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    اصوات العراق : كربلاء-اقتصادVoices of Iraq : Karbala - economy
    كتب: alin في يوم الثلاثاء, 07 نوفمبر, 2006 - 11: 24 AM BTAlin wrote : On Tuesday, 07 November 2006-11 : 24 AM BT

    محافظ كربلاء يدعو الى مؤتمر اقتصادي واستثمار رؤوس الأموالKarbala governor calls for the economic and capital investment
    من علي الناشيFrom the young
    كربلاء-(أصوات العراق)Karbala - (Voices of Iraq)
    قال عقيل الخزعلي محافظ كربلاء اليوم الثلاثاء ان المحافظة تنوي اقامة مؤتمرا اقتصاديا بالتعاون مع غرفة تجارة كربلاء وبمشاركة مختصين اقتصاديين وتجار للنهوض بالواقع الاقتصادي للمحافظة .Khaz'ali said Aqeel governor of Karbala today, Tuesday, that the administration intends to maintain an economic conference in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, Karbala and the participation of specialists, economists and traders to promote the economic realities of the province.
    وأضاف الخزعلي لوكالة أنباء (أصوات العراق) المستقلة اليوم "اتفقنا مع غرفة تجارة كربلاء لعقد مؤتمر اقتصادي تشارك فيه الكفاءات الاقتصادية والتجار والسلطات المحلية وذلك لمحاولة انعاش الواقع الاقتصادي لمدينة كربلاء كونها مركزا دينيا وسياحيا .He added khaz'ali News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "We agreed with the Chamber of Commerce of Karbala to hold an economic conference in which economic efficiencies, traders and local authorities in an attempt to revive the economic reality of the city of Karbala, as a religious and tourism.
    وقال الخزعلي "نأمل من خلال المؤتمر الذي سيحدد موعده فيما بعد الى دعوة التجار إلى الاستثمار في كربلاء واستغلال رؤوس أموالهم لتطوير المدينة."Khaz'ali said, "We hope through the conference, which will determine the date later to invite traders to invest in Karbala and the exploitation of their capital for the development of the city."
    واشار الخزعلي" علينا أن نؤسس لأرضية اقتصادية استثمارية وتجارية في المحافظة وان نساعد القطاع الخاص لترتيب الوضع الاقتصادي والاستثماري من خلال الانفتاح على المستثمرين العراقيين والعرب والأجانب خاصة وان الدولة مقبلة على تطبيق نظام الخصخصة بعد استقرار الوضع الأمني والسياسي."The khaz'ali "We must establish grounds for economic investment and trade in the province and help the private sector to arrange the economic situation and investment through openness to investors Iraqis, Arabs and foreigners in particular, that the State is on the verge of applying the privatization after stabilize the security situation and political." وقال رئيس غرفة تجارة كربلاء شاكر شهيب لأصوات العراق " ان 12 ألف تاجر يتواجد في كربلاء بامكانهم استثمار أموالهم لتطوير الاقتصاد في المحافظة."He said the chairman of the Chamber of Trade Karbala Shaker Shuheib of the votes of Iraq "that 12 thousand dealer located in Karbala, they can invest their money to develop the economy in the province."
    وطالب شهيب بتخصيص بنايات لإقامة معارض تجارية للمستثمرين لكي تتحول كربلاء إلى قاعة عرض لكونها مدينة سياحية ودينية جاذبة لرؤوس الأموال .He called for the allocation of Shahib buildings for the establishment of trade fairs for investors to turn to the Hall of Karbala to the city as a tourist and religious attractive for capital.
    يذكر ان كربلاء شهدت حركة عمرانية كبيرة بعد سقوط النظام السابق في التاسع من نيسان ابريل 2003 إذ توسعت في البناء أفقيا خارج مركز المدينة الضيق وشيدت ألاسواق والمحال التجارية والعمارات والفنادق في مركز المدينة ومحيطها.The Karbala witnessed large urban movement after the fall of the former regime on April 9, in April 2003, as expanded in the building horizontally from the center of the city and constructed a narrow markets and shops, buildings and hotels in the center of the city and its surroundings.
    ن عN p

    -Just a tip, when you copy from a translated page. paste it in words first then copy it to a message here. All the arabic text will disappear if doing so. Thanks! Raditz
    Last edited by Raditz; 07-11-2006 at 12:57 PM.

  2. #21152
    Senior Member clintstella's Avatar
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    Voices of Iraq : Do-Commission
    كتب: nakr2004 في يوم الثلاثاء, 07 نوفمبر, 2006 - 11:55 AM BTBooks : nakr2004 on Tuesday, November 07, 2006-11:55 AM BT

    اللجنة الوزارية للتحقيق في أحداث العمارة تنهي أعمالهاThe ministerial committee to investigate the events of Amarah complete its work
    من نزار الراضيNizar from Nadi
    العمارة-(أصوات العراق)Architecture - (Voices of Iraq)
    قال رئيس الأمن العام في مجلس محافظة ميسان اليوم الثلاثاء إن اللجنة الوزارية للتحقيق في أحداث العمارة الأخيرة أنجزت كافة أعمالها واتفقت على هدنة مدتها عشرة أيام مع الأطراف العشائرية التي فقدت أو تعرض أبنائها للضرر .Head of General Security in the Maysan Governorate today, Tuesday, that the ministerial committee to investigate the events of recent architecture completed all its work and agreed to a truce ten days with the parties clan lost or been victims of damage.
    وكانت لجنة وزارية قد وصلت أمس الأول إلى مدينة العمارة بتكليف من رئيس الوزراء نورى المالكى للتحقيق في الإحداث الأخيرة التي وقعت في المدينة.The ministerial committee had reached yesterday to the city of Amarah commissioned by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to investigate the recent events that took place in the city.
    وأوضح لطيف عبود التميمي رئيس لجنة الأمن في ميسان في تصريح لوكالة أنباء (أصوات العراق) المستقلة اليوم أن" اللجنة الوزارية عقدت عدة لقاءات مع رؤساء الأحزاب والكتل السياسية في محافظة ميسان والمحافظ وقائد الشرطة وشيوخ العشائر ومكتب الشهيد الصدر."The Latif Abboud al-Tamimi, head of the Security Committee of Maysan in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today that the "ministerial committee held several meetings with the heads of political parties and blocs in the governorate of Missan and the governor and the police chief and clan elders and the Office of the Martyr al-Sadr."
    وأضاف أن " اللجنة سترفع توصيات على ضوء نتائج التحقيق التي توصلت إليها في تحديد المسؤول المباشر عن الأزمة إلى السيد رئيس الوزارء للبت بها ."He added that "the Commission will submit recommendations in the light of the results of the investigation findings to determine who was directly responsible for the crisis to Mr. Prime Minister to decide it." مشيرا إلى اللجنة أعلنت "هدنة أمدها عشرة أيام تم الاتفاق عليها مع العشائر التي فقدت أو تضرر أبنائها بسبب الأحداث."Pointing to the Committee "announced a truce standing ten days had been agreed upon with the tribes that were lost or damaged because of their events."
    يذكر أن اللجنة العشائرية برئاسة وزير الدولة محمد العريبي ستقوم بتوزيع مبلغ خمسة ملايين دينار لكل عائلة فقدت احد ابنائها في الاشتباكات المسلحة من طرفي النزاع، كما تجري مشاورات لمنح الجرحى مبالغ معينة.It is noteworthy that the clan headed by the Minister of State Mohammed Aribi will distribute the amount of five million dinars for each family has lost one of her sons in the armed clashes of the two sides in the dispute, The consultations are underway to grant certain amounts wounded.
    وتأتى هذه الخطوات فى اطار الوصول إلى تسويات سلام وانهاء حالة التوتر الامني التي تعيشها محافظة ميسان منذ اندلاع القتال بين قوات الشرطة وجيش المهدي اواخر الشهر لماضي والتي راح ضحيتها 31 قتيلا واكثر من 150 جريحا.While these steps in the framework of negotiated settlements to peace and ending the state of tension that prevailed in Maysan province since the outbreak of fighting between police forces and the Mahdi Army late for the past month, which claimed the lives of 31 people dead and more than 150 wounded.
    ح مH M

  3. #21153
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    Post The Ministry of Electricity convene an international conference to discuss projects

    Tuesday 11 - 7-2006

    بقيمة 27 مليار دولارA value of 27 billion dollars

    وزارة الكهرباء تعقد مؤتمراً دولياً لمناقشة مشاريعThe Ministry of Electricity convene an international conference to discuss projects
    استثمارية و تنموية في قطاع الكهرباءInvestment and development in the electricity sector

    اقامت وزارة لكهرباء في عمان وبرعاية الأمم المتحدة (البرنامج الأنمائي) مؤتمراً دولياً ناقشت فيها الخطة العشرية الأستثمارية للوزارة، بحضور وزراء النفط والمالية ووزير كهرباء اقليم كردستان، فضلاً عن عدد من الوزارات الساندة في التخطيط والموارد المائية والبيئة والدفاع .The Ministry of Electricity in Amman and the auspices of the United Nations (UNDP) will hold an international conference which discussed the ten-year plan of investment of the ministry, the presence of the ministers of oil, finance and the Minister of Electricity of Kurdistan. as well as a number of videotapes in the ministries of planning, water resources, environment and defense.

    كما شاركت في المؤتمر منظمات حكومية وغير حكومية، حيث ناهز عدد الحاضرين 90 شخصية ووفد حكومي، منها وفدا الوكالة اليابانية للتنمية والمفوضية الأوربية في بغداد ومسؤول ملف العراق في البنك الدولي .Also participated in the conference of governmental and non-governmental organizations, where more than 90 the number of those personal and government delegation, a delegation from the Japanese Agency for Development and the European Commission in Baghdad, Iraq file official at the World Bank.

    واوضح اسيد فاكوري ممثل المنظمة العالمية في عمان والمسؤول عن تنفيذ برامج المنظمة في العراق ان الغاية من عقد المؤتمر هي توفير الأمكانات المالية والفنية لتنفيذ الخطة، واستمع المؤتمر الى عروض مفصلة عن خطط الوزارات الساندة قدمها وزراء النفط والمالية وممثلي الوزارات الساندة الأخرى .The acid manufacturing Facuri WIPO representative in Amman, and responsible for the implementation of the organization's programs in Iraq that the purpose of the conference is to provide financial and technical resources to implement the plan, The Conference heard detailed presentations on the plans ministries videotapes by the ministers of petroleum and finance ministries and representatives of other videotapes.

    وناقش المؤتمر العروض التي تقدمت بها الوفود المشاركة لمعرفة ادق التفاصيل من اجل جذب رؤوس الأموال واقناع الدول المانحة بالجدوى الأقتصادية لمشاريع الخطة، وهي بحاجة الى 27 مليار دولار للتنفيذ وبحاجة الى وضع قانون الأستثمار موضع التنفيذ وهذا ما اكده ممثل البنك الدولي الذي ساهم في تنفيذ الخطة من خلال المنح والقروض الميسرة بعد الأتفاق على كافة التفاصيل .

    The conference discussed the presentations made by the participating delegations to know the details in order to attract capital and to convince the donor countries the economic feasibility of the draft plan, It needs 27 billion dollars for implementation, the need to develop investment law into effect and this was confirmed by the representative of the World Bank, which has helped in the implementation of the plan through grants and loans after agreement on all the details.

  4. #21154
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    I just removed your last article clintstella, it was posted by kiko just 1 article above.

    And Just a tip, when you copy from a translated page. paste it in words first then copy it to a message here. All the arabic text will disappear if doing so.

    Thanks for searching for news!
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  5. #21155
    Senior Member clintstella's Avatar
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    Voices of Iraq : Housing-Australia

    Books : dhrgham on Tuesday, November 07, 2006-12:13 PM BT

    Minister of Housing Australian companies calls for the implementation of strategic projects in Iraq
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The statement called Ms. Dizah Yi, Minister of Construction and Housing today, Tuesday, Australian companies to contribute to the implementation of strategic projects and the upswing in Iraq.
    He said media source in the Ministry of Construction News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent that the minister said during the reception today, Mr. Mark Brown Anns Australian Ambassador in Baghdad, "We are on the verge of a major upswing. especially after the issuance of the Investment Law, which we seek to implement projects in the area of housing, roads, bridges and buildings. "
    Transfer source pointed out that "the assessments of the Ministry of Finance does not meet the aspirations of the ministry, Therefore, we seek through law to the new building (3) million housing units through the housing project, which includes the rapid on four segments of the marginalized segments of the staff with limited income and families of the martyrs, immigrants, prisoners. "
    The source pointed out that the Australian Ambassador expressed "the readiness of his country implementation of any projects assigned to them and in particular to the Ministry ways large projects including the establishment of road link between Iraq, Iran and Turkey as well as the implementation of strategic projects and the upswing in Iraq."
    Australia participates in the forces of the international coalition around 850 military in Iraq.
    H M

    Hey it works, thanks Rad

  6. #21156
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Ok, first of all we know the facts are pointing to a RV and International Currency one of these days.

    This is from the other forum.
    Don't judge until you read the complete post.

    But if it's true then we have a GO and we are THERE:

    "I posted this here although it is not a rumor.
    My friend got a call today from his Dinar seller that he has someone in Kuwiat that works there that each paycheck he gets he goes into CBI and buys more Dinars, he just called and said they would not sell him any more Dinars??? I wonder why this is??? If I find out more I will post it here."

    OK. Then the second post of her.

    "I just called him and he said that the teller told him that the next time he will be able to do anything there it will be on the Forex..
    WOW.. I hope this is something!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Just read the whole post.

    CBI are not selling Dinars any longer??? - Investor's Iraq Forum
    Sorry so be negative but CBI has traded US$ 109.150.000 worth of dinars today 7/11-06 so it seems like no r/v today. It looks like the biggest ammount traded ever.

    What I think is odd, are that there are no market price available for 7/11-06.

    Year Date Market Price Auction Price Volume (000 USD)
    3 7-Nov 1,468 109,105
    R/V by end of Jan -07??

    Take care.

  7. #21157
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    It is noteworthy that the clan headed by the Minister of State Mohammed Aribi will distribute the amount of five million dinars for each family has lost one of her sons in the armed clashes of the two sides in the dispute, The consultations are underway to grant certain amounts wounded.
    This worries me a lot.

    5 million dinars is a great deal of money if there is soon to be a R/V.

    If it R/V´s at around $1.48, thatś about 7.5 million dollars !

    How many would receive such a sum, and of course we don´t know
    how much they are going to give the wounded.

    Why are they not waiting until after the R/V to make such promises
    so that the amounts are believable, even possible ?

  8. #21158
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    Quote Originally Posted by owejac View Post
    Sorry so be negative but CBI has traded US$ 109.150.000 worth of dinars today 7/11-06 so it seems like no r/v today. It looks like the biggest ammount traded ever.

    What I think is odd, are that there are no market price available for 7/11-06.

    Year Date Market Price Auction Price Volume (000 USD)
    3 7-Nov 1,468 109,105
    It's not negative. No RV for today (as till now).

    I still think the key is the 10,000 dinar handout, but we don't read about this.

    It will come. I move on to the next exciting moment.

  9. #21159
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    Default ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Caviar Dreams View Post
    Doesn't really matter that the rates are so close, when your dealing with a number like 1470 to 1, 1468 isn't much of a change. Volume increased quite a bit, but that could be because the banks haven't had a chance to purchase at auction since last Thursday. The only thing indicated by today's auction, is that once again we don't have a reval.

    Auction Price Volume (000 USD)
    4 1-Nov 1,470 7 71,320
    5 2-Nov 1,470 70,245
    6 3-Nov NO AUCTION 0 0
    7 4-Nov NO AUCTION 0 0
    1 5-Nov NO AUCTION 0 0
    2 6-Nov NO AUCTION 0 0
    3 7-Nov 1,468 109,105
    Could the 109,105 just be an accumulation of the missing 4 days? I know its a stretch, but again were talking Iraq.

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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by MunnyBaggs View Post
    Glad you've had a change of heart, Danny. The culture is vastly different and that is part of the slow down. True there is a significant level of corruption. Keep in mind the brutality of the Saddam reign of terror for 35 years. We expect an overnight recovery from that??? Get real. This is brand new to them. There's a lot of evil and bad people that are actively trying to derail it. But keep in mind that every single 24 hours that pass is one more day on the books for a freely elected Government. Their power is growing and if we can continue to build up the good vs the evil one day they will win. And that, my friend, is a win for every kind person on Earth.

    No doubt, there are many problems, and you seem to know the Iraqi's more than most, so perhaps you would like to expand on why two thrids of parliament don't even show up for important votes? Is it not lazy, corrupt or worse, they could give a shiite less?

    Good luck to all, Mike

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