still problematic to the brothers in Iraq to shift security issues without the benefit of Iraq of the funds available, Therefore, I believe that what we have here is an attempt to develop a concept of how to use the funds available to strengthen the economy and development in Iraq.
    The debt issue for Kuwait on the issue of Kuwaiti National Assembly, This is a case of the cancellation of debt and other issue requiring constitutional procedures are clear, but apart from that I think that one has to look to the other side, These debt funds are not available to the Iraqi government, we are talking about the funds available can be exploited by the Iraqi government now which is the contributions made by the international community in the Madrid Conference and the need to arrange the situation in Iraq to benefit Iraq of the funds made available by the international community and here comes the case of the International Decade posed by the Iraqi government as an innovative The new creation is to reassure the international community on the ability of the Iraqi government to exploit the optimal exploitation of these resources.
    • Has it been agreed to hold the neighborhood?
    - We are now in the process of negotiating for the holding of such a conference.
    • How do you view the impact of federal positively or negatively on Iraq?
    This is a domestic issue-Iraqi, Iraq Bshabeh know is the best one for me to answer in the form of the State how he wants in the end, all we are asking for we as neighbors to be a unified Iraq and not be slipping to war or war abhorrent brothers and the civil war that we reject. The form of government and the form of the administrative division and other internal issues such Iraqi.
    • in the event of a conference in Baghdad neighborly Are you ready to go to Iraq under these circumstances, the security?
    - I am always ready to come to Iraq and was supposed to be held last month in Baghdad and seized me room in a hotel in Iraq, but was postponed a conference that brought possible at any time.
    • What submitted by the Conference of material to Iraq?
    - This conference is not a donor conference, the donors conference in Madrid happened was committed to the international community, Asad Kuwait. providing financial assistance to Iraq. this conference is the presentation of what will be Iraq, in return for guarantees from the international community in order to make optimal use of these financial resources.
    • Can compel Iraq security plan to deal with the current situation?
    - This is what Siardhonh (Iraqis) us today?
    • Is Ekelkkm possible reflection of the bad security situation in Kuwait, which led to the convening of such a conference in Kuwait?
    - Again, this idea (Conference) came by the Brotherhood to ask the Iraqis how to manage perceptions of the current situation politically and economically and this pledge from Iraq to the international community, this meeting is the preparatory meeting for the international conference, which will include more than 40 countries, Therefore, I believe that we should not cover larger than what is required to achieve from this conference at this stage, It is preparing to large conference and the National Conference to be held in the near future.
    • you at the beginning of the conference that there are two dimensions to the first reconciliation between Iraqis each other and the other between Iraq and the international community, What about Iraq and the Arabs can only play the role of a reconciliation between Iraq and its Arab fold?
    I - I can only speak for the efforts undertaken by Kuwait since the formation of the Iraqi government, and since the days of the IGC and the entry of Iraq in the League of Arab States and the efforts made by Kuwait throughout this period to the start of a collective Arab action through the Arab League to help Iraq. Indeed it was this meeting in Jeddah two years ago, was entrusted with the Arab League last year and the Secretary-General Amr Moussa visited Baghdad was agreed to hold the reconciliation conference under the auspices of the Arab League and the preparatory conference was held in Cairo and we attended all supposed to be the conference expanded in Baghdad and Arab efforts, MI they are still reluctant to do at all levels and to wish success to the Arab efforts to achieve reconciliation in Iraq.
    Then a spokesman for the Iraqi government, Dr. Ali Mahdi Skinner House press conference as follows :
    «Has supervised the Iraqi delegation this morning to meet His Highness the Emir of Kuwait to express appreciation for hosting the kind carried out by Kuwait to the International Decade with Iraq. We have a man called each of the welcome and the usual hospitality and all keen on supporting Iraq and the Iraqi government wishes to express its thanks and appreciation to His Highness and to the Kuwaiti people on the hosting ».
    He added «I would also like to give you an idea of the international conference with Iraq, an initiative of the Prime Minister Nur al-Maliki and put it on the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan during his visit to New York and developed this initiative to the international covenant with Iraq. a partnership between Iraq and the international community and mutual commitments to establish a stable security environment and active role in the regional and international levels, the obligations on Iraq is political commitments on the establishment of good governance in Iraq is the Iraqis democracy and the establishment of independent institutions supporting democracy fairly and impartially and steps sound economic mobility Iraq from a centralized economy to a market economy holistic vision and quick of Iraq's obligations as Age behind the national dialogue and national program of reconciliation. cooperation and integration regionally and internationally and that Iraq will be an active member, The building Iraqi security forces capable of countering security threats and terrorism, with the help and support of friends and brothers and the security responsibilities in Iraq. solution and the integration of militias and armed groups, the establishment of an independent and effective human rights monitoring, combating financial and administrative corruption, reform of government support, the development of the private sector and the restructuring of the economy and optimal use of Iraq's oil resources and Telmiha and human development actors, The obligations of the international community are supporting the political commitments directed the Iraqi government in its governance and cooperation in the area of security and rehabilitation of Iraq's regional and international integration, commitments and technical advance the ability of the Iraqis to manage their country and to bridge the knowledge gap that resulted from the tremendous years of war and embargo of Iraq broke human and believe and believe that it can quickly catch up and develop their financial obligations and also Iraq needs for infrastructure building collapsed and obsolete, Iraq is a country rich people and the resources and support needed to overcome the bottleneck that is going to be supporting stability and security in the region ».
    It started to receive questions were as follows :
    • What is the size of assistance to be provided to Iraq?
    The truth-the subject of the volume of support and assistance do not ask in these preparatory conferences, wants from the international community which would bring forth the obligations of Iraq, to talk about the obligations is, I believe in the Declaration of Abu Dhabi and Kuwait also the first This is the second conference between Iraq and all of its obligations, Iraq is now expected that other States made their financial, technical and political.
    • There are reports of administrative corruption in the Iraqi government, how can encourage the international community to shoulder its responsibility towards Iraq, Iraqi officials failed in this regard?
    - We inherited a tremendous legacy, as you know and as everyone knows, vast legacy of a regime that was mired in corruption, shrouded in despotism plus years of chaos that accompanied the collapse of the Iraqi state, and therefore this legacy needs to be made to not a few, not the ability of the Iraqis, need to be technical aid, there are serious steps for five or six months, there accounting, control and accountability of minutes and you saw that there were former ministers had been brought there and arrest warrants for many of the officials who have violated the public money and accountability were subjected to deposit some of the penalties and sentencing of legal restrictions, we go to Iraq to impose these mechanisms, the mechanisms of accountability to each state official, and certainly this legacy needs time but there is serious and clear to activate the Office of integrity and the Inspectors General and the activation of the regulatory institutions in the Parliament that the duty.
    • What security plan set by the Iraqi government at the current stage to be presented to the meeting?
    - Security plan is not a detailed plan in this meeting, security plans usually not presented in open meetings, there is a tendency for the Iraqi government to assume responsibility for security, and you saw that there was cooperation between Iraq and the multinational force and the United States that the transfer of security responsibilities to the Iraqi party, we believe that part of the security approach should be the responsibility of Iraqi security there to assume greater security file.
    • What Iraq needs the least amount now?
    - We imagine that Iraq needs to rebuild its infrastructure to no less than one hundred billion dollars to promote and overcome this crisis.
    • Have you asked for it?
    - Not now, We hope that donor countries make their potential and the limits of our obligations but this figure and this figure is formal, but imagine that this figure could be four years or five years.
    • any assistance that could be used in light of the deterioration of security?
    - Part of the Covenant is to support Iraq in terms of security to face this challenge death, the attack against the Iraqi people, the Iraqi people face a terrorist attack with all its components and you saw everywhere in the Iraqi no terrorist attack was not directed to a particular and specific component, but there is a terrorist attack led takfiri group received little assistance and logistical support by groups linked to Saddam's regime, these groups face all the Iraqi people, Therefore, we are not only faced with in one component, and the city and one of this terrorism, but terrorism facing all Iraqis. We believe that the International contribute to increasing Iraq's ability to face this terrorist threat, which was directed not only for Iraq but for all the countries of the region and therefore part of the empowerment of Iraq.
    • Is Israel involved in this?
    - No, We do not believe in the cause of the conspiracy, we believe that there are groups kill rights under a different brand name of religion, under the slogan of Islam, under the names of resistance, under the names of national and these are observed by the world, Iraqi killed by the Iraqi did not fall under any title there is resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, but did not kill citizens but support and protect the citizen, we see in Iraq is killing Badljeh and deviant religious concepts and far from Islam and was unrelated to Islam.
    • How to Iraq to face this terrorist attack and there States that sponsor terrorism?
    Fact-We in the Iraqi government ask the regional States and the countries that support Iraq should know that terrorism in Iraq would also, this Iraqi terrorism could create incubators in Iraq, as happened in Afghanistan and thus threatens all nations and therefore ask for help, We do not have accurate information and accuse the government of certain But some say that Iraq's neighboring countries closing their eyes on the passage of groups come to Iraq to pursue terrorism in Iraq.
    • Do discuss how Iraq's potential to absorb the reforms and assistance?
    - This is an important point in the Covenant, the development of Iraq's capability to absorb and assimilate assistance grants and aid, I would imagine that this is part of the program and enable Iraq to be accommodating to the volume of aid and projects carried out by hand and hand, the Department of Planning and Implementation hand.
    • Do you have a plan to cope if the zero hour arrived with the terrorists?
    - We believe that the terrorists have 1-0 hours a day and not
    Hours 0 specific and therefore want to pounce on the Iraqis as human beings, certainly the Iraqi government to take all steps within their possibilities, we believe that our Iraqi national now unable alone face this threat of international terrorism, We therefore believe that the presence of international forces in Iraq as necessary and you know it will be an extension for one year starting from next month of December because we believe that to be supporting the Iraqi security forces because of the threat than Iraq as the Iraqi national forces.
    • To what extent count on the International Covenant on Iraq in the national security?
    - Iraq responsibility of building Iraqi responsibility, certainly we know that the burden of pregnancy is not based on his shoulder carrying only his family, But Iraq is in crisis now, a result of massive accumulation of rubble term of years and we need international support, We are counting on international support to help Iraq and support for Iraq for the advancement of this, It seems to me that there is considerable international understanding that stability in Iraq is the stability of each region.
    • What role played by Kuwait in this regard?
    - The conference in Kuwait is a bright and we are optimistic that the first conference was held in Abu Dhabi and the second conference in Kuwait. We therefore call on the Arab countries joined as those more distant believe that the two first.

  3. #19463
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    Am I reading this right??? The proposal to punish those consistently absent by forfeiting thier salary as well as plastering their names on the local newspapers so their constituents can see what their elected official is doing?

    I don't have the link, but, a news article was put out some time ago that there would be disciplinary actions taken against those that were late or did not show up to a Parliment meeting. Goes to show they mean to get this done and not willing to put up with laziness.
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

  4. #19464
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    The President begins official visit to Paris

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-11-2006
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    The President begins official visit to Paris. In response to the invitation of French President

    Starts His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani, tomorrow, Thursday,, an official visit to the French capital, Paris, at the head of a delegation including Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, the Minister of Industry and Minerals Fawzi Hariri and the Minister of Education Khudair Khazai minister of science and technology Raed Fahmi Jahed, in addition to a number of officials in the Iraqi government. in response to the invitation sent to the President by French President Jacques Chirac. The president will meet Talabani, during the first day of the visit, President of the French Republic, Jacques Chirac, President of the French National Assembly Jean-Louis Dupre. It will also meet his Excellency, on the same day. a number of party leaders and political officials and French government officials, excellencies will lecture at the French Institute for International Relations. It is noteworthy that His Excellency and his accompanying delegation will leave today for Paris.

    His Excellency condemns the assassination of Dr. Essam narrator

    Dan His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani, the assassination of Dr. Essam narrator President of the Association of university teaching staff, He described the crime as another episode in the series of crimes which masterminds aimed to impede the process of national reconciliation, offering condolences over the loss of his family and relatives, The following is the text of the statement by the President of the Republic :
    "Assassinated hands of the sinful and treachery and one of the most visible symbols of moderation and political advocates raising the floor and unite ranks Prof. Dr. Essam narrator President of the Association of university teachers. This heinous crime is another link in the chain of crimes aimed masterminds to impede the process of national reconciliation, Fueling the fires of sedition and obstructing efforts to stop the bloodshed in Iraq Taher. The devices maintain security and the detection of the perpetrators of the crime and driving them from the hands behind the curtain and herded to just judiciary.
    We ask Almighty God to have mercy on his soul and the place of the martyr and stayed in eternal peace and give his family patience.
    God, and to God we return.
    Jalal Talabani
    President of the Republic of Iraq

    President Talabani : still possible to avoid civil war
    Reuters : His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani, who is preparing to make an official visit to France in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro daily that it is still possible to avoid slipping into a civil war, despite the large number of deaths in Iraq because of daily bombings and other attacks, said that the influence of Al Qaeda is Alanhas TR.
    He said His Excellency, "the international coalition will withdraw only when Iraqi security forces ready to carry out their own maintenance of law and order." He added that this should be reflected divisions on Iraq.
    He went on to say that the discussions should be focused "not on the preparation of a timetable for withdrawal of American forces, but the goals must be defined for the Iraqi forces so that they can continue to take control of security in the regions."
    President Talabani said that the political leaders in Iraq realized that violence is not an option "and could therefore avoid civil war."
    He added that the "terrorists" were allied with foreign groups linked to former President Saddam Hussein bear partial responsibility for the daily acts of violence in Iraq.
    Contacts have been made with some of the groups participating in armed attacks against the forces led by the United States and Iraqi forces in an attempt to reduce the number of people killed every day in Iraq and the restoration of security. Those contacts were limited in the past to disarm Now, we are negotiating on their integration in the political process in the framework of national reconciliation.
    With regard to Al Qaeda His Excellency the President of the Republic said that the organization led by Osama bin Laden is receding. The Sunni clans in Al-Anbar governorate to the fight against Al Qaeda, which has received support from groups loyal to Saddam Hussein and foreign quarters.

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    Default Mums The Word

    I happened to come across a very unusual statement when I was searching for info on Article 8. This is on the IMF website under:

    April 22, 2006 -- IMFC Statement by His Excellency Sultan Bin Nasser Al-Suwaidi, Governor of the United Arab Emirates Central Bank
    On behalf of: United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Arab Republic of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Yemen. PDF File Size: 38Kb

    INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Exchange Rates and Trade Balance Adjustment in Emerging Market Economies Prepared by the Policy Development and Review Department In collaboration with the Research Department and in consultation with other Departments Approved by Mark Allen October 10, 2006 ..........................

    13. The proposed new “supplemental surveillance consultation” in a multilateral format
    is, in principle, a positive step towards increasing the attention to issues of systemic
    importance. However, the proposal remains vague at this stage, and a number of issues
    would need to be resolved regarding its implementation, including the format of reporting to
    the Board and the IMFC. We look forward to a more detailed proposal in this area.

    14. We agree that exchange rate surveillance needs to be strengthened and we welcome the intention to review the 1977 Surveillance Decision. However, we caution against undue focus on exchange rates at the expense of other policies. We agree to a broadening of the work of the Consultative Group on Exchange Rates (CGER) to include major emerging
    markets’ currencies.
    However, given the market sensitivity of the information, especially for the latter, we strongly object to the publication of assessments of Equilibrium Exchange Rates. Informal Board discussions of these assessments could provide a venue for candid multilateral debates and for the dissemination of relevant information without risking an adverse impact on more vulnerable economies. Moreover, given the inherent methodological pitfalls in the analysis and referencing of equilibrium real exchange rates, and the often wide differences in the results of alternative models, these assessments should be interpreted with extreme caution.

    Is this saying what I think it is saying... that mums the word on exchange rate discussions for EMERGING MARKETS? Notice that Iraq WAS INCLUDED in this article. Is this maybe why r/v info is few and far between?

    Any thoughts? Or am I just being overly suspicious?

    Full Article:


  6. #19466
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    Default > In Iraq -- In Baghdad, the power shifts as violence surges

    In Baghdad, the power shifts as violence surges

    By Sally Buzbee

    11:37 a.m. November 1, 2006

    For months, the United States has urged Iraqi leaders to craft a deal to disarm militias, even as American troops face them down in the streets. The decision to pull back from a confrontation with one key militia – on the orders of Iraq's prime minister – shows the depth of the power shift in Baghdad.
    The U.S. may have had little choice Tuesday but to follow Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's order to dismantle roadblocks around the Mahdi militia's Baghdad stronghold of Sadr City, a sprawling Shiite slum of 2.5 million. The Americans had few good options except trusting their Iraqi ally as the situation deteriorates.

    The danger is clear, however: By allowing al-Maliki to appease Shiite members of his coalition who control dangerous militias like Mahdi Army leader Muqtada al-Sadr, the United States could watch the country veer toward even sharper sectarian conflict.
    The fear is that the armed Shiite death squads in Sadr City – named after the anti-U.S. cleric's slain father, Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr – could increase their attacks against Sunnis across the capital. At a minimum, removing the checkpoints may have led Sunnis to conclude that their rivals in the Shiite militia can act with impunity and with political cover at the highest levels.

    If so, that could severely undercut the U.S. goal of strengthening a national, unity government to stabilize Iraq.

    It also could leave the American military mission in limbo: U.S. officials are highly unlikely to keep Americans troops aggressively patrolling Baghdad's streets against militia-run death squads, if their hands are so tied that soldiers cannot act.

    Top U.S. military officials deny that is happening, but many lower-level soldiers have complained of just such frustration in recent months.

    The situation is complicated by next week's U.S. midterm elections, which have created uncertainty whether U.S. policy will change.

    Neither side has shed much light on whether Tuesday's startling turn of events was a case of al-Maliki forcing U.S. officials' hand, or a joint and orchestrated effort to boost his political stature with his Shiite partners, and thus help his efforts to curb militias.

    U.S. officials said the prime minister's order was decided jointly at a meeting of al-Maliki, U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq.

    But it also happened in a week of sharp pushbacks by al-Maliki, including an earlier call for U.S. troops to pull back to their bases and out of Iraqi cities as fast as possible.

    Aides to the prime minister have said flatly that he hopes to expand his authority by playing on American voter discontent and White House reluctance to open a public fight just before the elections.

    The U.S. – not al-Maliki – controls American troops in Iraq. But U.S. military and civilian officials say they are willing to compromise on military issues, and sometimes follow the prime minister's wishes, to aid the larger goal of helping him win an anti-militia deal.

    In essence, they have decided his success is vital to theirs.

    As an example, Casey said he ordered the release at the prime minister's request of one of al-Sadr's top lieutenants, arrested by U.S. troops for alleged links to militia death squads, because it came just as al-Maliki was to hold delicate talks with al-Sadr. There was no evidence the aide had been involved in attacks on Americans, Casey said.

    “My assessment was operational risk (from letting the aide go) was far exceeded by potential strategic payoff,” Casey said.

    In the case of the disputed U.S. roadblocks, they were set up last week as part of an unsuccessful search for an abducted American soldier, but al-Maliki's aides said they had actually worsened security.

    Despite their willingness to compromise, U.S. officials also gingerly acknowledge just how far out on a limb of trust they are – and how much power has shifted to al-Maliki.

    Khalilzad said the U.S. does not communicate with al-Sadr directly, and thus hears only secondhand from the prime minister that al-Sadr has promised to rein in militia members carrying unauthorized weapons, or to take other key steps.

    “We need to test whether that is true (al-Sadr's agreement) by moving forward” with a plan to disarm militias, the ambassador said.

    Some fear such hopes are wishful thinking.

    For one thing, it is increasingly unclear who actually controls any given militia or its criminal or death-squad offshoots, notes Anthony Cordesman, an Iraq expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

    Others also have said they are unsure al-Sadr controls all those under the Mahdi name.

    That makes controlling and disarming the militias “difficult at best” unless there is new unity among the Shiite factions, Cordesman said. “It also makes any serious central government action against the militias difficult and potentially explosive.”

    Sally Buzbee is the AP's Middle East Chief of News.
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  7. #19467
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I happened to come across a very unusual statement when I was searching for info on Article 8. This is on the IMF website under:

    April 22, 2006 -- IMFC Statement by His Excellency Sultan Bin Nasser Al-Suwaidi, Governor of the United Arab Emirates Central Bank
    On behalf of: United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Arab Republic of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Yemen. PDF File Size: 38Kb

    INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Exchange Rates and Trade Balance Adjustment in Emerging Market Economies Prepared by the Policy Development and Review Department In collaboration with the Research Department and in consultation with other Departments Approved by Mark Allen October 10, 2006 ..........................

    13. The proposed new “supplemental surveillance consultation” in a multilateral format
    is, in principle, a positive step towards increasing the attention to issues of systemic
    importance. However, the proposal remains vague at this stage, and a number of issues
    would need to be resolved regarding its implementation, including the format of reporting to
    the Board and the IMFC. We look forward to a more detailed proposal in this area.

    14. We agree that exchange rate surveillance needs to be strengthened and we welcome the intention to review the 1977 Surveillance Decision. However, we caution against undue focus on exchange rates at the expense of other policies. We agree to a broadening of the work of the Consultative Group on Exchange Rates (CGER) to include major emerging
    markets’ currencies.
    However, given the market sensitivity of the information, especially for the latter, we strongly object to the publication of assessments of Equilibrium Exchange Rates. Informal Board discussions of these assessments could provide a venue for candid multilateral debates and for the dissemination of relevant information without risking an adverse impact on more vulnerable economies. Moreover, given the inherent methodological pitfalls in the analysis and referencing of equilibrium real exchange rates, and the often wide differences in the results of alternative models, these assessments should be interpreted with extreme caution.

    Is this saying what I think it is saying... that mums the word on exchange rate discussions for EMERGING MARKETS? Notice that Iraq WAS INCLUDED in this article. Is this maybe why r/v info is few and far between?

    Any thoughts? Or am I just being overly suspicious?

    Full Article:

    Looks like Mum is the word !

    I think this confirms what we suspected. Any mention of a revalue would cause great speculation. Revealing any info would be like inside trading IMO.
    Thanks DD
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    Interview : Jalal al
    The functions of fiscal and monetary policy in the new Iraq. work to reduce inflation without damage or negative impacts on the citizens and economy. But what happened is that the citizen surprised steady rise in inflation rates, unprecedented in Iraq and the region.

    These policies and stood unable to curb the escalation and reduction. " Morning, "she discusses experts and officials fiscal and monetary policies and planning in Iraq on the practical means to stop this escalation and is working towards a gradual reduction of inflation.
    D. The Ghalib Baban / Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation
    We can deal with inflation only a comprehensive reform of the economy
    * Inflation is present in all the economies of nations, the enemy is the well-being and prosperity. and we consider to be an indicator of economic dislocation in the country. It gives a full picture of the economy and levels.
    The Ministry of Planning, I rise in the rate of inflation to 69%, and this percentage higher than other years, At the same time Antogaa of credit policy can play a role in mitigation. Also policies can the Iraqi Central Bank to raise interest rates to reduce it, Conversely, the productivity of individual Iraqi Mitrajahoutattabr unemployment of the main reasons for inflation, as they hit rate of 35 to 45% in the Iraqi society. a large proportion of the community is facing the problem of inflation. Monetary policy to offer any radical solution, , which would deal with inflation. All these factors led to the rise in inflation rates in Iraq and the weakness of the productive sectors, and it can only deal with inflation reform of the economy in general.
    D. The Skinner / government spokesman
    The state is determined to develop plans to contain inflation and high prices
    Inflation big problem, and have branches overlapping political, social, It affects directly in the daily life of the people, and, therefore, it draws feelings of the tasks of fiscal and monetary policy in the new Iraq. work to reduce inflation without damage or negative impacts on the citizens and economy. But what happened is that the citizen surprised steady rise in inflation rates, unprecedented in Iraq and the region.
    . People direction of discontent and demand by the fast may not be available, or can not be provided in the near term unless other objective elements such as security and increase the effectiveness of the Iraqi economic sectors such as industry, agriculture and services, The possibility of implementing projects Strtejeh may contribute to solving the problems of unemployment and poverty, and attracting foreign capital to work and invest in Iraq. all these elements can be in solidarity to limit runaway inflation, but that can make it Eroah at levels low so as not to negatively affect the lives of citizens and the mobility of society towards economic construction and reconstruction.
    For that we need at this stage to further efforts through scientific conferences, symposia and research to study this phenomenon, frameworks and strengthen cooperation between the scientific institutions concerned, such as universities, research centers, civil society organizations, and between the institutions of the State, which has a responsibility to search for solutions and treatments. Because of the scientific conferences and symposiums to discuss the pressing economic issues (including inflation) to make available all relevant data and statistics, which are often derived from reality, including contribute to the development Stratijiat deal with the problem, which can be translated through cooperation, and continuous consultation between frameworks such as universities and scientific research centers and operational frameworks such as the Iraqi Central and other economic institutions and mechanisms Mikanzmat enable the state and society to develop solutions and approaches to reality j.
    The state is determined to develop plans and strategies which they can contain the problem of inflation and high prices. and the reduction of aggravation, We can achieve this goal only through the concerted efforts of institutional and popular adding that the government of the elimination of administrative corruption and the adoption of Security Council resolution of social problems resulting from the forced displacement and many other problems.
    The transition to a market economy stands behind these developments and unrest price which is reflected in the fact of living of its citizens, This is a progress would be overcome if the stability of the new economic structures on the basis of incorrect.
    D. Haitham Karim / Studies Center
    Strategic and Legal / University of Mesopotamia :
    Moving away from a policy of absolute openness
    Identify a mechanism to reduce prices
    Inflation is a continuous rise in prices is not commensurate with the income obtained by the citizen whether salaries or wages and note that the increases in salaries, wages eroded with the rise in the prices of goods and services and increases in salary scales are not suitable for the high volume of authorized There marginalized in the real income for the rise in the value of wages or salaries. As we know, the situation in Iraq is exceptional and not specific constants and no mechanism for controlling prices, and there is the question arises : Have we live in a market economy or a planned economy based on the Department of State?
    I believe that the ways to address that inflation is moving away from a policy of openness and absolute determination mechanism to reduce prices, and thus access to a state of imbalance means that the ceilings set high prices continuing to rise and that pricing random and thus reduce the inflation rate constant
    D. Kamal visual / Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance.
    Equation reform fuel prices and achieve social protection *
    The phenomenon of economic inflation derived from the existence and abundance of cash with the scarcity of goods and services, This abundance of liquidity in the cash came from the budget for this year allocated amounts of cash many of the salaries and wages increased by 90% from what it was last year. This pumping major financial market, while goods and services in the market started less for a variety of reasons, including security reasons, which made the market confused, as well as the crossing of goods through the border crossings have become confused also, in addition to the lack of fuel and the lack of electricity has affected the production of services and goods in the market, Consequently, all these factors involved in reducing what is of such goods and services. In addition, the availability of cash when individuals led to a rise in prices, Therefore, we believe that addressing the issue of security is necessary to solve any problem. Stability security addresses many issues.
    With regard to fuel, it should state that these derivatives to prevent the continuation of the black market and the rise in Alasarulhta We encourage the state to expedite the implementation of the law on the import of oil derivatives and non-monopoly by the state and only allow the private sector to play a role in this subject.
    The prices of oil derivatives, reform is necessary but must proceed according to the true by creating a climate logical to protect the poor despite the existence of the social protection project, but boy needs to Alttwiro other hand we need to support the services of water and electricity and other basic needs, because without such services, any reform will be distorted and non-integrated and affect the economic well-being of the citizens.
    The figures, the frightening statistics of inflation now do not represent the reality of Maisbbh inflation and if the case was just the same, the inflation rates escalate more than any time previously. d. the appearance of Muhammad Saleh / Director of Research / CBE
    Reducing inflation : the solution of the unemployment problem, The priority for housing projects
    Can Nesher that the Iraqi economy weak in a great organizational structure because of the domination of the oil sector and other sectors in the small contribution to support the national income. And Nakkathalasasih is that the economic projects which the States have started to generate vibrations on the old traditions. direct support as it is known, is 80% in Iraq and this strange phenomenon in the world why any interference in this support or deal with such support will lead to many imbalances in the forefront of inflation. In my opinion, we can resolve these issues only, such as, inter alia, the solution of the unemployment problem, and adopt priority projects, or projects that could repeal or eliminate the issue of unemployment, Ole important economic projects are housing projects, they occupy 20% of the labor force
    Iraqi addition to the housing projects and the construction of two thirds of the capital formation of the national wealth in the country. as well as a strong incentive for all activities, such as construction and other industries, It also creates operational activities indirectly to other industries.
    Growth must proceed in a natural addition to some monetary reforms to contain such phenomena which distort the economy to control inflation bloc, We must pursue economic policies to reduce inflation, that is on the increase, If we take, for example, the rate of inflation between July of last year and even this year, we see the proportion rose to 70% and this figure is very dangerous inflation, which could be called the wild, This Maether the standard of living and prosperity in the country.
    If they were to control the prices of oil derivatives, and work on ration cards for a long time, I believe that the indicators of inflation will subside relatively
    . D. Mahdi Ilaq / general manager of the
    The statistical and information technology to address cash-flow and in-kind
    Investment and trade policies
    * Inflation is an imbalance in economic structure between cash flows and flows kind, If we are to address this imbalance must address both in kind and cash flows. There are many treatments, some of which are linked to the actions of financial, monetary and investment policies and the balance of trade, both in terms of imports is the reduction of consumer goods and others, as well as exports and encouraging investment and capital products. These relate to the many actions hub statute of inflation.
    The reasons for the persistence of inflation are many :
    1-increase in the amount of money compared Balcmihalsabqh and also compared to the quantity of the goods under deliberation.
    2-velocity and movement of money between individuals and institutions.
    3-wars and spending on armaments.
    4-budget funding.
    5-foreign obligations and the burden of taxes and how to deal with them.
    All these causes interference and influence in the subject of inflation.
    This results in serious consequences, including inflation : -
    - A decline in the value of money and the amount of individual pride.
    B-disturbances in the balance of payments.
    C-redistribution of wealth randomly to the benefit of civilians because of the decrease in the real value of the criticism.
    A negative result of the increase unequal increases in the prices of services, which negatively impacted on the citizens with limited income.
    D. Ahmed Al-Wazzan
    Faculty of Administration and Economics / Mustansereya
    A quiet excited about the prices
    The Iraqi economy and a major shift Anataka of strong government intervention in economic totalitarianism towards the adoption of free-market mechanism and forces of spontaneous creativity in the context of the state known in contemporary literature (creative chaos or constructive), the rise in the general level of prices in light of the stability of the dollar disbursement of the Iraqi dinar to other currencies is the most important matter and is acceptable within certain limits that can control and the range of time can be unpredictable.
    At a time when the public satisfied with the high level of incomes and improved purchasing power with the others complain about high fuel prices. And the right to raise fuel prices is behind a number of reasons and factors accepted and useful familiar with the scientific experience and expertise, but to raise the prices of fuel, the pricing of public services and other procedures required for the transition to a market economy would have cost to the extent a short - or medium - according to the prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund j and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
    And it can count the rise in the general level of prices in the current Iraq accepted and routine matters associated with the above long as those factors were still under the control of economic decision makers in the field of financial and monetary policies, as long as the issue comes within the framework of expectation prior to them in conditions of deportees e transition to a market economy and which adds to the ease of our prior determination that certain security conditions contribute to the formation and the creation of the emergency played a role in raising the general level of prices and once they disappear temporarily, this part of the rise in prices will end the demise of emergency conditions.
    And it can be recognized (from the economic point of view) that the current rise in the general level of prices in Iraq Was phenomenon or a departure from the scope of the familiar is a kind of creeping inflation region, which does not worry hyperinflation, which accelerated generate a crisis and despite the optimism of this vision but that does not mean there is no impact negative harsh on the poor and low-income Anya.
    D. Dia net-College
    Administration and Economics / Mustansereya
    Inflation Bsiashaghtassadeh balanced and comprehensive approach to achieving prosperity

    Faced with the Iraqi economy in recent decades and rising inflation in the early 1980s, which led to be called the beginning of the collapse of the dinar exchange rate and deepen it by the imposition of the economic embargo on Iraq and led to low supply Commodity growing and significant increases in commodity demand and thus led to a major breakdown in S. Er Iraqi exchange rate.
    The real problem lies in the absence of economic and financial policies and monetary designed primarily to increase the base rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and government economic measures imposed as conditions by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the so-called Group of States (Paris Club group).
    In raising the subsidy on the prices of oil derivatives by nature and the nature of economic interdependence, which links call for economic sectors in the whole country were the first batch of inflation, which will stop at certain limits and that inflation could go over the application of the remaining conditions of the abolition of the ration card, which represents a basket of food Chairperson of the majority of the population of Iraq (70%) and could further deepen the privatization of the public sector, which is a significant increase because of unemployment in the country and catching up with globalization through accession to the WTO, which means killing the national industry and agricultural products for export or marketed to the domestic market Jazy blood potential to compete with foreign goods.
    To face the dangers of inflation, we can not adopt a piecemeal, but through a balanced economic policy and working towards comprehensive economic welfare of the individual and society is not only through the diagnosis of all monetary and fiscal policies and work to raise its production capacities for the purposes of increasing the supply of the commodity that is my right, Ka causes leading to inflation.
    The gist of this is that the currently policies are not taking care of the problems and that more things done in regards to the monetary policies and laws and improving the value of the dinar, are what is needed to bring Iraq out of its hole. We have read this before that the increase in inflation is not being stopped with the increase in interest rates. So this is of course good news for us in the since that they need to do other things to stimulate the economy and that includes as they have mentioned several times increasing the value of the dinar, amoung other things such as the FIL and HCL. To me (and no doubt the Iraqi populace), it just gets frustrating to the slowness of the pace, but then again thats me not them. From their prospective (Iraqi government) they are probably thinking, 'hey were moving at a pretty fast pace .' Anyway, don't loose heart, were developing patience.

  9. #19469
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    Looks like Mum is the word !

    I think this confirms what we suspected. Any mention of a revalue would cause great speculation. Revealing any info would be like inside trading IMO.
    Thanks DD
    Yes looks like they are tight lipped about the whole thing. Thanks for article
    DD and AlwaysDreaming.
    "SAYS" $1.26 here we come!!!!

  10. #19470
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    Default Good Info!

    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    Baghdad, 01 November 2006 (BBC Monitoring)

    The Iraqi government has decided to seek the assistance of private security companies to protect a road that is considered one of the most dangerous highways in Iraq. The road is connecting Baghdad with the Syrian and Jordanian borders through the restive Al-Anbar Governorate.

    A government statement published today said that the Iraqi cabinet approved the Ministry of Transportation's contracts with private security companies to ensure the necessary protection of the road leading to Syria and Jordan. Under the terms of these contracts, the security companies shall provide security services in return for certain amounts of money paid by the Ministry of Finance.

    The road is among the most risky at all in Iraq because it witnesses abductions and murders almost daily. A large area of the highway is controlled by armed groups affiliated with the so-called Mujahidin Shura Council.

    Source: Kuna news agency website

    Iraq seeks help of private security companies to protect highway | Iraq Updates

    Thanks for the info. I have been thinking of starting a Security Company with some old Army friends. When the dinar hit this might just be the route to go for awhile. I think there will be a need for many sectors.


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