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  1. #22161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger III View Post
    With as many Iraqis, Americans, worldwide speculators, governmental officials, Chase employees, Bank of America employees, G.I.'s, contractors,
    billionaires who want to be multi-billionaires, swindlers, con artists, scammers,
    CBI employees and officials, et cetera who know something about the probability of our imminent r/v burst, isn't it surprising that there haven't been more specific, serious leaks about the timing and amount of the r/v lately?

    And isn't it surprising that rumors haven't spread like wildfire through Chase and Bank of America? J. P. Morgan Chase, for example, has about 170,000
    employees. The White House has a hard time keeping secret what the main
    course will be at Saturday night's dinner, and yet somehow the cat is still
    basically in the bag on this speculation which, if we are right, dwarfs anything Wall Street has had to offer in the last hundred years?

    Ezcash's report about bank employees may signal the beginning of such a
    groundswell, but it is hard to tell.

    Does anyone have an explanation for the presence of such relative calm on the eve of what I believe most of us view as a milestone event?

    They have done a very good job of putting speculators off. First with the zero lop/reprint back in the summer and now with us not knowing if the FIL is implemented or if debt forgiveness from Kuwait and Saudi has been achieved.

    Then again with so much at stake moneywise, they're bound to do it.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #22162
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    With as many Iraqis, Americans, worldwide speculators, governmental officials, Chase employees, Bank of America employees, G.I.'s, contractors,
    billionaires who want to be multi-billionaires, swindlers, con artists, scammers,
    CBI employees and officials, et cetera who know something about the probability of our imminent r/v burst, isn't it surprising that there haven't been more specific, serious leaks about the timing and amount of the r/v lately?

    And isn't it surprising that rumors haven't spread like wildfire through Chase and Bank of America? J. P. Morgan Chase, for example, has about 170,000
    employees. The White House has a hard time keeping secret what the main
    course will be at Saturday night's dinner, and yet somehow the cat is still
    basically in the bag on this speculation which, if we are right, dwarfs anything Wall Street has had to offer in the last hundred years?

    Ezcash's report about bank employees may signal the beginning of such a
    groundswell, but it is hard to tell.

    Does anyone have an explanation for the presence of such relative calm on the eve of what I believe most of us view as a milestone event?
    You mentioned Wall Street.

    What would happen to a company executive that says to his brother, "Hey, buy as much stock of xyz corp. because it's gonna split next week and the week after that, there will be a takeover offer from abc corp. There gonna buy out all your shares and you'll make 1000% return for sure. Oh, and keep it quiet cuz none of this is public knowledge yet." What would happen to this exec?

    Insider trading.

    Personally, i wouldn't be asking a bank teller to spill the beans on a situation like this... and if i knew, i wouldn't say a word to a single person!
    Last edited by webinvestor; 10-11-2006 at 04:43 PM. Reason: add quote
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  3. #22163
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    From Forbes..inteeresting article
    Steve Forbes, 11.13.06, 12:00 AM ET

    In September Iraq's political leaders agreed to post-pone until 2008 any moves to "carve up" the country into autonomous states. The principal reason for the delay was the ever divisive question of who would control the country's immense oil wealth. Most of the oilfields fall in Kurdish and Shiite areas. The Sunnis are afraid that regional autonomy will mean they will be bereft of their share of the black gold.

    This setback underscores the need for us to forcefully push the so-called Alaska solution. About a quarter of Alaska's oil and gas royalties goes into an entity called the Permanent Fund, the assets of which are managed by investment professionals. About half the revenue stream is distributed to the state's citizens each year; the remainder is reinvested. This year each qualified resident of Alaska is receiving $1,106.96 from the fund.

    The only way that Iraq can hold together--absent an oppressive, mass-murdering regime à la Saddam Hussein's--is by setting up Swiss-style autonomous regions. In Switzerland the German, French and Italian communities have lived peaceably side by side for more than seven centuries, while in the rest of Europe the three groups fought one another incessantly until the end of World War II. Switzerland is really 23 countries under one flag--that's how many cantons (autonomous districts) there are in that mountainous country. Plans to use such a sensible approach in Iraq, though, always flounder on the oil question. An Alaska model would neatly and equitably deal with that: Every Iraqi living in the country would get a cut, regardless of where he or she resided.

    The Alaska approach has two powerful advantages. Virtually the entire Iraqi population would have a stake in making sure insurgents didn't disrupt oil production, and almost every Iraqi would have an incentive to have a bona fide address at which to collect the checks. This would be a great boon to security.
    When the provisional government of Iraq was formed after the toppling of Saddam Hussein, the U.S. approached its leaders about adopting an Alaska-like program in Iraq. But, as with politicians everywhere, this group was leery of the idea of not being in complete control of this source of money. They resisted the idea. Given the situation in Iraq today, however, we should push hard and persistently for the government to go the Alaska way. We should do so publicly so that the Iraqi people begin to understand what's at stake.

    Our patience with Iraq is not infinite. The Iraqi government's recent statement that it won't crack down on local militias, and its reluctance to clean out the multiplying death squads infesting its police forces, are the latest examples of a regime failing to acknowledge that we are not going to be there forever. Adopting an Alaska solution would immeasurably strengthen Iraq's elected government--and enormously increase the odds of our eventually pulling out of Iraq with a sense of a mission accomplished.

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    Public Iraqi Investment Company, OFIC, strikes advisory agreement with the Nasri Group, covering a portfolio of USD2.5 billion
    Public Iraqi Investment Company, OFIC, strikes advisory agreement with the Nasri Group, covering a portfolio of USD2.5 billion
    Source: AME Info
    Omar Finance and Investment Company (OFIC), a public Iraqi company, announced that it has entered into a strategic advisory agreement with the Erbil-based Nasri Group to reorganize and fund the financial aspects of the Nasri Group's current business requirements in Iraq and its future initiatives.

    Walid Al-Omar, chairman of OFIC, and Nizar Hanna Nasri, chairman of the Nasri Group, signed the agreement on July 6, 2006 on behalf of their respective companies.

    The Nasri Group's (Nasri Group of Companies) diverse holdings are spread across the globe and throughout Iraq, extending from Dhouk in Iraqi Kurdistan to Basra. The Nasri Group is primarily engaged in the development of new and existing 4- and 5-star hotels (Sheraton Hotels under negotiations), the manufacture of construction materials, soft drink production plants (Pepsi-Cola), cigarette manufacturing and distribution, banking, trading, city center developments and residential complexes - among other projects.

    For example, the Nasri Group is developing the Sheikhala project, a substantial Erbil commercial city center similar to the Solidere developed by Hariri in Beirut, a Pepsi-Cola bottling plant - under license - in Kurdistan, and Dream City in Erbil - a 4,000-unit residential complex.

    The Nasri Group also has development plans in place in the petroleum, cement, transportation and shipping industries.

    OFIC has begun setting up offices in Erbil and establishing the required public companies in Iraq, as well as approaching banks and its strategic investment partners.

  5. #22165
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    Default customs guy at

    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger III View Post
    With as many Iraqis, Americans, worldwide speculators, governmental officials, Chase employees, Bank of America employees, G.I.'s, contractors,
    billionaires who want to be multi-billionaires, swindlers, con artists, scammers,
    CBI employees and officials, et cetera who know something about the probability of our imminent r/v burst, isn't it surprising that there haven't been more specific, serious leaks about the timing and amount of the r/v lately?

    And isn't it surprising that rumors haven't spread like wildfire through Chase and Bank of America? J. P. Morgan Chase, for example, has about 170,000
    employees. The White House has a hard time keeping secret what the main
    course will be at Saturday night's dinner, and yet somehow the cat is still
    basically in the bag on this speculation which, if we are right, dwarfs anything Wall Street has had to offer in the last hundred years?

    Ezcash's report about bank employees may signal the beginning of such a
    groundswell, but it is hard to tell.

    Does anyone have an explanation for the presence of such relative calm on the eve of what I believe most of us view as a milestone event?

    Yesterday I talked to a Custom's guy at the about the last two posts that were made on that website. Long story short an about an hour later - he couldn't tell me nothing I already knew but he did say "Nobody can get news about Iraq parliment because they don't have the means yet for people to see what parliment is doing"


  6. #22166
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    Default GCC to launch common market by 2008 -- official

    GCC to launch common market by 2008 -- official

    CAIRO, Nov 10 (KUNA) -- The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states will launch their common market in early 2008, according to a GCC official.

    "We achieved 80 percent of the tasks related to the common market so far," Minister Plenipotentiary of the GCC Secretariat and Director of department of Studies and Economic Integration Abdul-Aziz Hamad Al-Owaisheq was quoted by Saturday's issue of the local weekly Al-Ahram Al-Arabi as saying "The remaining percentage will be completed during the coming 14 months or within 2007," he expects.

    "Integration among the GCC follows five tracks, foremost among which are the free trade area - achieved by the end of 2002, and the customs union - starting from 2003," he said.

    The percentage of bilateral trade volume among the GCC members rose from 6 percent before the initiation of customs union to 21 after that.

    The bilateral trade volume rose from USD 18 billion in 2002 to over 31 billion in 2005, the official added. He expressed hope that the GCC single currency would be launched by 2010.

    The favorable conditions should be created for works related to the legislations and mechanisms of the single currency, he pointed out.

    According to press reports, more than 70 percent of the steps towards the GCC single currency were taken and most technical problems facing the endeavor were removed. (end) bna.


  7. #22167
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    The Republic of Iraq
    رئاســة الجمهوريــة
    The Presidency of the Republic
    المكتـب الصحفـي
    Press Office
    مجلس الرئاسة يصادق على الانضمام إلى اتفاقية أوتاوا
    The Presidency ratified the accession to the Ottawa Convention
    صادق مجلس الرئاسة بجلسته المنعقدة بتاريخ، 2/11/ 2006، على إصدار قانون انضمام جمهورية العراق إلى اتفاقية حظر استعمال و تخزين و إنتاج و نقل الألغام المضادة للإفراد، و تدمير تلك الألغام الموقع عليها في أوتاوا.
    Council ratified its penultimate meeting of the presidency, 2 / 11 / 2006 to pass a law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Ottawa.
    و فيما يلي نص القانون:
    And following is the text of the law :

    " باسم الشعب
    "In the name of the people
    مجلس الرئاسة
    The Presidency
    بناء على ما اقره مجلس النواب طبقا للمادة (61/ رابعا) من الدستور و استنادا إلى إحكام المادتين(73/ثانيا) و ( 138/ سادسا) من الدستور، قرر مجلس الرئاسة بجلسته المنعقدة بتاريخ، 2/11/2006، إصدار القانون الآتي:
    Based on the approved by the parliament in accordance with article (61 / IV) of the Constitution, based on the provisions of articles (73 / II), (138 / VI) of the Constitution, the Presidential Council held on its penultimate, 2 / 11 / 2006, issued the following law :
    رقم(11) لسنة 2006
    No. (11) of 2006
    انضمام جمهورية العراق إلى اتفاقية حظر استعمال و تخزين و إنتاج و نقل الألغام للإفراد، و تدمير تلك الألغام الموقع عليها في أوتاوا في 2/ 12/ 1997.
    The accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Ottawa in the 2 / 12 / 1997.
    المادة 1:
    Article 1 :
    تنضم جمهورية العراق إلى اتفاقية حظر استعمال و تخزين و إنتاج ونقل الألغام المضادة للإفراد، و تدمير الألغام الموقع عليها في أوتاوا في 2/ 12/ 1997 .
    Join the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines, and the destruction of mines signed in Ottawa in the 2 / 12 / 1997.
    المادة 2:
    Article 2 :
    ينفذ هذا القانون من تاريخ نشره في الجريدة الرسمية.
    This law implemented from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
    طارق الهاشمي
    Tariq Al-Hashmi
    عادل عبد المهدي
    Adel Abdel Mahdi
    جلال طالباني
    Jalal Talabani
    نائب رئيس الجمهورية
    Vice-President of the Republic
    نائب رئيس الجمهورية
    Vice-President of the Republic
    رئيس الجمهورية"
    President of the Republic "
    (التوقيع بالنيابة)
    (Signature Acting)

    الأسباب الموجبة

    بالنظر للتأثير الايجابي لاتفاقية حظر استعمال و تخزين و إنتاج و نقل الألغام المضادة للإفراد، و تدمير تلك الألغام الموقع عليها في كندا (أوتاوا) في، 2/12/ 1997، على إنهاء المعاناة و الإصابات الناجمة عن الألغام المضادة للإفراد، و على التنمية الاقتصادية، و إعادة الإعمال، و لغرض انضمام جمهورية العراق إلى هذه الاتفاقية شرع هذا القانون".
    Given the positive impact of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction signed in Canada (Ottawa) in, 2 / 12 / 1997 to put an end to the suffering and casualties caused by anti-personnel mines, and on the economic development and re-work, and for the purpose of the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention proceeded this law. "
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #22168
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbajr View Post
    Mike Brown,

    The reason why B of A is talked about so much it is more of them are in the west and "NOT" every state has a Chase. It would be nice to hear what they have to say I for one included, it just happens that I was just there. A long time ago in another club I used the be with, I spent almost 9 hrs. on the phone with each of the major banks, foreign exchange departments, and got nothing but a run around. I only had a couple that said that they were, when it was going to happen. One was Citibank and the other was Wells Fargo and the last but least was HSBC. Well I live over 70 miles one way to the major city and I decided to go to the banks that had said they would and talk to each of the branch managers to see what they say. They made the phone calls to the foreign exchange department and said no way it was to risky. Now things are changing and more information is coming out, we need everyone to help to get all of the information they can to help the others on here. How about this, would you go and check out Chase Bank and see what they tell you I do not have one near where I live and let us all know what you found out? No one will ripe you apart here for information.
    all chase banks are buying and selling dinar, we already know this

  9. #22169
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike brown View Post
    why would the average employee at chase and BofA even blink an eye because of adding one more foreign currency to their list of products to sell
    Because people are talking about it, phoning them and asking questions about it, and buying it(Chase).

  10. #22170
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    Hi SGS

    Now that you are of age (18 years old) you can enjoy as much drink as you want.

    Happy Birthday.

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