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  1. #21701
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    BTW, everyone else--I went back through this thread, skimming, and saw that the first mention of the 10,000 dinar being handed out on the 12th was me--I was responding to something I THOUGHT I saw...but looking back now, I can't seem to find a prior reference. I'll look again...sorry for the confusion...

    God I hope it revals this week....OSWoman
    It's good to read the posts before posting on the same subject!!!! The explanation from OSW is clear. See post #261

    As far as the RV goes, we have been given information about how the details of the HCL were not presented to parliament. In fact when asked about, they (parliament) were told “non-existent” and to look mid Dec. Attempting a “push over”.

    Russia now trying to back step on the signing of the same type agreements as Iraq is in the processes of entering into with their oil extraction laws. In which case the Russian state is claming “getting short changed”. Now, with this new Russian information, new attention is presently being given to the Iraqi HCL. Agreed upon by the oil minister in Kuwait and presently needing to be sanctioned by the Iraqi parliament. The fractured parliament is ill equipped to settle its differences and come to agreement on this awaited issue. They are concerned that they have too hastily entered into terms that will give the contractors more that their fair share. This may be what we are waiting for on the RV.

    Also, with this I wonder if the RV will be announced during a state of emergency. Your thoughts, like when has New Iraq not been in a state of emergency?

    “Parliament extends Iraq's state of emergency for 30 days as of November 1st.”
    From post #98 of ordinaryseawoman.

    Exchange rate Nov, 2006 @ $.32 : 1 IQD At CBI since 2004
    Last edited by dorrel; 09-11-2006 at 08:39 AM. Reason: wording

  2. #21702
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    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    I hope you can forgive my outrage here. It may just be true that $100 per barrel oil will be good for the value of the Dinar down the road. But in the short term it will bankrupt thousands of average americans, the family farmers first in that sad line.

    Don't get me wrong. I don't want them to put farmers out of business.
    I just hope that if that happened, they wouldn't try to make any excuses so they can bend over America like they were doing for awhile...

    What I got from reading the article, they would have to stop going off and looking for oil elsewhere, and then go back to their old standby... the middle east... ie Iraq.
    We are gonna have to find new ways to power cars soon though. But I don't see the big oil companies doing anything about it... Their bottom line is profit.
    Last edited by Frank Rizzo; 09-11-2006 at 08:52 AM.

  3. #21703
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    Quote Originally Posted by dorrel View Post
    BTW, everyone else--I went back through this thread, skimming, and saw that the first mention of the 10,000 dinar being handed out on the 12th was me--I was responding to something I THOUGHT I saw...but looking back now, I can't seem to find a prior reference. I'll look again...sorry for the confusion...

    God I hope it revals this week....OSWoman
    It's good to read the posts before posting on the same subject!!!! The explanation from OSW is clear. See post #261

    As far as the RV goes, we have been given information about how the details of the HCL were not presented to parliament. In fact when asked about, they (parliament) were told “non-existent” and to look mid Dec. Attempting a “push over”.

    Russia now trying to back step on the signing of the same type agreements as Iraq is in the processes of entering into with their oil extraction laws. In which case the Russian state is claming “getting short changed”. Now, with this new Russian information, new attention is presently being given to the Iraqi HCL. Agreed upon by the oil minister in Kuwait and presently needing to be sanctioned by the Iraqi parliament. The fractured parliament is ill equipped to settle its differences and come to agreement on this awaited issue. They are concerned that they have too hastily entered into terms that will give the contractors more that their fair share. This may be what we are waiting for on the RV.

    Also, with this I wonder if the RV will be announced during a state of emergency. Your thoughts, like when has New Iraq not been in a state of emergency?

    “Parliament extends Iraq's state of emergency for 30 days as of November 1st.”
    From post #98 of ordinaryseawoman.

    Exchange rate Nov, 2006 @ $.32 : 1 IQD At CBI since 2004
    I don´t know but I don´t think the state of emergency has an influence of this.

    Winter is coming, poverty increasing action has to be taken NOW.

    We see Kurdistan is ready and are already busy. For the region Kurdistan there is no State of Emergency.

    I hope we see it at the latest on Sunday.

  4. #21704
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcquiller1 View Post

    Hey Arkie, good to see you. Wasn't it stated somewhere earlier this week or last week that BOA would begin buying and selling dinar on 11/13? If so, this makes sense to hand out the stipends and the $10K dinar on 11/12/, doesn't it? I am thinking RV so that the money is worth something...just my thoughts.
    i thought the rumor came from an un-reliable source that had the same rumor months ago? sgs?

  5. #21705
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    Stage Set for Iraq Policy Shift
    Both Parties May Seek Cover in Recommendations of Study Group

    By Glenn Kessler and Thomas E. Ricks
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Thursday, November 9, 2006; Page A25

    Democratic control of the House and possibly the Senate, combined with the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, has set the stage for a dramatic shift in the Bush administration's policy toward the Iraq war, lawmakers and experts said. The contours of a new policy are not clear, but there is likely to be more pressure on the Iraqi government to rein in sectarian violence and a growing clamor from Democrats to begin a drawdown of U.S. troops.

    Rumsfeld is slated to be replaced by Robert M. Gates, a member of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group who has spent recent weeks learning the problems of the administration's current approach. Unlike Rumsfeld, who was widely seen as a roadblock to a shift in strategy, Gates is expected to be much more receptive to implementing the group's recommendations, due to be made public about Dec. 7.

    Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, left, met with Iraq Study Group co-chairmen James A. Baker III and Lee Hamilton in Baghdad in August. The group's report is to be issued in December. (By Daniel Berehulak -- Getty Images)
    Special Report

    Gates has been frustrated that the administration has been unable to adjust to changing circumstances in Iraq, according to one person who has spoken to him about the administration's management of the war. Gates, he said, believes "you can't be afraid to adjust your action to adjust to the realities on the ground."

    Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), who would chair the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if Democrats capture the Virginia Senate seat and control of the Senate, said he understood that Gates "has a much more pragmatic and realistic view of the place we find ourselves" in Iraq and is much more willing to work with the uniformed military than Rumsfeld was.

    Even before the election, both Democrats and Republicans had been eagerly awaiting the recommendations of the study group, which is headed by former secretary of state James A. Baker III, a Republican, and former Democratic representative Lee Hamilton of Indiana. The group of mainstream foreign policy experts is not poised to make radical suggestions when it unveils its report, but official Washington has expected both parties to seize on its ideas for political cover.

    One senior Senate aide said both parties are looking for an exit from Iraq out of "pure political interests." After their devastating losses, Republicans do not want Iraq to be an electoral albatross in 2008; Democrats, meanwhile, do not want it to still be the first order of business if they reoccupy the White House in 2009.

    Biden said that a number of Republicans have told him privately that they are willing to push for a change in course on Iraq after the election. "We have a narrow window before 2008 kicks in to get a bipartisan consensus on Iraq," he said.

    The administration has long set a goal of a stable, democratic Iraq, suggesting that major troop withdrawals could not be expected until the Iraqi government was capable of sustaining that enterprise itself.

    "I'd like our troops to come home, too, but I want them to come home with victory, and that is a country that can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself," President Bush said yesterday at a news conference. But he added that "Iraq is not working well enough, fast enough."

    The Baker-Hamilton study group is not expected to call for pulling out of Iraq quickly. Rather, insiders say, the most likely recommendation will be to curtail the goal of democratizing Iraq and instead emphasize stability. That might entail devoting more resources to training and equipping Iraq's military, perhaps by radically increasing the size of the U.S. training and advisory effort.

    Bush, who will meet with the Baker-Hamilton group next week, told reporters he is awaiting its report, mentioning twice more in his news conference that he would "work" with them. In announcing the nomination of Gates, Bush said that "he will provide the department with a fresh perspective and new ideas on how America can achieve our goals in Iraq."

    Democrats served notice that they will push for a change in approach, such as beginning a phased withdrawal of U.S. troops soon. "The American people have spoken," said Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), who is in line to become House speaker in January. "It's important for us to work in a bipartisan way with the president, again, to solve the problem, not to stay the course. That's not working. That's clear."
    Stage Set for Iraq Policy Shift

    Specifically, Pelosi said, the administration and Congress need to work together "to send a clear message to the Iraqi government and people that they must disarm the militias, they must amend their constitution, they must engage in regional diplomacy to bring more stability and reconstruction to Iraq, and that we must begin the responsible redeployment of our troops outside of Iraq."

    Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), who likely will take over as chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, last year sent Bush a letter calling for the removal of one U.S. brigade -- about 3,500 troops -- for every three Iraqi brigades deemed capable. He said Bush told him his formula was "too rigid," but Skelton said he will press for this approach from his new position of power. "I think this is an important opportunity to begin a new policy direction," he said.

    Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, left, met with Iraq Study Group co-chairmen James A. Baker III and Lee Hamilton in Baghdad in August. The group's report is to be issued in December. (By Daniel Berehulak -- Getty Images)
    Special Report

    Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), in line to head the House International Relations Committee in the next Congress, said there are few new ideas left to be tried and wasn't sure how much the Baker-Hamilton report would alter the debate.

    "You can't unscramble the omelet and the tremendous mistakes that were made after major military operations," he said. "I don't see any magical solutions, but the president may be sending a signal of a change in course" by removing Rumsfeld immediately after the election, he said. "We are willing to meet him halfway."

    Democrats yesterday appeared to have little interest in mandating a reduction in U.S. forces through spending cuts, a politically risky step.

    Michael O'Hanlon, a defense expert at the Brookings Institution, said congressional Democrats will face some difficult choices as they try to move Bush toward a new approach to the war. He said they could rhetorically put pressure on Bush, but not enough to sound defeatist, keeping blame for policy failures on the GOP.

    Democrats also could work with Bush to jointly pressure Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to take more action to end the violence in Iraq, but that would directly associate the Democrats with administration policy.

    O'Hanlon said the Baker-Hamilton report might help frame the debate by delivering a diagnosis of the problem that both sides can accept, in contrast to rhetoric from Bush that he said was often "divorced from reality."
    Last edited by Hope Full; 09-11-2006 at 09:21 AM. Reason: took out ads

  6. #21706
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    Inflation disadvantage of development and economic prosperity.
    A researcher at the Ministry of Finance for the "morning"

    Baghdad-Haider spring
    Economic researcher warned of the dangers of inflation, believing it to the economic problems afflicting the world at the present time in general and Iraq in particular. The view that inflation is the increase in spending on consumption and investment in excess of the yield potential of the national economy
    “What leads to a continuous rise in the general level of prices, is the constant increase in prices due to an increase in spending "on demand" production volume "supply" meaning "that a large amount of money chasing a small amount of goods and services"
    And Professor Hilal war, an economist in the Ministry of Finance There are many types of inflation creeping inflation, which is characterized by a gradual rise in prices and in fact, the continuation of inflation creeping lead to the end of access to hyperinflation because of the cumulative impact.
    The hyperinflation : It مايءدي to the sharp decline in the purchasing power of their currency "for the money" and the weakness of confidence in the currency and cause a collapse of what happened in Germany in 1922 and in Hungary in 1947 and in Iraq "for the period 1991-2003," the siege imposed on the country, which was called "the grave" of most economists.
    In addition to rampant inflation Alerkodi some contemporary economics is an economic phenomenon is the synchronization of the manifestations of economic stagnation and inflation as manifestations of stagnation in economic growth and a recession in the use and the use of factors of production at the same time take the prices of goods and services, wages continued to rise in spite of the Ankhva z level of aggregate demand and the rise of unemployment rate in productive resources, and strong production in the national economy.
    He adds war There are several reasons for the inflation of the continuous rise in prices of goods and services created by two basic factors : - increase the volume of spending on consumption and investment overall increase exceeding the national economy's ability to produce goods and services would lead to higher prices continuing in inflation leads to the phenomenon of a so-called inflation الطلبiDemand-pull inflation and this kind of inflation often Maisod in developing countries, including pw refined due to the weakness of flexible production system.
    The increase in costs is called inflation and cost inflation cost-push happen when the cash wages of workers "pay rise and take" to cause an increase in costs and prices paid rising, However, the increase in prices resulting from increases in cash wages lead to a decline in the level of real wages, which pays cash wages to rise and increase to cope with the decline in real wage, but at the same time lead to a decline in real wage again Thus, the continuous rise in wages leads to cash Art month expenses of production and, consequently, higher prices for goods and services produced and the emergence of inflation or to enter into the infernal cycle of inflation, as has happened in Iraq in the blockade because of the printing and issuance of banknotes, checks, which led to the collapse of the value of the Iraqi dinar and the arrival rate of one dollar to 3250 dinars, but Iraqis and, more than that in some cases.
    -The war in addition to the factors there were other reasons for the inflation in Iraq : -
    1- One-the independence of monetary policy from fiscal policy because of the independence of the Central Bank of Iraq and the use of stabilization policies and the wrong action at the present time.
    2- Two-financial policy in Iraq is unable to withdraw cash in the market, but lead to an increase in the money supply any increase the cash in circulation.
    3- Three-economic theory did not apply to the Iraqi economy because sources of revenue, most from an external source is the export of crude oil, while very few domestic sources therefore increase the sources of foreign currency, because the Ministry of Finance to sell the dollar to the Central Bank buys and the Iraqi dinar to spend on expenses ef Ware in the economy and this action lead to increased criticism of the Iraqi dinar, resulting in increased inflation and not reducing and this is what is happening now already.
    -Inflation can be addressed through the most significant fiscal policy and monetary policy and fiscal policy is of particular importance in the fight against inflation and is a policy the following actions : -
    1- -One-reducing government spending : - it is clear that the expenditure of the government includes two types of expenditure are : -
    أ - A current-current expenditure is expenditure Expenditure Provisions of the normal annual spending budget investment, which aims to build capacity and develop any productive establishment of the institutions and the establishment of roads, bridges, harbors, airports, dams, land reclamation and others.
    The total Matnafqah government is part of the total aggregate demand (total expenditure) Therefore, the reduction of public spending means reducing aggregate demand is مايءدي to reduce inflation and curb inflationary effects, we should focus on reducing current expenditure and not investment.
    2-Two-increasing taxes : the tax is one of the means used in the face of inflation to prevent the growing rates and targeting tax here to absorb a portion of income available for spending either through taxes on income and wealth tax is direct or through taxes imposed on goods and services produced is tax-Almbach This is the danger of the means of the most effective ways to address the inflation factors they limit the purchasing power of individuals and entities influencing marginal propensity to consume and therefore reduce consumer spending, which مايعني reduce aggregate demand, which has a direct influence on inflation.
    Therefore, Dharibhadah used to put pressure on aggregate demand, which has caused the creation of the phenomenon of inflation or monetary policy was used in the fight against inflation, by identifying the IMF as well as many of the States intervene directly to curb inflation by setting prices for goods and services and wages, and others.
    Here it must be noted that fiscal and monetary policies must serve each other and in the same direction to contribute to dealing with the phenomenon of inflation because they Herman, in the words of one building.
    And on the best ways and means that could be followed to reduce the aggravation of the crisis of war inflation finds the need for a series of important measures of them.
    1.Achieving a balance between market supply Monetary any criticism pumps on the market and cash withdrawn from the market are estimated amount of cash purchased from the Finance Ministry by the Central Bank of Iraq and for the Central Bank to withdraw that money supply through Fradat daily currency to the dollar.
    2.Should the public sector contribution in the withdrawal of cash from circulation by raising wages and collecting water, electricity and other services and the operation of supermarkets.
    3.State revenues revitalize the local non-oil exports.
    4.The revitalization of agricultural and industrial production any reactivation of the public sector, which should lead the process and that the private sector is estimated to achieve a solution and to contribute to the process because of the flight of the private sector to its neighbors Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. ويؤكد الطعان ان للتضخم اثارا اقتصادية واجتماعية خطيرة يمكن ايجازها بما يأتي:The war that inflation has serious economic and social can be summarized as follows :
    1.The redistribution of income : The high price levels lead to a reduction in the purchasing power of individuals who have not changed their cash, especially those with limited income (staff) who make up the vast majority of society, while the businessmen and owners of production units and owners and the real estate speculators and others who are in the minority community will lead to a for inflation to increase Madjulathm and works on the redistribution of income for them.
    2.The impact of inflation in the social welfare and economic growth : inflation reduces the potential of achieving prosperity and economic growth because it would cause turbulent atmosphere reduce the rush of investors and businessmen about the investment opportunities because of fears of continued high inflation rates, which lead to the collapse of the value of money and reflects the negative effects of total economic activity, which affects Nah er in the process of economic growth.

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    Expectations increase the volume of investments and oil production.
    Baghdad Haider spring

    Iraq intends to increase the volume of investments in oil under the new law, oil and gas, it will be re-consideration of all contracts signed during the era of Principles in the negotiation.
    Reports indicate Iraq has sought to re-develop the Al-Ahdab oil field in southern Iraq, which will enhance oil production in Iraq with 90 thousand barrels a day.
    In this regard, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani oil minister that Iraq and China would undertake talks on reviving the oil contract to develop Al-Ahdab oil field, that was agreed upon in the era of the Principles.
    Shahrastani said in a press interview during his visit to Beijing recently : the representatives of the Iraqi Oil Ministry and the oasis company partly owned oil company China National will begin work soon to activate the contract has met the minister, who had arrived from Japan with senior officials of the government oil companies only fourth in China.
    It is expected to produce Al-Ahdab field, which is located in southern Iraq about 90 thousand barrels per day and if the agreement has been reached between the two sides, this will be the first foreign oil contract granted by Iraq, according to the law of oil and gas due to be issued shortly.
    He Shahrastani during his speech to the companies that will work in Iraq at the present time is only possible to have an opportunity to obtain contracts, pointing out that the Iraqi and Chinese sides realize the importance of cooperation and the need for each other.
    The Petroleum Ministry had recently started a work plan, designed to attract large foreign companies to invest in the Iraqi oil sector, as recently contracted with a number of companies to add new production units of the refinery to reach productive capacity of 180 thousand barrels per day, especially as the design capacity of the liquidator of approximately 110 thousand barrels and that it is working to increase the production capacity of the refinery to more than 180 thousand barrels per day.
    It was actually contracted with the company (STP) for the establishment of the Italian unit Azmerh new refinery in the session for the addition of a new unit of the refinery manufactures rule units involved in improving the quality of gasoline.
    All contracts signed in the era of the Principles will be negotiated in line with the new law on oil and gas, which had Igiraidha volume of investments in the Al-Ahdab field, estimated at around 700 million dollars.
    He added that Iraq is seeking to increase its oil production by 20% to reach three million barrels a day by the end of this year.
    He pointed out that Iraq hopes to increase total oil production by between 4-4.5 million barrels per day by 2010 if it succeeds in attracting investments to develop the discovered fields and 80 gas fields.

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    I am not sure if this had been posted earlier in another thread but I just ran across it. It's a good read.

    Iraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force

    U.S.-Iraq Business Dialogue: Membership Opportunity
    October 2006

    On October 30, the U.S. Department of Commerce published a Notice in the Federal Register announcing membership opportunities for American representatives to join the U.S. Section of the newly-established U.S.-Iraq Business Dialogue. The Business Dialogue is a bilateral forum to facilitate private sector business growth in Iraq and to strengthen trade and investment ties between the United States and Iraq. Further, the Sections will advise the U.S. Department of Commerce and Iraqi Ministry of Trade on private sector views of Iraq's business environment and make recommendations for ways to enhance Iraq’s commercial development. The application deadline is December 5, 2006. For more information, please review the Federal Register Notice.

  9. #21709
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    Default I don't want to spead roomers

    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    The Central Bank witnesses the highest circulation and exchange rate of the dollar in 2006
    The Central Bank witnesses the highest circulation and exchange rate of the dollar in 2006
    Source: Prepared by

    The auction of the Iraqi Central Bank witnessed yesterday, Tuesday, the highest demand on purchasing the dollar during the current year as well as the higher exchange rate for the dollar for over a year. Also, several banks sold dollars to the Bank where the demand for purchase registered $109 million and 150 thousand, compared with 70 million during the previous session

    So yes, they are buying dollars with dinars. I believe the circulation the headline mentions is dinar, the highest amount of dinar in circulation. I would like to see the reverse right before an rv...reduce the number of dinar in this point, I'm just watching and the way, what's up with the stipends? someone said moday the 7th, and now it's pushed back to sunday the 12th? no surprise--just wondering what's the latest word.

    Thanks, OSWoman

    I saw the 12th posted by OSWoman. I mite of just wanted it to
    be true too much.


  10. #21710
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    Hi guys,

    Not been on for a couple of days, rather than read hundreds of posts, has anything significant happened? FIL, 10k handout, HCL, coins, RV etc?

    Thanks in advance

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