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  1. #20191
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmeshon View Post
    No need to stay in front of the everyone, when you have time to post, you post.

    Question - You said "I called IMF awhile back". How long ago was this call?

    The response you got sounds like a "form letter" type answer to your questions. I really feel that if Iraq was in compliance with Article VIII, you would get the same answer. I do not think they would say "yes everything is a go and it will be enacted on XXX date". JMO
    I called around March 06, I wasn't asking for a date or if it's a go it was more of an economic study question. Anyhow I don't feel that what they said was true but do feel if they kept mum on it that would arise suspicion and so they took the talk to me route.

    I still think we're under two weeks unless GOD comes down and tells me otherwise.

  2. #20192
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    Sorry to those who have impatiently waited for the details. I think for now on when I post I will be sure to take the day off and stay attached to my computer so I can answer the question as soon as you ask.

    Well you asked so I'll tell. Remember I did suggest you call yourself and ask the questions.
    Those with a weak stomach should avoid reading.

    I called IMF awhile back seeking information on Article VIII and what Iraq would need to do to be in compliance. What I was told is that Iraq is in a transitional phase from war and cannot at present accept the obligations of A. VIII I then went further and asked if this was due to a secondary currency, meaning is it because the US dollar and the dinar were both in use as this is a restriction IMF imposes. Again the transitional phase came about only this time it was stated that the present dinar is a transitional instrument for inflationary purposes.

    Someone also brought up that the R card distribution could be to initiate a currency swap. I don't buy it though because not everyone gets the card as I'm sure many Iraqis are well off with dinar.
    I never posted this because I didn't want to be the bearer of horrible news or IMF scare tactics.

    Anyway, I still think we're a go within the next 2 weeks.
    Thanks for your reply on this one!

    Hearing this makes me really think that we are closer then ever. First of all they cannot and may not tell you anything that is really going on. But he, people want to hear something and they want to prevent further speculation and drive out the scared investors.

    I personally sent Warka an e-mail a few week ago that I wanted to invest more but the zero lop was holding me. Answer = no lop, no reprint because this will not be accepted by the people and is only a monetary solution and NOT a real solution to the problems.

    Besides this, they are enacting the FIL and passing a HCL. Giving a surprise currency swap is BS. Not only the iraqi people are not accepting but think about withdrawing all of the current money. And this at the point of allowing Foreign Investors in the Country.

    NO WAY!!!!!

    Introducing a new currency right now is self-destruction!!!

    I think they tried to tell you in a covered way that the smaller denominations are being distributed.

    Again, these are all stories to scare everyone and prevent further speculation. I am sure of it.

    Hearing this is telling me that we are closer than ever!!

    Thanks for sharing this Inscrutable and next time, share and discuss it directly for everybody sake!
    Last edited by kiko; 03-11-2006 at 10:32 PM.

  3. #20193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post

    I still think we're under two weeks unless GOD comes down and tells me otherwise.

    Please post immediatly if THAT happens!
    " May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of any infidels who stand in the way of the $1.48 reval of our blessed Dinar."--Some Iraqi guy

  4. #20194
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatever View Post
    Please post immediatly if THAT happens!
    As long as it won't interupt God using my computer to answer email prayers of a dinar reval.
    Last edited by Inscrutable; 03-11-2006 at 09:37 PM. Reason: changed him to God, don't want to offend anyone.

  5. #20195
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    Email?-- You Mean You Don't Have A Hot Line On Your Phone?

  6. #20196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    As long as it won't interupt God using my computer to answer email prayers of a dinar reval.
    PLEASE put my number on your speed dial list....

  7. #20197
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    Smile No Lop No Reprint!!!!!!

    Hi Everyone,

    Lets look at this logically. The IMF will really not give you any information that is so big and has to do with national security and the importance of there currency. First of all they are on strict orders not to leek news that could directly affect the currency and the speculation of the currency. for one if they told you it was going up and the amount and when and you put your life savings into it the would be liable for misinforming you. They can not tell you stuff that is top secret which a reprint or a lop or an RV would be. I think they were just trying to stay neutral and a little misleading. Besides the IMF have worked for over 3 years to make there currency stable if they loped or reprinted it would be anything but stable and all that work would have been for nothing. Also investors would not want to enter the Country.

    They will not reprint or lop due to all the Country's that gave them debt relief and they have been auctioning the currency they would have to change it out or they would be liable for selling false notes. JMO.

    Last edited by Dinar-Excited; 03-11-2006 at 09:44 PM.
    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  8. #20198
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    March was over 7 months ago .......Many things have changed since then correct ?
    Oh the drama....

  9. #20199
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    Quote Originally Posted by WebGuy75903 View Post
    I agree with you - I think we're still a "go". I don't buy the "Reprint", based on simplicity in explanation. Look at the new Dinars. If the new Dinars were meant to be "transitional", as you were told, then why have all those security features in it? Color changing ink, watermarks, UV marks, security strips. No one goes through that much trouble to create a transitional currency... If money is the "bottom line" on everything, why spend the money on an advanced, and rather secure, currency? Instead, I think they'd go the route of something similar to Monopoly money with maybe ONE or TWO security features, to curb counterfeiters. It makes no sense, and is certainly not cost-effective. I just don't buy it. Something doesn't add up. I guess, technically, anything could happen, but the end results that you were told do not make sense. I think we just forge onward, and ignore this bit of information... That's what I'm going to do, anyway...
    I agree and might I add that the purpose of the CBI and what has been doing for the past three years is for the purpose of stabilizing the dinar. They will be joining the GCC in just three short years with a new currency. I don't think it would be the wisest thing to do is go through the enormous time and expense of a reprint of the currency for a second time and then in another three years change it again to the GCC currency. Of course anything is possible but I just don't see that happening!

  10. #20200
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    Default Relax!!!


    I think the IMF is getting so sick of getting speculators like us on their telephones for over a year now.

    They don't tell the truth and how closer we come the more they are getting tired of all those calls and the more they must lie and the better they can lie.

    With all this great news coming out, the support from the world, the small fish we are (for us very big) it must happen.

    Let the facts speek.


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