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  1. #21761
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    Does anyone know where the official statement of FIL being automatically enacted within 30 days after passing is

    I am not sure but I thought it was in the new ammended CBI laws on the CBI website...there is so much information that sometimes I can't keep it all straight...I will check though.

  2. #21762
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    I just don´t seem to find the 30 days info anywhere

    Was that just an assumption and who told us.

    I´m with you that a reval should come hand in hand with the FIL enacted

    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    There is no such statement. The only statement is that it will be enacted with its publication in the Official Gazette.

    However, I think susie or someone else here pointed that the laws get enacted automatically within 30 days, which could be also the case of FIL.

    On the other hand, the FIl gives access to foreign investors to iraqis resources, which should be AFTER a possible currency RV. If it is made public ( published) on a certain date without RV, the contracts that are signed already become active, which means probably a disaster....
    Any other opinions?

  3. #21763
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    The only problem that I see with that is the fact that in the FIL pdf says clearly that it needs to be published in the Official Gazette.

    I know that the subject has been discussed on the forum, but I feel like this law is too important to take the easy route of just being published in the government newspapers without being officially published in the Gazette.

    So, how do we stand from this point of view?
    Actually, there was a change in the wording of a PDF document at the CBI web site last week (or a few days ago).

    They removed the section that said the information has to be published in the Gazette! :-)
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  4. #21764
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    Default Iraq is the Key to the Middle East

    Iraq Remains Central to Mideast Transformation

    Iraqis urged to decide on oil revenues, militias, other issues

    By David Shelby
    Washington File Staff Writer

    Washington -- Iraq is a key front in combating terrorism, and failure to establish a stable, democratic system there would have dire consequences, says U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

    “[A]l-Qaida understands it is a part of the global War on Terror. The Iranians understand that it's a part of the global War on Terror. And we really have to recognize what the very, very dire circumstances would be, what the implications would be if we fail to finish the job in Iraq,” she said in a radio interview November 2.

    “I think that what has been hard to keep a focus on, given the difficulties in Iraq, is the central role that Iraq plays in a changed Middle East,” she said. “The first point is we need a changed Middle East. This is a Middle East that, after all, produced the ideology of hatred that produced al-Qaida that produced September 11th. And Iraq is a centerpiece of that. It's a critical state.”

    Rice said al-Qaida’s goal is to gain a foothold in Iraq from which it can establish a global Taliban-style caliphate, which is why “we have no choice but to make certain that we have left the foundation for an Iraq that can be stable and that can have a foundation for democracy.”

    The secretary said Iraq is making progress as its political system matures and its leaders assume greater responsibility for the country’s security. In particular, she pointed to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s call for additional security forces as an encouraging sign. “[I]t's a positive thing when he comes to us and says I need more security forces, we've got to end this violence,” she said. “That means that we've got to train Iraqi security forces more quickly and in greater number so that they can take more responsibility as Iraqi leaders are saying they want to do.”

    She added that Iraq’s leaders must make some difficult but critical decisions regarding the distribution of oil revenues, the treatment of former Baathists and the disbanding of militias.

    Rice said the fight against extremism is “the struggle of our times,” and added that she remains optimistic about the outcome. “I really don't believe that their hateful and dark ideology is going to win over human beings if they have other choices,” she said.

    Transcripts of Rice’s interviews on the Laura Ingraham Show and the Glenn Beck Show are available at the State Department Web site.

    For more information on U.S. policy, see Iraq Update.

    (The Washington File is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: USINFO - The United States Department of State)

    Iraq Remains Central to Mideast Transformation - Source

    Iraqi Dinar News Article List
    Iraqi Dinar News - Iraq Remains Central to Mideast Transformation,

  5. #21765
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    To Charmed Piper.

    Thank you for expressing your opinions on the questions I posed. As with everyone on this forum, I try to get some semblance of reason into my thinking about what is going to happen "next". It's hard when you put your own western form of thinking into the Iraqi way of doing business. As you have stated it makes sense that you would have to revalue the dinar before you distribute the 10K if your intent was to give your people something of value. Even after all this time, of being on the forum, and being involved with the dinar, I still find myself jumping out ahead of the process in Iraq. If this weekend passes and there is no reval and the FIL is in place, in your opinion, what do you think will happen next and what issues are still on the table that need to be addressed for them to actually reval the currency?

  6. #21766
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    Default recap of thoughts

    OK let do a recap of thinking

    Last week it was posted per a link that the 10K was to be handed out "first part of next week" so to me when someone says "first part of next week" that mean before Wednesday. But they did a curfew for 2 days, sunday and monday. Curfew was lifted by Tuesday morning. So does that delay the 10K by two days?

    Plus election day was a watch and wait day for Iraq government - so Wednesday they got a good idea now the US government is structured now. With the Dems taking over will that jump start some fast passing of laws in Iraq to get the economy going?

    And lets not for get the 30 days of the FIL is up tomorrow 11/10/06, if it was truely done on 10/10/06. Now remember tomorrow is Friday and Iraq banks are closed.

    So trying to "think" like Iraq parliment which is very hard to do - here is what we have to work with:
    Do they annnounce late today, thursday RV & FIL?
    Do they announce Friday RV & FIL with their banks closed which would make the rest of the world wait until monday before they can cash in?

    One thing I do know we have had way to many "rumors" from all different kinds of "contacts" that make everybody go "what". So even though we don't have FACT LINKS FOR EVERYBODY - but alot of GUT FEELINGS - the next 3 days will be interesting to watch. So if you need a link to confirm - help everybody here and try researching for it.

    We are CLOSE THAT IS FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THANK YOU to all that are positive and HELPFUL with the RESEARCH!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!

    I feel a Farm Jigging fix'n to Happen!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #21767
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raditz View Post
    Good question,

    I belive that the FIL will be enacted on Sunday, and it goes hand in hand with the Rumour of BoA selling dinars from 13/11, we were told they'd only be dealing with dinars once it was 'trading' internationally........

    And we have our RV!
    I agree with you Raditz. Maybe they need the weekend for preparation.

    I can remember that the BoA rumor was also told by another person.

    We know it has to happen but what makes me think why we are almost there is the silence regarding this FIL. More and more we read about signing contracts here and there but no FIL??

    I also believe that FIL = RV, they have to.

    It is also the same with the 10,000 dinar grant. One article about early next week and then nothing!!!

    Sunday will be a very interesting day I think. Let's hope that we are finally there.

  8. #21768
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    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    Actually, there was a change in the wording of a PDF document at the CBI web site last week (or a few days ago).

    They removed the section that said the information has to be published in the Gazette! :-)

    Your right Webinvestor....I printed all 66 pages out and It was updated November 1, 2006.

    Deleted was the phrase: shall be published in the Official Publications at the latest on (date ),

    It now reads: This law shall enter force on (date )

  9. #21769
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    Default To add to what CP said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    After reading many many posts about upcoming dates and events, is it safe to say that the 10K distribution will not happen within the next few days? Without the distribution there does not seem IMO to be any rush to reval the dinar am I correct in my thoughts? It seems Maliki is enjoying his position so much that there doesn't seem to be any real reason to change the status quo in the near future. SGS can you help by giving your insight and opinion to these two issues. Thank you
    They did say 8-10 days ago that the 10K cards would go out "early next week", and since today (Thursday) is the last day of their business week. They again missed a timeframe. Many others have predicted the R/V to go with the FIL. Which should happen in the next 2-3 days.

    Another question is if they will do everything real quitley or a big announcement. I would think they will just announce it, not make a big deal so the banks can get a handle of the situation. Remember about a 5 weeks ago the PR/Press guy Skinner (I think the name got "lost" in translation) announced a big press conference with Maliki 1-2 days ahead of the date. We all got excited and it was something else. So if we hear something from Skinner today or tommorow about a press conference, I will get excited.


  10. #21770
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    To Charmed Piper.

    Thank you for expressing your opinions on the questions I posed. As with everyone on this forum, I try to get some semblance of reason into my thinking about what is going to happen "next". It's hard when you put your own western form of thinking into the Iraqi way of doing business. As you have stated it makes sense that you would have to revalue the dinar before you distribute the 10K if your intent was to give your people something of value. Even after all this time, of being on the forum, and being involved with the dinar, I still find myself jumping out ahead of the process in Iraq. If this weekend passes and there is no reval and the FIL is in place, in your opinion, what do you think will happen next and what issues are still on the table that need to be addressed for them to actually reval the currency?
    In response to the highlighted part of your question: WE AT ROLCLUB WILL CHARTER A PLANE LOAD UP WITH OUR DINAR, FLY OVER THERE AND SAY --- "LISTEN WHAT'S THE HOLD-UP IF YOU CAN'T REVAL IT NOW THEN WE WOULD LIKE TO BUY 6 OR 7 PROVINCES" I bet you see some papers flippin' and pens movin' then!!!!

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