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  1. #19691
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    United Press International - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

    Iraqi Shiites want changes in U.S. role

    Nov. 2, 2006 at 8:57AM

    A political move is afoot among Iraqi Shiites to gain more independence from the U.S. military, The New York Times reported from Baghdad Thursday.
    A 19-member committee of Iraq's political leaders, its prime minister and its president is working on a package to amend a U.N. agreement that gives the United States and 27 other countries "the authority to take all necessary measures to contribute to the maintenance of security and stability in Iraq."
    The agreement expires Dec. 31, and a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad confirmed officials were in talks with the Iraqi government on the subject but would not elaborate, the Times said.
    Hadi al-Ameri, leader of the parliamentary Defense and Security Committee, told the Times the U.S. presence is still necessary but "Iraqi leaders are handcuffed" by the current U.N. agreement.
    "We will not tell the Americans to go but if they stay it should be according to conditions," Ameri said in the newspaper's report.
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  2. #19692
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    The visiting delegation of integrity, first deputy chairman of the Council

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-11-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release

    The visiting delegation of integrity, first deputy chairman of the House of Representatives
    It demands the support of the Council, being responsible for the work of the body

    A delegation from the public integrity Mr. Khalid al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the House Iraqi in his office, The delegation presented a summary of the most important work of the Commission and its activities to combat financial and administrative corruption.

    The delegation called for the support of the House as the only body responsible for the work of the Commission and to expedite the enactment of a law the impartiality submitted to the Chamber of Deputies, the delegation also reviewed some of the ideas of the future, which includes the opening of five branches throughout Iraq as well as the twenty-two offices.

    He called al-Attiyah of the delegation that focused on the work of the outreach and education against corruption through cooperation with religious institutions and the institutions of civil society, universities and media organizations to the Commission's work in the accounting nails, sightings also promised to provide all necessary support for the continued work of the body in the fight against corruption and raise the standard of performance for the better.

  3. #19693
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    Al-Maliki said to ponder Cabinet reshuffle to bolster image - iht,africa,Iraq Cabinet Reshuffle - Africa & Middle East - International Herald Tribune

    Al-Maliki said to ponder Cabinet reshuffle to bolster image
    The Associated Press
    Published: November 2, 2006

    BAGHDAD, Iraq: In a bid to salvage his government's faltering image, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki plans to reshuffle his 39-member Cabinet, possibly this month, according to lawmakers and close aides of the Shiite leader.

    Details of the reshuffle remain sketchy since the changes have yet to be completed, but as many as a third of Cabinet posts could change hands. The changes were almost certain to touch the Shiite-dominated interior ministry, which is responsible for the police.

    Speculation about a Cabinet reshuffle coincided with sharp criticism of al-Maliki's five-month-old government for its perceived failure to make progress toward crushing the Sunni-led insurgency and disband Shiite militias engaged in a spiraling round of sectarian.

    The prime minister also is under fire for doing too little to improve services and create jobs.
    Today in Africa & Middle East
    A U.S. medic's fight to save his comrades
    Iraqi Shiites creating distance from Washington
    U.S. reports plot to topple Beirut leaders

    The government's main backer, the United States, has added to the pressure, presenting al-Maliki last week with a timeline to end the violence and achieve reconciliation between the country's various religious and ethnic groups.

    The lawmakers and aides said al-Maliki planned to consult with parliament's major blocs over the reshuffle, presenting them with the argument that the performance of some ministers was below par.

    Ali al-Adeeb, a lawmaker from al-Maliki's Dawa Party, said several ministers were given Cabinet posts without sufficient screening of their qualifications and experience.

    "Some of the ministers had been totally unknown until the day they were sworn in," said Hassan al-Suneid, another Dawa Party leader and a close aide of al-Maliki. "We did not know their qualifications and their performance in the past five months was modest," he added, without giving specifics.

    Al-Maliki heads a coalition government in which Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish parties are represented. Each of these parties presented the prime minister with a list of candidates from which to choose for the Cabinet posts assigned to them. Often, the candidates were little known outside their own parties.

    The United States had insisted that the key job of interior minister be given to a nonpartisan figure. Jawad al-Bolani, an independent Shiite, was given the job after weeks of intense deliberations, but the problems with the ministry continued.

    The police force is known to have been severely compromised by infiltration from Shiite militiamen linked to sectarian death squads. There have been charges of gross human rights abuses by police personnel.

    Last month, al-Bolani removed the commanders of two police commando units, but gave them senior jobs elsewhere in the ministry. Another police unit was earlier taken off the streets to be "retrained" after much criticism of its human rights record
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  4. #19694
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    Expectations increase the volume of investments and oil production.
    بغداد ـ حيدر الربيعي
    Baghdad Haider spring
    يعتزم العراق زيادة حجم استثماراته النفطية في ظل القانون الجديد للنفط والغاز، بحيث سيعاد النظر في جميع العقود الموقعة في عهد النظام المباد والتفاوض عليها..
    Iraq intends to increase the volume of investments in oil under the new law, oil and gas, it will be re-consideration of all contracts signed during the era of Principles in the negotiation.
    وتشير الانباء الى سعي العراق الى اعادة تطوير حقل الاحدب النفطي جنوب العراق الذي سيعزز الانتاج النفطي في العراق بواقع 90 الف برميل يوميا.
    Reports indicate Iraq has sought to re-develop the Al-Ahdab oil field in southern Iraq, which will enhance oil production in Iraq with 90 thousand barrels a day.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #19695
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    Quote Originally Posted by boomcreek View Post
    I'm not saying that this rumor has any validity to it at all, but I think there may be some who are not giving our military the benefit of the fact that they have a brain too. Anyone who has been paying attention would be aware of the possible benefits of having this currency, and who is to say that any of them were going to take it to a "local shop" to make a purchase. Chances are, they, like the rest of us, have some kind of a plan for their future...and will more than likely leave it behind with someone "trustworthy" to cash in and invest for them. Just my thoughts.
    no where in my 12 years of military nor my grandfathers 27 years of service have they ever gave deploying troops some other countries money with 1 exception.

    military intel to pay informents and such

    i have to wave the bs flag on this for the following reasons

    1. 9 for 10 military personel are not allowed on the local economy (to risky)
    2. the shops on most base/camps take dollers ( and cash at that ) they may sell dinar (most under the table or as collectors items ) but they sure as hell wont take it over dollers in a sale on base. units ( at least army and air force ) dont normaly deploy in that large of force ( not more than a team normaly and almost never larger than a company)
    4.80k troops is a division or major command no way in hell are they going to give that many people cash of any kind.. theres no way to track it and EVERYTHING in the military has to be signed for ( even chow )
    5. and ImHo the key to this... Consider the source ( i cant even find the post on iff )

    I have to agree with phiberoptik. I don't see the military giving out DINARS. Hell no!! The military doesn't like to give you anything you can really use. LOL They sure as hell aren't going to be giving out something that could cause soldiers to eventually try to get out of service to our country. I say it's BS as well. Hey I have been wrong a time or two who knows.

  6. #19696
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    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    no where in my 12 years of military nor my grandfathers 27 years of service have they ever gave deploying troops some other countries money with 1 exception.

    military intel to pay informents and such

    i have to wave the bs flag on this for the following reasons

    1. 9 for 10 military personel are not allowed on the local economy (to risky)
    2. the shops on most base/camps take dollers ( and cash at that ) they may sell dinar (most under the table or as collectors items ) but they sure as hell wont take it over dollers in a sale on base. units ( at least army and air force ) dont normaly deploy in that large of force ( not more than a team normaly and almost never larger than a company)
    4.80k troops is a division or major command no way in hell are they going to give that many people cash of any kind.. theres no way to track it and EVERYTHING in the military has to be signed for ( even chow )
    5. and ImHo the key to this... Consider the source ( i cant even find the post on iff ):

    I have to agree with phiberoptik. I don't see the military giving out DINARS. Hell no!! The military doesn't like to give you anything you can really use. LOL They sure as hell aren't going to be giving out something that could cause soldiers to eventually try to get out of service to our country. I say it's BS as well. Hey I have been wrong a time or two who knows. :wink

  7. #19697
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    Given the fact the issues of replacing many parliament and cabinet members was mentioned more than a couple months ago, it is obvious the new gov. is totally inadequate for the task at hand, so this is a good sign that Maliki can no longer just ignore these critical issues.

    After all these months of threatening to replace members, and seeing nothing has happened, it is obvious Maliki is the problem, not the solution. It is unacceptable to have so many members not attend every meeting given the fact this is a new beginning. What a joke to allow this to continue even after threats of removal were made months ago. I would dump every single member who fails to attend more than three times in a year.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  8. #19698
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lakeway View Post
    I have to agree with phiberoptik. I don't see the military giving out DINARS. Hell no!! The military doesn't like to give you anything you can really use. LOL They sure as hell aren't going to be giving out something that could cause soldiers to eventually try to get out of service to our country. I say it's BS as well. Hey I have been wrong a time or two who knows. :wink
    I have to agree with you and phiberoptik on this one. While I spent some time in the Air Force, and subsequently, in Kuwait, I've never heard of anything like this ever happening. Even the folks I know currently in theater have never experienced anything like this. I think this is bad information. Not necessarily shooting the messenger (whoever it was who posted this originally), but I'm so certain that this would never happen that I don't plan on following any further developments with this rumor.
    Four years ago... no, it was yesterday. Today I... No, that wasn't me. Sometimes I... No, I don't.

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  9. #19699
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    Post EU, Iraq to start talks on cooperation agreement

    The European Commission and Iraq will start negotiations for a Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the EU and Iraq on November 20.

    The first round of negotiations will start in Brussels and will be led by EU Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero- Waldner and EU Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson while Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Barham Salih will represent Iraq, according to commission sources.

    By entering into contractual negotiations with Iraq, the EU aims to promote bilateral trade relations, facilitate Iraq's engagement with the international community and contribute to the socio-economic development of Iraq.

    TCA negotiations between the EU and Iran which started in 2002 are currently on hold due to the nuclear stand-off.

    This was mentioned earlier last month. Iraq gets priority with commercial exchanges!! This date fits perfectly with a fresh international currency...

    Things are getting better and better!!

  10. #19700
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    Post A Milestone for Iraq!!!

    A milestone for Iraq
    A milestone for Iraq
    Source: Gulf Daily News

    Bahrain has been chosen by Iraq to host its first overseas trade show next year, centring round its $100 billion rebuilding programme.Gulf Iraqi Expo (GIX) will be held from March 24 to 26 at the Bahrain International Exhibition Centre.

    The expo is being organised by the Iraqi Ministry of Trade - State Company for Iraqi Fairs and I-vision for PR and Media, in association with Bahrain-based Magnum Events and Exhibitions Management (MEEM), a division of Magnum Holdings Group.

    It is the first overseas trade show organised by the Iraqi government, said Iraqi Ambassador to Bahrain Ghassan Muhsen Hussain.

    "We have chosen Bahrain to hold the first show because of the long-standing brotherly relations between our two countries," he told a Press conference at the Diplomat Radisson SAS Hotel.

    "Bahrain has been at the forefront of Gulf states offering its assistance to war-torn Iraq, especially in the areas of health, banking

    and finance.

    "We are also convinced that Bahrain, which is at the centre of financial and economic activities in the region, is the ideal choice for such a major event of our government."

    Mr Hussain said his government had allocated a rebuilding budget of more than $33bn for next year, in addition to more than $18bn in international donations.

    "However, the total requirement for reconstruction of Iraq is estimated at $100bn," he said.

    Magnum Holdings Group and Unitag Group chairman Jamil Wafa said the show, which has been endorsed by Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), would attract some of the leading companies in the region.

    "It will pave the road towards co-ordination and huge investments. It is a milestone in Iraq's progress towards new business opportunities," he said.

    "More than 12,000 attendees from Iraq and the Gulf region, with more than 900 brand names, will meet 300 decision-makers from the Iraqi government, representing 28 Iraqi ministries.

    "It will cover all governmental and private sectors in Iraq and more than 1,250 businesspeople will be able to directly interact and achieve business agreements."

    Mr Wafa, who thanked the show organisers for choosing Bahrain to host such a mega event, said they would meet Industry and Commerce Minister Dr Hassan Fakhro today.

    They will also meet BCCI chairman Dr Esam Fakhro on Saturday.

    I-Vision Group chief executive officer Murtada Kamal said the facilities and hospitality offered to Iraqi people from public and private sectors in Bahrain, especially in travelling and visa permissions, made Bahrain one of their most favoured Arab countries.

    "Bahrain's reputation as a liberal and modern Gulf state has made it a favourite place for travellers in the region," he said.

    "Due to its strategic location, in the middle of the Gulf countries, it is easier for people in Iraq to travel to and from Bahrain."

    Mr Kamal said hundreds of exhibitors from around the GCC countries and other parts of the world would take part in GIX.

    In addition to the majority of private exhibitors, most Iraqi government agencies (ministries and organisations) will also exhibit and be available to answer questions for both exhibitors and attendees, he said.

    As part of the trade show, the GIX management will be organising a business conference aimed at providing information and educational modules to participants.

    Featured speakers will include foreign experts on industrial and trade sectors, Iraqi ministers of trade, industry, finance, agriculture, oil and planning, and representatives from the Coalition Provisional Authority, and official representatives from the Kurdistan region.

    l The Iraqi Ambassador yesterday said that an air-transport agreement will be signed with Bahrain soon, to start flights between Manama and Baghdad before the year-end.

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