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  1. #20631
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Wow, bring it on, we're ready.....

    Jalal al poll

    Aimed strategic economic development. National social for the years 2005 to 2007 restructuring of the national economy and to expand its productive base and quantity The adoption of market mechanisms, liberalization of prices and trade restrictions, and the private sector has been given the lead role in achieving that goal, through address : economic stagnation, launching the exchange rate of the local currency, the cancellation of price support policy,
    Link Please

  2. #20632
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    Quote Originally Posted by spice12 View Post
    Link Please
    Here is the link to the post from yesterday. The third post by DayDream.

  3. #20633
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #20634
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    Default 1's, 5's. 10's

    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    Adster's post says it all...
    what post #?

  5. #20635
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    LOL, I can imagine your mom's response, "enough already with this dinar talk" least that's what I hear most of the time from my family.
    Thanks for the confirmation Susie, it's still today in Iraq so anything can happen.
    My brother invested a bit in this almost a year ago and I got my mother in about 4 months ago. My mother and I talked about it just about daily now, this is really going to make a difference in her life. My brother calls me every once in a while saying "Why in the bleep has it not came in yet!!!!!, I want it NOW!"
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  6. #20636
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    Post USAID Update 01-11-2006

    New USAID Update is available over october 2006.

    "The role of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) is to maintain price stability through the execution of monetary policy as intermediated through the financial system. As banks are the primary financial intermediaries,
    in support of its price stability goal, the CBIs Bank Supervision Department (BSD) has the responsibility of ensuring the stability of the financial system
    through the regulation and supervision of commercial banks.
    As part of the USAID-funded Economic Governance II Project
    to help in the economic reconstruction and policy reform in
    Iraq, technical assistance is being provided to strengthen the BSDs regulatory role and responsibilities

    Article about CBI and banking telling that they are ready. Fits perfect with the news about the CBI training.

  7. #20637
    Senior Investor MOM2TWO's Avatar
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    Question My Part

    I would like to pitch in and do my part of the research; however I am very new to this and am hoping that someone could brief me on how to get my computer to translate. Is there something that I need to download; I tried using that encoding deal and that didn't work.

  8. #20638
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    World divided over Hussein sentence -

    World divided over Hussein sentence
    POSTED: 9:08 a.m. EST, November 5, 2006

    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- In a world sharply divided on Iraq since the U.S.-led war began in 2003, Saddam Hussein's death sentence Sunday unleashed fears of fresh violence, European condemnation of capital punishment and new questions about the fairness of the tribunal that ordered him to hang.

    Underscoring the fault lines that split the international community and widened the divide between Muslims and Christians, Islamic leaders warned that the verdict could inflame those who revile the United States -- undermining U.S. policy in the volatile Middle East and inspiring terrorists to strike.

    Critics accused U.S. President George W. Bush of deliberately arranging the timing of the sentence, handed down two days before pivotal midterm elections in which Democrats are fighting to regain control of the U.S. Congress.

    "The hanging of Saddam Hussein will turn to hell for the Americans," said Vitaya Wisethrat, a respected Muslim cleric in Thailand, where a bloody Islamic insurgency is raging in the country's south.

    "The Saddam case is not a Muslim problem but the problem of America and its domestic politics," he said. "The Americans are about to vote in a midterm election, so maybe Bush will use this case to tell the voters that Saddam is dead and that the Americans are safe. But actually the American people will be in more danger with the death of Saddam."

    Many European nations voiced their opposition to the death penalty, including France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden, and a leading Italian opposition figure called on the continent to press for Saddam's sentence to be commuted to life imprisonment.

    In Pakistan, the opposition religious coalition claimed that American forces have caused more deaths in Iraq in the past 3 1/2 years than Saddam did during his 23-year reign, and insisted Bush should stand trial for war crimes.

    "Who will punish the Americans and their lackeys who have killed many more people than Saddam Hussein?" asked Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, a senior lawmaker from the Mutahida Majlis-e-Amal coalition, which is critical of Pakistan's military cooperation with the United States.

    Reaction was mixed across the Arab world. Some Muslims saw the sentence as divine justice, but others denounced it as a farce, maintaining that Iraq is more violent now than it was under Saddam.

    "If Saddam is condemned to death, then they must make it fair and sentence Mr. Bush to death ... and they should send Israel's Ehud Olmert to death, too, because of what he did in Lebanon," said Ibrahim Hreish, a jeweler in Amman, Jordan.

    Iran, a bitter foe of both Iraq and the U.S., hailed the death sentence and said it hoped that Saddam -- denounced by one lawmaker as "a vampire" -- still would be tried for other crimes.

    Key U.S. allies welcomed Sunday's verdict, which had been widely expected, and said Saddam got what he deserved for crimes against humanity committed during years of brutal dictatorship.

    "I welcome that Saddam Hussein and the other defendants have faced justice and have been held to account for their crimes," British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said in a statement decrying the "appalling" atrocities committed by Saddam's regime.

    Australia's foreign minister, Alexander Downer, called Saddam "an evil tyrant" and said the death sentence -- which will be subject to an automatic appeal before he can be hanged -- came as no surprise.

    "An Iraqi court has rightly handed down this verdict, and it is just," said Congressman Tom Lantos, the top Democrat on the U.S. House International Relations Committee.

    "But this development must not distract Americans from the more pressing issue: the need for a change in the direction of our country's policy toward Iraq, both the conduct of the war effort and our pathetic, corruption-stained attempt at reconstruction," he said in a statement.

    Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, whose country withdrew its troops from Iraq, said he found it "alarming" that conditions have worsened since the U.S.-led invasion and called for a "change of strategy by the chief actors to this conflict."

    Amnesty International questioned the fairness of the trial, and international legal experts said Saddam should be kept alive long enough to answer for other atrocities. Only then, they said, will Iraqis brutalized by years of his despotic rule see true justice done.

    "The longer we can keep Saddam alive, the longer the tribunal can have to explore some of the other crimes involving hundreds of thousands of Iraqis," said Sonya Sceats, an international law expert at the Chatham House foreign affairs think tank in London.

    "The problem really is that this tribunal has not shown itself to be fair and impartial -- not only by international standards, but by Iraqi standards," she said.

    Chandra Muzaffar, president of the Malaysian-based International Movement for a Just World, also voiced concerns that Saddam's trial "violated many established norms of international jurisprudence."

    "But Saddam was undoubtedly a brutal dictator, and even though I wouldn't subscribe to the death penalty, he deserves to be punished severely for the enormity of his crimes," said Chandra, a well-known Muslim social commentator.

    Sonmez Koksal, a retired Turkish diplomat and former intelligence chief, cautioned the world to expect a violent response. "We cannot expect the Shiite groups to easily stomach this," he said.

    Underlining the volatility, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said in Paris that he thought the trial was fair but refused to elaborate, fearing his remarks could inflame tensions. France urged Iraqis to show restraint.

    In Russia, the Kremlin-allied head of the international affairs committee in the State Duma, or lower house of parliament, told Ekho Moskvy radio the sentence will deepen divisions in Iraq.

    But the official, Konstantin Kosachyov, said he doubted that Saddam would actually be executed, calling the verdict "most of all a moral decision -- retribution that modern Iraq is taking against Saddam's regime."

    Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt called the verdict "deeply satisfying," despite the EU's distaste for capital punishment, but stressed that it won't solve Iraq's problems.

    "The judicial process is an important settlement with the past, but the big challenge for Iraq's people is the future and the big compromises required for maintained freedom, secured peace and sustainable reconciliation," he said.
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  9. #20639
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    I would like to pitch in and do my part of the research; however I am very new to this and am hoping that someone could brief me on how to get my computer to translate. Is there something that I need to download; I tried using that encoding deal and that didn't work.

  10. #20640
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    Quote Originally Posted by garthstar View Post
    what about Her? (removed was Isis/Goddess energy around the time of roman emperor constantine, the formation of the catholic "church", and slaughter in "God's" name, courtesy of the inquisition)

    Any Isis priestess, or practising female magician, or male magician using any thing that actually WORKED, i.e involving Balanced cosmological principals, not just this male "God" with a beard bullshit, was tortured to death, by burning or otherwise!!

    dont think its totally representative of the divine whole of which we are all a part, to call God "Him", because thats where it came from historically.

    an immature male dominated yet un-initiated, male society, obsessed with war and conquest, which, suprisingly enough, has nearly destroyed the planet, and her people, often in "His" name funnily enough.

    research earth history from the fall of atlantis up until and including the formation of the roman catholic church, the stuff about Jesus that was left OUT deliberately from the bible.

    its a lot of fun to know your spiritual history!!!

    may i suggest "ancient secret of the flower of life" vol 1 by drunvalo melchesidek, "the emerald tablets" by Thoth, or books explaining it, that sort of thing....

    were all gonna have plenty of time to lie in the sun and read a good book or two soon!!!

    thanks to everyone here who has held the light for the revalue and stability of iraq so we now dont have a U/S puppet govt (Bush/Cheney's original plan - halliburton, martial law, they get all the oil deals, all that bullshit), we will see a fair divvying up of the profits now im sure.

    and for those of you who think this aint news, i tell ya, thats what got made INTO the news!!!

    happy spending,

    You need to be careful with what you say! What you sow is what you get!

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