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  1. #21861
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treater View Post
    Iraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force

    Iraq Adopts New Investment Law
    October 2006
    On October 10, Iraq adopted an investment law that offers an accommodating regulatory environment for U.S. business. The law will take effect once published in the Official Gazette. Although various actions must be taken before Iraq’s new investment regime is fully functional, there are several noteworthy features of the recently-approved law.

    It doesn't say the have to put into effect 30 days of the 10th. I believe the confusion is because of the project licensing period, which is 30 days. The confusion about the gazette is that while the FIL has to be posted in the Gazette, that is different than a RV from CBI having to be posted in the Gazette. There is a difference, and we need to remember the difference.

    Kurdistan Regional Government Passes Investment Law
    July 2006
    On July 04, the National Assembly of the Kurdistan Regional Government enacted an Investment Law <pdf/kurdistan_investment_law.pdf> <pdf/kurdistan_investment_law.pdf>(PDF only) which, among other reforms, allows the foreign investor to own and lease land. The law also provides for the equal treatment of foreign and national investors, as well as a quick 30-day project licensing period.
    Of course I may be wrong here, but I searched and couldn't find anything about the 30 thing anywhere, and if you think about it that info would be all the tip off the big boys like Soros would need to move in strong. I doubt such a law exists, but on the bright side it will happen, and it will happen pretty soon we just have to be patient.
    the 30 day stipulation was NOT in an article about the FIL in particular, it was talking about ALL LAWS and how if they are not enacted within 30 days it would happen automatically.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #21862
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I can confirm that they changed the phrasing in the CBI law for posting in the Gazette and in the right-side margin of the document is says deleted with the paragraph that use to specifically state the word GAZETTE...I printed it off just in case I couldn't find it again. I posted it earlier. It clearly states Official Gazette OR MAJOR NEWSPAPER to allow everyone to see the enacted law.
    I saw this Charmed. But isn't this only regarding to the CBI. I think the FIL is a big one that needs be announced official.

    But aren't they publishing the Gazette whenever they want. I thought that someone (believe Adster) mentioned that is was update sometimes once a month and then 2 day in a row.

    Maybe I am wrong!

  3. #21863
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    Is he serious? These couple of points (to 1465) is going to encourage buyers to reduce inflation??? What is this guy smoking?? Does he truly understand inflation and its causes? Does he think a few points on a Dinar that is not freely traded will reduce inflation?? Come on, RV!!
    the point being made is IT HAS TO BE RAISED IN ORDER TO REDUCE INFLATION. i think its justification for what they are preparing to do. i mean look, if a country just all of a sudden raised their currency by over a dollar in an instant would it be frowned upon and stated that it was way out of line???
    i mean it has never happened and im sure there will be those other countries that HAVE A FIT.

    ive noticed theyve made this point repeatedly over the last couple weeks. lubrication for whats about to happen.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #21864
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    Default Follow-up to Kuwait Reparations

    Okay, I found the other member who posted the article I read, and it was posted by you. I'm usually a lot better in remembering who posts what, but I guess it's been a long month for me already. So here's the article:

    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News: Kuwait receives $11.2 billion from Iraq as war reparations

    In a nutshell, it talks about Iraq having paid $11.2B, yet the UN Compensation Commission approved a total of $41.3B to be paid. Furthermore, it states that Kuwait filed compensation claims at a cost of $178B.

    Also worth mentioning, the article is dated 09/10/2006... So it appears to be old (October 9th, for those who get confused about date formats). So since October 9th, has this changed?
    Four years ago... no, it was yesterday. Today I... No, that wasn't me. Sometimes I... No, I don't.

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  5. #21865
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbey56 View Post

    Is it not possible that this large buying back of the dinar at the auctions this week is to assist them in paying out the $10,000 dinar to everybody, they appear to keep postponing the payment at about the same time as they are buying back- any thoughts?..
    3M a day for two days is 6M and im not sure what amount they said they would need to be able to hand out payments.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #21866
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    According to this article the FIL has been that everyone else's interpretation???? I posted an article earlier where U.S. Spokesman Tony Snow was talking about the FIL being enacted and that was the end of October also...????

    implemented. theres another little word we gotta hear.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 09-11-2006 at 08:44 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #21867
    Senior Member mountaingirl's Avatar
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    Got this off idi. Adster posted it today. Sorry if already posted.

    The FIL..........


    Iraqi PM says no deadline for US pullout, rejects militias at news conference
    27 October 2006 (BBC Monitoring)

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Baghdad has said as far as he was aware there was no official US deadline for pulling out of Iraq. He criticized a "lack of coordination" between multinational and Iraqi forces over the raid in Al-Sadr City, Baghdad on 25 October. Al-Maliki was speaking live at a 33-minute news conference broadcast by Al-Iraqiyah TV on 25 October. He said that all armed groups and militias were damaging to the security of the state and said that their displays of arms should end as the national security forces were solely responsible for state security. The premier also expressed optimism about moves towards reconciliation and began his comments by emphasizing strengths and accomplishments of Iraq.


    The news conference was broadcast in progress. Al-Maliki said: "Talk about the Iraqi state and its strength and effectiveness has been lost in the midst of talk about terrorism and scenes of blood and death. Today we have a government and an Iraqi state that is established on constitutional and democratic bases and on principles of freedom, justice and democracy. This state is based on these pillars, which give it strength and legitimacy because it truly expresses the Iraqi people's will and options, represented by their active participation in the elections and political process.

    "I am talking about this state, which has achieved wide and great accomplishments on a long road. This government, which inherited much from the previous governments, is determined to take several tracks.

    Economy, rights, education

    The first track is that of improving the Iraqi economy, easing the brunt of poverty inherited from the former regime, and providing public services after the destruction of the infrastructure. Praised be God, there is large improvement in the economy and per capita income and in the level of services that are rendered daily in the various governorates. Also there is improvement in the fields of investment and economy and a rise in the level of income. Hundreds of thousands of jobless people have been employed. This is something which must be taken into consideration. I confidently say, based on accurate figures, that hundreds of thousands of people were absorbed in state institutions in the various domains. These include the educational and industrial sectors. Tens of thousands of people who were dismissed for political reasons during the former regime have been reinstated.

    "It also pleases me to talk about the strength of the state in entrenching principles of human rights and developing the educational sectors and higher education. It improved performance in these areas after having inherited ruined schools and universities. Praised be God, our universities have now started to recover and our schools have started to regain their status. Determination is still strong. The state will allocate a large explosive budget next year for all sectors. The budget will for the first time come close to 40bn dollars from 19bn dollars in the first year.

    "In order to develop the economic and investment sectors, the government has succeeded in enacting an investment law, which was approved by the Council of Representatives. The Iraqi scene is now open for all national and foreign capital to invest and participate in improving the economic life, creating work opportunities and improving economic performance. There is room for investment in all industrial, agricultural, oil, housing and trade sectors. This gives the Iraqi economy strength and bases it on stronger foundations. It also gives us a chance to move forward towards investment in major projects that will be accomplished this year like the great port of Iraq, airports and large housing complexes. The government has made up its mind to do this and we have instructed the official quarters in the state to allocate a piece of land to every citizen who loses his land and needs to build a house. The real estate banks have also been instructed to provide the citizens with the necessary loans to build houses. The government will pay part of these loans in the form of grants and gifts. The government is also planning to build residential complexes in all governorates and districts to ease the crisis from which the inhabitants are suffering due to the dense population.


    "I will also talk about the agenda according to which the government is moving. In fact, we have a clear and multi-track agenda. No track dominates another track in this agenda. All move in accordance with a set plan and a scientific study based on an accurate understanding of the Iraqi situation. We move from the principle of reconciliation and national dialogue to the principle of building the armed forces, the principle of reconstruction and public services, and the principle of using force to stand up to the challenges and to confront the terrorism which seeks to spread and encroach on Iraq's political and democratic march. All these are well-calculated tracks. We do not give precedence to one track over another except as required by the national interests and the exceptional situation we inherited. Therefore, talk about dialogue, reconstruction and national reconciliation does not mean that we ignore the need to build our forces or to use force against the organizations of terrorism and violence which want to sow corruption in the country and kill the citizens. Using force does not mean that security can be attained only through force. This is one of the methods. What we are working on and what we are giving precedence to is reconciliation as well as dialogue, understanding, sense of responsibility, and enlightened awareness that the continuation of violence and killing does not lead to results and there will be no winner. The first loser will be the country and the unity of this dear country and the unity of these people, who have never known in their history other than brotherhood and amity.

    No one will ever benefit from this atmosphere, which is fed by the will and interests of countries and local organizations and leaderships, some of which are political. They want Iraq to return to the atmosphere which prevailed during the dictatorial regime. They want to sow the seeds of sectarianism in this country, whose people have never known sectarianism. They loved each other and were reconciled and partners in public life.

    "Move towards reconciliation"

    "The agenda we are working on seeks first to end the current deterioration and find a decisive limit to one of the stations which we believe we have passed. I would like to emphasize that this agenda and the policy we adopted have largely succeeded because the general atmosphere in the country is prompting the zealous and faithful sons of Iraq to move towards reconciliation and rejection of violence and bloody killings. This is a positive phenomenon which has started to expand. Anyone watching the Iraqi scene has started to witness progress in the effective, strong and positive stands towards encircling violence and rejecting bloody methods. We have succeeded in this and this success gives us a strong background to work on the other issues. One of these issues is that in accordance with the law we will strongly react and use force against those who rebel against the national will of the Iraqi people. If we had employed this logic in the past, it might have been rejected. But all have now come to realize that bloodshed only breeds bloodshed. The mentality which sidelines or cancels others does not provide any with stability. All are in a predicament now. Based on this predicament, we began to think of a way out. This is the beginning of victory. The issue must be decisively resolved by taking other stands.

    Terrorist organizations

    "Here, too, I would like to indicate that the battle we are waging in Iraq and the bloody process taking place are due to the presence of terrorist organizations. These entered the country for different reasons. Some of them belong to [former President] Saddam's Ba'th Party and others belong to corrupt ideology and takfiri [those who hold that others are infidels] organizations. These are the ones who triggered sectarian feelings in the country on political grounds. The detonation of the two Al-Askari imams' shrine was the first serious station in the escalation of sectarian violence. This was followed by other stations. Consequently, terrorism and the terrorist and Saddamist organizations are primarily responsible for all that is taking place in this country and the reactions to it. Therefore, we must first absorb the reactions and direct all efforts towards confronting the terrorist organizations and their programmes and policies.

    Iraqi PM says no deadline for US pullout, rejects militias at news conference | Iraq Updates

  8. #21868
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    Default This is SWEET!!

    U.S.-Iraq Business Dialogue: Membership Opportunity

    October 2006

    On October 30, the U.S. Department of Commerce published a Notice in the Federal Register announcing membership opportunities for American representatives to join the U.S. Section of the newly-established U.S.-Iraq Business Dialogue. The Business Dialogue is a bilateral forum to facilitate private sector business growth in Iraq and to strengthen trade and investment ties between the United States and Iraq. Further, the Sections will advise the U.S. Department of Commerce and Iraqi Ministry of Trade on private sector views of Iraq's business environment and make recommendations for ways to enhance Iraq’s commercial development. The application deadline is December 5, 2006. For more information, please review the Federal Register Notice.

  9. #21869
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    [QUOTE=mountaingirl;132800]Got this off idi. Adster posted it today. Sorry if already posted.

    What the heck?!?!?! Why isn't he on here??

  10. #21870
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountaingirl View Post
    Got this off idi. Adster posted it today. Sorry if already posted.

    What the heck?!?!?! Why isn't he on here??
    I am.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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