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  1. #19621
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Benchmarks to the IMF This was probably posted somewhere before but I haven’t seen it all in one place so… this is take from:
    Iraq’s Letter of Intent to the IMF (Dec. 2005), Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies and Technical Memorandum of Understanding

    Benchmarks Section

    Implementation of payment system regulations.
    June 30, 2006

    Establishment of an audit oversight committee, to become effective on or before December 31, 2006, including the participation of independent international audit experts, to continue the work of the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (upon its dissolution) in overseeing and making public audits of the Development Fund for Iraq and oil export sales.
    June 30, 2006

    Completion of census of all public service employees (including military).
    June 30, 2006

    Commencement of operation of Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS) linking headquarters of commercial banks to the CBI.
    August 31, 2006

    Commencement of payments clearing system between the headquarters of commercial banks and the CBI through the Automatic Clearing House (ACH).
    November 30, 2006

    Full capitalization of CBI to the stipulated ID 100 billion, based on the 2005 audited financial statements and taking into account the restructuring of outstanding claims on the central government that are on the December 31, 2005 balance sheet of the CBI.
    December 31, 2006
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #19622
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    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    in a couple of hours im gonna take the direct route and call the office in DC and ask if art VIII was signed


  3. #19623
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Come to daddy, can I have a WOOOTTTTT folks?!

    Iraq: First and Second Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement, Financing Assurances Review, and Request for Waiver of Nonobserv

    This is the best bit.....

    12. The discussions focused on the measures needed to bring the program back on
    track. The key issues discussed concerned the resumption of domestic fuel price
    adjustments, the liberalization of private imports of gasoline, the containment of budgetary
    pressures (especially from pensions), the control of inflation and dollarization, and the
    resolution of external claims (especially non-Paris Club and Gulf countries). The authorities
    acknowledged that the delay in forming a government had slowed the reform process, but
    committed to promptly get to grips with all these issues. Broad agreement was reached on
    budgetary prospects and priorities for 2006, as well as on the implementation of related
    measures. In addition, there was a consensus that action needed to be taken to tackle
    inflation, including through monetary tightening, and allowing the exchange rate to
    strengthen (as conditions permit).

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #19624
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Come to daddy, can I have a WOOOTTTTT folks?!

    Iraq: First and Second Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement, Financing Assurances Review, and Request for Waiver of Nonobserv

    This is the best bit.....

    12. The discussions focused on the measures needed to bring the program back on
    track. The key issues discussed concerned the resumption of domestic fuel price
    adjustments, the liberalization of private imports of gasoline, the containment of budgetary
    pressures (especially from pensions), the control of inflation and dollarization, and the
    resolution of external claims (especially non-Paris Club and Gulf countries). The authorities
    acknowledged that the delay in forming a government had slowed the reform process, but
    committed to promptly get to grips with all these issues. Broad agreement was reached on
    budgetary prospects and priorities for 2006, as well as on the implementation of related
    measures. In addition, there was a consensus that action needed to be taken to tackle
    inflation, including through monetary tightening, and allowing the exchange rate to
    strengthen (as conditions permit).

    I read this to be an r/v, with a float, which definitely deserves a big.........WOOOOOOTTTTTTT!

  5. #19625
    Senior Investor snottynose's Avatar
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    The ride is about to begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOT, WOOOOOOOT!!!!!!

  6. #19626
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    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    its a local call for me so what the hell worse they can do is hang up on me

    ok im officially scared...... i called the Video series inquiries number at the inf and got rolled over to the operator who in turn tranfered me to pubic relations ( mind you i'm not expecting them to be in the office yet ) i tried the ole " im a student doing a report line" heres how the call went.

    PO: good morning.. really wasnt expecting someone to be in the office this morning.

    IMFGuy: ya someone's here round the clock its always busy around here.

    PO: i understand.. i'm doing a report for my polysci class and i wanted to ask someone some questions about the Art VIII and Iraq. is there someone whos brain i can pick or should i wait till office hours when theres more people around.

    IMFGuy: pause's... sure but can you hold on a sec

    Call placed on hold..

    IMFGuy: you wouldnt happen to be part of a message board called ROLClub would you ( pronounced it roloclub)

    PO: guilty pause..

    IMFguy: i thought so .. didnt you say you were gonna call in a could of hours.
    fibberopti ( pronouced it just like that ) what kinda name is that anyway ..

    PO: its fiberoptic ( correct way to say it ) and its kinda a long story.
    well since you seem to know who i am no sense in beating around the bush anymore im sure you know why i really called .. so how about it..

    IMFGUY: we're not allowed to discuss senstive information or a non secure line. and besides im not the only one who reads that site. i dont want to lose my job..

    Po: i understand thanks ne way .. Hangs up.

    NOw i know you can read this whoever you were .. join the club be part of the team.. quit lurkin...

  7. #19627
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    I read this to be an r/v, with a float, which definitely deserves a big.........WOOOOOOTTTTTTT!
    Chooch, this was a report back in August, not seen it before. Guess what, inflation hasn't improved, it's as high as ever!!!! This tells me they have no choice but to do this....

    Also liked the 'Consensus' part. Means the general feeling is, ie quite a few have agreed this is the way to go!

    This is big folks. So now we have the IMF and CBI saying the dinar will rise.......oh not forgetting MoF!!!!

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #19628
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    ok im officially scared...... i called the Video series inquiries number at the inf and got rolled over to the operator who in turn tranfered me to pubic relations ( mind you i'm not expecting them to be in the office yet ) i tried the ole " im a student doing a report line" heres how the call went.

    PO: good morning.. really wasnt expecting someone to be in the office this morning.

    IMFGuy: ya someone's here round the clock its always busy around here.

    PO: i understand.. i'm doing a report for my polysci class and i wanted to ask someone some questions about the Art VIII and Iraq. is there someone whos brain i can pick or should i wait till office hours when theres more people around.

    IMFGuy: pause's... sure but can you hold on a sec

    Call placed on hold..

    IMFGuy: you wouldnt happen to be part of a message board called ROLClub would you ( pronounced it roloclub)

    PO: guilty pause..

    IMFguy: i thought so .. didnt you say you were gonna call in a could of hours.
    fibberopti ( pronouced it just like that ) what kinda name is that anyway ..

    PO: its fiberoptic ( correct way to say it ) and its kinda a long story.
    well since you seem to know who i am no sense in beating around the bush anymore im sure you know why i really called .. so how about it..

    IMFGUY: we're not allowed to discuss senstive information or a non secure line. and besides im not the only one who reads that site. i dont want to lose my job..

    Po: i understand thanks ne way .. Hangs up.

    NOw i know you can read this whoever you were .. join the club be part of the team.. quit lurkin...
    WTF. You gotta be 'yanking my chain'?!

    Wonder if Shabs is on here under an alias!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #19629
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    WTF. You gotta be 'yanking my chain'?!

    Wonder if Shabs is on here under an alias!

    i kid you not .... 745am and got my card pulled .... that woke me up quick.... im sitting here lookin like i just got pimpslapped

    rather than make 2 more post for neno to clean up ill just edit this one ....

    yes it did go down like that (seriously when have i EVER posted random bs as a joke )

    and two no its not a joke it went down like that
    Last edited by phiberoptik; 02-11-2006 at 01:58 PM.

  10. #19630
    Senior Investor Dinar Cha Ching's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    The Minister further period of three months of receipt of the grant by the families and otherwise abolishes the right of the citizen to claim after this period will be the remaining funds to the state treasury.
    So people will have 3 months to claim the grant. If they RV before the grant is released it won't take that long and every recipient will be happy. If they do it in the middle they will have some VERY angry people. The early recipients will get shafted the later ones will reap a windfall. If they RV at the end of the 3 month period everyone will get equally shafted and they will all be angry.

    The first option seems the best.
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

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