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  1. #20361
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    Quote Originally Posted by fsndirector View Post
    Adster, I agree that I believe tomorrow is also the day. This day has more possibilities than any other day we have seen yet on this ride. One more rumor that I recieved late last night from a Iraqi source that I have, ( who has been wrong a time or two). LOL. He said his source back home told him that they are planning to execute Saddam tomorrow. As soon as the sentence is handed down to are going to do it. Hmmmm I don't know what to think on that one. We know that they have a shorter appeall process than all of us do.
    Good Luck to all of us.
    I do not think they will execute him tomorrow. I read some where if he is sentenced to death, it must be carried out within 30 days BUT must be reviewed by a 9 judge panel first. I do not know if that is true but do remember reading it some where.

    I also wanted to thank everyone for all the hard work they have done gathering info and taking the time to post on this wonderful fourm.

    Here's to tomorrow...

  2. #20362
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    were is the post from RR today about his brother -in-law with the info about the r/v amount and the 10,000 dinar to be passed out? i seen it earlier but now i can't find it. HELP!!!!

  3. #20363
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    Do you need an account with Chase to buy dinar from them?

    24 hour turnaround

  4. #20364
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    Default Government : security cooperation with the American forces will be most pronounced in

    Baghdad / commoners hailed
    Government : security cooperation with the American forces will be most pronounced in the coming weeks
    The official spokesperson for the Hakomhaldector Skinner, liaison between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the American President George Bush is the point at which created better coordination between American forces and Iraqi security forces
    He added in a press conference following a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Thursday that the security cooperation will see in the coming weeks and more visible has been a clear interest by the United States of America are visiting United States national security adviser to Iraq to be a joint security plan. He pointed out that the relationship between the government and the American embassy in Iraq based on the joint coordination between the two governments. And there is coordination in high political side also that there is an understanding between the two countries that Iraq faces the threat it is necessary that there be better coordination to break it.
    Skinner explained that the Prime Minister is that the coordination between the Iraqi government and the American government is to coordinate in the interest of Iraq and achieving security and stability.
    He went on to say that the United States of America when they enter Iraq, it is the interests and objectives in the region and we are cooperating with interest of the Iraqi people, except that be solved amicably and we are not concerned with the interests of others.
    And on the implementation of resolution No. 91, Paul Bremer, to disband militias Special Skinner said : The government are subjected to domestic pressure in the security situation as it would not accept such pressure, or surrendering to them, and that the militias needed to resolve political consensus among the political blocs is not a military professional, but also linked to political forces that have both militias or that do not have.
    .He added : there must be a state of law, Iraq is not state militias and dissolve the militias is part of the national reconciliation.
    And on the question of arming the Iraqi security forces Skinner said that the joint committee is the estimated volume of iron and kind to be part of the work.
    He pointed out that the Iraqi police suffer from a shortage of potential and can be eligible this body without possesses weapons to control the security situation.
    Skinner explained that the government had informed the multinational force and its leadership as legally responsible, according to Security Council resolution on the need for Iraqi security forces disarmed so that those forces to protect the Iraqi citizen. Regarding the postponement of the date for the conference of the political forces Skinner pointed out that the supreme body of the national reconciliation considered postponing the conference for the purpose of completing the preparations for the meeting.
    He added : The objective was not to hold the conference as it is given the positive results that can be achieved.
    Skinner explained that the political forces that was one of the most important conferences in the draft national reconciliation and the foundation because it will be through compromise and coordination between the political forces for the success of the reconciliation project. This was announced by Minister of State for National Dialogue Akram Al Hakim delay the convening of a conference of political forces and parties in the framework of national reconciliation for an indefinite period.
    This is the second time in which the postponement of a conference which was scheduled to take place on 21 October last, However, it was postponed to the 4th of this month. ".Hakim said in a press statement after consultation with the Prime Minister and the Ministry of State for National Dialogue cancellation of the scheduled date for the convening of the conference in 4 / 11 / 2006 and a new date will be announced after the completion of the dialogues with the political forces. "
    Al-Hakim, a postponement to the request of some political forces that have been discussed with them to participate in the conference to give them time to resolve a number of points which will be discussed at the conference.
    And the political parties and forces, is one of four conferences held so far, including two in the framework of national reconciliation initiative launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki practice in the month of July last.

    AL-MADA Daily Newspaper...ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáãÏì


  5. #20365
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    Quote Originally Posted by snottynose View Post
    The CHASE BANK that I use has a 5.00 processing fee. Not too bad !
    they told me it was a currency exchange fee, and have not always charged me this fee, even though i am not an account holder

  6. #20366
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    Quote Originally Posted by fsndirector View Post
    Adster, I agree that I believe tomorrow is also the day. This day has more possibilities than any other day we have seen yet on this ride. One more rumor that I recieved late last night from a Iraqi source that I have, ( who has been wrong a time or two). LOL. He said his source back home told him that they are planning to execute Saddam tomorrow. As soon as the sentence is handed down to are going to do it. Hmmmm I don't know what to think on that one. We know that they have a shorter appeall process than all of us do.
    Good Luck to all of us.
    I agree. Tommorow will be the perfect day.

    Curfew and airport closed, verdict of Hussein and at the same time a RV.
    10,000 dinar getting out early next week, this could on monday.

    There is no better time to do it!!

  7. #20367
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    Default Question

    Do you guys think that a RV at the same day with a verdict of Saddam will bring the violence down?

  8. #20368
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    Shoutbox is again open. You can discuss this thread over there also if you like.


  9. #20369
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    Quote Originally Posted by spice12 View Post
    Now that was funny! I wish we had a button down there with the "Thanks" button that says "LMDAO"!
    Right - I've missed that feature several times already!

  10. #20370
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    So why could tomorrow be the day?

    Well we know the ration cards are going out. Can they really only give out $7?! A pathetic amount, that's even 2 weeks late!!! We know it costs 15k dinars to buy a childrens pair of shoes so what good is 10k without a r/v?!

    We know the banks have sent their staff on a training course to incorporate new 'business' practices which includes international rules/regulations. We also know the banks have upgraded their systems in the last few days to allow each bank to be connected with the other banks in Iraq. Why would they do that? Well they're gearing up to go international......They have also been closed recently........

    We have heard 2 rumours about smaller denoms in the banks. With due respect to RR and Apollo these are rumours but would fit in with everything else. The smaller denoms hold the key as they will be needed for a r/v. We know the bigger notes, ie 25k, 10k etc will be phased out over time......probably 6 months....

    Ok, what else, we know US elections start 7 November so in theory there is still time for Bush to show the war has been a success in the eyes of the voters that would see instantly that Iraq would be a 'player' on the world front again, a success in itself.....

    I don't want to pump too many rumours in this post but we also have the BoA rumour of selling dinars as of 13/11, we'll see......

    We know the FIL will be enacted within the week, FACT. We also know the oil law will be completed at the latest before the year is out, FACT.

    We also know with an enacted Compact and EU agreement that I repeat again an international fully convertible currency has to happen, and at 1470 to the dollar?!

    With inflation at 50%, (I believe it is higher and it's being kept under wraps) that they cannot continue in this vein.

    We also have clarification from the CBI source, who said the '
    dinar would rise significantly in 2006', and
    the MoF Zubaidi saying 'Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states'. The Undersecretary to Minister of Finance also said recently 'The rise in the value of the Iraqi currency against the dollar would reduce the value of imports, and raising the value of exports. As exports are negligible, the economy will benefit from the policy of raising the rate of the Iraqi dinar'.

    Also we had this being said back in August from the IMF:
    In addition, there was a consensus that action needed to be taken to tackle inflation, including through monetary tightening, and allow the exchange rate to be strengthened, (as conditions permit).

    We also have the World Bank and Paris Club who have given their go ahead for a reval.

    All leads me to believe a r/v is imminent, WHEN? Well tomorrow is as good a time as any. Let's all hope for Iraqi people and ourselves so they and us can have a better life.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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