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  1. #19711
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    Hey Adster,

    Maybe I just missed your post as to the reason you have this posted

    12. December 31 end of year 1345 IQD to 1 USD CBI/IMF projection achieved

    Just wondering.

    Cos I don't believe that rate will ever happen! I'll take off the ISX, 7/11, maybe it was Warka that was closed till then....
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #19712
    Senior Member Cyberkhan's Avatar
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    Does anyone remember who posted the Bank of America rumor. I am thinking about heading over to a branch to find out for myself.


  3. #19713
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    Does anyone remember who posted the Bank of America rumor. I am thinking about heading over to a branch to find out for myself.

    Stephanie at iif

  4. #19714
    Senior Member Cyberkhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Stephanie at iif
    So noone else has caught wind through the grapevine otherwise???

    Well, one can always hope and pray that today is the day.

  5. #19715
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    Skinner : dealing with the issue of security for the liberation of the city to another

    (صوت العراق) - 02-11-2006(Voice of Iraq) - 02-11-2006
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    جـــــمــهورية الـــعـــراقThe Republic of Iraq
    مجلس الوزراء- دائرة الإتصالات الحكوميةCouncil of Ministers-the governmental communications
    العلاقات الإعلاميةMedia Relations
    Press Release بيان صحفيPress Release Press release

    في مؤتمر صحفيIn a press conference.

    الناطق الرسمي للحكومة العراقية د.The official spokesman of the Iraqi government, Dr.. علي الدباغ التعامل في القضية الأمنية لايختلف من مدينة الى أخرىSkinner on the deal in the case of security today from one city to another

    - الحوار مفتوح مع الجميع عدا الجماعات المطلوبة للشعب العراقي والعناصر التكفيرية- Open dialogue with all groups except required for the Iraqi people and the elements SATISFACTION

    ـ العراق يحتاج الى 100 مليار دولار لإعادة إعمار العراق البنى التحتيةIraq needs $ 100 billion to rebuild Iraq infrastructure

    - الحكومة العراقية طالبت القوات متعددة الجنسيات بسرعة تدريب وتسليح قوات الأمن العراقية- Iraqi government demanded that the multinational forces rapidly train and arm Iraqi security forces

    ـ مؤتمر القوى السياسية تم تأجيله من أجل الخروج بنتائج إيجابيةThe political forces has been postponed in order to produce positive results

    قال الناطق الرسمي للحكومة العرقية الدكتور علي الدباغ: ان الإتصال الذي تم بين السيد رئيس الوزراء والرئيس بوش كان هو النقطة التي أطلقت تنسيقاً أفضل بين القوات متعددة الجنسية وقوات الأمن العراقي، ونتيجة لهذا تم رفع الحواجز الموجودة في شمال شرق بغداد والتي من ضمنها مدينة الصدر من اجل تسهيل حركة المواطنين والمحافظة على الجانب الأمني.The spokesman said the government's ethnic Dr. Skinner : The contact between the Prime Minister and President Bush was the point made better coordination between the multinational force and Iraqi security forces. As a result of the barriers were lifted in the north-east of Baghdad, which includes Sadr City, in order to facilitate the movement of citizens and preserve the security aspect.

    واضاف في مؤتمر صحفي عقده ظهر اليوم الخميس: ان الحكومة العراقية تتعامل بمكيال واحد في جميع المناطق وكل من يخالف القانون تعامله الحكومة بكامل الحزم، وهذا التعاون الأمني سيشهد في الأسابيع القادمة وضوحاً أكبر، مبيناً انه قد كان هناك إهتمام واضح في هذا الجانب من قبل الولايات المتحدة حيث زارنا مستشار الأمن القومي الامريكي ليتم وضع خطة أمنية مشتركة مابين القوات العراقية والتي بالتأكيد ستسلم الملف الأمني بصورة كاملة بالتعاون والتنسيق والدعم والإسناد من القوات متعددة الجنسيات.He added in a press conference held today, Thursday, noon : The Iraqi government dealt a single standard in all regions and all those who break the law to deal the government full beam, This security cooperation in the coming weeks will witness greater clarity, stating that there had been clear interest in this aspect from the United States visited us as United States national security adviser, to be a security plan joint call by Iraqi forces, which certainly will be handed the security file in full cooperation and coordination and the support and backing of the multinational forces.

    واكد الدباغ : ان قواتنا الوطنية العراقية تتطور وقد شهدنا إن هناك نجاحات سجلتها هذه القوات على الرغم من سعي الإرهابييون لإحباط قواتنا الوطنية وإحباط الشعب العراقي خصوصا في مناطق بغداد والمناطق المحيطة بها، مشدداً " لكن واضح ان هناك تطور في بناء قواتنا الوطنية لأن تتسلم الملف الأمني من القوات متعددة الجنسيات".The Skinner : The Iraqi national forces evolve and we have seen that there are successes recorded by these forces in spite of the Alarhabieon sought to frustrate our national and frustrate the Iraqi people especially in the areas of Baghdad and the surrounding areas. He added : "But clearly that there is evolution in the building of our national security file handed because of the multi-national forces."

    واوضح في معرض اجابته على سؤال حول تصريحات نائب رئيس الجمهورية طارق الهاشمي ان قرار رفع الحواجز تم إتخاذه من خلال لجنة أمنية مشتركة وهذه اللجنة هي المناط بها الخطوات التفصيلية الخاصة بمعالجة الموقف الأمني اما القضايا الأستراتيجية بالتأكيد يتم التشاور والتوافق بها في الهيئة السياسية للأم ن الوطني.He pointed out in his response to a question about the statements of Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi said that the decision to lift the barriers had been taken by a joint security committee, this committee is responsible for the detailed steps to address the security situation either strategic issues certainly be consultation and consensus in the political body of the mother n National.

    وكشف الناطق الرسمي للحكومة العراقية ان مبلغ 100 مليار دولار كان رقماً غير رسمياً وتمثل بناء البنى التحتية، موضحاً "العراق يحتاج الى مبالغ كبيرة اولاً رفع الديون والتعويضات الجائرة وان الشعب العراقي يجب ان لا يتحمل وزر صدام ولكن هذه إلتزامات دولية والعراق يحترم كافة الإلتزامات الدولية والقرارات الدولية بالتأكيد ولكن كانت هناك مناشدة أخوية وان الأقربون أولى بالمعروف الدول البعيدة ساعدت العر اقيين واطفأت ديونهم وبالتالي فأن الدول القريبة هي أولى".A spokesman of the Iraqi government that the sum of $ 100 billion was a record officially represent the rebuilding of the infrastructure, saying that "Iraq needs to raise large amounts I. debt and reparations unfair, and that the Iraqi people should not bear the consequences of Saddam, but these are international commitments and Iraq that respects all international obligations and international resolutions, but certainly there was an appeal and fraternal adage States far helped Aber bulwarks and quenched their debts and therefore, nearby countries is the first. "

    وبين الدباغ ان الحكومة العراقية تؤكد بأن التعامل في القضية الأمنية واضح وان التعامل بالقضية الأمنية لا يأخذ بالإعتبار هذه المنطقة او تلك، مشدداً "الكل متساوون والكل يخضعون للقانون ولايوجد أحد فوق القانون وان مدينة الصدر عانت من نقص الخدمات فيها ومن أزمات متكررة وهناك كثافة سكانية عالية تكاد تشكل ثلث سكان بغداد وبالتالي كانت هناك مسألة إنسانية في رفع هذه الحواجز".Skinner and that the Iraqi government confirmed that the deal with the security issue and clear the issue of security and dealing does not take into account this region or that, He added, "All men are equal and everyone subject to the law and no one is above the law and that the Sadr City suffered from the lack of services and the repeated crises and there is a high population density almost a third of the population of Baghdad, and therefore there was a humanitarian issue in the lifting of these barriers."

    وحول ما اشيع عن وجود تعديل وزاري مرتقب اوضح الناطق الرسمي: أن الحكومة العراقية مكونة من إئتلاف من قبل تيارات وكتل سياسية وأحزاب وبالتالي فان هذه الحكومة هي حكومة وحدة وطنية شاركت فيها الكتل المختلفة وليس قراراً فنياً من قبل السيد رئيس الوزراء ان يبدل وزراء وانما هي توافقاً سياسياً على تبديل الوزراء ، متابعاً "سبق وان قلنا ان هناك عدم كفاءة في الهاز الإداري الحكومي وان هناك ضرورة لإجراء تعديل وزاري بما يضمن تقديم خدمة أفضل للمواطن العراقي والتعديل الوزاري منوط بالكتل السياسية".Regarding rumors that the existence of a Cabinet reshuffle prospective spokesman explained : The Iraqi government composed of a coalition of the currents and the masses of political parties, and therefore, this government is a government of national unity in which the various blocs, not a technical by Mr. Prime Minister, that the change of ministers and is a politically changing Ministers, sat "had been told that there is inefficiency in the government administrative Alhaz and that there is a need to undertake a cabinet reshuffle to ensure the provision of better service for the Iraqi people and the responsibility of a cabinet reshuffle the political blocs."

  6. #19716
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    Default Isx

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Cos I don't believe that rate will ever happen! I'll take off the ISX, 7/11, maybe it was Warka that was closed till then....
    Look at this ISX site the ticker on the top says ISX OPENS NOV. 7th.

    Aman Link

    Unless they never update - I would think 2006

  7. #19717
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    how close are we?....good to see you back sgs

  8. #19718
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    I am sure somebody has probably already posted this at one point but sometimes when we translate from arabic to english using system translator the word kofer etc. comes up. I ran across this today while looking for something else but could be what that little glitch word is. Again, I am sure somebody has already found this before but if not here it is.

    Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)
    (From IMF website)

  9. #19719
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    Well folks, we've hit the BIG TIME! lol! Phiber, your little escapade this morning gave me quite a laugh...I can just imagine your face after hanging up the phone!

    I think it's an AWESOME feat that the IMF is paying attention to our little corner of the world! Says something for our wonderful 'Dinar-Hounds' and their ability to find articles and information from all over the globe! I ALSO should say something to anyone that has thought and commented about the tax situation after this gets straightened around and becomes reality. Get your receipts in order, pay what is owed...Short-term or Long-term CG....then PLAY-PLAY-PLAY!!!

    P.S. To anyone that should be reading this that could pass along a message....The Iraqi people have suffered long enough! Let's get-er-done and let them begin to live the lives that they all deserve!!!

  10. #19720
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    Reason that dinar most likely will be pegged to USD rather than EURO.

    The euro as a reserve currency: a challenge to the pre-eminence of the US dollar?

    Working Papers No. 218

    October 2006
    Well developed financial markets are a necessary condition for a currency to play a role as a reserve currency. The introduction of the euro greatly improved the functioning of euro financial markets. This paper investigates whether euro financial markets have developed sufficiently to facilitate the emergence of the euro as a reserve currency on par with the US dollar. We find that the liquidity and breadth of euro financial markets are fast approaching those of dollar markets, and as a result the euro is eroding some of the advantages that have historically supported the pre-eminence of the US dollar as a reserve currency. This strengthens the incentive for monetary authorities to reconsider the currency composition of their reserves. Nevertheless, the introduction of the euro has not yet resulted in a significant change in the currency composition of official reserve holdings. The US dollar has maintained its place as the dominant reserve currency, supported perhaps by the edge that dollar financial markets still have over euro markets in terms of size, credit quality and liquidity, as well as inertia in the use of international currencies.

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