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  1. #21681
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    isn't it a bit of a fraud for liberals to run as conservative democrats so they
    could be elected and then vote Pelosi,Conyers etc : extreme left wingers to
    postions of power ? also its VERY hypocritical to be glad the democrats
    won :--when if it wasn't for Bush, the Republicans and the brave soldiers
    you won't have a chance to become rich with a dinar r/v.

  2. #21682
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    isn't it a bit of a fraud for liberals to run as conservative democrats so they
    could be elected and then vote Pelosi,Conyers etc : extreme left wingers to
    postions of power ? also its VERY hypocritical to be glad the democrats
    won :--when if it wasn't for Bush, the Republicans and the brave soldiers
    you won't have a chance to become rich with a dinar r/v.
    you got that right

  3. #21683
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwhatimsaying View Post
    if BofA was going to start selling or exchanging dinar on the 13th, you would not hear about it just by calling someone at the bank. This is insider information and they would be put in jail if they did know something and shared it. I doubt anyone has any detailed information about when or what they are planning. If they did, it would come 1 or 2 days in advance as to not get shared with to many people. I do believe it will be tomorrow, but I don't think that by calling a bank you will find anything useful or realiable. Lets just ask the banks tomorrow when we cash in. YA!!!!
    Your right, but it never hurts to try and share your experience. Although the chances are very slim that someone would slip up and say anything if they knew, that information could be worth millions more to us just for taking 2 minutes out of our day to make a simple call.

    If you had someone on the phone from BOA slip up and spill the beans, tell me you wouldnt take an advance loan of a few grand and overnight a few more million right in the nick of time. It could happen, the odds of that happening have got to be thousands of times better than winning the lottery.

    Most people would never even invest in dinar because of what they think won't work (dinar rv'ing being one of them). Most people won't think outside the box because the heard will scold them, and put pressure on them to conform back in line. We are already working outside of the heard, thats where we have to remain to escape the heard fate. All of us are acting as a larger being by sharing on this forum, we are like a snowball of knowledge together, and mere snowflakes apart.
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

  4. #21684
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    isn't it a bit of a fraud for liberals to run as conservative democrats so they
    could be elected and then vote Pelosi,Conyers etc : extreme left wingers to
    postions of power ? also its VERY hypocritical to be glad the democrats
    won :--when if it wasn't for Bush, the Republicans and the brave soldiers
    you won't have a chance to become rich with a dinar r/v.

    Here's my 2 dinar opinion...
    I think they all go to Washington to change things, and Washington ends up changing them... regardless of their party.
    Who knows what the Dems are gonna do... I hope they get the message that they weren't just elected to sit on their ass and hate Bush... If the Dems are smart, they are gonna want Iraq to succeed. It would get them elected again.
    I feel most people in the US are pretty much moderatly down the middle of everything... there are extremists on both sides. But they are the minority...It seems the Dems wanna take your guns, and the Reps wanna take your porno mags.
    I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

    I'm still glad I got Whooot.

    Last edited by Frank Rizzo; 09-11-2006 at 07:12 AM.

  5. #21685
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default Might have been posted in the past, but has hidden attributes!

    Translated version of
    ALSABAAH, November 9, 2006, Consensus
    Views : Control our Destiny

    Hafiz Ulaywi
    Should the air of uncertainty and confusion surrounding many of the books and viewpoints designed to assist in the revival of the left could work to shape the future and determine the features. The confusion lies in that at the time when we say that the time of submission of the concept of socialism in the form of model obedient to the people has gone forever ", or so we hope." we also tell people that,

    And resorted to the revolution. they will not indulge in political activity diligent that they have not vision and clear enough for a substitute. In this study, we will try In the latter part of which is to find a somewhat between the two types of contradictory pressures. And we will try, without providing ready-made answers, raise questions to be discussed Left collectively.
    The task will study the work and its role in our rapidly changing. We face in the underdeveloped capitalist countries - developed option unacceptable solution between the EU, including unemployment on a large scale, The solution is American, including the proliferation of "working poor". Thus Mamani equation common now that the "end of work"? Does it mean that technological progress offers the potential for realizing the old dream for the removal of barriers and boundaries between work and rest? It would be difficult as long as it is the work is work, private good, but with that in a society which evaluates the value of goods produced and not reciprocal value "use values." It also appears that the idea that other common expansion in the sector, which aims to profit in a society like this without exposure to the substance of the economy which is controlled by the concept of profit, nothing but the idea of returning to the world of the imagination. And you behind these questions another question : Is the working class, that showed substantial change during the years of reconstruction, still capable force for social change?
    Could one imagine such a shift in our increasingly interdependent? That question obliges us to study the new doctrine, the doctrine of globalization. Is globalization is from God imposed inevitably technological progress? Or rather, on the contrary, the form of internationalization, which, in turn rights as a capital on the structural crisis? Even though this is the last, the globalization influence on the policies of our world. , Raised a series of questions related to what could or could not be done within the limits of a nation-medium-sized enterprises.

    Globalization is focusing attention on the enormous disparities in the gap on the planet. We can no longer claim that inequality will itself as it is expansion and proliferation instead of the recession and contraction. The increased share of the twenty wealthiest% from 70 to 85% of income in the world during the last thirty years, The share of the poorest fifth of the 2.3 to 1.4%. Moreover, the gap is widening within the same country, and especially in the developed capitalist countries, especially in Britain and the United States of America. Not only the issue of equality of wealth, The theme of women's emancipation put on the agenda the issue of inequality affecting half the population, considered in the past almost seemed normal, because the weight of centuries of time had backed. Since the ethnic oppression has lost none of Smomh, discrimination against foreigners and inventing new techniques and recruited more people in the service The equality, with all the sense of the word, a vital element of the indispensable elements of any project that seeks to change the existing communities real change.

    The issue of equality leads us directly to the topic of democracy. Democracy must be at the heart of any revival of socialism. not only because the Soviet experiment. If that experience has reminded us of the importance of the so-called freedoms formality, we can not be complacent and merely recovered. The system under which we live, , which is renewed every four or five years is a popular celebration cede sovereignty, while in most cases the process of selecting between two things, one similar to the other - both spent large sums of money on television reviews-no longer, As is clear enough. We are in need of equality and to the rediscovery of democracy at all levels, we want the people to take power in the backward society substantially.

    Thus, the main lesson contained in the latter part of this study is that the introduction of minor repairs to the prevailing institutions and to try to beautifying no longer enough. But we must struggle within the existing system and provide, however, solutions to lead us beyond the limits of the existing community. Ignoring the latter is unrealistic as to ignore the first thing. Achievement is a great success of the ruling during the last thirty years or so was used on every occasion, in particular the dismantling of the Soviet Union, to convince people that we are prisoners of the system can not escape it. Now for the first time in many years, shaken capabilities "institution" on the perception. But it will not find itself in a very except in the day when people realize once again that it was not written on them staying the same, although unable to become ******* of their own destiny.
    All in ... 1989
    1989 was a turning point in European history. It is clear that the dates that one must remembers, he is forever in the minds of the public the collapse of the Berlin Wall as a symbol of the disintegration of the new Stalinist empire. But it also symbolized more than that. Also, geographically, from Poland, where formed the first non-communist government in September. He then moved to Germany via Czechoslovakia "democracy" in the fall of the regime in November, , followed by Romania, which ended the rule of Nicolae Chauchescu month after that date, arrived in the end to the Soviet Union itself. To be mentioned in the list since the last 1989 runs in terms of the chronology of the more logical end to the re-unification of Germany and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Thus, it is, the concept of dual, as a declaration of the end of an era : wearing tattered curtain on the drama began heroically 1917, It also declare an end to years of Yalta, years of Europe divided, In fact, the end of the bipolar world.
    The decay and disintegration expectation, But what is surprising is the tyranny of the effects of that movement and strength and character virus, The rapid collapse of regimes one after another, after that blessed Moscow process and entered peoples to the theater. What has been surprising is the absence of any similar genuine resistance, not only on the outskirts of the empire; but also in the Soviet Union itself. On the other hand, The reaction of "our" as expected : The recent events as the funeral of socialism, Hence proof that capitalism will remain forever. It was also surprising is the success of this line. I must say I am puzzled - despite the strength of the publicity-about the coincidence factor in the disintegration of the Stalinist empire and the lack of faith in the possibility of building a different society, "the current society." in order to stop, so the majority of leftists, for a long time, for the country as the Soviet Union, which provides an alternative solution.
    The shock came true for the believers in 1956, while condemning Khorchov "secret" of Stalin learn values when the "sacred monument" that the machine small believe in God is a sinner committed bad deeds. (Had a devastating impact collectively similar impact caused by the discovery of Aliosha. in the novel, "Brothers Karamazov" that fetid odor away from the body of Father Zosima, who was considered a saint). But most people were able to overcome the belief, also able to overcome the invasion of Hungary in the same year, saying that the system is reforming itself from within. After twelve years of Soviet tanks entered Prague to eliminate the remaining illusions. Could not, in the aftermath, even the most orthodox Communist parties, two communists such as French and Portuguese, to say that the Soviet Union provides the solutions to our problems Socialist, or it builds future on its territory.
    Therefore, the easy answer to keeping graves saying that they were alive only be buried, Socialist and did not exist at all in Eastern Europe. Although the safety and health of this is true. can not leave it this way, This is because the Stalinist socialism Tsota had for a long time in the minds of many people, As there is nothing that can be used to deal with the broader 70th year of critical events as a mere historical casual, Although Russia must not be the model, we can not make any progress without the settlement of this account.
    For this reason, we will issue the river and why? We will review what comes later, the contrast between the vision dedicated to the countries of Western Europe and by Russia and the failure of the mother produced the contradiction of the proceeds of painful and harsh : Stalinism, which invaded the Soviet Union first, then subsequently invaded half of Europe. In particular, I will try and determine the cause of failure to achieve the optimistic assumptions that can lead to economic progress in the liberation of the regime progressive, and explain how the heirs of Stalin, those who cling to become a new class privileges, the maintenance of a system it is clear that Mehtre.
    It has not been possible to the continuation of the recession that resulted, therefore, the selection of referees and one of them is fit for the system and keep power. This brings us to perestroika and prospects. We will explore the achievements of Mikhail Gorbachev and past limitations, and we try to explain why the revolution was ruled metadata end to the path of capitalism. However, "the actual existing capitalism" is not attractive Timorese were also appear to be "printed" Mullaleh in soap operas. And one must, in order to understand the transformation which has not been completed, be aware that the struggle for power is linked to the conflict on the property. Their specificity of this transition process in the necessity of forming a class of landowners over the years. and not in decades or centuries. We will also results in 1989 for global foreign policy. We need to realize the meaning of the disappearance of the Soviet Union to examine the role was not clear which of the game during the period of its existence, at the same time, real movements have roots in their country, we will look at the relationship of Russia to national liberation movements : The Soviet model alone though, but, at the same time, protecting it to be the only deterrent against the United States imperial expansion. Now, the United States is the only bulk. We have lost capital deducted unclear, it is no longer a competitor, and there was little frightened, nor have any pretexts or excuses. They are.
    Finally, there is the question of "socialism funeral" will be whether the alleged new life of democratic socialism. It is strange that the opposite has occurred. Enlarging the capital and the universal abolition of laws and the lifting of restrictions on the movement of funds around the world are contributing to the reduction of some national authorities of the State and management of its Alkitrih "Lord Keter" 1883-1946 has demonstrated the economic infrastructure crisis in the mid-1970s, But Western Europe is only now begun to impact on the full political escalation against the vigor of full employment and the welfare state and all the achievements of the labor movement in the period of growth unprecedented in the aftermath of the Second World War. It is therefore incumbent on the left either to find an alternative to radical or surrendered. This will be the subject of detailed later by Snkhtm by our research.
    Is the light will come from the West?
    With Europe in the throes of the situation will lead to huge changes. Since the first of January 1999, it became one of eleven members of the European Union's fifteen common currency, , and the process was completed in 2002 when the dissolution of the "euro" practically replace the franc, mark and lira, guilder. The government also will lose - with the renunciation of financial management policies to the European Central Bank-something to control the budget, and therefore not yet been able, when faced with significant problems of disposal resort to devalue their currencies. It is no secret senior businessmen intentions, they will use the new framework for the attack on wages and working conditions, the pretext of the so-called "flexible working". And will trade unions, that did not learn quickly how to unite across national borders to surrender, do not called that the beginning of the new millennium saw the expansion of the EU eastward. The sound has come down by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Sallouvinia and Estonia.
    There is one important question lies behind all these developments and speculations on competition behind the "euro" for the dollar : Can the European Union is turning increasingly to be a pattern of American new entity and address of the United States of America? I have no doubt, , but not significantly, because what really warms my heart is the other side of the same question : Is the building of a Europe where different property relations and social organization and political prospects drastically from those prevailing in the United States? we will review the situation in Europe to determine where the rupture can occur in the not too distant future, We will begin our search from the east, the land of the revolution that aborted.
    That one incident - is the "industry" President in 1996-only for Russia to demonstrate the reality of the era of Czar Boris, and the rule of excessive wealth and rushing corrupt profits and the collapse of production and the bad condition of the majority of the population horrible. No longer possible now, despite all attempts to portray the Western "democracy" in the best possible way, to conceal the fact that the era of Yeltsin era was broken, the legacy left behind is extremely volatile. There is a dark grim fact is that if an explosion occurred at this stage it is difficult to imagine the possibility of a progressive solution.
    With regard to Poland, we will look at the situation from a more historical, because disappointment today is a measure of expectations yesterday. Poland was the only country in the Soviet bloc, which the workers successfully fought for their rights. The struggle to be crowned with success in 1980 when they formed the Association on behalf of a free and independent "solidarity". Here will follow the defeat of the syndicate in 1989 after the victory, and we will make clear why this happened, Why should not expect to send the movement alive in the near future?.
    We will move again, in the last example, from the specific to the general, The French Intifada in 1995 the biggest revolution occurring so far against attempts to eliminate the capital gains global movement achieved in the post-war period. Not only an attack on the French territory, but prejudicing the whole of western Europe, It has now expanded to become an all-out attack on the rights of workers, after the first attack on the welfare state. Thus, the counter-attack can not be a national character only. There is nothing Undulates in Western Europe today, because the French protesters demonstrated to their colleagues, after years of passive acceptance, that one can resist. The surrender is not the only possible reaction. But one can not talk about a glimmer of light only after the protesters moved in the European Union as a whole in the direction of what is far from the triumph of a defensive nature, and take in the struggle together for a different future.

    (See if you see the golden nuggets in this writer thoughts!)

    Originally Posted by Treater: "Most people would never even invest in dinar because of what they think won't work (dinar rv'ing being one of them). Most people won't think outside the box because the heard will scold them, and put pressure on them to conform back in line. We are already working outside of the heard, thats where we have to remain to escape the heard fate. All of us are acting as a larger being by sharing on this forum, we are like a snowball of knowledge together, and mere snowflakes apart."

  6. #21686
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    I am looking for that golden goose to lay its egg before this month is out. If not, then Im eating that silver bullet on Jan 1 2007.

    Isn't that how you kill a warewolf? or is it a vampire? I always get the silver bullet/wooden stake to the heart thing mixed up, LOL

  7. #21687
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    Default thoughts on my mind

    I wonder if it would be bennificial if they did have a change in leadership, maybe they'd get more politicians out for the government sittings & more things would get done. Hmmmm??? Also might shake up the corruption.

    Another thing, if the price of a barrel of oil is widley accepted as valued in american $$$ would'nt Iraq be getting paid/ reimbursed in the same & hence not be in any hurry to R/V? Goodness knows they would'nt want to do it just to help the average citizen & lower inflation. These guy's thinks differently than us (I've heard) (smile)

    Just podering........

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    The Presidency ratified the accession to the Ottawa Convention

    November 8, 2006
    Council ratified its penultimate meeting of the presidency, 2 / 11 / 2006 to pass a law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Ottawa.
    And following is the text of the law :

    "In the name of the people
    The Presidency
    Based on the approved by the parliament in accordance with article (61 / IV) of the Constitution, based on the provisions of articles (73 / II), (138 / VI) of the Constitution, the Presidential Council held on its penultimate, 2 / 11 / 2006, issued the following law :
    No. (11) of 2006
    The accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Ottawa in the 2 / 12 / 1997.
    Article 1 :
    Join the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines, and the destruction of mines signed in Ottawa in the 2 / 12 / 1997.
    Article 2 :
    This law implemented from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

    Tariq Al-Hashmi
    Adel Abdel Mahdi
    Jalal Talabani

    Vice-President of the Republic Vice-President of the Republic President of the Republic "
    (Signature Acting)


    Given the positive impact of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Canada (Ottawa) in, 2 / 12 / 1997 to put an end to the suffering and casualties caused by anti-personnel mines, and on the economic development and re-work, and for the purpose of the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention proceeded this law

  9. #21689
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    The Presidency ratified the accession to the Ottawa Convention

    November 8, 2006
    Council ratified its penultimate meeting of the presidency, 2 / 11 / 2006 to pass a law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Ottawa.
    And following is the text of the law :

    "In the name of the people
    The Presidency
    Based on the approved by the parliament in accordance with article (61 / IV) of the Constitution, based on the provisions of articles (73 / II), (138 / VI) of the Constitution, the Presidential Council held on its penultimate, 2 / 11 / 2006, issued the following law :
    No. (11) of 2006
    The accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Ottawa in the 2 / 12 / 1997.
    Article 1 :
    Join the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines, and the destruction of mines signed in Ottawa in the 2 / 12 / 1997.
    Article 2 :
    This law implemented from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

    Tariq Al-Hashmi
    Adel Abdel Mahdi
    Jalal Talabani

    Vice-President of the Republic Vice-President of the Republic President of the Republic "
    (Signature Acting)


    Given the positive impact of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Canada (Ottawa) in, 2 / 12 / 1997 to put an end to the suffering and casualties caused by anti-personnel mines, and on the economic development and re-work, and for the purpose of the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention proceeded this law

    this just took a ton of money outta france and chinas hands

  10. #21690
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    Wink Economic : The importance of setting up a bank guarantee in Iraq

    Translated version of
    Economic : The importance of setting up a bank guarantee in Iraq
    November 9, 2006 (Read this before, wonder why they re-printed this data?)

    D. Falah behind spring
    Faculty of Economics / University of Omar Mukhtar
    The Iraqi banking sector for the establishment of the first company for bank guarantees capital of (5.450) billion Iraqi Dinars to undertake the task of ensuring the small and medium loans ranging between (5-250) thousand dollars. The importance of this step of the role that could be played by this company in a small lift from the state of decay and deterioration, which is currently experiencing,

    Contributing to activate its role in the reconstruction process and the process of restructuring of the industrial sector.
    The awareness of the importance of such a step if we know that the sources of financing for most small projects in Iraq is currently limited personal savings to the owner of the project, the limited amount of funding provided by commercial banks, The high degree of risk of bank loans for small projects, the doubts that exist in their work, in addition to low economic feasibility of each, and their vulnerability to the vagaries of the market, The inability to provide traditional safeguards necessary to obtain financing, have pushed commercial banks and specialized agencies to adopt a policy based on providing some sort of preferential treatment for mega-projects both in the interest rate or repayment periods and at the expense of small projects, This policy was reinforced bias of the government mega-projects. Moreover, the special problems of small businesses themselves, no commitment of the evaluation criteria approved by the banking institutions, the weakness of the administrative aspects, production and marketing, legal and legislative, poor planning has and the lack of scientific studies and advisory services.
    It should be noted the banking finance constructed in accordance with the number of controls to ensure the recovery of the capital and profits, one of the most important of those controls, clients choose qualified and a good reputation and strong financial position, The project selection according to the feasibility study occasion, and identifying the type of bond that can be accepted and its financial resources. To address those problems in Iraq should benefit from the experiences of some countries. , which possesses expertise in the work of the bank guarantee, coupled with the success of the small projects in each of the United States of America, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Malaysia, the existence of such bodies as the bodies of those States to establish specialized financial adopts a set of mechanisms to ensure that the risks associated with loans. To achieve a number of objectives including :
    1-contribute to cover part of the losses arising from payment defaults by some of the small borrowers.
    2-provide bank guarantees to ensure the financing of fixed capital and operational.
    3-risk sharing among banks and bank guarantee.
    4-mitigation of administrative and bureaucratic restrictions that accompany the process of granting loans for small projects.
    5-encourage the entry of small and medium-sized companies in partnership with subsidiaries of major companies.
    6-Strengthening and developing marketing programs, the American experience is one of the richest experiences in this area, Although we are faced with the most free economy in the world. However, this did not prevent the American government intervene to protect small projects and help them to overcome the obstacles financial, and marketing. Since the year 1953 passed a special law to protect the interests of small projects, and founded for this purpose and federal agency under the name of the management of small projects "small business administration." Where are currently more than (3000) client and a budget up to more than $ 1 billion and owns (70) branch in American territory. And benefited from the support of this agency around (20) million small project through (53) years. In addition to its financial and marketing played "SBA" other roles, including :

    1 - the role of the Guide : - through the provision of information necessary for the establishment of the company, and how to obtain the necessary funding, The plan development, marketing, financial analysis, cost control and study the market and export.
    2-the role of a teacher : - through the organization of the ongoing sessions attended by the heads of small companies or the current candidates for the post, these courses address topics relating to the methods of administration and management, marketing, financing and the choice of the legal system of the company, and how to develop a plan of action and others.
    3-rehabilitation programs : - Agency established (57) center for the development of small projects in cooperation with universities and the private sector and local governments, the aim of rehabilitation and counseling the leaders of those projects and providing them with assistance in administration and management, marketing and finance, in addition to technical assistance in the production process. and how to prepare economic feasibility studies for the rehabilitation of the project to obtain financing SBA programs.
    4-Providing information : federal Agency-play a key role in providing all the information necessary for small projects, in particular on the needs of intermediate inputs and supplies Æ and the volume of supply and demand, prices and specifications, and other. through information centers provide a range of software for managing corporate databases and on the types of projects, these centers also includes a library with (400) book on the founding companies in addition to video and how to manage this side of telephone service for them to inquire about anything for small firms. and a special web site as "SBA" by all available information on the administration of these programs

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