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  1. #20401
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Voices of Iraq : Al-Maliki - Saddam-rule (first Introduction)
    Books: Rasheed44 on Saturday, November 04, 2006-4:10 PM BT
    Maliki : verdict against Saddam tomorrow Confident of Ismail
    (To add details of the conference and the background)
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The Iraqi prime minister said today, Saturday, that the verdict against the ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in the case of Al will be tomorrow, Sunday, "God willing." And that will address to the Iraqi people the way in which he called for calm and the expression of joy manner consistent with the challenges of the security situation.
    Al-Maliki said in a press conference held in Baghdad following the meeting included with a number of heads of the clans of the southern Missan governorate of Baghdad that the "judgment against Saddam will be tomorrow (Sunday) to God."
    He added Maliki in the conference, which was transported across television screens evening today, Saturday, "We hope that the sentencing deserves this man and committed against the Iraqi people."
    It is expected to meet the Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court, which considered the charges against Saddam and seven of his aides tomorrow, Sunday, a sentencing in the case of Al-final.
    The trial of Saddam on charges of ordering the execution of 148 residents of the town of Al-after an attempt on his life during his convoy passed the town in the year 1982.
    If convicted Saddam, the likelihood of a death sentence is a possibility but Maliki said profiteers earlier that the death penalty could not be implemented soon.
    It is expected to last execution against Saddam for months and perhaps years until exhausted all avenues of appeal against the ruling. (Yeah at the rate they move years is highly probable! ) Al-Maliki said that he will tomorrow, Sunday, addressed a letter to the Iraqi people on the sentencing.
    "Al-Maliki said that the Iraqi people "will reflect the joy of the way they see fit and we let the Iraqi people in a speech addressed. To remain calm and discipline. "
    He added that he will ask the Iraqi people to "express their joy befitting manner consistent with the challenges of the security situation in order to preserve their lives."
    ."The Maliki had announced earlier in the declaration of a state of curfew destruction in each of the cities of Baghdad, the capital of Diyala, Salah al-Din as of tomorrow morning, Sunday, "until further notice."
    The Iraqi security forces have taken all the preparations and put on a state of maximum alert in anticipation of any armed actions.
    And ordered the Ministries of Defense and Interior all affiliates cut their vacations.

    Nah.... Once a guilty verdict is passed Saddam will be found hanging in his cell and no one will question the suicide.

  2. #20402
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Economic : Shahrastani : Al-Ahdab field in addition to the production of quality Iraq
    Expectations increase the volume of investments and oil production.

    Baghdad Haider spring
    Iraq intends to increase the volume of investments in oil under the new law, oil and gas, it will be re-consideration of all contracts signed during the era of Principles in the negotiation. Reports indicate Iraq has sought to re-develop the Al-Ahdab oil field in southern Iraq, which will enhance oil production in Iraq with 90 thousand barrels a day.
    In this regard, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani oil minister that Iraq and China would undertake talks on reviving the oil contract to develop Al-Ahdab oil field, that was agreed upon in the era of the Principles.
    Shahrastani said in a press interview during his visit to Beijing recently : the representatives of the Iraqi Oil Ministry and the oasis company partly owned oil company China National will begin work soon to activate the contract has met the minister, who had arrived from Japan with senior officials of the government oil companies only fourth in China.
    It is expected to produce Al-Ahdab field, which is located in southern Iraq about 90 thousand barrels per day and if the agreement has been reached between the two sides, this will be the first foreign oil contract granted by Iraq, according to the law of oil and gas due to be issued shortly. (I like SHORTLY better than before the END OF THE YEAR!! )He Shahrastani during his speech to the companies that will work in Iraq at the present time is only possible to have an opportunity to obtain contracts, pointing out that the Iraqi and Chinese sides realize the importance of cooperation and the need for each other.
    The Petroleum Ministry had recently started a work plan, designed to attract large foreign companies to invest in the Iraqi oil sector, as recently contracted with a number of companies to add new production units of the refinery to reach productive capacity of 180 thousand barrels per day, especially as the design capacity of the liquidator of approximately 110 thousand barrels and that it is working to increase the production capacity of the refinery to more than 180 thousand barrels per day. It was actually contracted with the company (STP) for the establishment of the Italian unit Azmerh new refinery in the session for the addition of a new unit of the refinery manufactures rule units involved in improving the quality of gasoline.
    He said Shahrastani also : All contracts signed in the era of the Principles will be negotiated in line with the new law on oil and gas, which had Igiraidha volume of investments in the Al-Ahdab field, estimated at around 700 million Dollars.
    He added that Iraq is seeking to increase its oil production by 20% to reach three million barrels a day by the end of this year.
    He pointed out that Iraq hopes to increase total oil production by between 4-4.5 million barrels per day by 2010 if it succeeds in attracting investments to develop the discovered fields and 80 gas fields.

    Translated version of

    `shortly´ is MUCH better.

    I bet you that this HCL is already done. They solved 4 of the 5 problems. Yeh right. Only one left. We don´t hear anything and then this.

    That in combination that Talabani the French companies is letting in tells enough.

    The whole shIit-neno is done and they are misleading everything by the media to prevent further speculation because:


    Last edited by neno; 04-11-2006 at 08:04 PM.

  3. #20403
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurenr View Post
    Shouldn´t Friday 2006/11/3 be showing on CBI by now ?

    Friday is part of there weekend.

  4. #20404
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    Hello Folks,

    I have been hesitant to post this but with the influx of indicators pointing to this weekend, I figured "why the hell not?"

    I remember that once upon a time, Compass Bank was selling the Dinar. I have had an account with Compass for last six years. As of last weekend, the Compass online banking login page has had a notice posted that says their online services will be unavailable while the site is down for maintenance from 1:00am to 11:00am Sunday Nov. 5th.

    Here's the link:

    In all of the years that I've been banking with Compass and using their online services for monitoring my account I can not recall them ever having the site down that long nor do I remember them ever posting so far in advance for site "maintenance". It could just be a coincidence but with so many things pointing to this weekend, I figured you guys might like the extra potential indicator.



  5. #20405
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    Talking What

    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    Nah.... Once a guilty verdict is passed Saddam will be found hanging in his cell and no one will question the suicide.
    Since when did Saddam jam with INXS..... I'm confused again ....or perhaps ...still

  6. #20406
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    This is a long article so I will just post the part I liked....highlighted in blue....

    Prospects : strategic adoption of market mechanisms. The private sector has been given a leading role. Creating investment climate
    Jalal al poll
    Aimed strategic economic development. National social for the years 2005 to 2007 restructuring of the national economy and to expand its productive base and quantity The adoption of market mechanisms, liberalization of prices and trade restrictions, and the private sector has been given the lead role in achieving that goal, through address : economic stagnation, launching the exchange rate of the local currency , the cancellation of price support policy,
    A solution to the problem of external debt, privatization of public sector economic useless, creating attractive environment for foreign investment.
    The recently issued new investment law, Is this law granting the private sector leadership role? or any concessions to the attainment of the goals of the national strategic outlook? ((morning)), she discusses the heads of industry and trade associations to identify the role of this sector in Iraq's reconstruction and building of the new economy, and to achieve national development goals.

    If you care to read the rest of the article:

    Translated version of


  7. #20407
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    Quote Originally Posted by everwiser View Post
    Hello Folks,

    I have been hesitant to post this but with the influx of indicators pointing to this weekend, I figured "why the hell not?"

    I remember that once upon a time, Compass Bank was selling the Dinar. I have had an account with Compass for last six years. As of last weekend, the Compass online banking login page has had a notice posted that says their online services will be unavailable while the site is down for maintenance from 1:00am to 11:00am Sunday Nov. 5th.

    Here's the link:

    In all of the years that I've been banking with Compass and using their online services for monitoring my account I can not recall them ever having the site down that long nor do I remember them ever posting so far in advance for site "maintenance". It could just be a coincidence but with so many things pointing to this weekend, I figured you guys might like the extra potential indicator.




  8. #20408
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by cmeshon View Post
    I do not think they will execute him tomorrow. I read some where if he is sentenced to death, it must be carried out within 30 days BUT must be reviewed by a 9 judge panel first. I do not know if that is true but do remember reading it some where.
    While I was reading your post, I heard the EXACT same words on my radio news station!! You are very well informed, thanks!!

  9. #20409
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Oar View Post
    Voices of Iraq: Airport-Closure
    Posted by: saleem on Saturday, November 04, 2006 - 02:43 PM
    Iraq closes Baghdad airport on Sunday
    Baghdad, Nov 4, (VOI) – The Iraqi transport minister ordered the closure of Baghdad international airport on Sunday till further notice, the official Iraqiya TV said on Saturday.
    The closure came amid extraordinarily tight security across the country only one day before a verdict expected to be announced against the former president Saddam Hussein in the Dujail case.
    Earlier, the Iraqi government decided to impose a curfew during Sunday on Baghdad and the provinces of Diala and Salah-el-Dein, just north of Baghdad, from 6:00 am till 6:00 pm.
    Sentencing Iraqi former president Saddam Hussein in the Dujail case is expected on Sunday.
    The prosecutor general Jaafar al-Mousawi said in early October that the criminal tribunal trying Saddam Hussein in the Dujail case is due to convene on November 5 to issue a verdict.
    Saddam Hussein and his top aides have been on trial since October 2005 on charges of crimes against humanity including the killing of 148 Iraqis from the village of Dujail after an attempt against his life in 1982.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #20410
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    So why could tomorrow be the day?

    Well we know the ration cards are going out. Can they really only give out $7?! A pathetic amount, that's even 2 weeks late!!! We know it costs 15k dinars to buy a childrens pair of shoes so what good is 10k without a r/v?!

    We know the banks have sent their staff on a training course to incorporate new 'business' practices which includes international rules/regulations. We also know the banks have upgraded their systems in the last few days to allow each bank to be connected with the other banks in Iraq. Why would they do that? Well they're gearing up to go international......They have also been closed recently........

    We have heard 2 rumours about smaller denoms in the banks. With due respect to RR and Apollo these are rumours but would fit in with everything else. The smaller denoms hold the key as they will be needed for a r/v. We know the bigger notes, ie 25k, 10k etc will be phased out over time......probably 6 months....

    Ok, what else, we know US elections start 7 November so in theory there is still time for Bush to show the war has been a success in the eyes of the voters that would see instantly that Iraq would be a 'player' on the world front again, a success in itself.....

    I don't want to pump too many rumours in this post but we also have the BoA rumour of selling dinars as of 13/11, we'll see......

    We know the FIL will be enacted within the week, FACT. We also know the oil law will be completed at the latest before the year is out, FACT.

    We also know with an enacted Compact and EU agreement that I repeat again an international fully convertible currency has to happen, and at 1470 to the dollar?!

    With inflation at 50%, (I believe it is higher and it's being kept under wraps) that they cannot continue in this vein.

    We also have clarification from the CBI source, who said the '
    dinar would rise significantly in 2006', and
    the MoF Zubaidi saying 'Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states'. The Undersecretary to Minister of Finance also said recently 'The rise in the value of the Iraqi currency against the dollar would reduce the value of imports, and raising the value of exports. As exports are negligible, the economy will benefit from the policy of raising the rate of the Iraqi dinar'.

    Also we had this being said back in August from the IMF:
    In addition, there was a consensus that action needed to be taken to tackle inflation, including through monetary tightening, and allow the exchange rate to be strengthened, (as conditions permit).

    We also have the World Bank and Paris Club who have given their go ahead for a reval.

    All leads me to believe a r/v is imminent, WHEN? Well tomorrow is as good a time as any. Let's all hope for Iraqi people and ourselves so they and us can have a better life.
    how about coz shotgun is durn tired of waitin on this wanker to toss?????

    franny, were almost there!!

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