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  1. #20271
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    Here's the link for the full article

    Translated version of

    Iraq won membership in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (Echo Suk) on the continent of Asia and during the elections which took place in the General Assembly of the United Natidhams Sunday.

    It is noteworthy that the Economic and Social Council of the principal organs function of the United Nations is responsible for the design of economic and social policies of the Organization.

    I think this is exciting news...any thoughts from anyone?
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

  2. #20272
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    Has anybody tried to order any dinar from the banks today...what are they saying....dealing or not dealing.

  3. #20273
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post've just created a new word.... thats the WOOOOOTTTTTTIEEEEST!!!

    Nice Find.


    We're ALMOST there

  4. #20274
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    Wink Tee Shirt's

    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    Nice one Parr I like it - Woooter. Who was it that was going to make some t-shirts awhile back? We should get some made for the RV party that say Got wOOt?

    Dan / Apollo if you're lurking, thanks for the update and same to you Parr for posting the info. You're the Woootiest

    Love it:) Thanks Those w00t are gonna look nice on the dinar gals

  5. #20275
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Has anybody tried to order any dinar from the banks today...what are they saying....dealing or not dealing.
    yesterday a friend of mine called chase in indianapolis &was told they wouldnt be selling until they had an exchange rate.

  6. #20276
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    Default still selling in brokenarrow

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Has anybody tried to order any dinar from the banks today...what are they saying....dealing or not dealing.
    readytogo went and placed an order today at the branch in brokenarrow ok,had no trouble!!!

  7. #20277
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    Parliament fails to hold a session for the second time and Almshahadani threatening absentees

    حضر المالكي وغاب النوابMaliki attended and absent deputies
    بغداد - الصباح Baghdad-Sabah
    اخفق مجلس النواب في عقد الجلسة 48 للمرة الثانية خلال يومين متتاليين بسبب عدم اكتمال النصاب القانوني.The House of Representatives failed in a meeting 48 for the second time in two consecutive days due to the lack of quorum. وفيما حضر رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي كما كان مقررا على ان يلخص لاعضاء المجلس بعض القضايا المهمة في الوقت المحدد ظل رئيس مجلس النواب د.محمود المشهداني يترقب باستياء واضح حضور بقية الاعضاء.With Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, as it was scheduled to members of the Council summarizes some of the important issues in a timely manner under the President of the Chamber of Deputies d. Mahmoud Almshahadani looked distressed and clear the rest of the members.

    المشهداني الذي توسط هيئة الرئاسة توعد باتخاذ اجراءات رادعة بحق النواب المتغيبين الذين بدوا لا يكترثون بمجريات الامور في البرلمان.Almshahadani brokered the Presidency had threatened to take action against the absent deputies who seemed not care about what is happening in Parliament.
    ويواجه البرلمان العراقي مشكلة حقيقية قد تعصف بجهوده وهي مشكلة الغيابات المزمنة.The Iraqi Parliament is facing a real problem which has beset his chronic tardiness problem. ويقول مراقبون: ان اعضاء مجلس النواب لا يهتمون كثيرا بالقضايا الساخنة والظروف العصيبة التي تمر بها البلاد وان العديد منهم فضل امضاء وقته خارج البلاد، ففي يوم الثلاثاء الماضي حضر 76 فيما لم يحدد عدد الحضور امس الا انهم بالتأكيد اقل من 138 وهو النصاب الذي يسمح بانعقاد الجلسة.Observers say : The members of the House do not care much hot issues and difficult circumstances through which the country and that many of them preferred to sign his time outside the country, In last Tuesday attended by 76 did not specify the number of attendees yesterday, but they certainly less than 138 a quorum, which allowed the holding of the meeting. وقبل اغلاق قاعة البرلمان اختتمت بمشهد دراماتيكي اذ قطعت مشادة كلامية بين رئيس مجلس النواب واحد النواب الذي طلب الاذن بالكلام ليبين ان البرلمانيين غير ملزمين بالحضور في استضافة رئيس الوزراء وانهم متواجدون لحضور الجلسة الاعتيادية، الا ان الدكتور المشهداني وبخه ولم يسمح له بمواصلة كلامه وعندما طالب النائب عبد الكريم السامرائي بعقد الجلسة رفض المشهداني مذكرا ان الوقت القانوني لعقدها قد انتهى قبل ساعتين.Prior to the closure of the parliament concluded with a dramatic scene made a verbal battle between the President of the House of Representatives and one of the deputies, who asked for permission to speak shows that the parliamentarians are not obliged to be present at the host Prime Minister and they are available to attend the meeting routine, however, Dr. Almshahadani chided did not allow him to continue his speech, when he demanded MP Abdel-Karim al-Samarra'i of the meeting refused Almshahadani legal reminding that the time had come to be held two hours before.
    وفيما بعد اكدت معلومات ان 145 نائبا حضروا مبنى البرلمان.With that information after the 145 deputies attending the parliament building. المشهداني الذي عقد مؤتمرا صحفيا مع نائبيه اعلن عن تأجيل الجلسة الى يوم الاحد المقبل لعدم اكتمال النصاب القانوني مؤكدا دعم المجلس لوثيقة مكة.Almshahadani who held a press conference with his deputies to the postponement of the meeting until next Sunday to the lack of quorum pointing out the Council's support for the document Mecca.
    واوضح انه كان يفترض ان يقوم السيد المالكي ووزير الدفاع بتقديم شرح مفصل لاعضاء البرلمان فيما يتعلق بالقضايا الامنية الا ان عدم اكتمال النصاب القانوني ادى الى تأجيل حضور رئيس الوزراء الى موعد اخر لم يحدده مبديا الرغبة بان يخصص يوم كامل لسماع رئيس الوزراء ووزيري الدفاع والداخلية.He explained that he was supposed that Mr. al-Maliki, the Minister of Defense to submit a detailed explanation of the members of Parliament on security issues but the lack of a quorum led to the postponement of the Prime Minister to attend another did not specify a date, showing the desire to allocate a full day to listen to the prime minister and ministers of defense and interior. واضاف المشهداني انه لا توجد اسباب معينة ومشخصة لعدم اكتمال النصاب القانوني للبرلمان موضحا ان اغلب الاعضاء قدموا اعتذاراتهم بعدم الحضور لانشغالهم بالسفر وقضايا سياسية اخرى.Almshahadani He added that there were no particular reasons and undiagnosed for lack of quorum of Parliament pointing out that most members have their apologies for not attending concern travel and other political issues. واشار الى ان هيئة الرئاسة قررت اتخاذ جملة من الآليات لضمان حضور الاعضاء في الجلسات المقبلة مؤكدا اهمية تطبيق نصوص النظام الداخلي للبرلمان.He pointed out that the Presidency has decided to take a number of mechanisms to ensure the presence of members in future meetings stressing the importance of applying the provisions of the rules of procedure of Parliament.
    وتابع ان اجتماعا مغلقا عقد بين هيئة الرئاسة والسيد المالكي والعبيدي تم خلاله الاستماع الى تفاصيل ما تم انجازه خلال الفترة الماضية وما يخطط له حاليا فضلا عن اخر تطورات مبادرة المصالحة الوطنية.He went on to say that the closed meeting was held between the Presidency and Mr. al-Maliki and al-Ubaydi which was to hear the details of what has been achieved during the past period and it is currently planned, as well as the latest developments in national reconciliation initiative.
    المشهداني قال: ان رئيس الوزراء يقوم حاليا بجهود حثيثة على مختلف الاصعدة لضمان توفير الأمن والاستقرار للشعب العراقي مشيرا الى ان مبادرة المصالحة تسير بخطى جيدة وفي تقدم مستمر لا سيما ان هناك استجابة ايجابية من قبل جهات وجماعات معارضة للعملية السياسية.Almshahadani said : The Prime Minister is currently exerting strenuous efforts at various levels to ensure the provision of security and stability for the Iraqi people, pointing out that the initiative of reconciliation proceeding good steady progress, particularly that there is a positive response from other opposition groups and the political process.
    ونوه الى مباحثات تجري مع من كانوا يوصفون بانهم خطوط حمر قبل فترة قليلة.Referring to the talks held with those who were described as red lines by the few.
    وزاد ان العملية السياسية بدأت تتنفس الصعداء بعد الاستجابة الواسعة من مختلف الاطراف لمبادرة المصالحة بيد انه دعا الى انضاج ما اسماه بالاجراءات العاجلة لان عمل الحكومة والمصالحة الوطنية سيكونان العاملين الاساسيين في انجاح العراق الجديد.He added that the political process started to breathe a sigh of relief after the wide response of the various parties to the reconciliation initiative, however, called for fueling what he called "urgent action because the work of the government and national reconciliation will be the key to the success of the new Iraq.
    ودعا المشهداني الى الحلول الامنية بدلا من العسكرية مشيرا بذلك الى قرار المالكي برفع الحصار والحواجز.He called Almshahadani solutions instead of military security, referring to the decision by Maliki lifting of the embargo and barriers.
    مؤكدا انه جاء لتلبية رغبة شعبية كما ان هناك مبررات لذلك متمنيا ان يكون خطوة اولى تشمل باقي المحافظات والمدن العراقية وبينها الانبار وبلد، لانه وبحسب المشهداني يشعر المواطن بان الحكومة تعرف ما يريده المواطن.واكد ان البرلمان هو محور العملية السياسية في العراق ومسؤول عن انضاجها مؤكدا ان هيئة الرئاسة ستحاول ان توفر الدعم اللازم لوثيقة مكة ومضامينها والنصوص التي صدرت عنها والتي اكتسبت اهمية بعد ان حصلت على دعم المراجع السياسية والشرعية.He emphasized that he came to meet the desire of popularity as a justification for that step hoping to be the first covering the rest of the Iraqi cities and provinces, including Anbar, the country, because, according Almshahadani citizens will feel that the government knows what it wants citizens. He stressed that the Parliament is the focus of the political process in Iraq and is responsible for the matured stressing that the Presidency will try to provide necessary support for the document Mecca and the command and texts issued by them, which gained importance after it got the support of the political references and legitimacy. من جهته قال الشيخ خالد العطية النائب الاول لرئيس مجلس النواب عن قائمة الائتلاف العراقي الموحد: ان الائتلاف مع الدولة في ان تمتلك الاسلحة وان تدعم القانون ومع ضرورة نزع سلاح الميليشيات وان الائتلاف يدعم خطوات الحكومة وتفعيل سلطاتها الامنية وسيطرتها على الملف الامني وان الميليشيات ظاهرة موجودة لدى جميع الاحزاب وهناك شركات امنية وجهات لها قوات خاصة ما خلط الامور وبعض هذه الجهات تمارس عمليات القتل والارهاب لكنها ستزول اذا تمكنت الدولة من السيطرة على هذه الامور.For his part, Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the House of Representatives from the United Iraqi Alliance list : that coalition with the state that possesses weapons and supports the law and the need to disarm militias and that the coalition supports the steps the government and activate their security and control over the security file and the militia phenomenon that exists among all parties and there is security companies and bodies have special forces are mixing things and some of them exercise the killings and terrorism, but will be lost if the State was able to control these things. موضحا ان هذا الامر لا يشغلنا عن العدو الاساس وهو الارهاب القادم من خارج الحدود والتكفيريون والصداميون.He pointed out that this does not divert us from the enemy is the foundation of terrorism coming from outside the borders, and Altkverion Sadamion. وعن موقف الائتلاف من الفيدرالية شدد قائلا: ان موقف الائتلاف موقف واضح وثابت وان الدستور نص عليها من اول مادة الى آخر مادة وتبناها ونعتقد ان هذا المبدأ لصالح الشعب العراقي ولا يمكن ان يكون لصالح تجزئة العراق كما هو مشاع واعتقد ان الائتلاف ينطلق من قناعاته الكاملة.As for the coalition of federal stressed, saying : The position of the coalition's position is clear and firm, and that the Constitution provided for the first article to another article espoused We believe that this principle for the benefit of the Iraqi people can not be made to the fragmentation of Iraq, as is the common and I think that stems from the coalition believing full.

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    Default The benefits of joining the IMF and the World Bank

    Not sure if this was posted so if it was excuse me I do miss alot some times.

    Economists, concerned Iraqis and foreigners disagree on the subject above while some of them believe that Iraqi government has rushed to resort to the IMF and the World Bank to reschedule its debts on the terms of implementing the policy of economic reform; however, only (11.6) billion dollars of the foreign debts have been quenched as a first stage, and this only makes (7.8%) of the foreign debt. It is a small percentage in return for submitting to the conditions of the economic reform policy, which include:

    1- raising support for the prices of fuels and other services.
    2- Canceling the ration card.
    3- Privatization of the public sector and transfer most of its business to the private sector.

    However, the application of these procedures in light of the current circumstances of the country and this speed has serious negative repercussions on the Iraqi society who is suffering already. It is unreasonable to convert a centrally planned economy based on the absolute leadership of the public sector for four decades into a liberal economy based on free market economy, overnight. After the events of 942003, Iraq suffered from political and economic shocks that are intolerable for a developing country like Iraq.

    According to the latest statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation in Iraq, (60%) of the citizens are below the poverty line. So, if the ration card is abolished and subsidies on fuel prices and services are removed, how many will their percentage be? Moreover, the unemployment rate was between (40% - 50%), when taking these measures, the increase would amount to more than that; this means that poverty line will increase and thus increasing rates of crime and corruption since Iraq is considered one of the young population nations whose population pyramid has a broad base and unemployment are concentrated in the younger ages, that (3) out of (4) Iraqis under the age of 25 are unemployed. The concentration of unemployment in this group of age had very dangerous political and social consequences since unemployment is considered a fertile environment for the growth of crime, extremism and violence which emerged strongly to the surface in Iraq, particularly after the events of 942003 and left serious negative effects on Iraq. There are many examples for such dangerous consequences, like: (the revolution of bread in each of Egypt and Tunisia, and the revolution against raising fuel prices in Yemen, etc.).

    Despite all this, we believe that Iraq can achieve benefits when joining the IMF and the World Bank. There will be a genuine development, as the case now in some Gulf countries, Emirates for example, through encouraging investments in vital and important sectors, such as the agricultural, through many inducements like the granting of loans and tax exemption etc... The remaining investments are left free to supply and demand. Since Iraq has natural resources of cheap prices, surely the costs of production will be much less than other countries; therefore, it is possible to manufacture materials then export them. Thus, why do we, now, import cement of bad types when we already have the fine raw materials for manufacturing this material? ِ Another benefit of the accession, is that we will get cheap raw materials to help our industry, and we will also import expertise and technology to create developed industry and agriculture.

    But what is happening in Iraq now is that some places are built and others are demolished. Therefore, Iraq is at an important crossroads that requires from everyone, especially economic policy-makers in the country, to review the ideological basis and economic theories which they use to form the policies and the applications should be compatible with the concepts of modernization and reform promoted for, and this is one of the biggest economical challenges that we face today.
    Thus, the deteriorating reality between the suffering of the society and with the requirements of the economical policy of the State, raise a question: what do we do to walk out of this crisis without a flaw negatively affecting the economic process of the citizen and the state as well?
    The benefits of joining the IMF and the World Bank | Iraq Updates

    Last edited by Dinar Madness; 04-11-2006 at 05:27 AM. Reason: Link

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    the Iraqi delegation called on Kuwait to oust debt.

    برهم صالح: الإصلاحات السياسية والاقتصادية التي تعتزمها الحكومة نابعة من متطلبات تحقيق الاستقرارBarham Salih : political and economic reforms that eradicating the government stemming from the requirements for maintaining stability
    ومنحة سعودية للعراق بمبلغ مليار ونصف المليار دولارThe Saudi grant of Iraq at one billion and a half dollars
    الكويت - موفد الصباح - صفاء هادي Kuwait-envoy morning-Safaa Hadi
    التقى الدكتور برهم صالح نائب رئيس الوزراء رئيس الوفد العراقي في مؤتمر العهد الدولي في الكويت.Dr. Barham Salih met with Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Iraqi delegation to the International Conference in Kuwait. والدكتور موفق الربيعي مستشار الامن الوطني والوفد المرافق لهما برئيس مجلس الامة الكويتي جاسم محمد الخرافي وبحثا معه العلاقات الثنائية والعلاقات البرلمانية وسبل تطويرهما الى جانب توحيد المواقف في المحافل الدولية.Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie, the National Security Adviser and the accompanying delegation are the President of the Kuwaiti National Assembly Jassem Mohammad Al-Khorafi and discussed with him bilateral relations and parliamentary relations and ways to develop in addition to unify stances in international fora.

    واكد ضرورة ازالة اثار الماضي ودفع عجلة التماسك بين الشعبين الشقيقين كما قدما شكرهما للشعب الكويتي وحكومته على دعمهم للعراق في الظروف الصعبة.وتم التطرق الى مسألة الديون على العراق وضرورة اسقاطها لدعم مسيرة اعادة الاعمار فيه.كما التقى مستشار الأمن القومي الدكتور موفق الربيعي امير دولة ا لكويت الشيخ صباح احمد الصباح، وجرى خلال اللقاء بحث العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين وسبل تطويرها بما يخدم مصلحة الشعبين الشقيقين كما تمت مناقشة مسألة الديون الكويتية على العراق واعادة الاعمار والتعاون بين البلدين في المجالات كافة.He stressed the need to eliminate the effects of past and boost cohesion between the two brotherly and forward thanks to the Kuwaiti people and government for their support to Iraq in difficult circumstances. It was addressed to the question of debt on Iraq and the need to support the project of reconstruction in it. He also met National Security Advisor Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie Emir of the State of a for Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Ahmed Sabah, It was during the meeting discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and ways of developing to serve the interests of both countries have also been discussing the issue of Kuwaiti debt on Iraq, reconstruction and cooperation between the two countries in all fields. على صعيد متصل التقى الربيعي مع وزير الخارجية الكويتي وجرى بحث العلاقات بين البلدين خاصة في المجالين الأمني والسياسي، مؤكدين ضرورة التنسيق والتعاون لتحقيق مصالح البلدين الشقيقين.In relation to spring met with Kuwait's Foreign Minister, and had been discussed relations between the two countries, particularly in the political and security spheres, They stressed the necessity of coordination and cooperation to achieve the interests of the two fraternal countries.
    على صعيد متصل اكد الدكتور برهم صالح نائب رئيس الوزراء ان الوضع الامني في العراق سيشهد تحسنا ملحوظا في حال تعاون سوريا مع الحكومة العراقية والعمل على ضبط الحدود ومنع تسلل الارهابيين.In relation to Dr. Barham Salih Deputy Prime Minister said that the security situation in Iraq will see a marked improvement in the event of Syria's cooperation with the Iraqi government and to work on controlling the border and prevent the infiltration of terrorists.
    وقال صالح في مؤتمر صحفي مشترك مع الممثل الخاص للامين العام للامم المتحدة اشرف قاضيSaleh said in a joint press conference with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ashraf Qazi
    عقب الاجتماع التحضيري للعهد الدولي مع العراق الذي اختتمت اعماله في الكويت امس الاول: ان على الجارة سوريا العمل بجدية اكثر ومصداقية اكبر ويجب ان تعي خطورة الموقف في العراق، وتقدم على اجراء تغييرات جدية للتعاطي مع الاوضاع السياسية والامنية العراقية.وكان مستشار الامن الوطني الدكتور موفق الربيعي كشف في مؤتمر صحفي اخر عقده على هامش الاجتماع التحضيري نفسه ان مسؤولا كبيرا من احدى دول الجوار سيزور العراق خلال الايام القليلة المقبلة لوضع حل سياسي من شأنه ان يصب في م صلحة العراق على الصعيد الامني، دون ان يذكر اسم المسؤول او الدولة، لكن مصادر غير رسمية في الكويت افادت ان المسؤول الذي يروم زيارة بغداد في هذا الصدد هو وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم.Following the preparatory meeting of the International with Iraq, which concluded its work in Kuwait yesterday : that neighbor Syria to work more seriously and greater credibility and must be aware of the gravity of the situation in Iraq. and progress on the changes to deal with the serious political and security conditions in Iraq. The National Security Advisor Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie revealed in a press conference held on the sidelines of the last preparatory meeting that the same senior official from one of the neighboring countries, will visit Iraq during the next few days for a political solution that would be in the m Saleha Iraq on the security front, without mentioning the name of the official or the state, But unofficial sources in Kuwait reported that the official, who intended to visit Baghdad in this regard is the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallim.
    وبشأن سؤال"الصباح" عن السقف الزمني للاصلاحات السياسية والاقتصادية التي تم الاتفاق على اجرائها في الاجتماع، وفيما لو كان العراق يمتلك الارضية المناسبة لاجراء هذه الاصلاحات، اوضح نائب رئيس الوزراء ان الالتزامات التي تعهد بها العراق تجاه المجتمع الدولي من اصلاحات سياسية واقتصادية على مدى السنوات الاربع المقبلة نابعة من قراءة عراقية لمتطلبات تحقيق الاستقرار في البلاد، ومبنية على اساس مبادرة رئيس الوزراء في المصالحة الوطنية وبرنامج عمل الحكومة في المرحلة المقبلة، فضلا عن اتفاقيات اقتصادية اخرى تم التوقيع عليها كجزء من اتفاقية شطب الديون لنادي باريس، مؤكداً ان العراق سيقدم على اجراء هذه الاصلاحات التي تصب في مصلحة الشعب العراقي على وفق رؤية الحكومة المنتخبة التي تمثله سواء كان هناك دعم دولي او من دونه، معربا في الوقت نفسه عن امله في وقوف المجتمع الدولي وقفة جادة مع العراق للعبور به الى شاطئ الامان.واوضح ان هناك العديد من الحسابات تتم تصفيتها على حساب الشعب العراقي وان القيادة العراقية تعي جيدا خطورة الموقف، مؤكدا ان الاوضاع الراهنة في العراق والاعمال الارهابية لا يمكن ان تستمر ويجب ان يفهم الجميع ان عدم الاستقرار في العراق سينعكس على المنطقة بأسرها، وان من يريد التلاعب بأمن العراق عليه ان يجني عواقبه، داعيا دول الجوار الى تحمل مسؤولياتها في هذا الصدد والتعاون ضد الارهاب الذي بات يهدد المنطقة.واشار الدكتور صالح الى ان مشكلة الفساد الاداري والمالي هي الاهم التي تعترض عمل الحكومة العراقية وتتسبب في تأجيج الوضع الامني في العراق، مؤكدا ان من بين فقرات العهد الذي قدمه العراق للمجتمع الدولي يلزم الاول بمواجهة هذه المشكلة التي لا يمكن تجاهلها، واجتثاث الفساد بالتعاون مع الشركاء وصولا الى تحقيق جميع الاصلاحات المذكورة.وبين ان هناك طروحات جديدة وردت خلال الاجتماع التحضيري للعهد وتعهدات مالية جديدة لدعم العراق من قبل الولايات المتحدة والمجموعة الاوروبية والمملكة العربية السعودية التي تعهدت بمليار دولار تقدمها للعراق على شك ل منح ومساعدات وقروض، فضلا عن (500) مليون دولار اخرى تقدمها للقطاع الخاص في العراق، مؤكدا ان العراق سيتمكن من الحصول على التزامات واضحة من المجتمع الدولي بعد اطلاق العهد الدولي في مجال تقديم الدعم الاقتصادي والمنح والقروض الميسرة وشطب الديون والغاء العقوبات المترتبة عليه من العقود السابقة، اضافة الى تقديم المعونات الفنية وتشجيع القطاع الخاص العراقي.من جانبه، توقع الممثل الخاص للامين العام للامم المتحدة اشرف قاضي خلال المؤتمر الصحفي، مشاركة اقليمية ودولية اوسع في العهد الدولي مع العراق المزمع عقده نهاية العام الحالي، مشيرا الى ان للعالم برمته مصلحة في استقرار الوضع العراقي.فيما اكد الربيعي في كلمة القاها في الاجتماع التحضيري للمؤتمر ان الظروف باتت تتسم بالصعوبة البالغة، ما زالت الحكومة العراقية تسعى الى تحقيق هذا الهدف اضافة الى المصالحة الوطنية ويمثل الاصلاح الاقتصادي والدعم الدولي والاقليمي لجهود العراق عنصراً مهماً في تعزيز الوضع الأمني واعادة الاستقرار في البلاد.تسعى الى تحقيق هذا الهدف اضافة الى المصالحة الوطنية ويمثل الاصلاح الاقتصادي والدعم الدولي والاقليمي لجهود العراق عنصراً مهماً في تعزيز الوضع الأمني واعادة الاستقرار في البلاد.وأشار الى ان الحكومة العراقية اطلقت خطة المصالحة الوطنية التي يمكن ان تعد المحور والنظرية الأساسية في هذه المرحلة وهي الجسر الذي تعبر عليه الى شاطئ الأمن والأمان، وذلك من اجل توسعة مدى مشاركة الاطراف المعنية بالمبادرة بغض النظر عن توجهاتها الأيديولوجية والسياسية.And on the question, "Sabah" on the ceiling timetable for political and economic reforms that have been agreed to take place in the meeting, and if Iraq possesses land suitable for conducting such reforms, The Deputy Prime Minister said that the commitments made by Iraq to the international community of political and economic reforms over the next four years, stemming from a reading of the requirements of Iraqi stability in the country. and based on the initiative of the Prime Minister in the national reconciliation and the government's program of action in the coming stage. , as well as other economic agreements signed as part of the debt write-off of the Paris Club, pointing out that Iraq will be on these reforms, which are in the interest of the Iraqi people, according to the vision of the elected government that represents whether there is international support or not. at the same time, he hoped the international community's serious stand with Iraq to cross it to shore safely. He pointed out that there are many of the accounts are cleared at the expense of the Iraqi people and the Iraqi leadership well aware of the gravity of the situation, stressing that the current situation in Iraq and terrorist acts can not continue, "Everybody must understand that the instability in Iraq will reflect negatively on the whole region, and those who want to manipulate the security of Iraq should reap the consequences, He called on the neighboring countries to assume their responsibilities in this regard and cooperation against terrorism, which threatens the region. He pointed out that the problem of financial and administrative corruption is the most important obstacle to the work of the Iraqi government and instigate the security situation in Iraq. He confirmed that between paragraphs of the Covenant submitted by Iraq to the international community needs to first address this problem that can not be ignored. uprooting corruption and collaboration with partners in order to achieve all of the aforementioned reforms. and that there is new and offers received during the preparatory meeting of the era and the new financial commitments in support of Iraq by the United States and the European Union, Saudi Arabia, which pledged $ 1 billion provided to Iraq doubt for grants and aid and loans, as well as (500) million dollars provided by the private sector in Iraq. He stressed that Iraq would be able to obtain clear commitments from the international community after the launching of the International Covenant in providing economic support, grants, soft loans and debt write-off and cancellation penalties from the previous decades, in addition to providing technical assistance and encourage the Iraqi private sector. For his part, expected Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ashraf Qazi, during the press conference, the participation of a broader regional and international in the International Covenant with Iraq to be held late this year, He pointed out that the entire world interest in the stability of the situation in Iraq. With Rubaie said in a speech delivered at the preparatory meeting of the Conference that the conditions are very difficult and, the Iraqi government is still seeking to achieve this goal in addition to national reconciliation and economic reform and represents the international and regional support for Iraq's efforts an important element in enhancing the security situation and restore stability in the country. striving to achieve this goal in addition to national reconciliation and economic reform and represents support international and regional efforts for Iraq is an important element in the strengthening of the security situation and restore stability in the country. He pointed out that the Iraqi government has launched a plan of national reconciliation that may be considered axis, and the basic theory at this stage is the bridge to reflect upon the shore of safety and security, in order to expand the participation of the parties involved in the initiative, regardless of their ideological and political.

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