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  1. #20241
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadm View Post
    i got this from iif it was posted back on the 21st of oct ,most of you might have seen this for those who have not please beware of all the scammers that are coming out of the woodwork

    I just got this email from a friend of mine. This is no joke and not a scam. I bought my Dinars back in 04 with the expection of a 10-15 year wait.

    Please look at the PDF here PDF From AMERAQ Exchange Svcs Group

    Could this be for real? Anybody heard anything?
    It is for real...I mean that AMERAQ wants to make a bunch of money by scaring you into paying for their service! If you believe that a bank account is a better alternative, open one yourself at Warka.

  2. #20242
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    Quote Originally Posted by celilo View Post
    It is for real...I mean that AMERAQ wants to make a bunch of money by scaring you into paying for their service! If you believe that a bank account is a better alternative, open one yourself at Warka.
    that was my first thought, why would i need them to take my dinars from me when i can do it myself,and how do i know they wont come up with some bs story like they got lost or they are counterfeit.momma didnt raise no fool

  3. #20243
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    U.S. pulls Web site said to reveal nuclear guide
    Questions raised about whether Iraq documents gave too much information

    • Web site secrets?
    Nov. 3: The federal government pulls down a Web site that may have inadvertently published instructions on how to build a nuclear bomb. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.
    Today show

    Building a nuclear bomb is simple...getting your hands on PLUTONIUM is the hard part...LOL

  4. #20244
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    Default One million dinars fine logging in Sulaymaniyah

    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-11-2006
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    Sulaymaniyah - Sharif Ahsan Aziz
    Assistant Mayor Sulaymaniyah for the gardens that it was decided to impose a fine of 1 million Iraqi dinars to each of the cut trees are more than ten years. The Abdullah Ali Hussein that »of the cut trees older than ten years will be a fine of one million dinars«. »He added that this measure comes in line with the resolution No. 141 of 2000 of the government of the Kurdistan region, which provides for the imposition of a fine on each of the cut trees without obtaining the permission of the municipal«.
    He pointed out that he »is currently pays all of the trees were cut to pay 150 thousand dinars, or imprisonment for three months«.

    He added »Aat Omar tree which had been made more than 10 years Vistam imposition of a fine of one million Iraqi dinars and can not pay this amount will be punished by imprisonment for the year«.
    According to the statistics of the Directorate of parks in the city of Sulaymaniyah, the number of trees in the city amounts to about 44 thousand trees in addition to 40 thousand other trees around the city.

    جريدة »الزمان«The newspaper Azzaman »«

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  5. #20245
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    Default Zibari told »decade ask Paris to support Iraq's stability

    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-11-2006
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    »Amman Saad Abbas
    ا The Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari »« time that Iraq is seeking to consolidate its relations with France, adding »seen positive developments in the French position to help the Iraqi people in the face of challenges. Zebari pointed out that the visit of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to France in response to an invitation received from his French counterpart, Jacques Chirac, »adding that the visit did not come unexpected but has been prepared for a long time«. He expressed the hope that this visit will be »opportunity to explain the nature of the security situation and the political and economic situation in Iraq. and ask the government to support the efforts of the French government and to support the efforts of stability in Iraq and the region, especially that France is a party to the International Covenant partnership with Iraq as well as a state task, a member of the Security Council, could help «. He Zebari expressed satisfaction with the Iraqi French relations, »he sensed recent positive developments in the French position towards the situation and the international partnership to help the Iraqi people to get rid of the challenges faced by the«. He pointed out that France was a partner »militarily important for Iraq, and the Iraqi government to take this side, and aware of the importance of bilateral relations between the two peoples and between the two governments, We will undertake a review of these relations and ways of strengthening and consolidation, including the interests of the two countries and two peoples «. The Taliban and Chirac talks described Talabani b »« good, As spokesman for the French presidency Jerome Bonavon that President Chirac expressed to Jalal Talabani of France's support for national reconciliation and political reconstruction of Iraq.
    So, Chirac called to determine »« agreed to the American withdrawal from Iraq. With Talabani likely to keep American forces in Iraq two years or three years. once during a symposium at the French Institute for International Relations in Paris, His assertion that Iraq will not be a launching point for any attack on neighboring States.The Taliban France to turn the page on the controversy on the war in Iraq and the consolidation of relations with his country, particularly, including economic, He pointed out that Iraqi forces needed to be about three years to be ready on the field.

    Following his meeting with French President, Talabani revealed that he had asked Chirac to continue to support the Iraqi people in all fields, He pointed out that the response was positive Chirac »«.
    After meeting with officials of the French oil group Total, Talabani called on the French to look into new Iraq.

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  6. #20246
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    Default doubling oil exports by 2010 as 'conservative' aim - Iraq

    03 November 2006 (The Peninsula)

    A policy committee hammering out a draft oil law for Iraq now has only one key issue left to resolve and the legislation should be enacted by the end of the year, Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih said yesterday.

    He also said projections of a doubling by 2010 of Iraqi oil exports, now at 1.6 million barrels per day, and of output to 6 million bpd from 2.3 million bpd were "conservative figures" in his view.

    Oil revenues are critical to the economy of Iraq, which sits on the world's third largest crude reserves, and Salih said the way they were distributed in the country would spell the difference between a united country or its violent break-up.

    "It is a blueprint for a nation at peace with itself and at peace with its neighbours," Salih said in an interview at his residence in Baghdad's fortified Green Zone.

    "It will determine whether we want to live together as Iraqis or not."

    Salih said the committee, which he expected to meet again in a couple of weeks, still had to agree on crucial provisions governing whether development contracts with oil companies could be signed at regional or national level.

    "I am hopeful we will be able to bring the group together on this matter," he said.

    The contracts issue is the most critical of all because a major regional say will devolve more power over resources to Iraq's majority Shi'ites and ethnic Kurds, who populate the oilfield regions, than the national government.

    Minority Sunni Arabs, the dominant group under Saddam Hussein, fear regional devolution will leave them with nothing.

    Salih chairs a government committee on oil and energy policy composed of key ministers which had struggled to overcome deep differences on the components of a new law to replace provisions dating from the rule of Saddam Hussein.

    But he said a three-day "retreat" at his residence six weeks ago had overcome four of the five critical issues.

    The committee had agreed that Iraq's two national oil companies should be turned into a holding company with operational affiliates to manage different aspects of the industry, Salih said.

    It had also agreed oil policy would be set nationally and that the oil ministry would be restructured and transformed into a regulatory body. All revenues would be deposited in a single national account.

    "The revenues will be shared between all the people of Iraq in accordance with the constitution," Salih said.

    Under Saddam, the oil ministry had full control over all aspects of the industry but the revenues went to the finance ministry. Much of the money went to enriching Saddam and his close circle and to funding the military.

    He deprived the main oilfield areas, the majority Shi'ite south and the Kurdish north, of the profits from oil and left them severely underdeveloped.

    Shi'ite and Kurdish leaders are reluctant after decades of oppression to concentrate control over oil revenues centrally and have pushed in negotiations for a big say in negotiating contracts with foreign oil companies.

    Salih, an ethnic Kurd, specifically rejected the word "central" but insisted Iraq's future lay in national oversight and distribution of oil revenues to ensure they were shared fairly. "We have narrowed the gap in a very significant way on this very principle," Salih said.

    Years of UN sanctions, mismanagement under Saddam and now daily violence since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion have severely degraded Iraq's oil sector and it now needs billions of dollars of capital investment.

    doubling oil exports by 2010 as 'conservative' aim - Iraq | Iraq Updates

  7. #20247
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    IRAQIS CALL dissolve Parliament or stop the salaries of its members

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-11-2006
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    Baghdad-file Press

    The disappointment and despair of the House escalate between Iraqi voters because of the chaos witnessed by its non-completion of the things several times, This led to the postponement of planned meetings, in light of these difficult circumstances that people are looking forward to the legislation passed by the Board to take it out of the ordeal.

    He called the number of Iraqis talk of the "file Press," "is that we stop the salaries of members of the House of Representatives until the regular meetings and come up with the task of serving the interests of citizens, the size and ease their suffering, ", describing the performance of members of the House of Representatives that" in disregard and contempt for the feelings of voters who Olohm confidence, while the members of the Council received their privileges to perform without anything sworn in sworn legal return. "

    He said Dr. Karim al-Shamri doctor jurisdiction : "The performance of the House of Representatives for the period that passed was not the level of the suffering of the Iraqis. Although the crises have multiplied as well as the complexity of the security situation, However, the members of the House did not trouble themselves even bothering to attend meetings of the Council, but many of them preferred to stay outside the country, the interest of safety, at a time when the safety of the Iraqis every day for further danger, Iraq's cities and witness a great tragedy and killing hundreds, That suffering has not risen to the level of attention of the members of the Council to reach the degree of inclusion in the agenda of the Council. " He called Shamari, "that there are penalties against violators of duties to the people, the least spare allocations and the arrest of the prerogatives while allowing him to resume the meetings. "

    For his part, Abdel-Latif Silwan retired teacher : "The preferred himself on the people. and those dangerous precedent may rise to the level of misleading and deceiving the people and fool the voters. granted confidence of the members of the Council and Ahoslohm to their seats, He added Abdul Latif : "The retirement law, which has not been implemented so far not discussed by the Council, Tabquh themselves alone in the previous session, contrary to the laws in force, They have given themselves salaries pensions by 80% of the original salary, in the more than two million retired pending improve salaries. The issuance of the pension law. "

    The Sheikh Salim Abdel-Ghafour front of a mosque in Baghdad, "The lack of commitment of the members of the House of Representatives issues of their constituents is a betrayal of the secretariat of the Constitutional, The Iraqi constitution requiring the rights and duties of citizens, However, we believe members of the Council to enjoy their rights without duties. " He asked Abdel-Ghafour, "Where the Council of forced displacement, which so far displaced more than 55 thousand Iraqi family? Why not bring the Council so far in the government responsible? The situation faced by the Iraqis does not require standing for hours until he!? "

    He asked Sheikh Abdel Ghafur "resolution of the Council for its inability to live up to his duties." He appealed to the President and Cabinet "to halt the work of the Council and the imposition of a state of emergency, the inability of representatives of the people to express their concerns of the people they are far from suffering. , said Abdel-Ghafour, "Islam makes it a duty to stop the defect and error, although the House of Representatives living in a large imbalance and no one has been able to repair. "

    He says Salman Abdul Qadir Doctoral student : "The laws do not permit the staff member who receives his salary from the state to be absent from work, In the event of his absence will be warned and then expelled, and this applies to members of the House of Representatives of non-attendance of meetings of the Council, although they receive salaries and other privileges rewarding many of the state funds, any money people, This means that they abandoned their legal merits, and what pledged let God in the performance of legal section after the election, As they transgress the law, which requires held accountable for their actions illegal.
    The only thing about this is they might not care,
    They may be paid better money by militas or insurgents or whom ever, if it's because their trying to keep certain good things from happening by not showing up or working for the bad guys. I hope that's not the case but remember it was on the news a while back about when we killed Al-Zakari he had some of parliment's phone #'s in his phone. Makes it look like the one's not showing up don't want progress. Shame on Them

  8. #20248
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    Default agreed

    Quote Originally Posted by njd2004 View Post
    There have been a lot of posts recently suggesting that the 10,000 IQD per citizen handout has been delayed until after an imminent revaluation.

    And of course there are wide opinions on what the revaluation would be, but just lately 1.48 seems quite prominent, and would actually make a lot of sense.

    But can we really see them revaluing to 1.48 and then giving each Iraqi citizen the equivalent of $14,800?

    Somehow I don't think so, and if indeed the delay of the handout is as a result of an imminent revaluation, you would have to then think that the revaluation level would be quite low.

    I would personally feel more confident of a high reval if it was in no way linked to this promised handout.

    Your thoughts please.......

    I feel I have to agree with your thoughts on this. It seems to me that the two events could be completely separate. The 10K handout could be an annual even tied strictly to their religious holidays and have nothing to do with the r/v. Sort of like a token jesture but not meant as a true "boost" to any individual livlihood. I don't necessarily believe the ppl of Iraq would be angry to receive a traditional token and still have an economic r/v of their currency. But then what do I know...break a leg...then I can help!
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  9. #20249
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    i recently read that china traded 40 Billion dollars for euros. the pertinant players are and have been trying to find a way to circumvent a total $ meltdown.
    just wondering how this effects the dinar situation. maybe It's why nothing has happened yet? i'm just getting the impression that it's more than the violence.

  10. #20250
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    Originally Posted by chadm
    i got this from iif it was posted back on the 21st of oct ,most of you might have seen this for those who have not please beware of all the scammers that are coming out of the woodwork

    I just got this email from a friend of mine. This is no joke and not a scam. I bought my Dinars back in 04 with the expection of a 10-15 year wait.

    Please look at the PDF here PDF From AMERAQ Exchange Svcs Group

    Could this be for real? Anybody heard anything?


    does anyone have any comments on this? is there anything we should be concerned about with this, the reprint? the dinar out side of iraq not being able to exchange it. or is this just a lot of propaganda!

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