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  1. #21691
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    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    this just took a ton of money outta france and chinas hands
    How so? I'm not familiar with information you quoted (from day dreamer). You mean that france and china are the main producers of anti-personel mines? Or...
    Last edited by webinvestor; 09-11-2006 at 07:38 AM.
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  2. #21692
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    Originally posted by Goldracker

    Houston We Have A Major Problem!!!!!!!!!


    Iraq lawmakers extend state of emergency

    Lawmakers present for a closed-door meeting attended by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki voted unanimously to extend the emergency measures, said legislators Ammar Touama and Kamal al-Saidi.

    In the final days before Tuesday's midterm election, President Bush dispatched two top officials to Iraq in a bid to pressure al-Maliki to quickly disband Shiite militia groups and death squads that have killed thousands of Sunni Muslims.

    National Intelligence Director John Negroponte was rebuffed by al-Maliki, however, when he demanded the Iraqi leader disband militias and wipe out death squads this year.

    A top aide to al-Maliki aide, who refused to allow use of his name because of the sensitive nature of the information, told The Associated Press the prime minister flatly refused and said the task could not be taken up until next year.

    Al-Maliki's refusal to act against the militias has caused deepening anger among Sunni politicians who took enormous risks in joining the political process.

    Sunni lawmaker Salim Abdullah said the Iraqi Accordance Front bloc had sent messages to other political groups warning that if there is no balance and the militias are not dissolved "we will withdraw from the government."

    "We are under political pressure, and if these demands are not met we will abandon politics," Abdullah said. "And this will leave us with only one alternative, which is carrying arms, and then it will be civil war. And we are against the civil war."

    Iraq lawmakers extend state of emergency - Yahoo! News
    Maliki does not plan on letting the sunni's get any where. I have said a couple of times that there is a reason Maliki doesn't want to stop the fighting. Last night watching Fox News, I forget what the guys name was, this pundant said the same thing. We need to get read of Maliki but the only problem is who do we replace him with. That is the major question. Plus the other question is, Is Maliki holding back the rv for a reason, like trying to keep up the fighting. This is just all speculation but we need to think about this. I'm not a naysaer I'm in this to the end but we need to wonder about certain things. Oh well enough said and thanks for letting me vent.

  3. #21693
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    Published: 11/09/2006 12:00 AM (UAE)

    Key Shiite figures 'on armed groups' hit list'
    By Basil Adas, Correspondent

    Baghdad: Armed groups in Iraq aim to assassinate key Shiite political and religious figures, sources have said.

    A prominent officer in the Iraqi Interior Ministry's intelligence bureau told Gulf News the list of assassinations included prominent figures such as Abdul Aziz Al Hakim, Chairman of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Ammar Al Hakim, the Supreme Council's deputy, Adel Abdul Mehdi, Iraq's Vice-President, Baqir Soulagh, former Minister of Interior and Ebrahim Al Jafari, former Prime Minister.

    "We had expected the armed groups to intensify their activities by assassinating prominent political figures, since the Iraqi parliament approved the federal law and after the death sentence verdict for Saddam Hussain.

    This is not new to us, but we do believe that efforts to achieve these assassinations have reached high levels of concentration and targeting" said Hadi Al Amiri, Chairman of the Bader Organisation (the disintegrated military wing of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq).

    Some Iraqi newspapers have warned that armed groups may plan to assassinate Al Hakim to wipe out the South and Middle Federal Province plan in the Iraqi Shiite south.

    Sources close to Hassan Abtan, Deputy governor of Najaf, told Gulf News that intensive security measures were taken on the Baghdad-Najaf road and inside the city of Najaf as well.

    Measures to confront any plan to assassinate political and religious figures, were taken in Najaf.

    "This series targets everyone, as there are external "hands" supported by occupation forces and some Iraqi forces as well, taking part in assassinations which we expect to be on the rise" said Riyadh Al Azzawi, media officer for the Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq.

  4. #21694
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    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    How so? I'm not familiar with information you quoted (from day dreamer). You mean that france and china are the main producers of anti-personel mines? Or...

    Yes and they both use to supply iraq with mines

  5. #21695
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    Good morning all.

    Today should be the day of enacting the FIL.

    I hope we will hear the whole package today but don't look surprised if we don't hear anything.

    The 10,000 dinar handout is mentioned but I never saw a link of this one so we have keep looking for this one.

  6. #21696
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    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Big oil companies will be a top target of Democratic lawmakers when they officially take over the House of Representatives early next year.

    Democrats picked up enough seats in Tuesday's U.S. election to win majority control of the House and have promised to roll back billions of dollars in tax breaks and other financial incentives extended to the oil industry in energy legislation Congress passed last year.

    Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who is poised to be the next Speaker of the House when the new Congress convenes in January, says oil companies have unfairly earned record profits by gouging consumers at the gasoline pump.

    Pelosi says taking away the financial relief given to Big Oil in last year's Republican-written energy law will be among the six major tasks Democrats plan to tackle in the first 100 hours after she slams the gavel to convene the new House.

    She says Democrats will also go after oil companies by enacting tough laws to stop gasoline price gouging, and some Democrats want to impose a windfall profits tax on Big Oil.

    "We're going to move on the agenda that we laid out," Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who heads the House Democrats' campaign committee, said on Wednesday.

    He said Democrats will "redirect" the billions in breaks for oil companies to programs that will move the United States "toward energy independence."

    Environmental groups welcomed the election results.

    "The American people's vision of an energy future that is very different from current policies is the winner, and Big Oil is the big loser," said Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters.

    The energy bill had about $2.8 billion in tax breaks and financial incentives for the oil and gas industry.

    The legislation allowed companies to speed up writing off exploration and drilling expenses, and immediately deduct half the cost of large oil refinery expansions.

    Legislation to repeal those tax breaks and other government financial incentives would also have to clear the Senate and then be signed by President George W. Bush.

    Bush could veto any legislation that House Democrats propose, raising the possibility of energy policy deadlock over the next two years.

    "You've still got a Republican president so what can you get done?" said Robert Ebel, an energy expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It's probably going to be two years where nothing is going to happen" on energy issues.


    Repealing the financial relief affects domestic oil giants such as Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips, and large U.S. operations of foreign firms such as BP and Royal Dutch Shell.

    Mark Kibbe, a tax policy analyst with the American Petroleum Institute, said the tax breaks make it more affordable for companies to search for oil and gas in the United States, instead of looking in other countries where production costs are generally much cheaper.

    "You're increasing the costs of those projects and you're making U.S. companies that much less competitive in the world market," he said.

    Guy Caruso, who heads the federal Energy Information Administration, warned that taking away the government's financial help could kill some energy projects.

    "The more expensive the project, the more affected they will be from a rollback in tax incentives and breaks," he said.

    Costly projects like drilling for crude in the very deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico or developing the thick oil trapped in shale rock in the Rocky Mountain region could be shut down, said Caruso.

    "There are some projects I'm sure would drop off the table," he added.

    I think this would be good for the Dinar.

  7. #21697
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    Quote Originally Posted by phiberoptik View Post
    Yes and they both use to supply iraq with mines
    Reading that reminded me of the silkworm antiship missles found after the invasion (they can take out a carrier but not classified as manufactured after the embargo and sold by france....great allies eh?

  8. #21698
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    Quote Originally Posted by panhead View Post
    Reading that reminded me of the silkworm antiship missles found after the invasion (they can take out a carrier but not classified as manufactured after the embargo and sold by france....great allies eh?
    i was in kuwait when that one snuck past the blew up the fish market. even drove past it on the way back to arifjan not a good day

  9. #21699
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Rizzo View Post
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Big oil companies will be a top target of Democratic lawmakers when they officially take over the House of Representatives early next year.
    I think this would be good for the Dinar.
    I hope you can forgive my outrage here. It may just be true that $100 per barrel oil will be good for the value of the Dinar down the road. But in the short term it will bankrupt thousands of average americans, the family farmers first in that sad line.

  10. #21700
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    Economic :inflation disadvantage of development and economic prosperity.A researcher at the Ministry of Finance for the "morning" required to reduce government spending and raise taxes to size Baghdad-Haider spring economic researcher warned of the dangers of inflation, believing it to the economic problems afflicting the world at the present time in general and Iraq in particular.The view that inflation is the increase in spending on consumption and investment in excess of the yield potential of the national economy would lead to the continuing rise in the general level of prices, is the constant increase in prices due to an increase in spending "on demand" production volume "supply" meaning "that a large amount of money Rahmana small quantity of goods and services, "says Professor Hilal war, an economist in the Ministry of Finance There are many types of inflation creeping inflation, which is characterized by a gradual rise in prices and in fact, the continuation of inflation creeping lead to the end of access to hyperinflation because of the cumulative impact.The hyperinflation :It مايءدي to the sharp decline in the purchasing power of their currency "for the money" and the weakness of confidence in the currency and cause a collapse of what happened in Germany in 1922 and in Hungary in 1947 and in Iraq "for the period 1991-2003," the siege imposed on the country, which was called "the grave" of most economists.In addition to rampant inflation Alerkodi some contemporary economics is an economic phenomenon is the synchronization of the manifestations of economic stagnation and inflation as manifestations of stagnation in economic growth and a recession in the use and the use of factors of production at the same time take the prices of goods and services, wages continued to rise in spite of the Ankhvaz level of aggregate demand and the rise of unemployment rate in productive resources, and strong production in the national economy.He adds war There are several reasons for the inflation of the continuous rise in prices of goods and services created by two basic factors :- increase the volume of spending on consumption and investment overall increase exceeding the national economy's ability to produce goods and services would lead to higher prices continuing in inflation leads to the phenomenon of a so-called inflation الطلبiDemand-pull inflation and this kind of inflation often Maisod in developing countries, including AlarRequests flexibility due to the weakness of the productive apparatus.The increase in costs is called inflation and cost inflation cost-push happen when the cash wages of workers "pay rise and take" to cause an increase in costs and prices paid rising,However, the increase in prices resulting from increases in cash wages lead to a decline in the level of real wages, which pays cash wages to rise and increase to cope with the decline in real wage, but at the same time lead to a decline in real wage again Thus, the continuous rise in wages leads to cash Artmonth expenses of production and, consequently, higher prices for goods and services produced and the emergence of inflation or to enter into the infernal cycle of inflation, as has happened in Iraq in the blockade because of the printing and issuance of banknotes, checks, which led to the collapse of the value of the Iraqi dinar and the arrival rate of one dollar to 3250 dinars, but Iraqisand, more than that in some cases.The war in addition to the factors there were other reasons for the inflation in Iraq :- 1-independence of monetary policy from fiscal policy because of the independence of the Central Bank of Iraq and the use of stabilization policies and the wrong action at the present time.Two-financial policy in Iraq is unable to withdraw cash in the market, but lead to an increase in the money supply any increase the cash in circulation.Three-economic theory did not apply to the Iraqi economy because sources of revenue, most from an external source is the export of crude oil, while very few domestic sources therefore increase the sources of foreign currency, because the Ministry of Finance to sell the dollar to the Central Bank buys and the Iraqi dinar to spend on expenses efWare in the economy and this action lead to increased criticism of the Iraqi dinar, resulting in increased inflation and not reducing and this is what is happening now already.Regarding ways of dealing with inflation and the possibilities of war. SaysInflation can be addressed through the most significant fiscal policy and monetary policy and fiscal policy is of particular importance in the fight against inflation and is a policy the following actions :- 1-reducing government spending :- it is clear that the expenditure of the government includes two types of expenditure are :--a current expenditure Expenditure current expenditure is contained in the normal annual spending budget investment, which aims to build production capacity and develop any productive establishment of the institutions and the establishment of roads, bridges, harbors, airports, dams, land reclamation and others.The total Matnafqah government is part of the total aggregate demand (total expenditure) Therefore, the reduction of public spending means reducing aggregate demand is مايءدي to reduce inflation and curb inflationary effects, we should focus on reducing current expenditure and not investment.Two-increasing taxes :the tax is one of the means used in the face of inflation to prevent the growing rates and targeting tax here to absorb a portion of income available for spending either through taxes on income and wealth tax is direct or through taxes imposed on goods and services produced is tax-AlmbachThis is the danger of the means of the most effective ways to address the inflation factors they limit the purchasing power of individuals and entities influencing marginal propensity to consume and therefore reduce consumer spending, which مايعني reduce aggregate demand, which has a direct influence on inflation.Therefore, Dharibhadah used to put pressure on aggregate demand, which has caused the creation of the phenomenon of inflation or monetary policy was used in the fight against inflation, by identifying the IMF as well as many of the States intervene directly to curb inflation by setting prices for goods and services and wages, and others.Here it must be noted that fiscal and monetary policies must serve each other and in the same direction to contribute to dealing with the phenomenon of inflation because they Herman, in the words of one building.And on the best ways and means that could be followed to reduce the aggravation of the crisis of war inflation finds the need for a series of important measures of them.1.Achieving a balance between market supply Monetary any criticism pumps on the market and cash withdrawn from the market are estimated amount of cash purchased from the Finance Ministry by the Central Bank of Iraq and for the Central Bank to withdraw that money supply through Fradat daily currency to the dollar.2.Should the public sector contribution in the withdrawal of cash from circulation by raising wages and collecting water, electricity and other services and the operation of supermarkets.3.State revenues revitalize the local non-oil exports.4.The revitalization of agricultural and industrial production any reactivation of the public sector, which should lead the process and that the private sector is estimated to achieve a solution and to contribute to the process because of the flight of the private sector to its neighbors Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.The war that inflation has serious economic and social can be summarized as follows :1.The redistribution of income :The high price levels lead to a reduction in the purchasing power of individuals who have not changed their cash, especially those with limited income (staff) who make up the vast majority of society, while the businessmen and owners of production units and owners and the real estate speculators and others who are in the minority community will lead to afor inflation to increase Madjulathm and works on the redistribution of income for them.2.The impact of inflation in the social welfare and economic growth :inflation reduces the potential of achieving prosperity and economic growth because it would cause turbulent atmosphere reduce the rush of investors and businessmen about the investment opportunities because of fears of continued high inflation rates, which lead to the collapse of the value of money and reflects the negative effects of total economic activity, which affects Naher in the process of economic growth.

    I got an idea... Re-Value the Dinar.
    Last edited by Frank Rizzo; 09-11-2006 at 08:35 AM.

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