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  1. #19881
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    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    hey ez, that horizontal scroll problem shows up when somebody has a long list of interests in their header. only way to fix it is for that person to edit their list of interests and shorten it OR to ignore them so the post does not show up on your page.

    that said, I am not seeing that problem with this page.
    hmmmm... the pages previous to this were ok... I don't want to put anyone on ignor... might have the one scoop we're waiting for... and don't know who it could be... maybe by the time we move to the next page it will go back to normal... ? thx :)

  2. #19882
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    Go to your view, and reduce it down. Find textzoom click it and then you can reduce.

  3. #19883
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezcash View Post
    hmmmm... the pages previous to this were ok... I don't want to put anyone on ignor... might have the one scoop we're waiting for... and don't know who it could be... maybe by the time we move to the next page it will go back to normal... ? thx :)
    btw, how many posts do you have showing per page? you can adjust that in your control panel and reduce the impact of this problem, with the trade off that you need to go to a new page more often.

  4. #19884
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    Don't worry ezcash i had to do the same, It came out so large I did not need glasses to read. All of the info. I am sorry but can any of you out there fill me in on the news of what is going on? I just got out of the hospital today and I am lost. lol
    I need a good boost of dinar info to get me through the day.

  5. #19885
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbajr View Post

    Go to your view, and reduce it down. Find textzoom click it and then you can reduce.
    ok... just did what you said... and it worked! thanks everyone... some day maybe I can afford to learn how to use my computer... right now its trained to open and close on the forum only! :)

  6. #19886
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    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    btw, how many posts do you have showing per page? you can adjust that in your control panel and reduce the impact of this problem, with the trade off that you need to go to a new page more often.
    Clueless... I see 10 posts on the last page... being i just reduced the text size it's ok now... I have one more dumb question.. I'm embarrassed to ask... but what is..
    btw ? :)ez

  7. #19887
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    By the way

  8. #19888
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxib View Post
    By the way
    like I said... was dumb... but thanks Maxi

  9. #19889
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezcash View Post
    Clueless... I see 10 posts on the last page... being i just reduced the text size it's ok now... I have one more dumb question.. I'm embarrassed to ask... but what is..
    btw ? :)ez
    glad you got the size sorted out and sorry my diagnosis was off base.. btw == by the way

  10. #19890
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    Skinner on the Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations are marking time

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-11-2006
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    The official spokesman for the Iraqi government to Skinner told «public» : Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations are marking time in which I do not see any clear progress

    Interviewed : Jinan Hussein : The official spokesman for the Iraqi government, Dr. Skinner on the reform of Iraq's needs for the great efforts by the Iraqi government to get out of the bottleneck in the country, He described this situation as complex and that the country is undergoing a difficult labor pains.
    He Skinner, in a meeting with «public» during his visit to Kuwait within the Iraqi delegation to attend the preparatory meeting of the International Decade with Iraq. the Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations are still marking time, and that is not felt any clear progress in the matter, He pointed out that as far as Kuwaiti and Iraqi peoples to be, and only one of them can stay away from the other.
    Referring to the role of Arab States absent. The isolation imposed by these countries towards Iraq. He stressed that the Iraqis responsibility for security is the correct position after the readiness of Iraqi forces from the hand of professionalism and professional, He pointed out that the government know anybody. He also pointed out that there is a desire and common goals with the United States to be secure, and democratic Iraq and to be active in the region, and not a source of concern.
    Skinner addressed in the dialogue a number of other issues on the ground.
    The following are the details of the meeting :
    • In light of the grave events of Iraq and the situation of instability, Is the initiative will Covenant (contract) international results in the consolidation of peace?
    - The International Decade of Iraq's standards and mechanisms and the commitment of the international community to support peace in Iraq and this contract alone is not enough if the development needs of Iraq for very substantial efforts by the Iraqi government to emerge from the bottleneck. The situation is complex and therefore we pass the throes of a very difficult situation and needs the Iraqis to prove that their ability to cross this ordeal in order not to plunge the country into a sea of blood.
    • What about the role of Kuwait in support of Iraq and hosted the preparatory meeting of the International Decade him?
    There is a host and welcome from the Kuwaiti government. and the Iraqi government appreciates this effort, The symbolic place mean that there Arab effort has begun to consolidate peace and the reconstruction of Iraq. The mean that the Gulf make efforts in this particular area since the previous conference held in Abu Dhabi, This means optimistic attitude Gulf and the support of its interest in Iraq, and we hope to translate good intentions into reality, the Iraqis are feeling very well understood that there is a response by the brothers, we felt really positive response from the States far, as we say adage.
    • described the position of the Arab countries that sunset towards what is happening in Iraq. Why silence, including Tvsronh?
    - We believe that the role of the Arab countries do not even ruled out but is absent, There is a sense of isolation of the large Arab states, it did not contribute in any step towards Iraq. We view Japan has dropped its debts from Iraq and other countries, long seen but not seen any even symbolic step by the Arab countries on debt forgiveness Although Iraq first to drop the debt resulting from the recklessness of the former regime, a result of supporting some of the Arab regimes of the former regime that, Therefore, the current debt is unfair to the Iraqis have now is the time to be a concrete step toward the Iraqi people begins by Arabs.
    • The American President Bush and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for a solution to the security situation in Iraq via the formation of a high-level workshop, What is this group? Will will achieve its objectives?
    The group-comprising the Ministers of Interior and Defense and National Security Advisor of the Iraqi side, the American ambassador and the commander of the joint forces from the American side, The theme raised by the Prime Minister would be to train the Iraqi forces, we still feel that the Iraqi national forces are not eligible to face terrorist groups and therefore there must be an international effort that terrorism does not beat Iraq, but threatens all the countries in the region, but threatens all the countries of the world, can be fired from Iraq to anywhere Therefore, the international effort must begin and the training of Iraqi forces must be more professional, impartial and professional so that the Iraqis be able to defend them and Mkonathm. The other thing is that the Iraqis must assume security, That is the correct position, we are a country with sovereignty, After training forces believe that we can manage the security file is the best because we know Bshabena and therefore ask to continue training and support from the United States, President Bush has explicitly expressed its support for the Iraqis in this matter.
    • Iraqi Prime Minister acknowledged the need to schedule »« Will it be implemented to meet the political benefits?
    - Above all say that the Iraqi government from binding to the elected and to its people and not to others. schedules are for the Iraqis that they will bring security and scheduling is a commitment given by the government to itself to the parliament and therefore there is a desire and common goals with the United States that Iraq will be safer and democratically in order to be an active player in the region, and not a source of concern them, for some of the goals that coincide with the vision of the United States.
    • What about the draft reconciliation? Why Iraq has reaped dividends so far?
    - The draft reconciliation mechanisms identified him by the Prime Minister when, These mechanisms will result in proposals and recommendations, translated to the resolutions and legislation will be before the House as the highest legislative authority in the country and therefore we can say that the reconciliation has yielded draft resolutions to amend the eradication of the Baath, the dissolution of the militia, and the reform of the political system, The amendment of the constitution and all these parts of the recommendations that will go to reconciliation conferences and when it will be already the government will deal with the non-reconciled treated legally and according to the mechanisms of law as a legitimate government and the same legal mechanisms the government can not be silenced with a violence that pervades in Iraq and , which manipulate the armed groups and therefore draft reconciliation is a schedule will be played by the government, The other parties must abide by.
    • There are some hacking border between Kuwait and Iraq. How do you deal with the Iraqi government that hacking especially that Kuwaiti Defense Minister, announced that his country would respond vigorously to any breakthroughs on the borders?
    - We feel that this individual does not represent the hacking view of the government official and by some individuals, Certainly, the Iraqi government rejects such a situation does not accept waive the violation of any State, especially its neighbor Kuwait, I hope not issued by the Kuwaiti government statements in this format where there must be an understanding of the development of Iraq. we want to build a better relationship with our brothers in Kuwait they know, We hope to go beyond the past and look to the future, There is a lot could be done between the two countries and there is much we expect the Iraqis to work with Kuwait and also expect that the Kuwaiti brothers that they took a step towards the Iraqi people to recover from this subject, which result of the accumulation of misconduct suffered by the Iraqi people and the Kuwaiti people.
    • The United States announced its intention to change its strategy in Iraq in order to achieve peace and security by opening dialogue with the Iranians and the Syrians or the use of Ba'thists. you can see how this strategy?
    - Views put forward from here and there in the United States and we are not obliged to and unconcerned by, they were merely perceptions and proposals, but we are with what was in the interest of Iraq. We feel that a good relationship between the United States and Iran and Syria will be at our own peril. we pay tax of tension in relations between the United States and Iran and paying tax in the relations between the United States and Syria, and we do not want Iraq to be an arena for settling disputes between States, We want closer relationships between them, and the involvement of Syria and Iran in the Iraqi issue there was no objection from Iraq, but that the involvement of all neighboring countries in this thing is permissible and acceptable, but the use of Ba'thists is, I do not think that the United States can secure its usefulness, We do not have a problem with the Baathists as individuals, Every Ba'athist is no charge or for a crime or is not tied Multchtinh blood can exercise politics and the government is ready to talk with him as a person and not as a member of the Baath Party.
    We feel that the Baath Party organization and not a terrorist organization oversees one can say I belong to this organization, Therefore, we feel that everyone should distance himself from the naming of the Baath Party and presents himself Karaghi, and the country needs him and others, Therefore, the Iraqi government thought that that anybody was talking with the Iraqis as Iraqis, but object to any talk came either from the United States or of any Arab country to restore life to the Baath Party, The emergence and stand completely hostile attitude of these, but the Iraqi people and stand lookout for anybody who tries to be due Baath Party as a political party.
    • criticized Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki American security policy, He pointed out that he would work better if given more freedom of movement and wider powers, Does this mean that he has plans had achieved security and stability?
    - We feel that what the United States is working and something that we as Iraqis need to inflict this support but we believe that there must be a larger role for Iraqis in building their country and prepare when we can say that we have the professional and at the level of efficiency required and can resist terrorism, we will deal with that when the the mandates of the United American people, a friend and respond to the people we meet and to our friends and we do not deny the beautiful one.
    • What is your assessment of the situation in Iraq? It is behind the bloodshed? And when will get this bleeding?
    - Which stands behind the bleeding are affected by the fall of the regime, supported by the meager takfiri group came to Iraq. The group affected by the fall of the regime are the henchmen of Saddam, not all of the Baathists. There BAATHISTS benefited from the fall of Saddam because they were persecuted, One of the reasons for the bloodshed also miss takfiri groups, which are trying to blood obliterated rights of the Iraqi religious or Ghadia. and also banned the group from outside the Iraqi borders from the neighboring countries and other neighboring states, there are intelligence from some countries there are terrorist organizations and channels, We feel that that kills people in Baghdad contribute in the killings before giving his sermon calling for revenge or a sermon calling for revenge or speech advocating violence and terrorism, and will participate in that which gives money to support violence, Everyone involved in the murder, everyone bears the sinful.
    • What about the intervention of some neighboring countries, especially Syria and Iran. Why not be there to resolve this interference?
    - Sought Iraqi government during the visit of al-Maliki Iran to speak frankly with our brothers in Iran and that there should be good relations and excellent among us without the right to interfere in the internal Like We also ensure that Iraq will be the base for any hostile operations against Iran and sister feel that Iran understands the Iraqi position and think of them a n see that the reality on the ground and see Iran prevent any interference of any parties from the government parties and the Iranian State, The situation is different with Syria, Syria now to believe that it turns a blind eyes to the groups which come to Iraq, but we feel it opens some eyes and help this situation and the fact we feel that the leadership in Syria and starry as I understand it can to fight the United States in Iraq, and those who are killing Iraqis and brothers of those killed are directed towards the disarmament Syrians and we do not want sisterly Syria to be in the awkward position with others, Suberta a long time and we want to go on this patience, but also the poet «» patience has limits.
    - The presence of militias in the country »« any evidence of the weakness of the government, Is this true for Iraq? Why not the government take decisive steps in this regard?
    The stronger-certainly weakened the State of the State militias and now there is a firm and decisive government has begun to dissolve and merge militias, The issue of the solution and integration Tohid is a political decision, not a technical or security must be consistent all political parties to dissolve the militias and then comes the role of the government to implement this consensus and this decision will be legal action, and certainly be held accountable anyone who violates this agreement, we want a state, and we do not want to state militias, we want a legal sovereign, State legitimacy, and we do not want state militias of the time we plunge in a sea of blood.
    • There is skepticism in the capabilities of the Iraqi authorities with respect to the security situation Is this an indication of the lack of agreement between the government parties in the light of the country are suffering from deteriorating situations?
    - Can understand this but it is different in Iraq, We newborn era of freedom and democracy, There is freedom of criticism and freedom of statement, but sometimes, the statement beyond borders and beyond the scope of traditional, The government is trying to build the institutions of the state and this is not easy, especially if we take into account that the country was in chaos after the fall of the regime, and therefore not familiar with this kind of freedom and democracy. There are loose in the statements and sometimes I Frankly, we will try to temper it as much as possible.
    • What your future of the situation in Iraq?
    - We are optimistic and we have very great optimism that the Iraqi people can renew itself because it has many crises throughout history, and was able to stand and play and now we are experiencing a crisis, And therefore, I hope I have personally clear that the Iraqis can overcome this crisis to build our country again.
    • Prime Minister he is a friend of the United States and not their man in Iraq? Does this mean that he worked as a strategy Iraqi security without external interference? Or that this is an indication of a desire to exit of American forces from Iraq?
    - Is the statement from the Prime Minister but one person said, it is not a mistake, everybody in Iraq who are working for Iraq. Which does not work for Iraq will be able to gain the trust of the Iraqi people, which asks that the Iraqis in his relations with others, We example, in our relations with Iran, we say we are Iraqis first, Iraqi Arab and say to the Americans we are Iraqis, Arabs, Muslims and therefore, good relations with others does not mean to be affiliated to them, all Arab countries have relations with the United States more than relations with Iraq, but no one raises the question of Iraq but the situation appears to be taking more of the area to the other that raises sensitive.
    • How do you evaluate the Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations in the light of the linking of the two bonds?
    - I feel that the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations remained in place and that there is a big future for the relations between the two countries. Iraq needs to Kuwait as needed to other neighboring countries. that country Exhausted and out of the crisis after missing the world and stopped by the time and certainly the Kuwait by the many possibilities and services that benefit Iraq, I believe we must look to the future and take advantage of the existing potential between the two countries, there are many opportunities, especially in economic relations The world now is a world of money, business, and therefore, economic interdependence is solving all the problems, We have many experiences of countries able to exceed many of the last decade and to establish close relations with the economic relations as relations between the United States and Vietnam, all Vietnamese goods enter the United States with the science now that the United States invaded and destroyed Vietnam I imagine that our fate is to be adjacent and therefore can not leave nor can the Kuwaitis to leave Fqaderna that we also must therefore bear, and there is more room for the development of the relationship very better, but I do not see that there is clear progress in relations with Kuwait, and this is no reason to speed up the steps between the two of us and we welcome the fact that the Iraqi government is no representation of Kuwaiti in Baghdad and we will receive him with all our hearts Kach Aziz, and also there Tmthe told by Iraqis in Kuwait and the opportunity to extend our relations.
    • Has been identified Iraqi ambassador in Kuwait as well as for the Kuwaiti ambassador in Baghdad?
    - The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs was very interested in the subject give the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations utmost attention and we are taking the initiative, and because Mtsaadon move the first step and we hope that relations over the nomination of ambassadors and hope that closer economic relations as we hope friendliness and step-by-step love of the Kuwaiti side to the Iraqi side.

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