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    Sorry guys... I tried to copy into word..then to the forum and still get all the Arabic squilies..

    The Iraqi government amend its laws to allow the return of a million and a half
    (صوت العراق) - 08-11-2006(Voice of Iraq) - 08-11-2006
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    الحكومة العراقية تعدل قوانينها للسماحThe Iraqi government amend its laws to allow

    بعودة مليون ونصف بعثي الى وظائفهم !The return of a million and a half Baathists in their jobs!

    بغداد - الوكالات : استجابة لضغوط اميركية قررت الحكومة العراقية اجراء تعيل على قانون " اجتثاث البعث " يسمح لنحو مليون ونصف مليون عضو في الحزب المحظور بالعودة الى وظائفهم او الحصول على معاش تقاعدي من بينهم 30 الف مسؤول , وفي المقابل هدد الحزب المحظور ب¯ " شرارة تحرق القوات الاميركية " اذا اعدم قائد الحزب , وتأتي هذه التطورات فيما وقع مئات العسكريين عريضة تدعو الى الانسحاب من العراق على ان تقدم رسميا في يناير المقبل الى الكونغرس .Baghdad-agencies : in response to American pressure the Iraqi government has decided to hold the heads of the "uprooting the Baath" allows for about one and a half million members of the party banned to return to their jobs or to receive a pension of whom 30 thousand official, On the other hand, the party banned ب¯ threatened to "spark burn the American forces" if executed the leader of the party. These developments come as hundreds of military signed a petition calling for withdrawal from Iraq to submit formally to Congress next January.
    واكدت العريضة "بصفتي اميركيا وطنيا وفخورا بخدمة بلادي, ادعو المسؤولين السياسيين في الكونغرس الى تأييد الانسحاب السريع لجميع القوات والقواعد العسكرية الاميركية من العراق. والبقاء في العراق لن يكون مفيدا ولا يستأهل الثمن الذي يدفع. ولقد آن الاوان لان تعود القوات الاميركية الى الوطن" , وتأتي العريضة بناء على مبادرة عسكريين في منطقة نورفولك (فيرجينيا, شرق) , ولم تكشف اسماء موقعي العريضة بسبب القيود المفروضة على العسكريين حول التعبير عن ارائهم , ويجيز القانون في الولايات المتحدة للعسكريين التعبير عن مآخذهم المتعلقة بتصرفات قادتهم لدى نوابهم في الكونغرس ويوفر الحماية لهم من احتمال التعرض لهم.The petition stressed, "As an American national and proud of my service, I invite the politicians in Congress to support the rapid withdrawal of all troops and the American military bases from Iraq. and stay in Iraq would not be beneficial not worthy of the price to be paid. The time has come for the American forces to return home. " The petition comes at the initiative of the military in Norfolk (Virginia, east), the signatories did not reveal the names because of the broad restrictions on the military to express their views, The law allows the United States to the military expression of Machethm related to the behavior of their deputies in the Congress, and provides them with protection from potential exposure to them.
    وكتب واضعو العريضة ان "كثرا من الجنود يعربون عن قلقهم من الحرب في العراق وهم يؤيدون انسحاب القوات الاميركية. والدعوة الى التغيير توفر وسيلة للعسكريين لمطالبة النواب بانهاء الاحتلال العسكري الاميركي" , وذكرت صحيفة " فيرجينيان بايلوت " المحلية ان الداعي الى توقيع العريضة هو البحار جوناتان هوتو الذي يخدم على حاملة الطائرات تيودور روزفلت في نورفولك.He wrote the authors of the petition that "many of the soldiers expressed their concern of the war in Iraq, as they support the withdrawal of American forces. The call for change provides a means for the military to call deputies to end the American military occupation. " The newspaper, "Virginian Pilot" that the local proposal to signing the petition is the Sea Jonathan Hutu who serves on the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt in Norfolk.
    في غضون ذلك اعلن علي فيصل اللامي المدير التنفيذي لهيئة " اجتثاث البعث " بان مشروعا لتعديل القانون سيطرح على البرلمان يخفض عدد البعثيين السابقين الممنوعين من ممارسة النشاط في المحافل العامة من 30 ألفا الى 1500 مسؤول سابق , وقال ان الهيئة ستعرض هذه المقترحات على البرلمان خلال الايام القليلة المقبلة , مؤكدا ان الهيئة انتهت " قبل ايام من وضع اجراءات جديدة لمسودة تعديل قانون اجتثاث البعث وسيتم عرضه خلال أيام على مجلس النواب للتصويت عليه " , وأضاف اللامي أن القانون الجديد للهيئة " اخذ بنظر الاعتبار اعتراضات عدد من الكتل السياسية والاشكالات الموجودة في القانون القديم اضافة الى مقترحات تقدم بها المركز الدولي للعدالة الانتقالية ومكتب حقوق الانسان التابع للامم المتحدة واستفدنا من الملاحظات التي قدمت الينا " , وتعتبر هذه الخطوة من المطالب الرئيسية لزعماء السنة العرب في العراق , وقال اللامي " لظروف المرحلة السياسية الحالية وتماشيا مع مبادرة المصالحة الوطنية التي اعلنها رئيس الحكومة قررت الهيئة اجراء تعديلات على القانون والذي سيعطي الحق لمن كان بعثيا بالعودة الى الوظيفة او اخذ الراتب التقاعدي .. الاجراءات الجديدة شملت الجميع من اعضاء البعث واستثنت فقط الاعضاء ا لذين كانوا يحملون درجة عضو قيادة قومية وعضو قيادة قطرية واعضاء الفروع وهم مجموعة صغيرة لا تتجاوز الالف وخمسمائة عضو حيث سيخضع هؤلاء الى قوانين الاجتثاث " , وأوضح أن القانون الجديد سينفذ بأثر رجعي و " سيكون من حق كل من تعرض الى اجراءات الاجتثاث الاختيار بين العودة الى وظيفته او استلام راتب تقاعدي "Meanwhile, Faisal Al-Alami Executive Director of the "uprooting the Baath," that the draft amendment to the law will be presented to parliament reduces the number of former Baathists barred from the exercise of the activity in public forums from 30 thousand in 1500 to the former official, He said that the proposals would be presented to Parliament during the next few days. He stressed that the Authority had "days before the new procedures for the draft amendment of the law abolishing the Baath Party and will be presented within days to the House for a vote." Al-Alami added that the new law on the "Taking into account the objections of a number of blocs and political dilemmas exist in the old law in addition to the proposals made by the International Center for Transitional Justice and Human Rights Office of the United Nations and we have benefited from the observations made us." This is a step of the key demands of the leaders of the Arab Sunnis in Iraq. He said Al-Alami "for the current political circumstances and in line with the national reconciliation initiative announced by the Prime Minister decided to make amendments to the law which would give the right to those who were Bathi return to the job or take a pension. the new procedures included all members of the Baath, leaving only a Member for those who were carrying a member of a national leadership and a member of the country and members of the branches are a small group does not exceed one thousand five hundred members, where they would be subject to the laws of chopping. " He explained that the new law will be implemented retroactively, "it would be all right to be exposed to the procedures, epitomized the choice between returning to his job or receiving a salary pension"
    واشار اللامي الى ان " المسودة المقدمة الى البرلمان تعني مليونا ونصف مليون شخص من الذين كانوا بعثيين للعودة الى وظائفهم" , موضحا ان "اعضاء الشعب سيحظون براتب تقاعدي فيما يعود اعضاء الفرق الى وظائفهم او يحصلون على راتب تقاعدي بشكل طبيعي" , وتابع اللامي ان هذا القانون "لا يشمل اعضاء الفروع والقيادات القطرية والذين لا يتجاوز عددهم 1500 عضو في كل العراق والذين لن يستفيدوا من هذا التعديل" , واكد ان "هذا القانون سيسمح للبعثيين بالعودة للعمل بالدوائر لكن لن يسمح بالطبع بالعودة الى فكر حزب البعث المحظور" , وتابع "اما المصرون على البقاء في صفوف حزب البعث فهؤلاء سنعتبرهم عناصر ارهابية".Al-Alami pointed out that "the draft submitted to parliament on a million and a half people who were Baathists to return to their jobs." He added that "members of the people will have donated a pension increase is the difference in their jobs or receive a normal salary, pension," The Al-Alami that the law "does not include members of the branches and leaders of country and who are not more than 1500 members in all parts of Iraq and who will benefit from this amendment." He stressed that "This law will allow the Baathists to return to work but will not allow the constituencies of course return to the banned Baath Party ideology." He continued, "The intent to remain in the ranks of the Baath Party Senattabarham These terrorist elements."
    وفي المقابل هدد حزب البعث المحظور في بيان بشن هجمات على المنطقة الخضراء المحصنة في وسط بغداد اذا طبق حكم الاعدام الذي صدر على صدام , وقال البيان ان تنفيذ الحكم سيكون "الشرارة التي ستحرق ما تبقى للاحتلال" الاميركي في العراق , واكد الحزب انه "اذا اعدم السيد الرئيس لن تكون هناك مفاوضات على الاطلاق وسيرفض كل اتصال جديد وسيركز على دعم وتغليب الخط الذي يقول داخل الحزب ان على المقاومة ان تدمر الامبراطورية الاميركية على ارض العراق" , واضاف انه "سيشدد الحصار على المنطقة الخضراء وسيعمل بكافة الطرق المتاحة لتدمير مقرات السفارة والمخابرات والاجهزة العميلة وعدم السماح للقوات الاميركية بالخروج واستمرار استنزافها اقتصاديا وبشريا" , وتابع البيان ان حزب البعث سيعمل على "اكمال مهمة سحق الحكومة العميلة وتصفية عصابات وفرق الموت الاميركية والايرانية لاكمال السيطرة على مناطق ما زالت خارج نطاق سيطرته التامة".On the other hand, the banned Baath Party threatened in a statement to launch attacks on the fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad if applied the death penalty, which has been on Saddam, The statement said that the implementation of the ruling would be "the spark that bind the remainder of the occupation" in Iraq. The party, "Mr. President, if executed will be no negotiations at all and reject all contact with a new focus on the support and maintain the line within the party, which says that the resistance to destroy the American empire on the land of Iraq." He added that "will reinforce the blockade on the Green Zone, all roads will be available for the destruction of the embassy and the headquarters of the intelligence agencies and the client, not to allow American forces to leave and the continuation of economic and human drain." The statement went on to say that the Baath Party will work to "complete the task of crushing the proxy government and the liquidation of gangs and death squads of American and Iranian complete control of the areas are still outside the scope of its control of."
    الى ذلك قال جواد البولاني وزير الداخلية العراقي ان لجان التحقيق التي شكلتها الوزارة للتحقيق في قضايا انتهاكات لحقوق الانسان وفساد اداري قررت احالة 19 من ضباطها وعشرات اخرين من منتسبي الشرطة الى المحاكم العراقية , واضاف ان من بين المتهمين " ضباط كبار برتبة لواء وسبعة وسبعين اخرين من افراد للشرطة ومنتسبين يعملون في الوزارة تمت احالتهم الى المحاكم العراقية...والامر متروك الان للقضاء لقول كلمته النهائية بحق هؤلاء " , وصرح الوزير العراقي بان التهم الموجهة الى المحالين الى المحاكم تمثلت باتهامات " مثل الاهمال في عدم متابعة شؤون الموقوفين.. وانتهاكات لحقوق الانسان.. وقضايا فساد اداري ومالي " , وأضاف أن أغلب المحالين الى المحاكم " هم من المتورطين في احداث السجن المعروف بالموقع رقم اربعة /سي فور " , واشار البولاني الى وجود تحقيقات اخرى " قد تطال عددا اخر من منتسبي الوزارة متورطين في هذه القضية " .So who is Jawad said Iraqi Minister of the Interior, that the investigation committees formed by the ministry to investigate cases of human rights violations and administrative corruption decided to allocate 19 of its officers and scores of members of the police to the Iraqi courts, He added that the defendants "senior officers the rank of major general and the 70th and seven other members of the police and associate working in the ministry were referred to Iraqi courts. It is now up to the judiciary to say his final against those " The Iraqi minister said that the charges against the courts was transferred to the accusations, "such as negligence in the lack of follow-up on detainees. and violations of human rights. and the issues of administrative and financial corruption. " He added that most of those referred to the courts "were involved in the events of the prison known site No. 4 / CNN immediately," He who is to the existence of other investigations "may reach a number of other employees of the Ministry involved in this case."


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    Default Susy 6th link

    Hopefully someone will be able to translate these better but these are the ones that impressed me for now:

    The consensus call for early elections and coalition«
    (صوت العراق) - 08-11-2006(Voice of Iraq) - 08-11-2006

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    «التوافق» تبحث الدعوة الى انتخابات مبكرة و«الائتلاف» و«التحالف الكردستاني» ينفيان«Consensus» The call for early elections and coalition «», «» negate the Kurdistan Alliance
    بغداد - عبدالواحد طعمة الحياة - 08/11/06//Baghdad-Wahid tasted life-08 / 11 / 06 / /

    نفت كتلة «التحالف الكردستاني» طرح اقتراح رسمي باجراء تعديلات دستورية تقلص فترة ولاية الحكومة الحالية الى عامين، واعتبر نائب في قائمة «الائتلاف العراقي الموحد» الشيعية ان مشروع الانتخابات المبكرة «لعب بالنار».Denied the Kurdistan Alliance bloc «» put a formal proposal for constitutional amendments that reduced the mandate of the current government for two years, The Israeli deputy on the list of the United Iraqi Alliance «» Shiite draft early elections »« playing with fire. وجاءت هذه التصريحات رداً على ما ذكره ناطق باسم «جبهة التوافق» السنية بأن اعضاءها يتداولون افكاراً في شأن مستقبل المشاركة في العملية السياسية في ضوء طرح مشاريع مختلفة بينها اقتراح باجراء تعديلات دستورية تقلص فترة ولاية الحكومة الحالية الى عامين.These statements came in response to what the spokesman «» Sunni Accord Front that its members are deliberating ideas on the future participation in the political process in the light of various projects, including a proposal for constitutional amendments that reduced the mandate of the current government for two years. وقال النائب صباح الساعدي، عضو «الائتلاف»عن حزب «الفضيلة الاسلامي»، لـ «الحياة» ان «مشروع اجراء انتخابات تشريعية مبكرة لعب بالنار» معتبراً انه «يؤسس لثقافة الانقلابات السياسية بعيداً عن ثوابت مبدأ حكومة التوافق الوطني» مؤكداً «الرفض القاطع من جانب الاكراد والشيعة لهذا الاقتراح لأننا لا نرى فيه اية مصلحة للشعب العراقي».The deputy said this morning Alsaidi, »« member of the Coalition of Islamic Virtue Party «», l «life» «The draft early legislative elections playing with fire» «saying it would pave the way for a culture of political coups away from the fundamentals of the principle of the government of national consensus» «stressing categorical rejection by the Kurds and Shiites to this proposal because we do not see any interest of the Iraqi people». واستبعد ان تؤيد الولايات المتحدة هذه الافكار، مشيراً الى ان «الاجندة الاميركية في ظاهرها تعمل على تكريس كل الجهود من اجل انجاح عمل الحكومة، وهي جادة في طرح معالجات لملفات عدة مثل حل الميليشيات وبناء الجيش وامور اخرى».He ruled that the United States supports these ideas. He pointed out that «American agenda apparently working to devote all efforts for the success of the government's work, It is serious in putting treatments for a number of files such as the disbanding of militias and the army-building and other things ». اما النائب الكردي، عبدالخالق زنكنة فقال لـ «الحياة» ان مشروع الانتخابات المبكرة لم يُطرح رسمياً حتى الآن، علماً بأن «الدستور منح الجميع حق الرأي، لكن ادارة البلاد وفق الدستور مرهونة بمؤسسات لا تقبل مثل هكذا طروحات بعيدة عن جوهر الدستور».Kurdish MP, Abdalkhalk Zenknh told «life» that the draft early elections had not formally put forward so far, «note that the Constitution grants everyone the right opinion, But the management of the country, according to the Constitution subject to the institutions do not accept such offers so far from the essence of the constitution ». وكان النائب سليم عبد الجبوري، الناطق باسم «جبهة التوافق» اعتبر اقتراح الانتخابات المبكرة «اجراء يمنح قوة فاعلة للقوى العراقية» واضاف ان «هذه الفكرة لا تزال في مرحلة الحوار والمناقشات الجانبية» مشيراً الى ان «الاتفاق على هذا المشروع، والتعديلات الاخرى، سيكون رهناً بموقف الشركاء الآخرين في الائتلاف الشيعي والتحالف الكردستاني».The MP Abdel-Salim al-Jabouri, spokesman «» Accord Front considered a proposal for early elections, «gives a powerful force for the forces of the Iraqi» «He added that the idea is still in the process of dialogue and discussions side» «pointing out that the agreement on this project, The other amendments, the position will be subject to the other partners in the coalition and the Shiite alliance Kurdistan ».

    وأشار الى «وضع معقد يلف مشاركة جبهة التوافق التي ترى عدم جدوى الاستمرار في الحكومة لا سيما بعد تمرير قانون الاقاليم» وحمل الجبوري الحكومة مسؤولية عدم السيطرة على الوضع الامني حتى الآن «لانها لا تتخذ القرارات بالتشاور والتنسيق مع الشركاء».He pointed out «a complicated situation surrounding the participation Accord Front, which see the futility of continuing in the government, especially after the passage of the law Territories» held the government responsible for not Jubari control the security situation so far «because it does not make decisions in consultation and coordination with partners».

    وكانت اطراف سياسية واعلامية نقلت عن مصادر في «جبهة التوافق» تداولها افكاراً بشأن الانسحاب من العملية السياسية او احداث تغييرات دستورية جوهرية تسمح بانتخابات مبكرة.The political parties and media quoted sources in «» Accord Front circulated ideas on withdrawal from the political process or substantive constitutional changes allowing early elections.

    يذكر ان «جبهة التوافق» تتعرض الى ضغوط سياسية كبيرة من جانب الشارع السني والجماعات المسلحة.It is noteworthy that the Accord Front «» subjected to considerable political pressure from a side street and Sunni armed groups. فبعد ان اتهم «الجيش الاسلامي» في بيان «الحزب الاسلامي» العراقي احد مكونات الجبهة وأمينه العام نائب رئيس الجمهورية طارق الهاشمي بـ «الخيانة» دعا الجبهة الى الانسحاب من الحكومة والعملية السياسية ما ادى الى احداث انقسامات داخلية بعدما خابت آمال بعض اعضاء الجبهة برئيس البرلمان محمود المشه داني الذي ترشح للمنصب من جانب «مجلس الحوار الوطني» بزعامة خلف العليان وانقلابه على «الاجندة السنية» حسب رأي بعض اطراف الكتلة.After being accused of «Islamic Army in a statement» «» the Iraqi Islamic Party, one of the components of the front and the secretary-general, Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi treason b «» called Front to withdraw from the government and the political process, which led to the events of internal divisions after the dashed hopes of some members of the Parliament President Mahmoud Almshah Danny, who stood for the post of the National Dialogue Council «» Khalaf Al-Alyan led coup and the Sunni agenda «» according to some parties bloc.

  3. #21383
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    The consensus call for early elections and coalition

    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-11-2006
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    «Consensus» The call for early elections and coalition «», «» negate the Kurdistan Alliance
    Baghdad-Wahid tasted life-08 / 11 / 06 / /

    Denied the Kurdistan Alliance bloc «» put a formal proposal for constitutional amendments that reduced the mandate of the current government for two years, The Israeli deputy on the list of the United Iraqi Alliance «» Shiite draft early elections »« playing with fire. These statements came in response to what the spokesman «» Sunni Accord Front that its members are deliberating ideas on the future participation in the political process in the light of various projects, including a proposal for constitutional amendments that reduced the mandate of the current government for two years. The deputy said this morning Alsaidi, »« member of the Coalition of Islamic Virtue Party «», l «life» «The draft early legislative elections playing with fire» «saying it would pave the way for a culture of political coups away from the fundamentals of the principle of the government of national consensus» «stressing categorical rejection by the Kurds and Shiites to this proposal because we do not see any interest of the Iraqi people». He ruled that the United States supports these ideas. He pointed out that «American agenda apparently working to devote all efforts for the success of the government's work, It is serious in putting treatments for a number of files such as the disbanding of militias and the army-building and other things ». Kurdish MP, Abdalkhalk Zenknh told «life» that the draft early elections had not formally put forward so far, «note that the Constitution grants everyone the right opinion, But the management of the country, according to the Constitution subject to the institutions do not accept such offers so far from the essence of the constitution ». The MP Abdel-Salim al-Jabouri, spokesman «» Accord Front considered a proposal for early elections, «gives a powerful force for the forces of the Iraqi» «He added that the idea is still in the process of dialogue and discussions side» «pointing out that the agreement on this project, The other amendments, the position will be subject to the other partners in the coalition and the Shiite alliance Kurdistan ».

    He pointed out «a complicated situation surrounding the participation Accord Front, which see the futility of continuing in the government, especially after the passage of the law Territories» held the government responsible for not Jubari control the security situation so far «because it does not make decisions in consultation and coordination with partners».

    The political parties and media quoted sources in «» Accord Front circulated ideas on withdrawal from the political process or substantive constitutional changes allowing early elections.

    It is noteworthy that the Accord Front «» subjected to considerable political pressure from a side street and Sunni armed groups. After being accused of «Islamic Army in a statement» «» the Iraqi Islamic Party, one of the components of the front and the secretary-general, Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi treason b «» called Front to withdraw from the government and the political process, which led to the events of internal divisions after the dashed hopes of some members of the Parliament President Mahmoud Almshah Danny, who stood for the post of the National Dialogue Council «» Khalaf Al-Alyan led coup and the Sunni agenda «» according to some parties bloc.

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    The Iraqi government amend its laws to allow the return of a million and a half

    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-11-2006
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    The Iraqi government amend its laws to allow

    The return of a million and a half Baathists in their jobs!

    Baghdad-agencies : in response to American pressure the Iraqi government has decided to hold the heads of the "uprooting the Baath" allows for about one and a half million members of the party banned to return to their jobs or to receive a pension of whom 30 thousand official, On the other hand, the party banned ب¯ threatened to "spark burn the American forces" if executed the leader of the party. These developments come as hundreds of military signed a petition calling for withdrawal from Iraq to submit formally to Congress next January.
    The petition stressed, "As an American national and proud of my service, I invite the politicians in Congress to support the rapid withdrawal of all troops and the American military bases from Iraq. and stay in Iraq would not be beneficial not worthy of the price to be paid. The time has come for the American forces to return home. " The petition comes at the initiative of the military in Norfolk (Virginia, east), the signatories did not reveal the names because of the broad restrictions on the military to express their views, The law allows the United States to the military expression of Machethm related to the behavior of their deputies in the Congress, and provides them with protection from potential exposure to them.
    He wrote the authors of the petition that "many of the soldiers expressed their concern of the war in Iraq, as they support the withdrawal of American forces. The call for change provides a means for the military to call deputies to end the American military occupation. " The newspaper, "Virginian Pilot" that the local proposal to signing the petition is the Sea Jonathan Hutu who serves on the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt in Norfolk.
    Meanwhile, Faisal Al-Alami Executive Director of the "uprooting the Baath," that the draft amendment to the law will be presented to parliament reduces the number of former Baathists barred from the exercise of the activity in public forums from 30 thousand in 1500 to the former official, He said that the proposals would be presented to Parliament during the next few days. He stressed that the Authority had "days before the new procedures for the draft amendment of the law abolishing the Baath Party and will be presented within days to the House for a vote." Al-Alami added that the new law on the "Taking into account the objections of a number of blocs and political dilemmas exist in the old law in addition to the proposals made by the International Center for Transitional Justice and Human Rights Office of the United Nations and we have benefited from the observations made us." This is a step of the key demands of the leaders of the Arab Sunnis in Iraq. He said Al-Alami "for the current political circumstances and in line with the national reconciliation initiative announced by the Prime Minister decided to make amendments to the law which would give the right to those who were Bathi return to the job or take a pension. the new procedures included all members of the Baath, leaving only a Member for those who were carrying a member of a national leadership and a member of the country and members of the branches are a small group does not exceed one thousand five hundred members, where they would be subject to the laws of chopping. " He explained that the new law will be implemented retroactively, "it would be all right to be exposed to the procedures, epitomized the choice between returning to his job or receiving a salary pension"
    Al-Alami pointed out that "the draft submitted to parliament on a million and a half people who were Baathists to return to their jobs." He added that "members of the people will have donated a pension increase is the difference in their jobs or receive a normal salary, pension," The Al-Alami that the law "does not include members of the branches and leaders of country and who are not more than 1500 members in all parts of Iraq and who will benefit from this amendment." He stressed that "This law will allow the Baathists to return to work but will not allow the constituencies of course return to the banned Baath Party ideology." He continued, "The intent to remain in the ranks of the Baath Party Senattabarham These terrorist elements."
    On the other hand, the banned Baath Party threatened in a statement to launch attacks on the fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad if applied the death penalty, which has been on Saddam, The statement said that the implementation of the ruling would be "the spark that bind the remainder of the occupation" in Iraq. The party, "Mr. President, if executed will be no negotiations at all and reject all contact with a new focus on the support and maintain the line within the party, which says that the resistance to destroy the American empire on the land of Iraq." He added that "will reinforce the blockade on the Green Zone, all roads will be available for the destruction of the embassy and the headquarters of the intelligence agencies and the client, not to allow American forces to leave and the continuation of economic and human drain." The statement went on to say that the Baath Party will work to "complete the task of crushing the proxy government and the liquidation of gangs and death squads of American and Iranian complete control of the areas are still outside the scope of its control of."
    So who is Jawad said Iraqi Minister of the Interior, that the investigation committees formed by the ministry to investigate cases of human rights violations and administrative corruption decided to allocate 19 of its officers and scores of members of the police to the Iraqi courts, He added that the defendants "senior officers the rank of major general and the 70th and seven other members of the police and associate working in the ministry were referred to Iraqi courts. It is now up to the judiciary to say his final against those " The Iraqi minister said that the charges against the courts was transferred to the accusations, "such as negligence in the lack of follow-up on detainees. and violations of human rights. and the issues of administrative and financial corruption. " He added that most of those referred to the courts "were involved in the events of the prison known site No. 4 / CNN immediately," He who is to the existence of other investigations "may reach a number of other employees of the Ministry involved in this case."


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    USA Election Report.........


    A Big shift in the Government. The "Democrates" have won the House.


    __________________ God have mercy on our soul.

  6. #21386
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    bye bye dinars

  7. #21387
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    Quote Originally Posted by costar01 View Post
    bye bye dinars
    the elections for state positions are not going to affect the dinar at this point. its out of the hands of the us govt and solely in iraqs hands now.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #21388
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    Quote Originally Posted by costar01 View Post
    bye bye dinars


    Send em over here.. I'll keep them safe and sound

    You're kidding, right?

  9. #21389
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Wink GoodNight

    Nothing the democrats can do to stop this train! Except hit it with some new tax law!

    The RV is in progress!

    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    USA Election Report.........


    A Big shift in the Government. The "Democrates" have won the House.


    __________________ God have mercy on our soul.

  10. #21390
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    USA Election Report.........


    A Big shift in the Government. The "Democrates" have won the House.


    __________________ God have mercy on our soul.
    Yes, God help us...can you say Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House!!! HORRORS OF HORRORS!!! Hopefully when the official report comes out that this will just be a bad dream!!

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