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  1. #21281
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    If FSN wants to PM me, I will tell him who my dealer is. It is located in Houston, TX. if this helps??

  2. #21282
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    Default Hmmmm...

    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    If FSN wants to PM me, I will tell him who my dealer is. It is located in Houston, TX. if this helps??
    A mom of two sharing the name of her dealer. Hmmmm. JK, sorry mom2two, just could not resist.

  3. #21283
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    NO, the guys that do the acual buying told the President of the company that sells them to me, that they would no longer be able to ship them dinars. However, they did make their last purchase either yesterday or the day before.
    if your dealer is still willing to sell to you, then i would not trust this rumor

  4. #21284
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    Default Iraqis told not to worry over US elections

    07 November 2006 (Financial Times)

    Washington has reassured Iraqi leaders that there is no reason to worry about dramatic changes in policy as a result of Tuesday’s US elections, Zalmay Khalilzad, the US envoy to Iraq, has told the Financial Times.

    Some of the Iraqis “are not as used to [American domestic politics], when things are being said in the heat of the political fight”. Some of them took that “as an indication that policies will change dramatically”, he said.

    “The president has told them not to pay attention to that . . . the president will be the commander in chief and the architect of US foreign policy regardless of the outcome.” President George W. Bush’s Republican party is expecting a setback in the mid-term elections, in which US policy in Iraq has been a big factor in the Democrats’ rising fortunes.

    Mr Khalilzad played down reports of tension between the US embassy and the Iraqi government and said that he welcomed statements by Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq’s prime minister, that he wanted more control over Iraqi security forces.

    “There are some people who think that there’s a struggle going on [with] Iraqis who want to have more authority, as if we were fighting over the wheel of a car, who’s going to take charge of it,” the ambassador said. “But in fact that is not the case. Our goal is Iraqi self-reliance, [so] we welcome someone such as Mr Maliki, the leader of Iraq, saying: ‘Look, I want to take more responsibility for the security of my country, I want more forces, forces that are capable, forces that are under my control’.”

    Mr Khalilzad added that Iraqi politicians were working to resolve key issues that divided the big ethnic and sectarian blocs.

    “They still have the issue of the hydrocarbon law, the issue of militias and insurgents . . . even if they need a new flag or not, when do you . . . have provincial elections?” He said Iraqi leaders had claimed there would be a plan to handle militias by the end of the year.

    The ambassador also said that Iraqi leaders needed to move quickly to reach compromises to retain the support of the international community. “They have to recognise that the patience of the countries that can help them is wearing thin.”
    Mr Khalilzad is likely to quit his post as US ambassador in Baghdad in the coming months, a senior official in Mr Bush’s administration said on Tuesday. His departure has been rumoured for months but he had yet to resign, the State Department official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because neither the White House nor Mr Khalilzad has announced any personnel changes.

    Mr Khalilzad could leave as soon as the end of this year but was more likely to remain in his post through the spring, the official said.

    “He doesn’t want to stay there forever and there are ongoing discussions about when he will finish his time.” US officials said the envoy would probably return to an academic or private sector job in the US. His replacement may be Ryan Crocker, who is ambassador to Pakistan.

    Iraqis told not to worry over US elections | Iraq Updates


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    Default Foreign banks in Iraq soon

    Sorry if posted before:

    06 November 2006 (Bahrain Tribune)
    The central bank of Iraq is considering licensing several foreign banks to operate within the country, mostly in the region of Kurdistan, Sinan Al Shabibi, the bank's governor, said yesterday.

    "There have been some applications to operate in northern region of Kurdistan, but their eyes are on Baghdad eventually," Al Shabibi told Zawya Dow Jones in an interview.

    Al Shabibi said that the bank is considering several Turkish and Lebanese banks, but declined to disclose the names of the banks.
    The Iraqi government licensed six foreign banks in 2004, including the National Bank of Kuwait, Arab Banking Corp., HSBC and Standard Chartered.
    However, only Arab Banking Corp. operates a fully-fledged branch in the country as the rest chose to enter Iraq via a local partner.

    "Because of the security situation, most join forces with local banks. There are a lot of banks that have expressed their interest Iraq, but they are waiting for the right time," said Al Shabibi.
    The country also has six state-owned banks, the biggest of which are Rafidain and al Rasheed.

    Al Shabibi hopes that Iraq's banking sector will be strengthened as it opens up to foreign banks, as they bring capital, modern banking systems, technology and management.

    The government is also pushing for 25 private banks to merge.
    "Our idea is to have some kind of minimum capital for banks, at least 20 billion Iraqi dinars. Some of the very small banks which do not have the capacity will have to merge, otherwise they will have to raise the capital alone," he said.

    The central bank wants private banks to participate more in the country's economic activities, and for the country to be less dependent on the Trade Bank of Iraq, which is financed by a consortium of foreign lenders such as Citigroup and JP Morgan. It provides financing services Iraqi banks are unable to offer.

    "We would like the government's import activities to be more diversified. We want all banks to participate. This is our policy for the future. The Trade Bank is doing fine, but we don't want to have to be completely dependent on that," he said.

    Al Shabibi said the central bank is currently succeeding in its fight against inflation.
    "We are using the interest rate and we sell our own bills to skim liquidity. The inflation rate now is 51 per cent, down from 70 per cent previously. Whether it will continue to go down, we will have to see," he said.


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    Default New audit hunts Iraq's lost millions


    A new audit examining 15 contracts signed in Iraq has found new evidence of massive corruption and mismanagement by the US government.

    The audit of 15 noncompetitive contracts paid for by US government agencies with Iraqi oil money was unable to account for $22.4 million in funds, a UN-led watchdog said on Monday.

    The audit by KPMG, ordered by the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB), said that in some cases Iraq did not receive goods and there were "unreconciled payments".

    The report also said there was no evidence that steps were taken to fix previously reported problems with corruption.

    The contracts varied from paying for guards for oil pipelines to training Iraqi police and military to the purchase of vehicles and food.

    "In view of these findings, the IAMB recommends that the Iraqi government seek resolution with the US government concerning the use of resources of the [Development Fund for Iraq], which might be in contradiction with the UN Security Council Resolution 1483," the board said in a statement posted on its website.

    The IAMB, which also includes officials from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, was created by the UN Security Council in 2003 to oversee the use of Iraqi oil money while the country was under an interim US administration.

    The watchdog's mandate expires at the end of December.

    Missing millions

    In 2004 an audit, ordered by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) which governed Iraq after the US-led invasion, found that more than $8.8bn of Iraqi money was missing.

    The CPA found that the money had been paid for goods and services that were never provided.

    The US hoped Iraq would become a model for the Arab world

    In other cases, millions of dollars were paid by the CPA in salaries for thousands of security guards who did not exist.

    In other cases the money simply vanished.

    Since the CPA handed over the power to Iraqis, corruption has become even worse.

    A new survey released yesterday by Transparency International, an anti-corruption watchdog, ranked Iraq as the second most corrupt country in the world.

    The 2006, Corruption Perception Index placed Iraq in joint 162nd place - tied with Myanmar and Guinea - but marginally ahead of Haiti, the world's most corrupt nation.


  7. #21287
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    For What It's Worth, The Order Section At Free Dinar Website Does Not Come Up. Looks Like They Are Not Taking Orders.

  8. #21288
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    Default Info From Apollo

    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    If FSN wants to PM me, I will tell him who my dealer is. It is located in Houston, TX. if this helps??

    Hey Dan (APOLLO) , what is the lastest? Can you still get dinar from your source in Jordan? What's your take on these rumors about no longer being able to buy dinar from Iraqi banks?

  9. #21289
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    Default Jordan's king urges world to not abandon Iraq

    Reuters News Service

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    LONDON -- Jordan's King Abdullah urged the world on Tuesday not to abandon Iraq to chaos and appealed for backing for an Arab peace initiative to revive talks to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    King Abdullah warned British parliamentarians Iraq could end up as another generations-long conflict in the Middle East unless world leaders explored every political, economic and diplomatic opening that could bring about reconciliation among the country's divided communities.

    "It is vital for the friends of peace not to abandon Iraq to chaos ... For the world to disengage when events are at a critical point would have serious unintended consequences.

    "An urgent priority is reconciliation, so that leaders from the three major communities can meet face to face, find common ground and create home-grown, effective solutions. The historic suffering of Kurds and Shi'ites must be acknowledged; as must that of the Sunnis today," he said.

    Iraq is ruled by a Shi'ite-led coalition after years of domination by the Sunni minority.

    The king said there needed to be a new emphasis on non-military initiatives in Iraq.

    "Insecure areas cannot be stabilised by force. Such stability comes only when all groups have confidence in a process that gives them a voice, assures them justice and provides for their security," the king said.

    King Abdullah was speaking during a two-day official visit to Britain, which included talks with Prime Minister Tony Blair and Finance Minister Gordon Brown on developments in the Middle East and bilateral ties.

    Blair has pledged to try to make progress on the Middle East peace process before he leaves office within the next year.

    His foreign policy chief met Syrian President Bashar al-Assad last week and Blair's spokesman has said the prime minister intends to make a visit to the Middle East before the year is out.

    King Abdullah urged support for an Arab peace initiative, adopted by the Arab League in 2002, which foresees an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through land-for-peace deals with Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinians.

    "This is an opening that must not be ignored," he said. "It is the basis for practical results: a clear end game and an effective process that can reach it. I ask the international community to join us in resolving this crisis once and for all."

    Jordan's king urges world to not abandon Iraq | - Houston Chronicle

  10. #21290
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    the majority of revalues have taken place on a wednesday for anyone who wondered that little bit of trivia.

    I remember reading months ago that the last 8 revals around the world occured on Wednesdays.

    Also, if you look at the history of the iraqi dinar on Oanda, you will see that
    that every big change happened on a Wednesday. This fact is often overlooked, and almost never mentioned on any of the forums.

    People are in love with Thursdays, and Sundays for some reason though, although I have yet to see why.
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

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